HRWiki:April Fools' Jokes and Other Baleeted Nonsense
From Homestar Runner Wiki
This page documents the changes that have been made to the wiki on April Fools' Day.
[edit] April Fools' 2006
[edit] Main
- Main Page changed to WikkiTikkiTavi Main Page.
- Monobook skin changed to tavistyle. As a side effect of the changes that were made, the other skins in the list stopped functioning correctly.
- Mass public outcry
- HRWiki:A History modified to reflect the downgrade
- There was sufficient demand after April 1 that the TaviStyle skin was made a permanent choice in the user preferences.
[edit] Related
- Fanstuff Wiki put up a fake "You have new messages" banner on the main page. All of the tab titles were changed. Users who wished to complain were directed to their own talk page. The sidebar and some of the other messages were also modified.
[edit] Users
- Color Printer
- Flipped user page upside-down, similar to the prank at H*
- E.L. Cool
- Translated his entire user page into Hebrew.
- FireBird
- User page became a page of a typical WikiNewb.
- Has Matt?
- Sig reversed.
- Later, sig changed to Bubsty's sig, prompting a humourous discussion on his talk page.
- Heimstern Läufer
- It's dot com
- User page turned into one big Flagrant System Error that had no links at all and covered the entire screen.
- Selected sigs permanently rendered as It's dot net.
- Jay
- Changed his sig to use Seriously's colors, Tom's name, and a link to Thunderbird's page. The talk page link was visibly unaltered, but linked to Double Deuce.
- Changed his user page to make it appear as though he was leaving the Wiki.
- Kilroy
- Rewrote his userpage in 'Tavi formatting asking why he couldn't log in as Mr. Strong Bad (his user name on the old wiki).
- Lapper and Rogue Leader
- Switched signatures to link to each other's/other users' userpages while keeping the CSS intact. See Lapper's sig; Rogue Leader's sig.
- LePorello
- Changed his sig for part of the day.
- Seriously
- Userpage changed to 1337 stylings.
- Sig changed to emulate other users.
- The Chort
- Replaced entire user page with a giant Vector Strong Bad head and the words "YOUR WIKI A SPLODE!"
- The thing
- Attempted to emulate It's dot com's userpage prank.
- Changed sig to Some Thingy, Teh Blue Guy, and Dr. Who?.
- Thunderbird
- Sig changed to one spelling "Thunderbird" in readable but strange characters.
- Userpage "Fact of the Week" an obvious falsehood (saved a busload of nuns from crashing into a busload of puppies), and User page image flipped upside down.
- Venusy
- User page became a soft redirect to the Bonus Stage Ethereal Music (now defunct link).
- Several users
- Take the joke a bit too seriously, and threaten to leave if the monobook skin isn't restored
- Accidently break the Wiki for themselves by choosing a skin other than MonoBook or Classic in Special:Preferences
[edit] April Fools' 2007
[edit] Main
- The CAPTCHA was replaced with one showing Homestar Runner-related words (and the occasional "April Fools" message). It was also made to show up for all edits, sysops included, instead of just for anonymous users and page moves.
- Main Page changed to a message stating that "The Homestar Runner Wiki has been shut down." After a short time, an "Info" link was added announced the 2007 Spring Fundraising Drive with another message that read, "Scary thought, huh? Please help us make sure that never happens."
- Partway through the day, any attempt to edit your sig came up with the following message:
![]() | System report: |
Thanks for understanding.
[edit] Users
- Bluebry
- Had an "argument" with Has Matt?, mainly about the American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar.
- Changed his user page and sig to display a sense of "newbishness".
- DorianGray
- Changed his user page saying he had grown tired of Homestar Runner and was now into Bonus Stage.
- Heimstern Läufer
- Replaced user page with a giant image of King Bubsgonzola Supreme and said his user page was having an unnatural disaster.
- Homestar-winner
- Reversed all text on his user page.
- Invisible Robot Fish
- Also reversed all text on his user page.
- Loafing
- Replaced his entire page with a message claiming he quit and moved to the Fanstuff Wiki. Let people bid farewell on his talk page.
- The Chort
- Replaced his userpage with the contents of The Cheat, swapping every instance of "The Cheat" with "The Chort".
- Replaced his talk page with a picture of CATS and the words "ALL YOUR WIKI ARE BELONG TO US".
- Changed his signature to "Teh Torch".
- The thing
- Changed userpage to look non-existent.
- Theyellowdart
- Lied about a Wiki-break that had concerned some users.
- Venusy
- User page converted to ROT13.
- Changed "favorite Strong Bad Email", "Games on H*R", and "video games ever" to "tape-leg", "She Loves Me!", and "Bubsy 3D" and "Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing" respectively, all widely considered the worst in their respective fields.
- 1337-ized sig.
- Replaced talk page with automatically generated complaints, including one that erroneously claimed his title as Prof. Venusy (see Essjay controversy).
- Replaced messages notice with a Blue Screen of Death and a link to .
- Translated navbar into hexadecimal.
- Wrote all edit summaries in reverse.
[edit] April Fools' 2008
[edit] Main

- Every page on the website, except Special pages, scrambled the words within each block of text, so that something like the following:
- I'm The Homestar Runner! Some folk say I'm a terrific athlete.
- Might appear instead as:
- Some Homestar I'm say Runner! terrific a folk I'm athlete. The
- The logo was changed to show Homestar's torso instead of head, and the words "Wiki" and "Homestar Runner" were switched top to bottom. (Homestar still blinked as he peeked over the word "Wiki".)
- This effect can be seen via Special:Scramble. For example, Special:Scramble/virus.
[edit] Users
- Bad Bad Guy
- DeFender1031
- Replaced user page with contents of Pork.
- Sig flipped upside-down.
- DorianGray
- Created a fake subpage.
- Has Matt?
- Changed his sig to read "Speak to Lard Masher Machoquake".
- Heimstern Läufer
- Sig changed into the Chinese for Mao Zedong.
- Homestar-winner
- Claimed that his account had been bought by
- Created a humorous new sig.
- Jay
- Changed his user page to appear vandalized
- Turned sig into a pile of virus-ish vaguely Homestar-related gibberish.
- Kermit1234
- Jumbled all letters in his sig.
- Lapper
- User page colors inverted.
- Phlip
- Qermaq
- Super Martyo Brother
- Attempted to make his userpage randomly redirect to one of the first 50 Strong Bad Emails, but it appeared to have failed.
- Later attempted to make his userpage redirect to Wikipedia's article on Mario, but it also failed.
- Sysrq868
- Changed his user page to look glitchy, including random translation of text blocks to several languages (such as Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Pig Latin, 13375p33k etc).
- The thing
- Changed his user page to look like it had been by NSMC.
- Sig turned into a short story about him.
- Wbwolf
[edit] April Fools' 2009
[edit] Main
- There were ads for Homestar Runner products at the top of each page with the note "Ads by Bookazon".
- The font color of all of the text on the forum was changed to match the background (in most cases white) to make everything invisible. The text could only be read by highlighting it. Homestar kept his eyes shut and just peeked occasionally.
- A message was posted on the fanstuff wiki saying that due to lack of funds, it would never be reopened.
[edit] Users
- Bad Bad Guy
- Changed user page so that all nouns in quotes were replaced with "Trogdor".
- Changed sig to match Trey56's.
- Dagoth
- Took all the vowels out of his talk page.
- Redirected his user page to the Wikipedia article about Esmé Squalor.
- Reversed his sig.
- DeFender1031
- Sig automatically changed to "His Highness, Sir Hon. Rabbi Dr. DeFender1031 The Third PhD. Esq. ♔ His illustrious talk page".
- Fangoriously
- Made a funny new user page.
- Changed sig to "ert+ y76p;". The talk page link (Chat) was visually unaltered, but linked to Coach Z.
- Guard Duck
- Sig changed to Bubsty's sig, just as Has Matt? had done three years earlier.
- Homestar-winner
- Created a brand new user page by copying entire sections of other user pages. Victims included It's dot com, Phlip, The Chort, DeFender1031, Bad Bad Guy, Jay, Record307, DorianGray, MichaelXX2 and Super Martyo Brother.
- Changed his sig to "Winny on Wheels! (block)".
- Jay
- User page was altered to be near-identical to the user page of JoeyDay.
- Changed his sig to randomly display a different user name, all but one of which were parodies of other users on the wiki. They were all designed to look like a plain blue link, but only one of them linked anywhere: the "no loafing" in "Hamster Loafer... I said no loafing!!!". The complete list of all the user names, including links to the users who were parodied, can be seen here.
- MichaelXX2
- Changed his user page to look glitchy and poorly written, just as Bluebry had done two years earlier.
- Replaced his sig with random letters and colors, which linked to various articles.
- Raiku
- Changed his sig to "Lucifer Samiyaza" and user page to "I am Lucifer, the Devil. I defeated my foolish son and will take over the wiki!"
- Claimed his account got hacked by It's dot com.
- Record307
- Changed his sig to resemble Optimistic Fool's sig.
- Super Martyo Brother
- Changed his user page to randomly display one of eight different versions of his user page.
- Changed his sig to "Optim Foolyo". (see below).
- Changed his IRC nickname to OptimFoolyo for the entire day.
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- Made an extremely long version of his sig, which quoted dialogue from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and also linked to various articles on the wiki.
- The thing
- Claimed that he was on the run from the Government.
- Deliberately broke his sig.
- Wbwolf
- Changed his sig to resemble Optimistic Fool's sig.
- YK
- Account was "taken over" by Ayjo, the avatar image used in his sig.
[edit] April Fools' 2010
[edit] Main

- The wiki's official name was changed to the Dumb Animal Characters Wiki, with the main page and logo edited to reflect the change.
- If you tried to change your signature, the system would automatically change it instead to a random nickname from the list below, which came from one of the Strong Bad Emails or the Nicknames page (bold entries were chosen by the system at some point during the day):
Baron von Flexmypecs, Clever Dan, Cornbread, Crapface, Dead Guy Perez, DJ Dumpy Dump, Doodieman, Dumbname, Dumpface, Dumpus, Elizagerth, Genghis Khan't, Helvetica, Meatball Face Butt, Miss America, Miss July, Mr. Nobody, Mr. Prancy-time, Mr. Smarty-Spots, Ol' Bone Legged, Ol' Butt Patterson, Ol' Dumps, Prancibald, Rondleman, Rotting-Dragonsmith, Sir Dumpenheimer, Strong Mad's Girlfriend, That Freakin' Marshmallow, That Stupid Wheelchair Kid, The Dapper Swindler, The Elephant Man, The Human Grate-On-My-Nerves, The Human Wedgie, The King of the Dregs, The Over-Achiever Bandit, The Queen of Pay-Per-View, This Little Weirdo, Valerie, Weird Snake Joe, Wiggidy-wiener, Worldwide Starlet
- Signatures were in the form: Clever Dan (Talk). The colors were chosen at random from a list that included yellow and white.
- If you tried to change your signature a second time, you were presented with a fake edit conflict preventing it. (This was for system performance reasons more than to be funny, so that ideally each signature template would not be edited more than once during the day.)
- If you tried to change your preferences, it would result in a message of "Meh, your preferences are probably fine and you shouldn't change them" to prevent you from pointing to a different signature page in your preferences.
- Everyone except developers lost the rights to create pages or move subpages, to avoid the creation of alternate signature pages. (This had the side effect of preventing uploads.)

- The forum was changed to the H. Star Forum: A companion to the Dumb Animal Characters Wiki. Names and descriptions of the various subforums were tweaked, and H. Star was shown as seen in Xeriouxly Forxe.
[edit] Users
- Bad Bad Guy
- Inspired by the sight of his signature automatically becoming "Worldwide Starlet," revised User Page intro to include Valspeak.
- ColdReactive
- Complete overhaul of user page, signature, navigation and abandoned a personal image purposely for the holiday. The theme used for this was based on a popular bullet hell game called Touhou, as indicated by an image provided on the page.
- Color Printer
- Facts on user page were all changed to falsehoods. Most of the facts now said the opposite of the truth.
- He later whited the font on the page and an "error message" was visible.
- Dagoth
- Replaced his user page with a part of the transcript of the movie Pi, a giant POSTAL2 poster, and the words "Hey, Maryse! Where ya been all my life?".
- Replaced all instances of the letter Y with the Dutch letter IJ on his talk page.
- Replaced his signature with a giant POSTAL2 logo. He tried to fix it at one point, but it turned into the Miss July one, which required intervention from It's dot com.
- Fangoriously
- User page re-written in the style of typical newbish users'.
- Signature changed to read, "May I please use the compyuter?"
- Jay
- Changed user page to a false Strong Bad Email transcript called "election day". Most of the links on the "election day" page were misleading (for instance, "Strong Bad" in the cast list led to "Strong Mad", and a Wikipedia link reading "G.I. Joe" instead linked to "Kim Possible".) For reference, "election day" was previously written as a failed attempt at an April Fools' Day gag in 2007.
- Movie magic man
- User page changed to appear as though there was no content.
- Talk page appeared as though it were the talk page of a deleted article.
- Religious Corn
- Changed all character quotes to Homsar quotes.
- RickTommy
- Changed user page into deliberately poor French, and added the first line that each main character ever spoke to the bottom of user page.
- Tried to change his signature to an image of one of Heimstern Läufer's comments, but it was automatically changed.
- SamuelGuy10
- Changed his user page to say we can't deny that he doesn't exist.
- Changed his talk page to say, "No more please you are hurting my family".
- Shine Sprite
- Replaced every character on his user page with a "?", to make it appear as though he was using a font that the user viewing did not have installed on his computer.
- StrongAwesome74
- Attempted to break signature so all following text would appear white, but failed.
- Super Martyo Brother
- Changed his user page to a short paragraph in Japanese about a boy named Jiro, which was followed by a picture of the user holding a sign that read "I AM MAKING A JOKE".
- That'sBupkis
- All user page content turned into MediaWiki Syntax, and signature linked to the random page function.
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- Changed user page to make it look as though it had been vandalized by Lumpy.
- The thing
- Made user page say that he was "EXTRAPERMANENTLY BLOCKED".
- Attempted to change sig to "Barack Obama" but it was automatically changed.
- YK
- Replaced user page with the entirety of the Cheese page.
[edit] April Fools' 2011
[edit] Main
- Homestar was much more animated than usual. Sometimes he would appear upside-down and then fall from the top. Other times he'd peek in from the corners. Occasionally he'd be missing altogether. From time to time he'd say "Boring!" or, after looking around, say "Um... what's going on here?" These actions repeated randomly.
[edit] Users
- ColdReactive
- Dagoth
- Changed his user page to say it was bought out by Australian rock band TISM.
- Changed his talk page to various wiki warning templates.
- Heimstern Läufer
- Changed his user page to read "poop lol".
- Homestar-Winner
- Replaced his user page with an image of Whatsit, increased to 1000px.
- Jay
- Changed his signature to look like It's dot com's.
- Changed his userpage to its first, disturbingly cheesy revision.
- MichaelXX2
- Power Pie
- Purple Wrench
- Changed his user page to a very large version of the "Potatoes" poster from pet show. Clicking on it gave a YouTube link to pet show starting at the appropriate time.
- Changed his signature to the same Potatoes poster, except that it fit inside the sig box.
- Replaced his talk page with the above signature duplicated almost 500 times. However, this has been invisible since the signature was reverted. Because he used {{User:Purple Wrench/sig}} in his talk page, any attempt to view it now results in seeing his current signature instead of the "Potatoes" signature.
- RickTommy
- Changed his user page to look as though it had been vandalized by several different infamous wiki vandals, then included his entire talk history about being blocked across Wikipedia and HRWiki.
- Changed his talk page to look as though 311 different wiki users (he named the first 111, then said "200 more") agreed that he should be taken down, so It's dot com had done it.
- Inspired by Jay's signature prank two years earlier, RickTommy spoofed the aforementioned 111 users' signatures, with a random selection of each one.
- SamuelGuy10
- Just as The Knights Who Say Ni had done a year earlier, he changed his user page to make it look like it had been vandalized by Lumpy.
- Changed his signature to read "
Backwards G".
- Super Martyo Brother
- Made his user page look as though something had happened to it.
- Changed his signature to read, "Thissss issss my sssssignature".
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- Replaced his user page with information borrowed from the Wikipedia article about The Knights Who Say Ni, and linked to random Wikipedia or HRWiki pages wherever there was already a link.
- Inspired by a slightly condescending remark about crying by It's dot com a year earlier, he changed his signature to a picture of Li'l Brudder with his famous line, "I can make it on my own!"
- The thing
[edit] April Fools' 2012
[edit] Main
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] Users
- ColdReactive
- Color Printer
- Claimed he had a printer error on his user page.
- Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- Changed his user page so all the text was written backwards. He also changed all the image descriptions to say "The Homsar", and changed all the quotes to Homsar, Senor Cardgage, and Drive-Thru Whale quotes.
- Changed his signature to read "some guy" written upside-down, also changing the words that linked to his other pages.
- Jay
- Changed his user page to say a bunch of technically entirely true, but ultimately entirely pointless, phrases, ending with a slight alteration of Mrs. Tompkinsrobotmomerson's similarly useless line from Teen Girl Squad Issue 13.
- Changed his signature to simply read "A user".
- RickTommy
- Replaced his user page with several Yoshi-related pictures.
- Removed his talk archive.
- Replaced his Featured Articles list with a condescending note about the Featured Articles.
- Added a lengthy STUFF discussion to the top of his talk page about whether or not Yoshi can talk, then changed the name beside every existing signature in his talk page to That'sBupkis's.
- Changed his signature to read, ""Yoshi! Yoshi!" "'Cause that's totally the way I talk."" with a picture of a Yoshi sprite at the end, and the last sentence linking to fan club, the toon where a similar line comes from.
- SamuelGuy10
- Inspired by a vandal attack that occurred just before April Fools', he wrote on his user page a sentence contradictory to the one the vandal repeatedly wrote, repeated several times.
- Super Martyo Brother
- Tenerence Love
- Replaced his user page with a picture of the HRWiki's main page flipped upside-down.
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- The thing
[edit] April Fools' 2013
[edit] Main
- All the page and tab links were changed to redirect to random pages. Where practical, the links stayed within the same namespace: Links for articles pointed to random articles, talk pages to random talk pages, project pages to random project pages, user pages to random user pages (not including user subpages), and so on. In addition, the tabs kept their functions: Clicking edit on an article would open an edit window of a random article; clicking history would show you the history of a different page in that namespace. For simplicity, generated links (like diffs on history pages and the recent changes page), interwiki links, and links to special pages just pointed to the main namespace. The sidebar links, personal user links (at the top of the page), and external links went unchanged.
[edit] Users
- Dagoth
- Changed his user page to a notification saying that it was bought out by Anthony Kiedis among others.
- Changed his talk page to a message asking people to leave messages for Kiedis.
- Tried to change his signature to an ellipsis, but he actually unintentionally erased it.
- Jay
- Changed his signature to the random Homsar quote template.
- RickTommy
- Replaced his user page with a fake transcript for Strong Bad Email 206, which, in this case, is a lengthy Strong Bad Email where Strong Bad answers lots of questions about things that annoy RickTommy.
- Translated his talk page to one of eight randomly selected lingo variations, including Pig Latin.
- Changed his signature to a lot of intrusive random quotes and pictures which linked to various pages across the wiki.
- Stux
- Created a signature that was a picture of the Videlectrix mascot running.
- Super Martyo Brother
- Swapped his Homestar Runner Wiki user page with his This Might Be A Wiki user page.
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- Deliberately spammed his user page.
- Inspired by the random linkage, he broke his signature to remove the links, and then turned it blue.
- The thing
[edit] April Fools' 2014
[edit] Main
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] Users
[edit] April Fools' 2015
[edit] Main
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] Users
- Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- Changed his user page to celebrate various holidays (except for April Fools' Day).
- Mee
- Replaced signature with "tbd".
- Purple Wrench
- Assumed the identity of D. Lindo on his user page and sig (archived on current sig page).
- Was seen transforming into this identity at the bottom of this page.
- Replaced his talk page with a giant "P."
- RickTommy
- Changed his user page to display the first chapter of one of ten randomly selected fanfics based on Nintendo franchises.
- Changed his signature to the random Senor Cardgage quote template, followed by some question marks that linked to his user page. He also broke his signature so that all following text would appear in the font "Mario Party 2/3 Textbox".
- The thing
- Replaced his user page with "Today is not april fools day."
[edit] April Fools' 2016
[edit] Main
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] Users
- Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- Changed his user page and pretended to be a new wiki user.
- Changed his talk page to look like he had been blocked and his userpage had been deleted. There were conversations with sysops, saying he was vandalizing pages. At the bottom of the page, 67 users voted on deleting his userpage.
- Changed his sig to the entire "Mr. Shmallow" wiki page. When it was reverted, he changed it to a random Homestar Runner quote, linking to a special page.
- Heimstern Läufer
- Replaced his user page with the opening line of the Chinese song Little Apple; his edit summary was also a line from this song.
- Jay
- Announced a remake/sequel to his game, Jay's Journey, in his user page and signature. (This wasn't entirely a prank.)
- Purple Wrench
- Assumed the identity of "The Purple Wrench Preservation Society", claiming to have preserved the Purple Wrench behind plexiglass for being one-of-a-kind.
- Encased his user page and talk page behind a CSS gradient, restricting access to both of the pages (preceding links only work on April 1; click here to view the user page year round).
- Changed his sig accordingly (archived on current sig page).
- Appended all of his edit summaries with "(edited by the purple wrench preservation society)".
- Assumed the identity of "The Purple Wrench Preservation Society", claiming to have preserved the Purple Wrench behind plexiglass for being one-of-a-kind.
- RickTommy
- Replaced his user page with a notification that the page had been nominated for some award. This was a reference to how he discovered Homestar Runner, which was via the delete template at the Kanuri Wikipedia.
- Translated his signature into thirteen different languages that do not use the Latin alphabet.
- Replaced his talk page with a parody of a comment from this discussion. It contained one of 32 randomly selected common misconceptions or "facts" that people get wrong on purpose, and was signed by his IP address from when he was in secondary school.
- The Knights Who Say Ni
- Wrote all of the sentences on his user page backwards.
- The thing
- Changed his userpage to a hilarious April Fools' Joke.
- Changed his sig to say Not The thing.
[edit] April Fools' 2017
[edit] Main
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] Users
- Users are no longer listed on this page.
[edit] April Fools' 2018
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] April Fools' 2019
- Repeat of 2011.
[edit] April Fools' 2020
- The traditional April Fools' gag was superseded by the COVID-19 pandemic. The logo intermittently featured a sick Homestar Runner with a thermometer in his mouth, a door wrapped in yellow tape marked QUARANTINE, and Strong Bad learning that 423,827 viruses had been found.
[edit] April Fools' 2022
- The HRWiki logo was replaced with a screenshot from the recently released 209th Strong Bad Email, parenting, showing Coach Z standing next to a sign reading "HEY! A GOOD PERSON".
[edit] Other Baleeted Nonsense
[edit] From the Sandbox
[edit] HRWiki:Spambox (started by BazookaJoe)
Edgar´s Baby´s Daddy HRWiki Junkmail Filta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[edit] And then I'll go and spoil it all... (originally posted by The Chort)
And then we'll go into a quiet little place and have a drink or two,
And then I'll go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like,
"Bury me deep, I’m cold and clammy!"
[edit] Logs for 11 February 2025 (started by Has Matt?)
- (Block log); 14:92 . . Kilroy (Sailed the ocean blue | ctrbs) (blocked "User:The Chort" with an expiry time of whatever: Put a block log entry into the deletion log.)
- (Deletion log); 14:41 . . The Chort (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "James Blunt" with an expiry time of infinite: For producing crappy music)
- (Deletion log); 14:41 . . Lapper (Talk | ctrbs) (deleted "Strong Bad Email": Merged with Main Page.)
- (diff) (hist) . . m for kids; 14:39 . . Tom (Talk | ctrbs) (Reverted edit of Jay, changed back to last version by NSMC7364825482)
- (Block log); 14:39 . . BazookaJoe (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "User:It's dot com" with an expiry time of infinite: Rogue admin from the future!)
- (Block log); 14:39 . . JoeyDay (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "User:JoeyDay" with an expiry time of infinite: GOODBYE WORLD!)
- (Block log); 14:38 . . JoeyDay (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "User:Has Matt?" with an expiry time of infinite: Vandalism)
- (Block log); 14:37 . . Willy ON WHEELS! (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "User:Salty" with an expiry time of infinite: WoW)
- (Block log); 14:35 . . Salty (Talk | ctrbs) (blocked "User:Stu" with an expiry time of infinite: Drank too much Salty plum soda)
[edit] Optimistic Fool takes over!
Optimistic Fool parodied several sigs he said were "the most recognizable on the talk pages [he] looked through". Some users thought this was funny and should be archived, so here it is.
[edit] Potential New Sigs
In no particular order:
[edit] Suggested Sigs
Let's keep this in mind for April 1st, 2009, eh? Wah ha ha! =]
[edit] From Talk Pages
[edit] Ohhh, people with too much time on their hands...
Originally posted by Venusy:
00101101 00101110 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101101 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101101 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101101 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101101 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101101 00100000 00101101 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101101 00101101 00100000 00101110 00101110 00100000 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101110 00100000 00101110 00101101 00101110 00101101 00101110 00101101 00100000
Translated from binary ASCII, this gives "-.-- --- ..- .... .- ...- . - --- --- -- ..- -.-. .... - .. -- . --- -. -.-- --- ..- .-. .... .- -. -.. ... .. ..-. -.-- --- ..- -.. . -.-. --- -.. . -.. - .... .. ... -- . ... ... .- --. . - .-- .. -.-. . .-.-.-" which is Morse code for "You have too much time on your hands if you decoded this message twice."
Phlip responded with:
....- ---.. -.... ..-. --... --... ..--- ----- -.... .---- -.... ..--- -.... ..-. --... ..... --... ....- ..--- ----- -.... ----. -.... -.... ..--- ----- ....- ----. ..--- ----- -.... ....- -.... ..... -.... ...-- -.... ..-. -.... ....- -.... ..... ..--- ----- -.... ----. --... ....- ..--- ----- --... ....- --... --... -.... ----. -.... ...-- -.... ..... ..--- -.-. ..--- ----- --... ..--- -.... ..... --... ...-- --... ----- -.... ..-. -.... . -.... ....- ..--- -.-. ..--- ----- -.... .---- -.... . -.... ....- ..--- ----- --... ....- -.... ---.. -.... ..... -.... . ..--- ----- -.... ..... -.... . -.... ...-- -.... ..-. -.... ....- -.... ..... ..--- ----- -.... ----. --... ....- ..--- ----- --... ....- --... --... -.... ----. -.... ...-- -.... ..... ...-- ..-. ..--- ----- ....- ....- -.... ..-. ..--- ----- ....- ----. ..--- ----- --... ...-- --... ....- -.... ----. -.... -.-. -.... -.-. ..--- ----- -.... ---.. -.... .---- --... -.... -.... ..... ..--- ----- --... ....- -.... ..-. -.... ..-. ..--- ----- -.... -.. --... ..... -.... ...-- -.... ---.. ..--- ----- --... ....- -.... ----. -.... -.. -.... ..... ..--- ----- -.... ..-. -.... . ..--- ----- -.... -.. --... ----. ..--- ----- -.... ---.. -.... .---- -.... . -.... ....- --... ...-- ...-- ..-.
This is morse code for "48 6F 77 20 61 62 6F 75 74 20 69 66 20 49 20 64 65 63 6F 64 65 20 69 74 20 74 77 69 63 65 2C 20 72 65 73 70 6F 6E 64 2C 20 61 6E 64 20 74 68 65 6E 20 65 6E 63 6F 64 65 20 69 74 20 74 77 69 63 65 3F 20 44 6F 20 49 20 73 74 69 6C 6C 20 68 61 76 65 20 74 6F 6F 20 6D 75 63 68 20 74 69 6D 65 20 6F 6E 20 6D 79 20 68 61 6E 64 73 3F", which is hex ASCII (rather than binary, for so-called "brevity") for "How about if I decode it twice, respond, and then encode it twice? Do I still have too much time on my hands?"
Venusy replied:
42 61 20 6c 62 68 65 3f 20 47 75 6e 67 27 66 20 76 67 3f 42 61 20 6c 62 68 65 63 76 79 72 20 62 73 20 66 72 70 65 72 67 20 4e 6d 67 72 70 20 74 62 79 71 ? 42 65 20 62 61 20 6c 62 68 65 70 6e 65 20 63 75 62 61 72 ? 4f 68 67 20 6e 61 6c 6a 6e 6c 2c 20 6c 72 66 2e52 41 48 46 4c
Decoded from hex ASCII, this is "Ba lbhe? Gung'f vg? Ba lbhe cvyr bs frperg Nmgrp tbyq? Be ba lbhe pne cubar? Ohg naljnl, lrf. RAHFL", after ROT13, that gives "On your? That's it? On your pile of secret Aztec gold? Or on your car phone? But anyway, yes.
Phlip came back with:
⠓⠥⠓⠦ ⠊ ⠙⠑⠋⠊⠝⠁⠞⠑⠇⠽ ⠎⠁⠊⠙ ⠦⠕⠝ ⠍⠽ ⠓⠁⠝⠙⠎⠴ ⠁⠞ ⠞⠓⠑ ⠑⠝⠙ ⠞⠓⠑⠗⠑⠲⠲⠲ ⠁⠝⠽⠺⠁⠽⠎⠂ ⠞⠓⠁⠞ ⠺⠁⠎ ⠋⠥⠝⠂ ⠇⠑⠞⠄⠎ ⠝⠕⠞ ⠙⠕ ⠊⠞ ⠁⠛⠁⠊⠝⠲ ⠶⠊⠝⠉⠊⠙⠑⠝⠞⠁⠇⠇⠽⠂ ⠺⠓⠁⠞ ⠁⠗⠑ ⠞⠓⠑ ⠉⠓⠁⠝⠉⠑⠎ ⠕⠋ ⠞⠓⠊⠎ ⠑⠝⠙⠊⠝⠛ ⠥⠏ ⠕⠝ ⠽⠕⠥⠗ ⠃⠁⠇⠑⠑⠞⠑⠙ ⠝⠕⠝⠎⠑⠝⠎⠑ ⠏⠁⠛⠑⠦⠶ --⠏⠓⠇⠊⠏ ⠞⠉
Which is Braille for "Huh? I Definately said "on my hands" at the end there... anyway, that was fun, let's not do it again. (Incidentally, what are the chances of this ending up on your baleeted nonsense page?) --phlip TC" – if you can't read it (if you don't have the appropriate font) you can see it here. Venusy couldn't read it, so that's where the conversation ended.
[edit] Workin' on the Article
The Chort had this little conversation with an "annony".
REMEMBER THESE DAYS?! – The Chort 16:00, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
i yeah
- WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THESE DAYS?! – The Chort 16:01, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- Uh it was a wile ago 16:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- THE HEYDAYS!! – The Chort 16:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- i can spel hay 16:05, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- WHERE'S THE GRAMMAR?! – The Chort 16:06, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- i cant use it anymore 16:09, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- WHERE'S THE GRAMMAR?! – The Chort 16:06, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- i can spel hay 16:05, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- THE HEYDAYS!! – The Chort 16:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- Uh it was a wile ago 16:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
Matthew Chapman (born November 1, 1976) is the younger of The Brothers Chaps. He and his brother Mike are the principal creators of the Homestar Runner body of work. Matt is the voice actor for almost all of the characters on the site. He is married to Jackie Chapman, who had a brief cameo in Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer. They currently have one child. 16:17, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- That's what I'm talking about! – The Chort 16:18, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- its my good grammar paragraph 16:20, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
The "XL ProTime VHS/VCR Player" is the brand of Videocassette recorder that appears in various toons and was first seen in Strong Bad Email 12:00. The mechanical issues such as tracking problems, visible vertical rainbow, and the ubiquitous blinking 12:00 are a running joke. It is usually seen on top of the Telebision. 16:23, 10 August 2008 (UTC)