Field Day Intro

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This toon has no official name. "Field Day Intro" is derived from the file name of the May 24, 2007 Quote of the Week.
Toon Category: Uncategorized
Turn those trucker caps sidewise!

A hidden short featuring Strong Bad giving a speech in his room.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad

Places: Strong Bad's Room

Release Date: Saturday, June 7, 2003 (Field Day Festival)

Running Time: 0:43

Page title: Field Day intro

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 3 (Easter egg)


[edit] Transcript

{Open to a static-filled screen, eventually focusing on Strong Bad in his room.}

STRONG BAD: Attention, Long Island! Do not attempt to adjust the jumbotron. And, do not attempt to adjust those trucker caps you're all wearing. Or wait, in fact, DO adjust them.

{Strong Bad holds up a blue trucker hat that reads "Naked Ladies" on the front.}

STRONG BAD: Everybody turn your trucker caps sidewise!

{He throws the hat off screen.}

STRONG BAD: Okay! Since they wouldn't let me on stage, and {winking} since the ladies demanded it, I give you, for two years running, the number one JAM OF THE SUMMER!

{The camera stops rolling.}

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

[edit] Trivia

  • When viewing the Flash file, the toon repeats itself after it finishes.
  • There is no navbar on the bottom of the screen.

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Real-World References

  • A JumboTron is a large video screen made by Sony usually used in sports and entertainment venues and events. However, the genericized term jumbotron (sans capitalization) can be used to refer to any sort of video screen similar to the aforementioned Sony screen.
  • The "Do not attempt to adjust..." line, along with the opening static effects, are from the intro to The Outer Limits.

[edit] References

  1. ^  "Stuff I Think and Shouldn't Say" #34, Broken Dial (archive link)
  2. ^  "Strong Bad and other Homestar Runner Sightings", Burning Horizon (archive link)
  3. ^  "Field Day cut to one day, moved to Giants Stadium", LiveDaily (archive link)

[edit] External Links

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