Strong Bad Email

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Strong Bad checks his email.

Strong Bad Email is the most frequently updated feature of the Homestar Runner website. It was originally a small feature introduced in 2001, in which Strong Bad would mock the spelling and grammar of those who wrote to him. Although the animations were initially brief, the responses gradually grew to establish numerous catchphrases, inside jokes, and running gags, as well as spin-offs like Trogdor, 20X6, Teen Girl Squad, and even the main character Homsar. A typical Strong Bad Email will include numerous Easter eggs and other hidden material, often found at the ending screen. Many Strong Bad Emails are satires of specific cultural references, such as action figure, japanese cartoon, and isp.

Page Title: Denny's Menu


Strong Bad Emails

Lappy 486 Era

Compy 386 Era

Tandy 400 Era

DVD Releases

DVD Emails

The following emails only appear on the DVD set.

Podstar Runner Releases

Since January 30, 2006, Strong Bad emails have been released sometimes under a weekly feature called Podstar Runner. It features popular Toons, Teen Girl Squads, and Strong Bad Emails in .m4v format. They are designed to be viewed on a Fifth Generation Apple iPod, but workable on a variety of other portable media players. Currently, it features these emails (in order of release):

Not Quite Strong Bad Emails

The following shorts were originally associated in one way or another with the Strong Bad Emails. They are numbered by halves to show where they appeared chronologically in the list above. Numbers 99½B, 118½, and 158½ are not linked to from anywhere on the site.

  • 158½. Missing Lappy (Messages on Strong Bad's answering machine, as the Lappy is missing.)
  • 152½. Weclome Back (Strong Bad tries to show an email he checked over summer vacation (in midair, no less), but hits "stop" instead of "record" on the video camera.)
  • 149½. Sbemail 150?!? (Strong Sad tries to get Strong Bad to do his 150th email.)
  • 136½. Sick Day (A failed attempt at an email due to sickness striking the entire cast.)
  • 127½. PAY PLUS! ("The Email Show" is one of the pay-per-view features.)
  • 118½. Strong Bad Email? (Broken Compy Menu.)
  • 99½B. Not the 100th Email!!! (Secret URL address for anyone who wanted a peek at Email 100 before it was released.)
  • 99½A. Puppet Time (A message was taped onto Puppet Compy's screen that read "Probably at a barbecue, from SB")
  • 68½. Lookin at a Thing in a Bag (A message was taped onto the Compy in the email menu that read "Looking at a thing in a bag" when the cartoon was released.)
  • 66½. Arcade Game (Homestar Runner reads Strong Bad's note he left on the Compy 386.)
  • 59½. Superbowl Dealie (The Paper reads "Due to the big game, the Strong Bad Email will be late this week.")
  • 55½. Too Busy to Check E-mails (Typed on the Compy is "No emails on the holidays.")
  • 41½. King of Town Email (The King of Town tries to answer an email on his recently bought (but broken) Tandy 400.)
  • 36½. TV Time Toons Menu (Placing the mouse over Strong Bad Email will bring up a short, soundless email from Stu. See Wireless Bizness.)

Strong Bad Email Menus

Fun Facts


  • Some time during mid-2003, "updated mondays" on the main Strong Bad Email Menu changed to "updated somedays." Nothing like this is even noted in Lappy-era emails.
  • On the Compy 386 menus, Strong Bad types "dir /p", a DOS command used to list all the files in a directory, and to pause between each screen's worth of files.
  • Not including Not Quite Strong Bad Emails, Strong Bad has checked 192 emails as of what I want.
  • As of what I want, it would take approximately 7 hours, 15 minutes, and 46 seconds to watch every Strong Bad email, including the DVD exclusives but excluding clickable Easter eggs.
  • Email #22, "sb_email 22" was actually made between emails 40 and 41. It was originally skipped and later made and released under the title 'the lost email' right before Strong Bad replaced his computer with the Compy 386.
  • As of what I want, Strong Bad Emails make up 59% of the toons on the site.
  • Back in the Tandy 400 era (at least until July, 2002), emailing Strong Bad would result in this automated response:
Thanks for your freakin email. I hope it's not stupid.
Once I finish these swiss cake rolls I'll read it and if it's awesome enough,
I'll answer it on the site.
But if your email is terrible, then it gets R.E.D. alright.
The Cheat Reads it, Strong Mad Eats it, and I Deletes it.
Click Here to see us in action!
Check back every Monday to see if your email has what it takes.
Watch me while I'm awesome,
Strong Bad

The link in the automated response leads to the Email Processing Room.

  • After random.bat was implemented, the email list comes from the rando.xml file. Before this, it was included in the Flash file.
  • Occasionally, there is a lengthy gap between email updates. This is sometimes recognized at the start of the next email, as in army, geddup noise, and redesign.


  • At Flashforward 2006, The Brothers Chaps gave a list of five things not to email Strong Bad about.
  • During most emails, you see the back of Strong Bad's head when he sits in front of the computer, which is why he often starts a new line before the text reaches the right side of the screen as the email progresses. However, on the Strong Bad Email menu, you don't see his head at all. This is probably so the viewers can use the bottom scroll button without anything in the way.
  • During Missing Lappy, retirement A, and retirement B, when the Lappy was kidnapped, it was still used for the Strong Bad Email menu.

Real-World References

  • The page title refers to the Denny's chain of restaurants.

External Links

Most Recent Toons
Big Toons

Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold
Dec 24, 2016


Front Facing
Feb 13, 2024


Fan 'Stumes 2023
Nov 22, 2023

Puppet Stuff

Talk-It-Yourself Homestar Runner Puppet Plush
May 21, 2024

Strong Bad Email

Apr 1, 2022

Video Stuff

Disk 4 of 12 - Vampire's Castle
Sep 19, 2022

Teen Girl Squad

Issue 15
May 11, 2009

Marzipan's Answering Machine

Version 17.2
Apr 1, 2016


Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Launch Trailer
Aug 11, 2023

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