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Me as Homsar, Halloween 2007.

The torch has been passed to a new Homsar-costume-guy. At least I'm still hidden somewhere on the site. I haven't found a good use for the hat since last Halloween.

[edit] Some of my favorite lines/moments:

[edit] Actual favorites and least favorites

I "borrowed" this from User:Sam the Man, at the risk of him wanting to kill my legs.

[edit] My discovery of Homestar Runner

While browsing through the new music videos section on iTunes in the spring of 2005, I discovered the music video for Experimental Film. They Might Be Giants were quickly becoming my favorite band, so I looked into it. It was one of the weirdest things I ever saw at the time. My thoughts included:

  • "'Directed by Strong Sad and The Cheat' Who?"
  • "Wow, that guy looks funny. Is he Strong Sad?"
  • "Whoa, this is cool."
  • "Whoa, that guy is weird looking."
  • "Triangle Man?" ("Triangle Man" was mentioned in an earlier TMBG song called "Particle Man").

Stuff like that. Eventually, by July, I decided to look for information on the video. I followed a link that mentioned the commentary. I heard some voices, including one that sounded like a friend of mine. At the end, I clicked on the back link, and found myself in a strange place. After clicking on the "main" link at the bottom, I saw that funny-looking kid from the video. I saw a button tht read "First Time Here?" and figured that that would tell me where the heck I was. I found out who Homestar was, and Strong Bad, then went back to the main page (I don't remember which one) and clicked on the characters button. I knew who Homestar, Strong Bad, and Strong Sad were, so I clicked on The Cheat, and found out that that was the little yellow thing that was coming out of Strong Sad's hands. Then I wondered who the guy with the M was. I looked for something that started with M, and ended up seeing Marzipan for the first time. I later found out that that cube guy was Strong Mad. This was all so confusing, so I looked around the net for some information. I ended up here, and was still considering joining when RACIST RUINED MY WIKI! ##############. I officially became a fan of HR by October. So, there you go.

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