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Questions for the man

Often The Brothers Chaps will leave some curious questions unanswered in their toons. This page was created as a database for these circulating questions, as well as a place to gather questions to ask The Brothers Chaps, if you were to ever get the chance. They're also here in the hopes that a fellow user will have some inside info or firsthand knowledge, and can answer a few of them for us. To a lesser extent, there is also the hope that The Brothers Chaps might one day (or already have) stumbled upon this list, and perhaps feel inclined to answer them either in their toons or elsewhere. Feel free to add any questions that might be bugging you in the correct section. If you find a question has already been answered, mention it on the bottom of this page, along with a reason and reference why/where it was answered.


Personal Questions

  • What were the circumstances of your finding the wiki? Specifically, when, where, why, and how. How much of it did you browse at the time, and what was your reaction then?
  • Do you ever edit the wiki?
  • Do you ever include elements into the toons based on confusion or misunderstanding at the wiki?
  • Do you ever use the wiki Fun Facts to debug new programs or features on the site?
  • Have you ever purposefully used the Quote of the Week or Sketchbook to solve transcription questions for us?
  • Is Missy's full name now Melissa Palmer-Chapman?
  • When are Craig's and Missy's birthdays?
  • Are either of you left handed?

Thought-process Questions

  • Why label Hyperblade "Hypoublade", on the Floppy Disk Container?
  • Was the Everybody to the Limit tune based off of "Oops upside your head" by The Gap Band?
  • Were you watching Family Guy the night you made do over?
  • Is 20X6 inspired by 20XX from Megaman, 20X5 from Metroid, or just the general concept of X replacing a date?
  • Was the word choice "Bedazzle" in Decemberween Short Shorts an intentional reference to the Bedazler or just a coincidence?
  • Why Sanka for the substance to "caffeinate" Strong Sad when it's decaf?
  • Was Istanbul (in dangeresque 3) an intentional They Might Be Giants reference, or just a coincidence?
  • Is the ATM wearing a football helmet in Experimental Film supposed to be a reference to Commander Keen?
  • Where does Wear a Bikini! come from?
  • Where do the names Jerome, Kevin, Dennis, and Deborah come from?
  • Do you consider the Homestar and Marzipan/Homsar/Poopsmith previews ("Whatsit All About") in narrator to be one, two, or three movies?
  • Was clicking on the word "abused" in privileges originally intended to be an Easter egg?
  • Was the light switch in The House That Gave Sucky Treats ever intended to do anything?
  • Were the credits on Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer ever supposed to be clickable?
  • In caffeine, why was Coach Z's line changed from "I'm just a crazy old man!" to "I'm just an old man!"?
  • Why was the secret phrase in Homestar Talker replaced?
  • Why hasn't Strong Bad used the Lappy 486 to delete an email?
  • Was 20X6 Marzipan intended to resemble Sailor Moon?
  • Is Marzipan a vegetarian, a vegan, or neither? (When she ate marshmallows in Date Nite, was this an oversight, or did you intend for them to be vegetarian marshmallows?)
  • What is the relationship between Videlectrix, Boardelectrix, and Kidelectrix?
  • Did you always intend to properly resolve montage (in the paper) or did you write a proper resolution due to fan demand?
  • How come Strong Bad rarely shows his emotional features (e.g. he once looked worried in the beginning of retirement)?
  • When you record the audio for the cartoons, how much of it is improvised?
  • Did you originally plan to release something on June 3rd 2004?
  • What is the toothpick sculpture supposed to look like?
  • In personal favorites, why was Coach Z's line changed from "I'm a white guy with a knife" to "I'm a blade-man, man!"?
  • Is Strong Sad's sustainable MP3 player supposed to be an iPhone (as suggested by the silver border) or an iPod Touch (as suggested by the lack of a speaker)?
  • Was fan club a parody of the Homestar Runner fandom in particular, or just fandom in general?
  • Is the "broken glass" song from licensed just a random song, or is it a parody of something (and if so, what)?
  • When did you produce Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 15.2? Did you make a new installment after you saw our featured article on the main page or perhaps earlier while browsing our selection process—or was it just a huge coincidence that the first time we showcased an answering machine was the day before you released a new version of this rare feature?

Transcription Questions

Identity Questions

Continuity Questions

Miscellaneous Questions

Answered Questions

Somewhat Answered Questions

  • What do you think of the Homestar Runner Wiki? (Answered several times)
  • Has the wiki helped you in any way? (Ditto, see The Brothers Chaps' Fansite Acknowledgments)
  • What is the history of If I Ran the Camera? (Somewhat answered with the addition of the Flash File, it appears to just be a short animation made for family centered around Astrid Renee, who's likely Little Girl)
  • Where does the name Dan come from? (Dan is a cousin of The Brothers Chaps)
  • Who is the Very, Very Little Girl? (See the talk page.)
  • Do Homestar and Marzipan live together now, as implied in your funeral and Date Nite? (In the DVD commentary for Date Nite, Matt and Mike agree that Homestar and Marzipan still live in different houses, yet Homestar comes to Marzipan's house often.)
  • Was Quality Time intended to include references to the baby break? (The DVD commentary begins with Mike announcing that "Matt had a baby", which makes it very likely the references were intentional)

More Or Less Completely Answered Questions

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