Strong Bad Email Spin-offs

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Many Strong Bad Emails resulted in spin-off toons, series, and enterprises that later became a part of the website. Listed below are all the spin-offs in chronological order.

# Email title Spin-off(s) Reason for spin-off
2 homsar Homsar A spelling blunder in which email sender Vinnie C. writes "Homsar" instead of "Homestar".
9 i love you Everybody to the Limit The name of the email sender, Fhqwhgads, is later used in a music video made by The Cheat.
11 i rule Strong Badia Email sender Mike, UK, asks Strong Bad if he is so evil, then why he doesn't rule the world or at least some kind of field. Strong Bad contradicts this by introducing the public to his domain.
14 duck pond Videlectrix The creator of the Atari 2600 version of Strong Bad's Duck Pond simulator.
16 band names Taranchula; Limozeen Possible names for email sender Dan's band.
17 studying Leomard Sportsinterviews The author of This Book is Better than 1st, 2nd, and Quite Possibly Even 3rd Base, a book Strong Bad mentions.
23 little animal Strong Man; The Sneak An Easter Egg features an Old-Timey version of the final scene, in which Strong Mad chases Strong Bad.
29 superhero name Strong Badman Email sender Stiny wonders why Strong Bad's name doesn't end in "man".
32 flag day Strong Badia National Anthem Strong Bad and The Cheat hold a flag-raising ceremony.
39 dullard Dullard Comic Strips Comics posted in Strong Bad's cubicle while he uses methods to describe to email sender Jason how to deal with office dullards.
40 vacation Monkey D The name given as the sender of an example of the type of email Strong Bad sarcastically claims to miss.
44 lures & jigs The Pond Strong Bad uses lures and jigs to catch fish on The Pond.
45 techno The System is Down Strong Bad describes what techno music sounds like.
47 new hands These peoples try to fade me Coach Z briefly sings with Strong Bad accompanying on his buckethand.
48 ghosts Bad Graphics Ghost The ghost of the exploded Tandy 400 haunts Strong Badia.
49 theme party Circles Strong Bad gives an example of white blues to play at a frat party.
51 website Strong Sad's Lament Strong Bad links to Strong Sad's blog in his website.
52 island Stinkoman Name Homestar calls Strong Bad that later becomes an anime-style character.
53 comic Teen Girl Squad Email sender Brittany asks Strong Bad to create a comic about her friends.
57 japanese cartoon 20X6 Email sender James F. asks Strong Bad what he would look like if he were a Japanese cartoon.
58 dragon Trogdor Email sender Kaizer asks Strong Bad to draw a dragon.
59 marzipan Oh yeah yeah Marzipan sings about how she really doesn't like Strong Bad at all.
62 interview Kerrek Name of the email sender that Strong Bad likes so much that he decides to use it as a character in Trogdor's world (and also as a Peasant's Quest character).
63 fingers Moving Very Slowly A song Strong Bad and Strong Mad watch on TV.
66 the show The Show Strong Bad shows footage from Homestar's game show when Tori asks why Homestar doesn't do anything funny anymore.
68 caper The Cheat is Not Dead Strong Bad regrets getting mad at The Cheat for screwing up the Jumble caper, so he dedicates his next song to him.
69 personal favorites Grape-Nuts Robot; Gavin Bubs makes a Strong Bad robot that they later use to leave a prank call on Marzipan's Answering Machine. As Strong Bad checks another email, a cockroach keeps bothering him.
72 crazy cartoon Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Strong Bad is asked what his craziest cartoon would be like.
80 stunt double Dangeresque series Email sender Louis asks Strong Bad if he has ever used a stunt double, which he claims to have never done, and he demonstrates using some movies involving him as a crime fighter.
81 date Bear holding a Shark This was first seen as a means of security countermeasure in Strong Badia to prevent The Cheat from touching the Tire.
82 impression Jhonka Strong Bad came up with this name when he noticed that the email sender did not sign his/her name. As with Kerrek, Jhonka became a Trogdor and Peasant's Quest character.
84 kids' book That Time of Year Strong Bad attempts to write children's books by tampering with some of Leomard Sportsinterviews' books.
86 no loafing Mendelev The name on the Tandy 400 later became a Peasant's Quest character.
91 caffeine Hyperactive Strong Sad Email sender Justin suggests to Strong Bad to slip Strong Sad some caffeine to make his living with him less unbearable and Strong Bad decides to use this recommendation as his project in the All-Wide Science Fair.
92 kind of cool Senor Cardgage Email sender Jordan asks Strong Bad what he would be like if he wasn't the stylish, buff, handsome man in a wrestling mask that he is.
93 army Cheat Commandos The Cheat (as Firebert) goes on a reconnaissance mission, and his alter ego spawns an entire line of G.I. Joe-type crime fighters.
97 monument Club Technochocolate; The Thnikkaman An email sender ask Strong Bad if he's "SUPER COOL" then why not build a monument of himself. Strong Bad explains he had plans to build one with quality to rival that of the Aztecs' "Technochocolateland." He was just getting started but then the chorus starts to sing "Here comes the Thnikkaman!" and Strong Bad gets distracted when Bubs/The Thnikkaman comes.
103 haircut Ready For Primetime One of Strong Bad's many haircut styles he demonstrates on Strong Mad, who comments on how this style looks like a Sweet Cuppin' Cakes character (or as Strong Mad puts it: "SWEETIE CAKES").
109 crying The Li'l Brudder Show Strong Bad attempts to make Homestar cry by drawing a one-legged puppy; he also insults Strong Sad by comparing him to another drawing: a two-legged elephant. Both the puppy and the elephant later get their own TV show.
111 other days Biz Cas Fri series Strong Bad, describing what he does the days when he doesn't check emails, reveals Friday is Business Casual Friday at the office.
116 extra plug 'Lectric Boots Strong Bad buys himself new boots to wear at the club.
117 montage Wagon Fulla Pancakes Strong Bad shows off a montage involving the Wagon Fulla Pancakes, including when he actually dates it, when it and The Cheat are down-on-their-luck door-to-door salesman and when it trains for the Champeenship.
118 virus Main Page 22 The Compy 386 is infected with 429,837 viruses that proceed to infect the rest of and later one of the Main Pages.
119 animal Sterrance Strong Bad describes what he would look like if he were a made-up animal.
122 dreamail Female Lappy 486 Strong Bad conjures up this version of the Lappy 486 while describing what his perfect email would look like.
124 secret recipies Caleb Rentpayer A rags-to-riches soap opera the King of Town watches in one scene.
151 senior prom KOT's VOQPCS! The email starts off as an episode of "The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show," but is later interrupted to play the email.
161 4 branches Rumble Red Homestar has an Old-Timey flashback featuring an alien The Homestar Runner accuses of being a "Communist fool."
165 strong badathlon DNA Evidence Marzipan informs Homsar that DNA evidence has been tampered with. A subplot begins to build up through the next five emails that is elaborated and resolved in the toon.
169 from work Sbemail 169 Deleted Scene About three weeks after the email's release, an additional scene featuring Strong Bad and Coach Z was added to the site.
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