Talk:high school

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Ding! high school is a featured article, which means it showcases an important part of the Homestar Runner body of work and/or highlights the fine work of this wiki. We also might just think it's cool. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, feel free to contribute.


[edit] 34 or 35?

I count 34 days from December 5 to January 8, from portrait (the last major update) to highschool, but everyone keeps changing it to 35. How can this be? SaltyTalk! 02:31, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Dialogue questions

Does anyone has an opinion of the dialogue might be in the following lines?

STRONG BAD: {singing} It's an email, baby. (HERE)
BUBSAMECIUM: Certainly! Six tubes (HERE) of coming right up!
HOMESTARMECIUM: Oh, (HERE). Um, these are for my twin brother!

EDIT: Just gotten word it may be Strongbadophage.

It would be great if anyone knew. — Lapper (talk) 05:34, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Here's one: I'd bet my important object that Bubsamecium is saying "rear-end cream". --DorianGray
The "Bubsamecium" line sounds like "rear-end cream" to me. Provided the "(HERE)" was put in the right spot up there. Also, I think Baby Strong Sad said "Diapersmith" (as it's the baby Poopsmith and all...) -YK 05:40, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Ditto that, YK. I'd further like to add that I think that the Strong Bad virus-looking thing is called "Strongbadophage". That's what I put on Twin Characters. I had to watch it several times to figure that out. --DorianGray
Absolutely no clue what the word after "It's an e-mail, baby!" is, though. Sounds like "lunge juice"... that can't be right. -YK 05:44, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Sounds like "love juice" to me... Or "lunch juice". Which are just as weird. --DorianGray
I heard "lunch juice" and thought I was nuts until I saw you guys had similar things. -- Tom 05:52, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Sigh—I feel a long and uncivil STUFF (or at least Talk battle) coming on. Currently the article reads "And the email baby loves juice". While this comes the closest to making any sense, it's just not what I hear. My hearing (though I don't assert it as the only possible one) is "It's a e-mail, baby! lunch juice." —AbdiViklas 15:42, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Definitely think you guys are right - I heard "lunch juice" the first (and every) time I watched the email. It's weird, but I think it's correct. "It's an email, baby, lunch juice!" Triumvir 04:46, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Here's another: On first viewing, I heard Baby Strong Bad's line as "I'm pretending I'm playing violent video games!" What's in the article is "better video games"; on closer listening it does sound like that, but is pretty difficult to make out anyway. It could be "vinyl" as far as we can tell! So: "violent" certainly makes more sense. But is it simply for that reason (contextual suggestion) that I "heard" it? —AbdiViklas 16:02, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

I heard better on multiple viewings small_logo.pngUsername-talk 16:17, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
i agree with abdiviklas. it's what i heard. plus, we know half of the strong bad email intros don't make sense. Seriously 20:32, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

SOUNDS! — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 20:33, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Ah, KieferSkunk comin' through, doin' his thing with the OGG files, he's gonna be king. =3 --DorianGray

I'm asking for a challennnnnge. Specifically, I want to challenge the "et" in "pluckety", in "pluckety parameciums living in Free Petry Dish" etc. I listened with the volume up, and it sounds like this is another "doot-do" vs. "doo-doot do" issue. What someone evidently heard as an extra consonant just sounds like a slight waver in his voice, to me. —AbdiViklas 23:51, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I head "plucky" as well. For the videro games discussion, I listened to it again and Strong Bad says either "better video games" or "battle video games". And, I have one last thing to contradict: Don Knotts' line. I heard something along the lines of "Madley" rather than "Andy", though "Andy" makes a little sense. SaltyTalk! 02:12, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
Agree with you that it's "plucky." I think it's pretty clear that baby Strong bad said "better video games," but I could be wrong. As for Don Knott's line, I thought he sounded like he was saying "Really?" Anyone else hear that? Triumvir 04:52, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, oh Triumvirate one, I heard "Really" too. And with two backups, I'm gonna go ahead and change "pluckety." Respond here all ye who take exception. —AbdiViklas 05:03, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
You guys sure? You don't hear that middle syllable? {head... hit... keyboard} Either I'm going crazy, my speakers are incredibly bad, or they're incredibly good. --Jay (Gobble) 19:46, 14 January 2006 (UTC) PS: Okay, I listened a little closer and I'm willing to compromise away "pluckety". I stand by "Doot doo" to this day. What about the one below?

Okay, whatever. How about "craptain of the foortball". That got changed into normal English earlier. --Jay (Gobble) 19:48, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

I hear foortball, but I don't hear craptain. Has Matt? (talk) 19:53, 14 January 2006 (UTC)
I do hear where you're coming from on "craptain", Jay, but I'm not able to confidently assert it. On first listen, just now, I thought, "No, there's no r." On the next listen I thought, "Well, there is a sort of raised tongue on that a that might suggest it to some." Then I thought, "Yeah, I can see how there could be a case for an r. But I certainly can't say for sure that it's there." So... I guess I'm not much help. —AbdiViklas 00:40, 15 January 2006 (UTC)
I hear craptain. — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 01:27, 15 January 2006 (UTC)
If I get a chance later today, I'll post an OGG of the quote. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 19:11, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

Another dialogue question: I could almost swear that Baby Strong Bad is saying that the duck ate both of his "pizzas". I'm not hearing any l's. -- Frickinsellout 01:23, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

More sounds for the current debates! — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 23:43, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
I also heard pizzas. I don't hear craptain. I also thought he said foortball dorm. And it's lunch juice. I also heard plucky. Retromaniac 05:14, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
I'm now starting to hear pixels and craptain, albeit barely. I still hear plucky and lunch juice. Retromaniac 06:41, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
I hear "pizzas" (and still do) and I challenge. How would baby Strong Bad know what pixels are? If he really is pretending to play better video games, the duck eating his pizzas makes more sense for an infant/toddler to imagine. As for Coach Z, obviously he was mispronouncing team as torm.
Yeah, I hear "pizzas" too. Should I add a footnote that says that this line could also be "pizzas"? Religious Corn   20:29, 1 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Continuity

This could probably go without saying, but I think we need to consider all of the flashbacks from this toon (and probably the one from flashback, too) to be apocryphal. They just don't jive with established continuity. I think stand-up probably actually happened in their timeline, as well as The Secrets That I Keep. — It's dot com 05:45, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

I'll second that... Especially the paramecium bits. ;) --DorianGray
Indeed. -- Tom 05:55, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Hey, Strong Bad even *admits* here that he has a "very unphotographic memory". As if his flashback lies weren't obvious before, they are *now*. =P (BTW, is it just me, or does the "paramecium Homestar" resemble the Poopsmith more than Homestar? Weird misshapen eyes, odd mouth shape, few messy hairs... probably coincidence, but weird.) -YK 05:58, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
I say it's comparible to the movie Big Fish, where real events are skewed and altered to make a more interesting story. TheRealZajac
Guy above me- leave your signature, please. Just type four ~'s. {edit:signed for} As for continuity, It's a comedy. I really don't ever remember seeing a comedy that had continuity. Sometimes the lack of continuity adds to the humor, although I wouldn't necessarily say it does for this. Maybe. Continuity is usually only important in serious plot drama and such. Agentjs03 13:40, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
There are lots of comedies that pay careful attention to continuity. Scrubs, for example. And TBC in general keep it pretty consistent. — It's dot com 18:50, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
The Muppet Babies-style flashback in particular closely resembles the Muppet Babies show in terms of discontinuity. You have a collection of characters who are of varying ages in the original toon, PLUS other movies in the Muppet series that establish different scenarios of how the characters met each other. I think it's a parody of the Muppet chronology as much as it is Strong Bad's really bad memory.Spell4yr 20:17, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

The whole deal seems pretty simple to me. The first Easter egg sums it up. The first version of the Easter Egg shows what actually happened (and what we don't get to see in this email), while the second "doodle memory" version is comparable to what Strong Bad shows us. - Joshua 18:21, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Small question...

  • Would it be of consequence to mention that this is the shortest Lappy 486 email so far? -- Frickinsellout 07:08, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
  • it is? woah! Seriously 20:13, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

We have a page just for that sort of information: Strong Bad Email Statistics. — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 17:44, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Stampers!

I definitely hear an 's' in front of Marzipan's "dampers!" Does anyone else?Trelawney 08:28, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Me too. I heard "scampers" more clearly than "dampers". It could have been "stampers". TaranchulaVamp15 12:35, 9 Jan 2006 (CST)

no. that is wrong. it is definitely stampers. Seriously 00:43, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
Upon further review, I hear "Stampers" too. Still, this appears to be customary in such situations, so I'll put it to a vote:
I hear "Scampers!" No doubt about it: there's a hard 'K' sound after the 'S'.

If you hear "Stampers!", add your name to this numbered list:

  1. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  2. Seriously
  3. -YK
  4. DorianGray
  5. Heimstern Läufer
  6. Jonnny
  7. talk Bubsty edits
  8. Trelawney
  9. NFITC1
  10. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  11. Geshmalder
  12. Theforumveteran
  13. Has Matt? (talk)

If you hear "Scampers!", add your name here:

  1. Catman87
  2. Jnelson09

If you hear something else, add your name here and state what you hear:

  1. אוקאלייליי (Ookelaylay) I heard JEEPERS!, as in Velma.

[edit] Accent on striped

Shouldn't the accent over the e in striped go upper-left to lower-right (the french accent grave)?

Wikipedia:Grave accent#Use in English suggests yes, although Wikipedia:Acute accent#Use in English seems contradictory. But my gut sides with you, IP. Changed accordingly. —AbdiViklas 15:10, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Are we doing the same thing with "Stripe-ed Green Rabbit with Two Butts" for New Boots? — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 20:07, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Yes, we should totally use striped with accent on both articles. —BazookaJoe 20:10, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Complication, guys. I just noticed HRWiki:Manual of Style#Spelling, fourth entry (because it had just been created in response to this issue). It looks really weird when it just reads, " ridiculous stripèd pants?". But evidently putting it in an aside isn't good. Add huttah!'s "wingèd/wing-ed friend" to the list of things we should standardize as soon as we agree on how to do it. But I still get mild jibblies at the accent just right in there in a character's line (especially Homestar; it isn't as bad for Strong Bad). Perhaps the problem is that when SB uses it, he's being witty and semi-literary, and is aware of the imaginary accent (though note [1]). When Homestar echoes him, he's just being his usual clueless self and (not logically possible) mimicking what SB just said. —AbdiViklas 22:04, 15 January 2006 (UTC)
To be perfectly honest, English convention or no, I don't like the grave accent in this usage. To me, it just makes the word look foreign, but it doesn't tell me that the word is pronounced differently than usual. I think we should just use "stripe-ed", "wing-ed", etc., to more explicitly show the pronunciation. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 09:04, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sickly Sam Pillar

In the Easter egg at the end, when Sickly Sam coughs/wheezes and disappears, and the pillar appears in his place... Could this be a reference to something? Isn't there some sort of myth where people were turned into salt pillars? -Polly 17:24, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

There's the story of Lot's wife in the Bible, but I doubt there's a connection to this. EASports
I'd be willing to give it a little consideration as a reference, but it would be a loose one at best, and I doubt it would survive a STUFF process. --ISlayedTheKerrek 17:59, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
I admit it occurred to me as well, but I don't think there's a real reference here. — It's dot com 18:47, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
That entire scene makes no sense whatsoever. :P — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 20:11, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
this is probably just another instance of strong bad's apocryphal stortelling. probably doesn't have a reference.Seriously 20:20, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

A comment from

2006-01-09 03:12:57 PM hoonis
Strong-sad-ghost-in-rome is replaced by a DORIC column. get it? Doric.. Dorrr...kkk

Would be pretty obscure if true, but...

Sorry, but that's most likely a corinthian column.
No, it's not a Corinthian column, it's more likely based on an Ionic column. -- Tom 05:32, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
Yup; as noted in the article. Corinthian is the one that gets leafy at the top; Ionic (as seen here) has the little scroll dealies; and Doric is just kind of a plain top. —AbdiViklas 05:41, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Marz-lody

Did anyone else see a resemblance to Melody from Mellow Mushroom in Marzipan's high school self? TaranchulaVamp15 12:40, 9 Jan 2006 (CST)

yeah, though i don't know why they would make a reference to her. most people (not counting the wiki) do not know about the site, let alone their creation of it. Seriously 20:22, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Well, that's what references are for. Inside jokes, sort of. Even if only TBC get it. Xyzzyka 21:12, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Something I think is more interesting, actually, is that this would be the first second time we've seen Marzipan's legs, even if the sequence isn't exactly canon. The first was on Main Page 17 when 20X6 Marzipan starts jumping around. In both cases, though, these are character variations, and not Marzipan herself. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 21:22, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
I'll agree with that... And, lemme tell ya, those legs creep me out... I'm just so used to Marzipan being a broom... --DorianGray
Yeah. The voice is similar, too. I mean, more similar than usual.--Jnelson09 22:08, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Maybe, but it sounds to me like Missy was just going for a "cute girl" voice in both cases. 1936 Marzipan also sounds like this. I think Melody had a thicker southern accent, too. Rocketlex 17:31, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
That's what I was getting at. I could sense more "southern-ness" than usual.--Jnelson09 00:25, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Adventure

If Strong Bad was referring to the Atari Dragon, and it ate two of his pixels, he was probably playing Adventure, and the second pixel was probably the black dot that activated the easter egg.

That sounds logical to me... Also, isn't that sound effect an Adventure noise? I can't quite place it, although I know I've heard it before... --DorianGray
The sound effect in question is used on H*R in two places: In Secret Collect when you hit a force field, and on Main Page 13 for the Store button. I don't know which actual 2600 game it was used in, though - I don't think it was Adventure. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 20:14, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Well, whatever game it was in, now I'm-a add it to My Pride And Joy, Sound Effects. --DorianGray

The game he was playing seemed like secret collect with that Duck-dragon thrown in. Think about it, there's that same noise, and your character in Secret Collect only has a couple of pixels, right? SaltyTalk! 01:36, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Couldn't he have been playing Duck Pond? A duck eats pixels in that game.
I don't think it's a bad thing in Duck Pond, though. In context, Baby Strong Bad made it sound as if it was a bad thing. --DorianGray
It's a toddler version of Strong Bad though, and children don't always understand the concepts of video games or read the instructions for that matter. It's quite plausible he thought the ducks weren't supposed to eat his pixels. What's more likely, that Strong Bad was playing a real video game (given that a real world video game has never been shown in the series), or a fictional video game within the established HR universe? The fictional one seems a heck of a lot more likely to me and Duck Pond (specifically the Atari 2600 version which has sound effects) seems the best fit.
This was posted by me when this very topic came up last March which can be found somewhere down below (I didn't remember I posted it; I found it scrolling through the Talk page totally by accident):
Why would SB be complaining about the duck swallowing pixels in Duck Pond? Isn't that the point of Duck Pond?
My answer stands. And Anonny? We don't post every possible "this could be a reference" on these pages, especially when the majority of the people on the Wiki disagree. To complain about someone else removing it due to their opinion is hypocrisy; why are you adding it in the first place, after all? Please do not act in an antagonistic fashion against the other users. If you like, you can create a user name and add it to STUFF. (However, you must create a user name; we have a rule that anonymous users may not contribute to STUFF.) --Jay (Gobble) 00:22, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
Additionally, the Atari Dragon from Adventure has been referred to as a "Freakin' duck" in the past, so we do have a precedent for that. --Jay (Gobble) 00:30, 11 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] cellular strong bad

guys, it sounds like homestar says "strongbadiophage." should that be the name, or is it just homestar calling strong bad stongo badio again? if homestar is, then yes, it would be perfectly logical to call him strongbadophage. but what if he isn't?Seriously 20:42, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Check the explanations. Strongbadiophage is based on a bacteriophage. --DorianGray

ah. thank you. that clears everything up.Seriously 20:46, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Coach Z Hat

Is it just me, or is Strong Bad wearing Coach Z's hat in High School? -- Grabboarm700

Same style, different colour. Not precisely Coach Z's, but of the same brand, if you will. --DorianGray
It seems kind of a lighter color, I guess. -Grabboarm700
Lighter? It's completely different. Coach Z's is purple with a blue brim. This one is bright green with a bright fuschia-ish brim. --DorianGray

[edit] Page

Are the "Middle School" Homestar characters worthy of a page? I'm just curious, because I made took some pictures out , sooo... -Grabboarm700

I think we already put them in Stylized Character Designs. --DorianGray

[edit] Fine Figures?

Do you guys think it's worth noting that this is practically GUARANTEED PROOF that Marzy's body isn't skirt-shaped? -Marth 99

No, because Marzipan's legs are seen courtesy of Strong Bad's "unphotographic memory" - implying that we can't rely on it to determine canon. (See #Marz-lody above.) — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 21:33, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Clue numboo two...tall Strong Bad. Not normally seen. No guarantees.

--ISlayedTheKerrek 15:16, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Guitar

Homestar's "Axe": Zakk Wylde or 70's Style?

does anyone else think that Homestar's guitar could be a reference to Zakk Wylde's famous axe? they both have a similar spiral design coming from the pickup areas...TheSyndicate88

Do you have a picture of this "famous axe" for comparison? I'd like to see before passing judgment. --DorianGray
There are images of this "axe" available here: Wikimedia Commons. Probably the best photo in that bunch is this one: [2].
That said, I don't think these are related. Homestar's guitar more closely follows the general style of that era rather than a specific artist. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 23:09, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Agree. They share a similarity, but I'm guessing it's nothing specific. --DorianGray
Uploaded a screenshot from the Toon for more direct comparison. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 23:16, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Also, addressing Syndicate's original post: Zakk's axe actually has a bulls-eye pattern on it, not a spiral. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 23:17, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
well, i guess that settles it then...hmm...TheSyndicate88

[edit] Baby Strong Bad's hat

Baby Strong Bad's hat
Baby Strong Bad's hat (see right) looks it from some other cartoon? I was thinking Jughead, but it's different... Trey56 00:00, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
Reminds me of the ones Mickey Mouse's little nephews(?) wore... --DorianGray
It's definately not Jughead's. Maybe you're on to something Dorian... — talk Bubsty edits 00:18, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
I found this one by Googling. [3] The hat's similar. --DorianGray
That must be what I'm thinking of--thanks. Trey56 01:35, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
It's kind of a cartoon convention, and one that always puzzled me as a kid. (And still does today, I guess.) Because I've never seen anyone wear a hat like that in real life. But yeah, Mickey's nephews, Jughead, I think somebody from Blondie... —AbdiViklas 06:29, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
That's mostly because kids stopped wearing those kind of hats about forty years ago.--Spanky The Dolphin 05:31, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
The one at the bottom has the bug eyes and the funny hat
Interestingly, the hat appears in one of the sketches from Matt Chapman's letter to the HRWiki (see right).Trey56 22:14, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Possibly most noticable is that the boy of The Sad Kids wears a similar hat as well. --DorianGray

[edit] Vomitorium explanation

The paragraph explaning the term vomitorium appears to be copied and pasted directly out of Wikipedia, but without the citation. Do we have a policy on this type of reproduction? Should it be paraphrased, or should the original citation be included? Would a link to Wikipedia suffice? -- Mayosolo 00:12, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I think that paragraph should be shortened and provided with a link to Wikipedia. That's more our usual style, if I'm not mistaken. I'll do that ASAP if no one objects. Heimstern Läufer 00:23, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Is this a real email?

Is it?Ava

Yeah. Of course it's a real email. — Kilroy / talk 00:32, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
While nothing says it has to STAY this way, the FAQ states that all of the published Strong Bad Emails are real, except for mile, which was made up by The Cheat. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 00:41, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] More on striped

I referenced Strong Bad's recurring unique pronunciation of the word "striped," but it was reverted. I don't see why it shouldn't be an inside reference, or at least a remark. Terlet Brush 04:21, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

The reason I reverted it is that we usually don't note recurrences of strange words or pronunciations. These are commonplace on H*, and so we (or at least I) don't typically find them noteworthy. Also, it seems to me that Strong Bad's pronunciation of striped is not unique; I've heard it used outside of H* several times. That said, I wouldn't want to act unilaterally, so if anyone thinks this should be noted, please do tell, or STUFF this or something. Heimstern Läufer 04:56, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
I think I'll lay off on this - has it as a legitimate pronunciation. Terlet Brush 05:23, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
For posterity, I would just like to get the fact in question into this talk page; while I guess our policy's our policy, I find it interesting that it was the same word each time. If it were just multiple instances of aspirating final syllables, Shakespeare-style, then I wouldn't find it so notable. —AbdiViklas 06:34, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
At first I didn't think about this issue, but I actually agree, Terlet Brush. First of all, when I listened to it again, I detected that Strong Bad and Homestar put unusual emphasis on the word. It's more like "stripe-ed" than "stripèd" (as it's listed). It just doesn't sound quite natural. Also, Strong Bad referred to the bird that flew by at the end of "Huttah" as, "my wingèd friend". I think there is a good case for mentioning Strong Bad's pronunciation of the -ed suffix somewhere, though not necessarily here. The Foreign words section is the closest thing I could find, but it would have to be expanded into a "mispronounced words" section. I think the deciding factor is whether anyone can find an instance of "striped" (or maybe a similar word) pronounced the common way in one of the 'toons or interviews. --Bobo the King 21:12, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
"Stripèd" is correct; it's based on Old English pronunciations, which would sometimes pronounce the "E" in an -ed ending when we don't. The accent has nothing whatsoever to do with where the stress on the word is pronounced - English generally follows French's rules regarding accents, where accents determine how you pronounce the vowel, not where the stress on the word is. --Jay (Gobble) 00:18, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
I know it's correct, but I'm saying that Strong Bad additionally emphasizes the word strangely. Strong bad could have just said "stripèd", but no, he said "STRIPE-èd" every time. You see what I'm saying? The emphasis implies that it's a joke since I can't imagine someone normally saying "stripèd" with so much emphasis on "stripe". It's a little bit like how Strong Sad contorts his face when he tries to pronounce "baklava". It's a sign that TBC are intentionally pronouncing that way for humor.--Bobo the King 00:41, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
I am next to certain that "stripèd pants" alludes to the Richard Harris song "MacArthur Park." If you've heard the song (a #2 hit when it came out in 1968, believe it or not), you know that his Olde English pronounciation of "striped" is the most ridiculous, embarrassing part of a ridiculous, embarrassing song. It sticks in your head. This has got to be what Homestar is referring to, and I really think it should be added as a "real world reference."Andersem 04:43, 6 July 2006 (UTC)
Actualy, I buy that. Add it. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 09:10, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Biology

Two Things: Plastic Chicken 04:36, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

a) More specifically, Strong Bad looks like a T-Even bacteriophage. (IIRC the T bacteriophages were numbered in order of discovery and the even ones happened to look alike.)

b) Paramecium are eukaryotes, and therefore reproduce by mitosis (technically, mitosis followed by cytokinesis -- mitosis is only the process of separating the DNA after it has been duplicated. Muscles cells (for example) become multinucleated by lots of mitotic divisions that are NOT followed by splitting the cytoplasm). Binary fission is a different process limited to prokaryotes (bacteria).

Thanks, P.C.; I'd seen that go back and forth several times. Most recently the explanation was that since Homestarmecium lacked a nucleus he was unable to commit mitosis; now biology is thin ice for me, but I might suppose that the logical conclusion is rather that he's simply an inaccurately-portrayed paramecium. —AbdiViklas 06:38, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
The page at, as well as all the other pages I can find on ciliates, the family of which Paramecium are a part, say they have a macronucleus that is not very well defined from the rest of the cell, and that they undergo binary fission to reproduce, and cunjugation involving a smaller nucleus in order to spread their genes around. They are technically eukaryotic, but since they have a Macronucleus they are unlike most of their brethren. also mentions that "Division of the macronucleus does not occur by a mitotic process" I get the feeling that very few people will care about this in the end, even fewer than those that recognised strongbad as a t-even phage —Garglfluz 11 January 2006
Actually, Garglefluz, I didn't notice your earlier comment here and posted something related below. —AbdiViklas 08:58, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
Despite being biologically poor, there's no possibility that HR and Bubs could be prokaryotes. They have large organized structures streaming around in their cytoplasm that are clearly membrane wrapped organelles or chucks of food taken in by endocytosis. Prokaryotes can't do that. Also "not a mitotic process" does not mean "binary fission." I'm kind of disappointed I don't have my bio text for reference. I speculate that the process of paramecium replication is (in biochemical mechanism) much closer to mitosis than binary fission. It can't be called mitosis, however, because mitosis involves separating into 2 genomes and I seem to recall something about paramecium and 8 micronuclei. Plastic Chicken 05:23, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Preserved for posterity

There were a couple of edits that got reverted; I wanted to save them from oblivion and preserve them here on the talk page, since I at least found them intriguing and noteworthy, if not worthy of inclusion in the article.

  • Homestar as the matronly nursery character saying "Now you children skedaddle" is a reference and a hybrid of both Nanny from Muppet Babies and the Mammy-Two-Shoes character from the massively successful series of theatrical short cartoons Tom and Jerry. The costume and dialogue are indicative of Tom's African American owner, who usually wallops the cat with a broom when he misbehaves. "Nanny" was a kind mentor only shown from the waist down.
  • The Old Timey Romans Easter Egg may be a reference to "The Roman Holidays", a Hanna-Barbera animated sitcom from the 1970s. Like "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons", the basic premise was "funny business in another time period".

On the Nanny/Mammy fact, I am pretty sold on its validity, though I'd prefer it rewritten (e.g. "Homestar... (bla bla) wast down... (bla bla) ...characters in many cartoons, most notably Nanny in Muppet Babies and various owners in Tom & Jerry (bla bla)"), preferably a little more streamlined (losing phrases like "massively successful series of theatrical short"). The Muppet Babies connection I see as justified by the overall allusion; the Tom & Jerry connection by the broom and nature of the line (Nanny never had a broom, right?). Note that Mammy was later replaced by the feet of a Caucasian owner, so she wasn't the only one in Tom & Jerry portrayed at that angle. —AbdiViklas 06:47, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

It could be Homestar's Dad. Or Uncle. Homfrog 12:33, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Or mom for that matter. But I think it's Homestar, and his age gap would make the Coach Z discrepency far less strange! —AbdiViklas 16:22, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
I thought the same thing as Abdi when I saw the toon, and I'm sure this is a reference to Mammy. And you know, SB is probably making it all up with his doodle memory... Kiki 17:59, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
It references Muppet Babies in more ways than one; I seem to remember whenever they pretended, the background changed. Does that make any sense? --Kiwi
Yup. That's noted in a Fun Fact, in Fact. Fun! Meanwhile: after two or three times reverting attempts to add Nanny/Mammy facts, citing this section of the talk page, I'm a little fed up. I like the fact to begin with, and it's increasingly clear that a fair number of people don't mind it. So I reworded the version above and reinstated it. If there's still significant objection, let's stuff it, but at least now it's a comprehensive version getting stuffed. —AbdiViklas 19:52, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Atari 2600 SFX

When Baby Strong Bad is playing the video game, the sound effects used there are also used in Secret Collect (first and third effects), and also on Main Page 13 (all three). The first sound effect is repeated twice.

I removed a Fun Fact that said these sound effects were from the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man. They aren't - trust me. But for reference, there are two sound effects on Main Page 13 that ARE taken from that game: When you mouse off of the Characters button and Strong Bad disappears (effect is played while the ghosts are under the effect of a power pill), and the "donk!" sound on the Downloads button is the sound played when you eat a dot.

I don't know exactly which games the SFX in this cartoon came from, but I can say with high certainty (with my much-more-photographic-than-Strong-Bad's memory) that they're not Pac Man. :) — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 17:35, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure the sounds are from the Atari 2600 version of Duck Pond. I updated the page as such.

Why would SB be complaining about the duck swallowing pixels in Duck Pond? Isn't that the point of Duck Pond? --Jay (Gobble) 18:37, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Flashback?

Another remark reads:

  • In his flashback, Strong Bad recalls Coach Z being up to 2 years older than himself, but in the video Strong Sad showed in stand-up, Coach Z was already an adult when Strong Bad was a little kid.

What flashback? Where did Strong Bad say Coach Z was 2 years older than himself? — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 17:47, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

The "flashback" may be his "doodle memorys", but I have no clue where he says Coach Z is two years older then him. — talk Bubsty edits 23:37, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
I think that person was just guessing by looks. SaltyTalk! 02:05, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

This is what he means: Strong Bad and Coach Z appear to both be babies, when Coach Z is supposed to be a lot older according to stand-up. -Alice

[edit] Easter egg pic


Why is there a picture of the "doodle memory" Easter egg (shown to the right) actually listed in the Easter egg section? I thought we only did that when the picture was hard to see or went by too fast or the words were hard to click on. This one doesn't seem to meet any of those criteria. — It's dot com 17:56, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I dunno, but I appreciate the chance to see it. It go by too fast for me, anyway. (And no, I didn't upload it. Goes by too fast, remember?) --DorianGray
Strong Bad is a Bad Guy has a picture of one of its Easter eggs, and that egg is visible for a similar amount of time. EASports
It went way to fast for me. All I could tell was that Strong Bad robbed a safe. — talk Bubsty edits 23:38, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Should The Cheat be listed in the cast for this email? EASports

Yeah, under Easter Egg. I'll list it. SaltyTalk! 03:12, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Really Unphotographic

Something must be seriously wrong with SB's memory. How else could he be Homestar's age in highschool, yet be a baby with Homestar as a nanny? -Marth 99 20:14, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Agreed. Please see the comment immediately prior to yours, as well as the last couple in Preserved for posterity above. —AbdiViklas 23:37, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Tamborine?

I don't hear any of Marzipan's tamborine in the band part. Am I alone? If not, is this a goof? --smileyface.PNG11945 (Talk/Ctrbs) 21:41, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I say remark. — talk Bubsty edits 23:39, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

I hear a tamborine.. its low but i do hear one... 23:08, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Bubsamecium's Protazoa Spelling

I can't get the mirror to load, so unfortunately I'm unable to verify this, but I could have sworn that when this email was released, Bub5amecium's Protozoa Stand was spelled "PROTAZOA" rather than "PROTOZOA". I actually watched the toon specifically to verify the incorrect spelling, but now the official copy of the email has it spelled correctly. Did anyone else also see "PROTAZOA" earlier on? If so, and/or if the mirror is "out of date" and therefore shows an older version, and that can verify this claim, we should mention the spelling mistake in Goofs, along with the fact that it has since been corrected. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 21:50, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Got the mirror to load - spelling is "PROTOZOA" in that version. That also has the "Strong Mad's fist between Marzipan's thighs" goof fixed, so it's probably just as up-to-date as the official version. No help there. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 21:55, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
I downloaded the flash file shortly after it was released (within the hour), so it still has both the Strong Mad's hand glitch and the Strong Bad's reflection glitch, but "Bub5amecium's Protozoa Stand" is still spelled "PROTOZOA" in that version. So if there was a goof there, it was fixed immediately, I guess. -YK 22:10, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
Okay, I probably just mis-remembered, then. So much for my more-photographic-than-Strong-Bad's memory. :P — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 22:38, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Don Knotts Reference

Was there any reason for the Don Knotts reference? Strong Bad mentioned his appearing after he said they lived in roman times. Was there a relationship between Don Knotts and Roman times or something that I missed? I don't ever remember seeing any Don Knotts movies or anything based in Rome. Also, I didn't see it mentioned in the wiki, but when Don Knotts showed up in the easter egg, his voice sounded like Coach Z's. Would this be worth mentioning in the wiki? Agentjs03 03:20, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it was because he appeared in two Scooby-Doo episodes, the old ones where they always had TV characters every episode. Knotts was one a couple of those. SaltyTalk! 04:29, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
From Don's IMDB entry: "The New Scooby-Doo Movies" playing "Himself" (voice) in episode: "The Spooky Fog" (episode # 1.9) 4 November 1972 and "The New Scooby-Doo Movies" playing "Himself" (voice) in episode: "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner?" (episode # 1.5) 7 October 1972 -- Mycroft Holmes 21:49, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

Is it worth explaining specifically that when Don Knotts says "Andy?" he is addressing Andy Griffiths?

He's addressing Andy Griffiths? You mean Andy Griffith, right? Andy Griffith and Andy Griffiths are two completely different people. Darth Katana X (discussionitem_icon.gif user.gif mail_icon.gif)

As long as it's not Andy Griffin. The body of a lion and the head of Andy Griffith. And it whistles. But yeah, anonymous, if he is in fact saying "Andy?" it could (and should) easily be worked into his current fun fact (e.g. ...on the Andy Griffith show (explaining his exclamation, "Andy?").). —AbdiViklas 15:43, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
I must be missing something here. Is the relationship between Don Knotts and Andy Griffith well known or something? I don't see why, if he just says "Andy?", it automatically means Andy Griffith. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 01:30, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
If I'm not mistaken (and, if past experience means anything, I will be), both Griffith and Knotts starred together on "The Andy Griffith Show" way back when. Thus, the connection. --DorianGray
Yup. As the Fun Facts says, Don's "best known for playing Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show." I still hear "Really?", but I'm not going to take the trouble to meditate over it enough to be positive about it. —AbdiViklas 16:48, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

Hello, dead horse! Have we considered Three's Company as the target of "Don Knotts was always showing up"? The hat and "Andy" in the Easter egg definitely refer to The Andy Griffith Show, but Three's Company was what instantly came to mind as Don Knotts in the role of "always showing up". Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with the show to be confident. Didn't he have a habit of popping in at just the wrong moment? --TheNicestGuy 16:22, 12 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Possible M&M reference

It might just be becuse I'm really hungry, but Strong Mad looks like an M&M in this one with the "m" on his chest being lowercase (and possibly the period after it) and his stomach being quite round. Think this is worth a mention? — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 20:32, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

The "m" is in the same style as an M&M - it's possible, but I'm not sure if it qualifies... — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 20:47, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
Now that I know It's not totally zany, I'll STUFF it. — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 06:10, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
Despite my sarcasm on the STUFF page, I do hand it to you that I can see it being a reference to the blue m&m character. Especially given the unwonted noncubicness. —AbdiViklas 08:26, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] I'm just silly about ciliates

Okay, a venting that's been building up for a while now about the Homestarmecium biology entries: first of all, if the only thing that keeps him from being a paramecium is the absence of nuclei, then the reasonable conclusion is that TBC mean for him to be one but failed to draw them (yeah, they have two; I just learned something by reading the Wikip. article!). Secondly—can we be sure the little blobs depicted in him aren't the nuclei? Thirdly: if he's a ciliate it does indeed matter; I'm out of my depth here, but I don't think there are any bacteria that are ciliates. If I understand the article, ciliates are by definition eukaryotic. Meaning he's not a bacterium. Granted, he's just got that one "hairy" patch on top; it may or may not be taken as making him a ciliate. Bottom line: I think he's supposed to be a paramecium, and any statements about his prokaryoticism (is that a word?) or lack of nuclei should be worded more tentatively, with "might be"s instead of absolute statements.
Perhaps a better Fun Fact: SB introduces them all as "a bunch of plucky parameciums", but nobody's suggested that Strongbadiophage is supposed to be one! And Bubs even shares the -amecium name ending, but has even less claim to nuclei (unless his eyes are the micro- and macronuclei—hm...), plus an even poorer attempt at cilia! —AbdiViklas 08:55, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

It's also quite possible that Strong Bad committed the same error that a lot of beginning biology students do - refer to "all" microorganisms as paramecia. I remember that being quite common back in school - the teacher would frequently remind us that paramecia are a specific type of microorganism, and a more appropriate "macro" term would be "protozoa". So even though Strong Bad called the whole gang a bunch of "parameciums", the drawings suggest otherwise. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 16:41, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
But parameciums don't have distinct nuclei, they're macronucleotic! There really isn't a problem with them being parameciums! - Garglfluz doesn't know how to tag these things
You're right in that ciliates are all eukaryotes, but annoyingly enough, not everything that has cilia is a ciliate. Some bacteria have cilia as well, though their cilia are 'built' considerably different from the eukaryotic version. -M.S.
Gee whiz! That is annoying! Perhaps they're just previously undiscovered microbes. I'm cool with that explanaion. :) —AbdiViklas 21:59, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Keyboard Strong Bad

I'm going out on a limb here, but does anyone think that the teenage Strong Bad playing the keyboard is a reference to Keyboard Strong Bad from Sweet Cuppin Cakes? -Marth 99 19:43, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

Nope. I think that's quite a stretch. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 19:49, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
It's not article fodder, but it's an interesting line of thought. The instrument traditionally associated with SB has always been the guitar. Keyboard has been more the domain of The Cheat, as ascribed in guitar and witnessed in sibbie, Everybody Knows It, flag day, and so forth. It is intriguing that Strong Bad's previous involvement with the keyboard was either ameliorated by a testosterone-boosting crosspolination with a sword and guitar in the Key-sword-tar or relegated to the Kafka-esque mutation in which he wears the keyboard as a head, avoiding the "nerd of the band" stereotype associated with playing the keyboard by subsuming, if you will, its nature directly into himself—facing the problem "head" on. This, then, is the first time he's actually been seen—as his own, agentic entity—playing the keyboard. One might assume that, like the dirtiest diapey, this is one accomplishment he is not content to leave forgotten. —AbdiViklas 02:32, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, and Strong Mad's always associated with the bass, and Homestar once associated himself with drums (do over). But Marzipan's always the one playing the guitar (i.e.: Carol). We've never actually seen Strong Bad play guitar before, he's only asserted that he is able to play it. The only musical instrument we know for a fact that he can play well is his voice (i.e.: he'd be on vocals a la Strong Bad Sings and Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits). — User:ACupOfCoffee@
We haven't seen him play, but we have heard him play guitar (in vacation), albeit not terribly well. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 15:26, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The scoop on vomitoria

Here's more on vomitoria. I know just being on the internet doesn't make anything more scholarly than anything else, but this looks pretty on-the-level. —AbdiViklas 17:28, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] mirror

why is there a link to a mirror of this SBemail?-- Benol, aka Coach B 21:14, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

I was wondering the same thing yesterday, actually... --Jay (Gobble) 21:17, 13 January 2006 (UTC)
I think the mirror still has the two errors in the Goofs section, and someone put it up for viewing. I don't think it's necessary, however. We have screenshots. It's not like the content was super-updated like Halloween Potion-ma-jig. --DorianGray
The mirror was originally placed there to help users who couldn't see it because the site was moving so slowly when the toon was first released. - Joshua 21:40, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Strong Sad...girly?

Is it just me, or does baby Strong Sad seem girly with the high pitched voice and the bow on his head? --ISlayedTheKerrek 22:30, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Well, of course he does. That was the whole point of the joke. Remember, most of this email happens in Strong Bad's wild imagination and doodle memory. We all know how much he loathes that annoying, whiney, irritating, pathetic loser. – The Chort 12:20, 14 January 2006 (UTC)
He also doesn't have his belly button yet. - Quolnok
I'd go a step further. Perhaps (since the whole thing's a Muppet Babies joke anyway) this is a reference to Scooter/Skeeter, where one of the male muppets was given a sister just to balance the gender gap out a little. As though Miss Piggy would tolerate another girl around... - TJDevil02
Agreed. trlkly 03:49, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

[edit] These are for my twin brother!

That sequence with the multiplying Homestars almost reminds me of all the Homestar pop-ups in virus which repeat that line about Making Out With Marzipan; Strong Bad's reaction is similar to Strongbadiophage's here as well.

Maybe it's a useful fact...or I'm just grasping for straws. --- Frickinsellout 01:14, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

I think that's a stretch. There are two separate things going on in the toons: In virus, the pop-up windows are a common Internet phenomenon, whereas Homestarmecium's dividing is a common biological phenomenon. Which means that the only thing they have in common are that they're phenomenally common. :) — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 05:53, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
Although it isn't article material, I did think of that too, Sellout. —AbdiViklas 06:55, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] "Bub5amecium's" Protozoa Stand

From the fun facts: "Bubsamecium's Protozoa Stand reads "Bub5amecium's", making this another instance of Leetspeak."

Maybe it's just me... but while true, this seems to be more related to the standard "BUBS' CONCES5ION STAND" than a standalone joke. One could argue that the latter is leetspeak, too (and it technically *is*), but that seems more like Bubs just ran out of S's on his sign, so he used a 5 instead...and that joke just carried over. Ok, end ramble. Just wondering what everyone else thinks here. -YK 02:15, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Agree'd. 100%. Consession with a 5 is a joke all its own. This refers to that. --DorianGray
So, should it be removed, STUFFed, or should "BUBS' CONCES5ION STAND" also be added to the Leetspeak page? It's not something that I'd want to outright delete, because it's not *wrong*, per se, but as noted, I wouldn't particularly consider "BUBS' CONCES5ION STAND" leetspeak, either... I guess we could STUFF it and see what everyone else thinks. -YK 06:40, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
I'm good with putting the original Conces5ion Stand on there too. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 19:06, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
There's no way this is 1337speak; it's just that Bubs using a 5 for an S is a common way for marquees to be made, as well as even other variations. It's generally considered to be *cheap*, not cool. Scroll down to "Marquee Sign Language", about two-thirds of the way down on [4]. -Brucker
We don't, however, have a way of proving this either way. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 00:21, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Sure, you can't *prove* it, but case in point, in addition to Bubs' well-known cheapness, there is personal favorites, in which Bubs attempts to sell a letter "D" that falls off his sign. -Brucker

[edit] Right-handed Homestar?

Homestar clearly doesn't have hands or arms, but judging by the way he's holding the guitar, he's 'right-handed'. Further evidence is in The Interview. The positioning of the pen and notepad suggest that Homestar is writing (or at least plans to write) with his 'right hand'. --Musachan 20:07, 23 January 2006 (UTC)Musachan

  • Interesting...worthy of note on the Homestar Runner page? Trey56 20:46, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
    • Might also warrant a mention on Lack of Visible Arms. But question: Isn't there a Remark in this article that says Homestar was playing a left-handed guitar? — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 21:16, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
      • Whoops! Looking at it, he is playing it left-handed! I would have bet my life he was playing it right-handed. Maybe ... he's ambidextrious? He was definitely going to write with his right 'hand' in The Interview (or perhaps he's Homestar and is just ... playing it incorrectly?) I suddely feel very silly. --Musachan 02:44, 24 January 2006 (UTC)Musachan

I know it's an old conversation, but to remind readers: nothing in these flashbacks can really be considered to actually have happenned or to be true. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 00:19, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

--Musachan 02:44, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Closed STUFF

[edit] Aqua-who?

When The Homestar Runner says "Oh... Aqueduct" this could be a reference to the Jethro Tull song Aqualung in which he sings "Oh... Aqualung" several times.

Posted on: 10:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 00:23, 7 March 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was overwhelmingly declined, 18–1. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/highschool.

[edit] Highet... hega... highshool! Highschool!

Strong Bad's struggle to pronounce "highschool" is similar to his struggle to pronounce the last name "Highet" in guitar.

Posted on: 21:21, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 07:28, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was overwhelmingly declined, 12–1. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/highschool.

[edit] Homestar - me see 'em moving

When Homestarmecium replicates himself, he does so horizontally, each time. However, every time the screen pulls out, the Homestarmeciums are lined up vertically prior to the next replication, despite having never moved from their horizontal alignment.

Posted on: 20:33, 14 January 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 07:28, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was accepted, 15–8. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/highschool.

[edit] The new M&M

Strong Mad's round stomach and lowercase "m" are a reference to M&M's.

Posted on: 06:39, 12 January 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 00:03, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was overwhelmingly declined, 20–1. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/highschool.

[edit] All the time, sir

Strong Bad's claim that "Strong Mad and I were all the time trying to liberate Homestar from those ridiculous striped pants," recalls the line "Creepy pants all the time get some," from long pants.

Posted on: 01:32, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
Closed: 16:43, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

VERDICT: This item was swiftly and overwhelmingly declined, 21–3. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/highschool.

[edit] suggestive lyrics in the mysfits song

homestar sings: Shakin' hands with my man...

surely an allusion to masturbation? they are all geeky teenagers, right?

I disagree. The Brother Chaps would never put such a shocking and disgusting innuendo on the site. I don't mean to cause offense but please, get your mind out of the gutter! – The Chort 12:47, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
Ever heard of a handshake? --Sam Goldfish 00:51, 22 February 2006 (UTC), YOU MORONIC CRAP FOR CRAP!(I use that term lightly) That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.--Jnelson09 23:34, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Band reference

It's The Archies. Look at the picture there and notice the similarities.

  • Lead singer wears stripe-ed pants
  • Blonde plays tambourine
  • Specialize in 60's sounding music
  • Animated

What do you think?--Jnelson09 23:29, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RIP Don Knotts

I'm not certain, so I'll ask here. Was this the first time a "real person" appeared in an email?

If so, is it unsettling to anyone that he died less than 2 months later? Maybe being in sbemails is a bad omen! Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 19:21, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Does Real-Live E-Mails count? --Jay (Gobble) 19:26, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Well, if it does, I suppose since they all work there they've built up an immunity. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 19:31, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Oh, yeah, there was another one: Moses Malone in bedtime story. I'm pretty sure he's still alive. --Jay (Gobble) 22:10, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
And Moses Malone has his own page here. Should Don Knotts have one? Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 22:14, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Never mind. He does now. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 22:41, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] No baby Homestar

In Tom & Jerry Kids, Spike and Droopy were given kids instead of being juniorized. Could the lack of a baby Homestar be related? Retromaniac 04:27, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Scooby Doo characters

Each teen version is based on a character from Scooby Doo. Retromaniac 04:27, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

Strong Bad: Shaggy

Strong Mad: Velma

Marzipan: Daphne

Homestar: Freddy

[edit] Middle School

The actual age for middle schoolers is between twelve and fourteen years. The "middle school" versions look more like preschoolers. Retromaniac 04:28, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

That's the joke. --Trogga 20:37, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Baby Strong Bad's Eyes

Baby Strong Bad's right eye doesn't have the lighter green star shaped pupil in it... goof? 03:58, 4 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Marizpan's legs

Since Marzipan is normally wearing a long skirt, is the flashback the first appearance of her (and proof of) legs? Trivia?

Not necessarily notable, since it happens in Strong Bad's "doodle memory". This is also noted in Marzipan's character page. Loafing 04:30, 8 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Romans

Parameciums come before Romans. Retromaniac 05:17, 23 December 2006 (UTC)

no... parameciums still exist! Visorbot 386 16:44, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

Well, so do Romans... 19:03, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Bumble Ball

What, no entry under "Real World References" for the Bumble Ball (form of baby Pom Pom)? 19:06, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

Why not put it in yourself? --DorianGray 19:11, 16 March 2007 (UTC)
Ta-da! Jack Hare 18:09, 24 May 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Definition of Remarks

Remarks should be defined as inconsistencies or oddities. Some of the "remarks" should actually be under trivia or inside references. Awexome 21:08, 6 November 2007 (UTC)

I don't see anything there that doesn't fit under remarks best. --DorianGray 21:25, 6 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Strong Sad's imagined death...

uuummm... does nobody else see strong sads severed head in the lower right part of homestarmeciums body???

I see cookies and various cucumbers and squashes. If that is Strong Sad's head, it's smiling and that wouldn't be true to form. I think it's a coincidence. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 06:28, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Baby Homestar?

The toon show's that when Strongbad, The Poopsmith, Strongsad, and Pom Pom were babies, Homestar Runner was still his normal age. Fingerface 13:34, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

UNphotograpgic memory, Thumbdrive. Unphotographic. And I know for a fact that you have an account, so please sign your posts correctly. --Jellote wuz here 14:05, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

[edit] Controller?

I just noticed that we list baby SB as holding an NES controller, but can we be sure? It looks pretty nondescript and generic to me. Without seeing the face buttons, I don't know if we can pinpoint it, especially since the games he's implied to be playing don't match up (though granted it looks nothing like an atari joystick) - 08:31, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

[edit] South Park reference?

I always wondered if Baby Strong Bad was supposed to look and sound like Cartman from South Park because of his fat head and voice.

No. No, no no no no no no no. No, annony, no, no. No. --J∃ffJMan 14:43, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
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