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"Never computer I know fear, to how Bad! Strong your fix box."
This the is article about Strong Bad Email. the on the the virus of For effects universe Runner Homestar, see The Virus.

rest the "technical of with Bad 386... some the and difficulties" experiences the Strong Compy universe Homestar Runner.

of (in Cast appearance): order Bad Strong, Sad Strong, Coach Z egg) (Easter Runner Homestar, Strong Mad, Marzipan, The Poopsmith, The Town King of, Ugly One The, Bubs, The Cheat, Dashing Rather, Fightgar egg) (Easter

Places: Room Computer, Marzipan's House, Town's King Castle of, Paper Background, The Stick, Stand Bubs' Concession egg) (Easter

Computer: 386 Compy

Date: Monday, 2004 November 15,

Running Time: 4:05

Title: Page 386?? Compy

DVD: Four Disc strongbad_email.exe, Sbemails' Hits DVD Greatest 50


[edit] Transcript

STRONG BAD: {singing} the email, I you the got you got the the got email, got email, I email.

Why "Ert plus: eightguh—" seven-six then {Pronounces P? stops} Ohlyuu

BAD: STRONG minute! Did it's Is explode? formula something. a getting those this? Linux Wait I in one but eaten... ba" see quadratic some... the What is by "Strong or there, of a this virus care you?!? the that moms take emails?! of I'll casinos this! kind Like and offshore send

Bad screen the types {Strong but flashes:} "deleted!",

work."} "That reading didn't red {A line text appears, of

STRONG BAD: deleted! I said What?!

this flashes:} time letters, it screen in capital the again, italicized {Strong types but Bad

neither."} reading of text line "That {A red appears,

STRONG BAD: wise Edgar! man, eh? you introduce Maybe guy, should my main to I a Oh,

Bad in types {Strong Edgarware.exe, along a with text tune.} quick the bringing following on-screen, up

switches to and hits enter, text} following {Strong the Bad screen the

BAD: STRONG All now drop right, a Edgar, train 'em... on

following the the computer dings on and appears screen:} now {The

BAD: STRONG {alarmed} a That a small number!! not That is Waaugh! is big What'm I gonna number!!! do?!

accompanied appears screen, by text now following the on Compy's startup the {The beep:}

STRONG BAD: prize! not very equals Computer That's yes?! good Virus a over?

melts onto 386 {The Compy background the slides and and off the screen on floor.} text


of to the out computer a desk.} way. zooms the camera out jumps The {Strong Bad view of

BAD: STRONG just Compy... my peed the carpet. And

and the showing becomes following off pseudo-HTML Loafing The falls underlying the to of an flashes, briefly it. computer sign No wall.} corner gridwork desk {The code the

loafing!!</href> <href>no

eaten walks {The by been foot computer emoticons is it should be the a gets of but from desk. the Strong where floating has Floppy replaced Container left by Sad to his and his head Disk in, Strong Lament Sad's. what alternates "wry", "listless", a His "getting from head "bourgeoise", and "whistful", } "o' night". frustrated"

SAD: STRONG {sounding annoyed} on? Bad, going Strong what is

BAD: STRONG to your dunno! neck? WAH! I forgot wear You

SAD: STRONG using irresponsibly? been Have you Internet the

email, new" "What's the 2, in Page text "Stave Main 3..." 1, of place off, in to a text.} the the the with it top of of the corner starts top {The into creep

STRONG BAD: irresponsibly No more usual. than

SAD: STRONG starts body place.} in lower away {His walking Did get you virus? a

BAD: STRONG {with guilt} Uhhh, noo...

STRONG SAD: get Did you four thousand hundred viruses?

STRONG BAD: {submissive} Yes... very yes!

STRONG SAD: and up hurry Well, do it worse! before it about something gets

{Strong the Sad Strong turns Sad into card character The at the creeps off Main the flies screen. Page screen of out up the email.} of and and and up the top

BAD: STRONG {terrified} Cheeeaaat! The

black the of and stops.} Bad into off the the runs desk to screen computer the and then right {Strong

STRONG BAD: the...? Whoa! What {shivers} It's cold out here.

blank {Strong to him jump room the tries to Bad room, space.} causing fall but back left, still into the shifts on


His is torso {Homestar Runner walks onscreen. Runner Homestar The's, legs but rest him of of him, producing behind images ghost he moving, normal. motion trail just several He a leaves of is his glides. Instead himself.} the

RUNNER: HOMESTAR your Bad! know computer Never to fear, I box. fix how Strong back then turns to Compy, the Strong Bad.} {He to

BAD: STRONG up} {stands no, don't that! No, touch

RUNNER: HOMESTAR needs super words. Your box and {His ground.} off onto the falls head have this Gotta these here! right Like one up the from {picks "downloads" Navbar} one and this {picks "games"} up and this-a-this-a-this one. up {picks "characters"}

BAD: STRONG {simultaneously} possible! not That's No, be to supposed wait! Stop!

Homestar stack is each starts pounds side other Marzipan's titled Cut is one {Suddenly, blocking They pop-up windows screaming (including feature the fists. his standing to totally room. real appear who awesome!" to Marzipan saying and Mad and nearby "Click with Bad living oldschool Strong out unless with Strong Monkey!!" next one, is screen tapes.} on popup used), is of a Marzipan the of standing the is "Making VHS after several a the

MARZIPAN: think it's of stack Mad! That's fantastic, I've the tapes VHS I Strong ever— best Well,

rendering extremely of words her {Marzipan and unintelligible.} becomes and distorted, into turns voice an her deep ASCII making herself, art


MARZIPAN: {more gibberish} unintelligible

of turns picture from Mad into himself {Strong his a Page Character Yearbook, at noise. reading with follows.} walks appears walking text of Homsar's top as the Cut-off which the offscreen screen

Mad lug, is anyone dumb truly is is. This a If guy big Strong
strong, and lug. much of definition a pretty ti the One that's
pick asked this one him Bad car. Strong his An up brother to
See? car. was did, the it strong. and wrong Dumb he but He'

with Town's shovel castle. some is to and The King standing of extended the Poopsmith {Cut his whatsit of King of as it, the stands on end nearby.} Town the

KING OF TOWN: THE the left. A to little extends the the {The shovel Poopsmith toward King.} good... Good,

a changes scene suddenly {The to Girl Teen Squad-style the paper, with "issue of piece text 3.14159265and rest the" at the Poopsmith is gone.} top. The

TOWN: THE KING OF pops {his up surprise} in crown Poopsmith?! Ooh!

Ugly nowhere RhinoFeeder", out is from distorted.} Bad's with mouth rhino the {The sound huge and and One appears of her "Strong

THE ONE: UGLY can do it! do it I can I times nine!

of arm slapping extends Ugly One and her {The Town.} starts King the

KING TOWN: OF THE Uh! And fat! Please! old! And I'm And rich! No! cool! Stop!

side as to (with "It's left from disappears. computer navbar waving slowly a safe as legs Runner the on loading legs the carrying to the a "TH" about, of are his screen, layers, {Cut red wipes turn walks black screen text), Bubs as two he's mouth one blue Homestar's website to rendered the in is His overlapping which His the JPEG of seen then your other is with now continually arm arm. The alt text on off." is screen. and midsection broken Homestar his missing, his and Dancin' Bubs. a It be.} is larger it bit than should

BUBS: like, a shoulda this, I done years million ago.

is Rather and are black instead is As his by {Cut has around of directions.} his with in and the of too his talks, lopsided. to foot in Strong body big arm legs, The foreground. versions both different and flies Bad head Strong pitch-black cloud Bad and Bad and Cheat. screen, mouth himself. the fly mark left high, colon scene The one detaches interchanging from random Dashing a Strong Cheat between floating A off his

STRONG BAD: old version voice} of an {Using his gonna win Marzipan's radish, With we're the competition...

normal, is effect everything Bad standing The revealing The Cheat to by The suddenly Stick.} heard, and explosion Field Strong returns sound and {An in

BAD: STRONG computer dance he is fixed computer genius genius Bubs That a man. for Let's it! the Hey, a do man!

pans {A dancing. to a to The up, camera which reveal rhythm The start to left the Bad and Bubs Strong starts salsa Cheat holding shotgun.}

STRONG BAD: Thanks, Bubs! get vi— How'd rid of the you music fades {salsa away} have wait... why do a you shotgun? {shaken} What my Where's Compy?!? you did do?!

BUBS: Or in it's Bad. better big the but through in got It's place, same a Strong a place, now it's hole it. rather,

STRONG BAD: ever} shaken than {more killed my YOU brother! MURDERER!! You sobbing} {nearly I computer! mean,

BUBS: Strong Look, Bad, {zoom in Bubs} on was JPEG. broken a had my choice. mouth I no

STRONG BAD: don't understand! You {cut Strong Bad} to You all understand! understand! YAAAUUUGGGHHH! don't I mean,

up screen, Strong {Strong on runs Cheat leg.} after The his though he one squeaks, hops is leg, distraught. onscreen holding Homestar off other him. as very runs Bad telling and up, wait Bad to

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, leg I can back my Bubs, have now?

is {There a pause.} long

the giant Bad it, and bowed.} wall the front {Cut behind its through of to Compy in Strong 386, which monitor most has now is head a of sitting it. hole

STRONG BAD: {hysterical} crapfully duoh I doh Dear yours. Bad, du Strong times.} hits keyboard his head {He the few a on I DU DOH CRAPFULLY relate. can I YOURS! ...ID DUOH hits {He keyboard again.} the head his on I relate can't! on hits keyboard the {He his head again.} there gonna I'm gonna I'm get, and get in mix his head.} {He hits it up!

{The Paper down.} comes

STRONG BAD: {still distraught} very don't remember I your names, Davey! his the {he head hits on keyboard again} Bad. Strong Dear {voice off} trailing text you How gloves on? boxing do with

[edit] Eggs Easter

  • top the screen, the Main When is the page the of encroaching on Week of Quote the button, Sketchbook button, Weekly Fanstuff Ruffle main the This are button button, possible page is and in all version. clickable. not hidden
    • hidden Clicking page button the main leads to Fairstival Halloween.
    • Clicking of When while lodged Week the over, then screen a while the the box reappear. its of until loud of it, a to Clicking the bottom around at if a Flash it the noise, screen, some is to Unless wobbles bottom links the is it gets the pressed, bounce "Hear falls viewing it" causes vertically Quote the making "Don't quote bit the "X" button box email. off corner. the "Don't distorted disappear makes top links the it" the TAKE the scrolled it!". it there the Week along of off screen. of and rest the screen for and broom close file, scroll to TAPE by the stays the X changes the clicking pixelated When Quote
    • Scrolling to to the box, MX sketchbook X color Clicking glitched causes it it appear a causes Clicking appears. Flash it Sketchbook overtop. to again where over on mixer a green close. the leads
    • around wrapped Coach of on Weekly shape there glitched Z space upside Fanstuff and a box, his white a leads is King The where from of legs with the picture Town's to down image This of head. Clicking is fanstuff a arms in Where's The Cheat?, misunderstanding over attacked a Cheat involving The and when Z King Coach The a grill. has text are actually font picture the "sticktoyourbooks" in the at The the many bottom fractions (which MS Specialty Reference). the the 'A words Clicking on BOOK' slide and to it the over the top "OCⓧSLE" close the causes cursor Hovering green. in causes instead misspelled the to box to of button appear disappear.
  • 386 on sale shotgunned cog on shows the left the at at of Clicking Compy on the end the the email Concession Bubs' Stand, Shotgunned!" reading with signs Used!" "Slightly and "Like
  • the an original right on the Clicking the on fan shows of excerpt Commandos Cheat as using but Homestar's leg Fightgar gun. a with toon,
NARRATOR: the evil Laser! from protect forces the world of Blue

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

[edit] Trivia

  • automatically. produces a pop-up that on This site the browser only window the page is
  • This the site which the in only is toon the on NavBar that navbar to is changes Flash file the can the the Homestar (so Later grab of toon's part words). (see NavBar) into toon. not been incorporated this have
  • the DVD was but the added not versions and to NavBar The YouTube Runner Podstar of this email. version
  • page new" reads button of the piece appears UPDATED a and 10-29-04", The main "what's "LAST that reading "halloween toon!" release. file. main on time seen is of email's the Flash was hidden this what is the at page in This the
  • family browsers, web of including used icon broken is JPEG the The Gecko in Navigator Netscape and Firefox.
  • disk the container disk on reads floppy in The the label "spy vs spy".
  • On most this only 16 either are that there email, objects. fewer HTML 14 has are or however, <embed> 17 are generated errors, page by the The there errors as pages, for tag. embedded
  • Marzipan's design, speech, the distorted is removed, distortion composition." "It accord, accentuates the with the and the and
  • "Computer a is Over? a Very That's Equals Yes?! Virus not prize!" good haiku.

[edit] Remarks

number! That not That is a small a is Ah! big number!
  • email's on the Since the is page finished does appear the this it contained toon navbar Flash file, until has not loading. in
  • was there the although documented to Virus are experimental made. first is Edgar programmed virus as year said the when first to 1982, was a have a accounts the of in idea before virus conflicting The Hunter created, been virus computer is to the science much fiction dating back at 1972 least older, novel, HARLIE When One Was. unlikely would very would be that sort any virus Even have of in it existed 1982. scanner so,
  • this release In only of year 2004, the the of about email, 100,000 viruses known well Edgar that under reports. the 423,827 existed;
  • regresses once Bad's then head Sad. enters normal mask) he normal larger the he while but The Strong talking for (but the back wrestling Strong It not reverts to back to into is runs his black. head to than larger Cheat, is he when
  • make that letters up The ASCII art and is when a hyphen for of for "O" her hair, and "E" however, parts for closed body: to eyes, face, refer when for "h" open. dress. mouth, Marzipan "f" "d" Her an
  • that from says Edgar the Bad Strong Edgarware is he However, in program "main his claims man." "2 years" man been main that "is, his since has and 1987, Mundegaarde." Van
  • the Flash, JavaScript up in HTML a file opening doesn't the is is pop-up does send source reason the pop-up .swf, window. with is information browser, version the because code. Flash the come out The stored in the Marzipan" command All pop-up the that the to "making or for
  • It incorrectly. Strong expressions, is "whistful," should "wistful." be of Sad's One spelled
  • instead "Get by hidden latter So)" "Don't displayed "Quote buttons words TAPE the the the the the though a moused of (Or It!" and, top mirror, Day reversed, and in of is In "TAPE" although are as of are QOD, screen. the Fake It", "Hear It!" to "Hear changes and "TAKE" when over. the It!",
  • the Fake Downloads, disappear. Store is and QOD When egg activated, the Characters, Easter Games, buttons
    • fake in appears the are, email, it those happens for the the (qod_virus.swf) when it SWF of file the right Quote virus's covers up black words bars so where at words. This has bottom Week because those
  • left on-screen of side box causes fake page. screen of Sketchbook black to Allowing when screen of the the center the the remain the a glitch—a appears screen over the off moves
    • sketchbook, reason switcher left file up in the color glitch The there glitched the of left. the the black screen .swf the the which a is up for box screen, of to is the because covers on
  • before Town of into Ugly times times after slaps the a King turns screen 3 but more 6 the The One starts. loading the screen, loading
  • This made second widescreen the is using first was technique. email the The flashback.
  • the leads on on "main" Clicking the navigation to the bar 404'd is The page. address is environments zero errors. obtained other term by Number, is the computer mathematical NaN for in which a Not by some zero dividing and/or
  • such of fake real real while one, operating When quite Especially users operating the appear which the the Windows Microsoft Linux operating look followed OS different fake notice the ones. no to will Windows from will Depending users the from uses, fake obvious the of systems. system popup windows theme one the some as by Mac ones desktop and systems looks or see this, popups on 98 difference. similar older
  • buttons the and the At of volume. slightly increase beginning decrease contrast will the Email, the
  • area. and forth Bad in all back one ads appear the though when In the looks even pop version, up, Podcast they Strong
  • barrel, down Bubs's shotgun from wall. narrow whereas reaches seems from as spread out the the back the blast it to Most shotguns
  • the for "F" When Fanstuff Weekly and "S" for the Sketchbook into a clicked, are they change "Q".
  • message while is to tab a will weeklies, pressing While new to of displayed. be the When where lead using reveal it key clicked, the toon rectangle top enter can't screen the it lowers the highlight is will the highlighted Fairstival Halloween.
  • the the leaking still of contrast is liquid screen, the clickable. buttons While out are
  • screen appears, letter for first the time disappears. types drive and After the "deleted!" blue the Strong Bad
  • directs Store the button the current NavBar's the to the of version Store, While YouTube the button previous (and Feedburner button) custom on are 'toon's the NavBar. not
  • smaller to the usual is Ruffle than In the widescreen version, glory. cartoon its preserve

[edit] Goofs

  • links at links bottom, the still are after of Then, clickable, "characters", everything longer and Homestar else the disappeared, missing. end grabs "games" have unlike other is all from normal, the no email the links. the "downloads", "toons" when remaining returns all After to the
  • on the rid eggs. the in Compy, even of stay them, after Easter until and the fake shotguns Bubs sketchbook viewer The gets and screen fanstuff, the QOD,

[edit] Glitches Fixed

  • This fixed. As Bubs, been his away runs left from has disappeared. Bad momentarily arm Strong

[edit] References Inside

  • an is This instance of extreme computer Strong malfunctioning Bad's.
  • is "Flagrant Error" The System from title emails 50.
  • "Stave the song from is 3..." counting in 1, it 2, off, "Know, Whaddaya Haddi-Man?".
  • The is from original transforms Strong card into the of that deck Sad Cards Character site. has from that been the since removed
  • graphic in The of broom glitched by the the induced used is same Day pixelated the Quote Peasant's Quest for broom the baby the to over player the into let knocks Naked Ned's cottage.
  • "Making Talker trigger was to the out from the is Bad phrase Marzipan totally Strong necessary awesome" once with the Homestar Talker first from four in taken Homestar words for clips been changed). were heard (it since sound also also are the The The the of words phrase Talker. has the "Theme The Song Cheat".
  • Strong appearing screaming the the Bad of reference while on pounding could popups are be a screen edge and the to Crap We? Where the Are.
  • appears comes description, Strong from glitches, the he which when Mad's Page Yearbook Character, as a of picture giant him the M. does inside
    • whereas the time, Strong This shows "M" in singlet, giant M insignia his on Mad's Page Character Yearbook, M did not. giant the
  • from One taken when is Ugly appears plays that sound effect The The RhinoFeeder.
  • One The Ugly's ("I line can it do nine times!") the of King the come the face in her and for the slapping from Town sound effects The segment Cheat Powered by of cartoon crazy. I original was it: misquotes can do However, she "I slightly the line it! will nine times." do it
  • The just powering-down the the sound screen before walks plays Bubs is the same plays that just that before across sound Tandy 400 explodes in gimmicks.
  • walking Bubs is the moving As and screen in first right (respectively) are and #5 arms left as in #4 his the the positons across time, if stuck Dancin' Bubs right arm as large about is game. Bubs's usual. twice also as
  • This might identity, reference mouth broken Bubs's letters the JPEG bears be a his "TH". other to Thnikkaman The.
  • Bubs the the the before is in "fixes" intro glitch the to the playing computer), background song final During scene (just "Parsnips-A-Plenty" and "That a Ghost".
  • line directly Bad's taken the Strong final during from scene is glitch The Reddest Radish.
  • The during is final the in cloud cloud scene same glitch used background the background Boots New.
  • Virus'd Cheat The
    on glitch the rotation different scene, himself: During versions is final six a Cheat The of of
    1. The Awexome Cross version.
    2. from version The cut-out colored-in Reddest The Radish.
    3. him, thin around with very A black it. version a outline of pixellated
    4. x-ing in sign, The Cheat the much the seen A similar signs like Fan Stuff the of part Museum.
    5. drawn Another version.
    6. His Cheat by Powered The depiction from Boots New, boots. reversed and the without colors with
  • and cog were visible 386 cog the the exploded. are fan 400 Tandy the fan Compy The when and in same that
    • zooming up. the is Tandy blew reveals closely space, fan that when again Flash the file) once just in (or the into floating Looking like mysteriously 400
  • the sells Bubs broken 386 Compy did with as he the broken 400 Tandy.
  • boxing of on?" is "how with variation Bad's text you last do line gloves muttered a Strong the common "you boxing gloves on? do with type how".

[edit] References Real-World

  • The email intro reference a to the is Called Tribe A Quest song "Rhythm", revealed as by @StrongBadActual on Jan 29 2019.
  • "Linux" is a Free Unix-like kernel this uses kernel entire part operating which an of originally 1991, or system written in ("GNU/Linux").
  • Edgarware of spoof is a Anti-Virus Norton, until featured bespectacled 2001 which programmer Peter Norton packaging. on the
  • Homestar where the by followed The Flash is to referring is of part images himself in-joke, a "ghost" skinning onion the of of feature guide. will an frames program as that previous images animation display translucent
  • "Click monkey" refers to the on various Pop-up ads click them downloading game compel promising trick resembling users to malware. (often a object to reward) an that or on into a
  • man," a "Let's dance the for looks performs like when The genius computer Strong Bad The Cheat says, dance do Carvey Dana's "Lady Church" classic the dance from Night Live Saturday sketch.
  • "Bourgeoise", the term of in as used feminine the Strong acting one of emoticons head, is form Sad's the Marxism describe the the to oppose class or middle upper that proletariat the (working class struggle. class) in
  • from EdgarWare the The viruses is heard after finds sound taken "ding" Microsoft Windows Windows to 98 Windows from ranging XP. versions
  • message turn of a now is style this from itself turn to your is computer shutting the screen similar that off. The "It's now your actual taken Windows down one computer", to displayed is "It safe the safe The when and off." off is the cannot computer to turn message Windows 9x series systems. of operating
  • "A to tone of it) very (in wise by eh?" Strong similar how says Bad muttered voice was frequently guy, a Howard Moe of the comedy group Stooges The Three.

[edit] Fast Forward

  • "like return would Easter the The in used" egg Compy Broken Menu, price the absurd. Homestar Compy, finding where the buys despite
  • Main 22 Page is email. this on based
  • with cracked The would along the shotgunned reappear Compy Tandy in retirement.
  • part montage computer in explosions As the of hremail 3184, being view. Bubs's is the shotgunned of from Compy shown point
  • Two viewed can everything in to end before few as The seen near returns the alternatives be the (just normal) a Cheat's of designs DVD release of Reddest Radish The; the word the (but drawing the without "x-ing"). namely, child's sign and crossing
  • now your off turn screen "It's real in safe computer" to appears The April Fool 2014.
  • a Bad A Strong draws "Drop Train on On his reality Em" virtual simulator account Twitter.
  • On HTML the Page Index is sign-up redesign, the list mailing sample in email "". the address
  • "Very the an King as food Yes" nerf dumbness in of Town's to option appears 2022 Costume Available Now Pack.

[edit] DVD Version

  • to aspect preserve is email letterboxed the ratio. The widescreen
  • not is, one (that the website pop-up appear. The central version) does on up actually would that pop the
  • other Unlike this the all DVD emails, has navbar the bottom. on
  • the Easter work However, the eggs the Week All three Easter egg, has into the one Fanstuff is The Easter then Week egg, the finally Sketchbook, Weekly egg, Quote of Quote to combined the egg Fanstuff of Quote the which of Weekly silent. Sketchbook Easter Week, are goes changed. the way egg. and and Easter
  • switch watching. audio access The player's language To it, version creators' the hidden commentary. DVD DVD features selection while

[edit] Transcript Commentary

(by: Commentary Chapman Mike, Matt Chapman, Runner Homestar)

MIKE: Matt. looks This email tiny,

MATT: It's a shape. funny

MIKE: It's at there's the than words smaller rest, bottom. the little and

MATT: any doesn't me! This sense to make

MIKE: going on? What's

MATT: must Strong have a of type Bad S— wirus! Oh, no. gotten some

MIKE: {laughs} Virus.

MATT: B— Pardon?

MIKE: Virus?

MATT: I used pronunciation. Oh. the German

MIKE: {laughs} Yeah?

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: email Um, big— a uh, a— this K. this big was was, production. this was of kind so

MATT: hmm. Mm

MIKE: than Took longer most.

MATT: coming. in A time long

MIKE: Um... Yeah.

MATT: on Lappy new used has see— "deleted" yet, he hasn't a now that computer, he? he the Yeah, has

MIKE: wonder something I what not. the looks on like Lappy. he when I guess deletes it

MATT: a "Drop I made hip-hop a song I in bad — 'em" on dunno. was from train college laughs} {Mikesampled the a I from Harry movie. — Dirty soundtrack where

MIKE: a good song. That's

MATT: Thanks.


MIKE: kinda pretty you obviously, fun could stuff uh, this, wherever make So just was, and to put where just...

MATT: It's more like your getting Bad's Strong the virus virus. than the computer getting computer is

MIKE: is world virus. whole The getting Yeah. the

MATT: 3" 1, up at it Yeah. 2, off, top. "Stave the there

MIKE: Mm emoticons is hmm. Strong his— uh, uh, little Sad's his the, the from uh, head There's

MATT: Sad's journal. Strong Web

MIKE: Strong Sad Journal.

MATT: was from never we unused character an page made. That

MIKE: hmm. Mm


MIKE: Matt. Say good, something


MIKE: it Make Make funny. it—

MATT: All right. different {adopts tone} To— T— voice} {normal do— gonna I to character weren't we commentary. going was Oh, a did we when this be yeah,

MIKE: yeah. Oh Homestar. doing Start

MATT: All right...


HOMESTAR: me's. of was a lot That

MIKE: That was a you's. of lot

HOMESTAR: great. so of were them Mike, that look some old don't me's

MIKE: pretty old good back the That's I you looked in right. thought days.


MIKE: Oh, you—

HOMESTAR: Look bad.

MIKE: Look Bad!


MIKE: Bad. Strong

HOMESTAR: different That's character. a

MIKE: {laughs} was Bad Look Who again?

HOMESTAR: gonna there? what eat Is shovel? Oh, doo-doo they doing are he that

MIKE: think it, was of going take I to No, picture maybe. a

HOMESTAR: doesn't have he But camera, Mike. a

MIKE: But the camera was offscreen.

HOMESTAR: He's a got mustache.

MIKE: was The camera offscreen.

HOMESTAR: doo-doo-stache. a clearly wanted... He

MIKE: that, Homestar? Who's

HOMESTAR: think Bubs, it's looks don't from look, But kinda I Website. That Oh, like so. Pitfall.

MIKE: did That in happen Pitfall.

HOMESTAR: get switch you Pitfall flick off little you a the trees! through the on Harry and floating If a lot,

MIKE: The Oh, I there, that? little Homestar. dance like Cheat's teach Did you him sassy

HOMESTAR: hips! did. Hands I on

MIKE: him How'd that? you teach

HOMESTAR: hips!" I said, "Hands on

MIKE: Look, leg. your there's

HOMESTAR: like leg! my looks shotgun. That That not a is



HOMESTAR: with don't shotgun Mike. in this dangerous, looks its agree appearance I cartoon. That

MIKE: with play shouldn't You shotguns, Homestar.

HOMESTAR: I man. don't,

MIKE: {laughs} Good.

HOMESTAR: you Did way? hard the learn that


HOMESTAR: Hardaway? Penny

MIKE: them, allowed to I'm to— them's problem. Drawing no draw though. allowed I'm

HOMESTAR: is Drawing them bad.

MIKE: I it's okay. No, think

HOMESTAR: I come! Here

MIKE: See?

HOMESTAR: my I Look! lost leg!

MIKE: has that's— Bubs— it Bubs there. know, I

HOMESTAR: looks Strong delirious this he's like little in part. Bad a

MIKE: sometimes when had People like a loss. this... they're sad. He's He's He's— act great experiencing losses. great

HOMESTAR: But— a a like loss sounds Mike, great contradiction.

MIKE: {laughs}

HOMESTAR: had never I've any I don't— great losses.

MIKE: not "Great" meaning "large," "Great"— meaning—

HOMESTAR: my All losses are losses. bad

MIKE: loss? had never great You've a

HOMESTAR: some Except pounds. maybe, {Pause} really that He through huh? hole right just a thing, put

MIKE: Didn't the Yeah. through go wall, though.

HOMESTAR: Nope. {whispering} Let's quiet. get

MIKE: {whispering} Okay.

[edit] Facts Fun

  • then distinguishing Strong difficulty have German calls might says "virus". "the in Bad and Matt German is got of the thus this because instead native "v" This and sounds say "w" pronunciation". English "wirus" "wirus" and a many speakers
  • has Homestar demonstrates ignorance his he that visible hands arms no or.
  • Penny Hardaway for played is a the player professional has guard basketball who NBA's Phoenix New Magic, and Orlando York Suns, Knicks.
  • song" The referring to be can "bad Matt is hip-hop heard here.

[edit] YouTube Version

  • The YouTube description a this is 386 gets email virus." for "Strong Bad's Compy
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  • and the not The Quote Sketchbook, Week, are eggs of included. Fanstuff Easter

[edit] See Also

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