Jibblies 2

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(Trivia: removed 1984 info, per talk page)
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*Strong Sad's tarot cards have "Uh OH, TAROT!" written on the back of them.
*Strong Sad's tarot cards have "Uh OH, TAROT!" written on the back of them.
*Originally, this toon did not contain the Easter eggs for The King of Town or The Poopsmith. They were added about a day after the toon's release.
*Originally, this toon did not contain the Easter eggs for The King of Town or The Poopsmith. They were added about a day after the toon's release.
*There are a great deal of references to the year 1984.
**A fake tarot card with number XXIII appears at the beginning and the end, this cartoon was made 23 years after 1984.
**In 1984, Strong Mad's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Volkoff#Career Volkoff teamed up with the Iron Sheik in the then WWF.]
**In 1984, Bubs's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Can%27t_Do_That_On_Television#Nickelodeon ''You Can't Do That on Television''] character was on the highest rated children's show of the year.
**So So Def was founded by Jermaine Dupree in [http://www.musicianguide.com/biographies/1608004503/Jermaine-Dupri.html 1984.]
**Al Sharpton came to the public's attention in [http://www.answers.com/topic/al-sharpton 1984], as he protested the laxed treatment towards [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Goetz Bernard Goetz.]
**Richard Scarry's [http://www.amazon.com/Lowly-Worms-Bath-Richard-Scarry/dp/0394868382/ref=sr_1_451/104-3792925-0321504?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193799073&sr=1-451 ''Lowly Worm's Bath''] was published in 1984.
**[http://www.amazon.ca/Cacodemon-roi-B-Chartreux/dp/2853760456  Cacodemon Roi] was written in 1984.
**In 1984 [http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780836220629 ''The Far Side Gallery''] was published.
**Polaris, the band that wrote the theme song to ''Pete and Pete,'' on which the Strongest Man...in the World was a character, started in 1984.
**Prince's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Rain_%28album%29 ''Purple Rain''] was written in 1984.
**Dangermouse, along with Penfold, came to the US in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DangerMouse 1984.]
**''Sesame Street,'' home of the Noony Noony Noon Typewriter dealt with Mr. Hooper's Death from late 1983 to 1984.
**The [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_%28video_game%29 video game of ''Alien''], with Strong Bad's original costume, was made in 1984, and Alien's creater, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridley_Scott Riddley Scott] made the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_(television_commercial) 1984 Apple\Macintosh commercial.]
**In addition, Homestar's reaction towards an eternity in the painting reflects Orwell's ''1984'' quote of "It was bliss, it was eternity."

Revision as of 06:51, 31 October 2007

Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Fan Costumes '06 Homestarloween Party
"Come on in heeeeere."

The Horrible Painting wreaks havoc on the citizens of Free Country, USA.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Mad, Horrible Painting, The Cheat, Strong Bad, Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Strong Sad, Pom Pom, Bubs, Coach Z, The King of Town, The Poopsmith, Homsar (Easter egg), The Goblin

See Jibblies 2 Costumes for more information on what everyone was wearing.

Places: Strong Mad's Room, The Stick, Marzipan's House, The Bar, Bubs' Concession Stand, Coach Z's Locker Room, The King of Town's Castle, Strong Bad's Basement, Inside the Horrible Painting

Date: October 29, 2007

Running Time: 6:44

Page Title: Buy a bag, go home in a box!



{Strong Mad stands in front of a mirror labeled "Man of the Year" and "TIME", and places a cap on his head while grunting contentedly.}


{Foreboding music starts to play as Strong Mad walks to and opens the closet.}

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come on in heeeere....


{Title appears: "Jibblies 2", "an incredibly scary halloween-type cartoon", "made by the same people who always make these cartoons", "okay, maybe it's not that scary"}

{Cut to The Stick.}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises} {flips a hat onto The Stick}

STRONG BAD: Aw, he looks adorable. Get a picture. Get a picture.

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises; imitating the shutter click} {takes a picture with an imaginary camera}

STRONG BAD: That's a keeper.

THE CHEAT: {querying The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Yeah, I don't know where Strong Mad is. You'd better go check on him.

THE CHEAT: {affirmative The Cheat noises} {walks away}

STRONG BAD: {calling out} Make sure he didn't get into our stash of razor blade candy apples again! {pause; to The Stick} I hate you.

{Cut to The Brothers Strong's house.}

THE CHEAT: {walking in} {casual The Cheat noises}

{Cut to Strong Mad standing with his eyes shut and twitching violently.}

THE CHEAT: {screams, flails arms wildly}

{Strong Mad continues moaning and twitching. The Cheat stands in the doorway in shock and the Horrible Painting approaches him from behind.}

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come on in heeeeeeere....

{The Cheat turns around and is bombarded with green circles emanating from the Horrible Painting. Cut to a statue shaking on the shelf while The Cheat continues screaming.}

{Cut to Marzipan playing her guitar.}

MARZIPAN: {singing in tune with the notes} E... A... D... G.... {phone begins to ring} Homestar, could you get that?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {off-screen} No way!

MARZIPAN: {annoyed} Homestar, I'm busy tuning my costume! {strums}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {off-screen} And I'm busy not answering the phone!

MARZIPAN: Humph. {Cut to answering machine with 666 waiting messages; foreboding music plays.} Oh, great, you made me miss it.

MARZIPAN: {answering machine recording} Boo! This is Marzipan. Leave me a spooky message. {beep}

HORRIBLE PAINTING: {answering machine recording} Come on in heeeeeere.... {green circles emanate from the speaker}

MARZIPAN: Jibblie Jibblie Jibblie! {continues}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {simultaneously; walks on screen} Marzipan! I'm done not answering the phone! Do you need me to answer the phone? Marzipan? What are you doing? Are you playing a song? What is that? Raspberry Beret? Wait, what's that? You say you want me to go out by myself and leave you here? Okay! If you say so! {walks away}

{Cut to Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: {continuing insulting The Stick, from earlier} ...and your stupid face! And your stupid face!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {walking on screen} Hey, Strong Bad! {to The Stick} Hey, The Cheat!

STRONG BAD: Well, if it isn't the Human Grate On My Nerves! Don't you have an estranged girlfriend to be annoying somewhere?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Naw, she's busy shimmying and shaking and talking about giblets or something.

STRONG BAD: Jibbilits? {foreboding music} Wait, Homestar, are you telling me that Marzipan has the jibblies?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Bad, I think that's a bit of a personal question.

STRONG BAD: We gotta hurry! Strong Mad and The Cheat are in great...-ve... danger! {runs off}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I hate you, The Stick.

{Cut to The Brothers Strong's house.}

{Homestar and Strong Bad peek in the doorway and gasp. Cut to The Cheat and Strong Mad, who both have the jibblies.}

STRONG BAD: Oh no! We're snowed in! I mean, we're too late! I know who's behind all this! {walks to and opens closet, revealing a stuffed dinosaur}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Who? Donkis is behind this?

STRONG BAD: No, no, not Strong Mad's stuffed Dromeciomimus. There's usually this really horrible painting in there. {cut to Horrible Painting} Of some kind of demon holding a torch. Why is he holding that torch?!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, you mean the jibblies painting.

STRONG BAD: {abrupt record scratch} Wait, you know about it?!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah! Brother called up Marzipan right before I ran into you.

STRONG BAD: Jibblies via phone line? It's worse than I thought!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The Donkis must be stopped!

{Cut to a table.}

STRONG SAD: {deals a card} Oh, the Clutch of Glaives. {to Pom Pom} That means you should start sending some hot chicks over to your {smacks chest} dumpier friends. {flips another card} Ooh, and the Cult of Ray. That means you should seriously stop hogging all the hot chicks.

POM POM: {accusatory bubbling noises} {points at Strong Sad}

STRONG SAD: Don't look at me! The cards do not lie! {flips over a card with the Horrible Painting on it, which reads, "THE ROCOULM".} Weird. I've never seen this one before.

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come on in heeeeeere....

STRONG SAD: Jibblie jibblie jibblie... {continues}

POM POM: {simultaneously} {jibblie-like bubbling noises accompanied by electrical sounds; continues}

{Cut to a silhouetted backdrop of outside Bubs' Concession Stand. Homestar and Strong Bad are seen running towards it.}

STRONG BAD: Bubs!! Bubs!!

{Cut to view of inside Bubs' Concession Stand looking outward}

STRONG BAD: We're gonna need garlic, crosses, silver bullets, holy water, and VHS copies of Pumpkinshead 2 through 4! Bubs?

BUBS: {offscreen} Jibblie!

{Cut to behind Bubs' Concession Stand.}


BUBS: Jibblie!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: We're snowed in again!

STRONG BAD: All right, Homestar, we're on our own.

BUBS: Jibblie!

STRONG BAD: All the good characters have already been jibblied.

BUBS: Ahh...jibblie.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What about Coach—

STRONG BAD: {interrupts} All the good characters.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What we gonna do?

STRONG BAD: We gotta hide, man! That thing is unstoppable! We'll live underground and slowly evolve into mole people with gross eyes and claws. {hisses}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sounds like a plan!

{Cut to the showers in Coach Z's locker room.}

COACH Z: Yes, when it's Hallerwern night and there's an insane paintin' running around, there's no safer place for a pretty young thing like me than in the shower. My good man, would ya please pass the Port Plus?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: {wearing a shower cap} Come on in heeeeere.

COACH Z: Jorbaly jorbaly jorbaly... {continues}

{Cut to the castle.}

THE KING OF TOWN: Ding dang-it, Poopsmith, I want me some of that giblet flu that's been going around. That mess sounds delicious.

{A rock slides out of the castle wall, revealing the painting's face behind it}

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Guess what, come on in heeeere.

THE KING OF TOWN: Oooh, giblet giblet... {continues}

{The Poopsmith's mouth quivers and he holds up sign that says, "Jibblie Jibblie". Cut to the couch in Strong Bad's basement where Strong Bad and Homestar peek their head up.}

STRONG BAD: Now all the lame characters have been jibblied too.


STRONG BAD: Eh, sorry man. All but one.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thank you very much.

STRONG BAD: Well, time to start evolving into mole people. Now shut your eyes really tight {closes eyes} and try to heighten your other senses. {grunts} Eh, Homestar?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come... on... in heeeere!

STRONG BAD: Not again! Jibblie Jibblie Jibblie... {continues}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sorry, makin' a sandwich. What did you just say?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come on in heeere.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Come on in there? Okay. {steps into painting} Whoa, nice style! Hello? I came on in here!

HORRIBLE PAINTING: How's it going, man?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Pretty good, creep-stakes. Is this your house?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: It's not much, but it's home. I plan to redo the kitchen.

{Shot of the kitchen, which has a sink and a urinal. The sink drips once.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That is literally so great. Listen, uh, how come you jibblized all my friends?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: I just wanted someone to come on in here. I love to entertain.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What about that guy?

{Cut to the Goblin and the Goblin music plays. Cut back to Homestar and the Horrible Painting.}

HORRIBLE PAINTING: That guy has serious problems.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. Well, if I let you entertain me, will you un-jibblify my pals?

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Yes, but you will have to stay here with me for all eternity.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, no sweat. I love eternity.

HORRIBLE PAINTING: Then it is done. {says "Come on in heeeere" backwards}

{Cut back to Strong Bad's basement.}

STRONG BAD: {flying into the air} Jibblie Jibblie Jibblie Jibblie Super Scope 6! {lands on the couch} Whoa, the Jibblies are gone! I'm saved!

{The Cheat and Strong Mad walk in from the left.}


THE CHEAT: {simultaneously} {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Strong Mad, The Cheat, you're all right! Everything is back to normal.

MARZIPAN: You guys, have you seen Homestar?

STRONG BAD: What are you doing in my house?

{Cut to Strong Mad's closet where the Horrible Painting is, including Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So... is it eternity yet? I think it is eternity already. Oops, it's five past eternity. You better let me go. Beep beep beep. Your eternity alarm is going off; it's probably time to send me home.

{Fade to black; a card reading, "END of TOON" is tossed into view.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzipan is supposed to be making me some giblets or something...

{Final stinger music plays as background color flashes white and black.}

{Fade to the final shot, where all of the characters stand in their costumes.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on The Poopsmith's head during the King of Town scene to see a clip of Homsar and The Horrible Painting that will play right after it:
HORRIBLE PAINTING: Come on in here?
HOMSAR: I'm a touchy feely-holic! {green circles emanate from Homsar's hat}
HORRIBLE PAINTING: {Sliding off the screen} Jibblie jibblie jibblie!
  • At the end, click on Bubs:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey Bubs, nice "Schneider from One Day At a Time" costume.
THE KING OF TOWN: No way. He's Monroe from Too Close For Comfort.
BUBS: You're both way off! Marzipan, do you know who I am?
MARZIPAN: I don't know.
{Some green slime falls from above and splashes on Marzipan. She frowns.}
STRONG BAD: I heard that.
  • At the end, click on Strong Bad.
COACH Z: Hey, Strong Bad! I thought you was gonna dress up as as the alien this year!
STRONG SAD: {simultaneously} Xenomorph! Xenomorph!
STRONG BAD: I was going to, but when I got to the Hammakers Slammakers, they were all sold out. I did get an awesome Shiatsu massage wine opener, though.
  • At the end, click on Marzipan:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, the girlfriend formerly known as Marzipan, I think you missed a little bit when you were shaving. {Marzipan frowns} Right there, about the sideburns area.
MARZIPAN: More like the former girlfriend known as Marzipan.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sounds like a plan!
  • At the end, click on Homestar:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey Pom Pom, now that I'm the strongest man... in the world... let me get that golbol.
{Pom Pom gets out the golbol and tosses it into the air. It spins downward and hits Homestar on the head and then flies offscreen.}
  • At the end, click on Strong Sad:
STRONG SAD: So wait. Was there ever a Jibblies 1?
STRONG BAD: Nah, horror movies don't even need first movies anymore. This is the reboot of the reimagining of the reinvention of the original!
STRONG SAD: "Original" and "horror movie"? Not these days.
  • At the end, click on The King of Town:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: King of Town, I gotta hand it to ya: that is one great melted Don King outfit.
THE KING OF TOWN: Ooh, I could go for a box of melted king dons myself.
  • At the end, click on The Poopsmith:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Good smells? Where The Poopsmith's going, he doesn't need good smells. {The Poopsmith adjusts his glasses}

Fun Facts


  • The cards on the loading screen and during Pom Pom's and Strong Sad's scene are modeled after the 22 major arcana cards of a tarot deck. As Strong Sad is doing, they are often used for fortune telling, and have various meanings depending on location and order.
  • "Ruskie" is slang for Soviet Russians. "Ruskie" is also an adjective which, in Russian, means "Russian."
  • Most of the supplies Strong Bad asks Bubs for are traditional weapons against mythological creatures: garlic against vampires, silver bullets against werewolves, and holy water and crosses against demons.


  • The "Thank You" painting in Marzipan's house is dressed up in orange and black for Halloween.
  • When the Horrible Painting Demon De-Jibblifies everyone, the backwards sound clip is merely his classic line "come on in here" reversed.
  • Strong Sad's tarot cards have "Uh OH, TAROT!" written on the back of them.
  • Originally, this toon did not contain the Easter eggs for The King of Town or The Poopsmith. They were added about a day after the toon's release.


  • When Homestar Runner and The Goblin are inside the Horrible Painting, they appear in cyan, magenta, yellow, and black colors only. In addition, Homestar's colors seem to be inverted, with the exception of his eyes.
  • When Pom Pom gets the jibblies, the "mouth" of his Cacodemon costume pulses with electricity the same way the Cacodemon sprite in Doom was animated when it used its electricity projectile attack.
  • Marzipan's guitar only has five strings pictured. Also, she names the lowest four strings of a guitar, but plays and sings the pitches A, D, G, B (i.e. starts with the second lowest string).
  • Marzipan walks toward her answering machine when she tries to answer the phone, but the phone is not on the same table as the answering machine.
  • This is the first Halloween toon that does not take place in the Spooky Woods at any point.
  • Homsar's underbite at the end seems to be longer.


  • When The Cheat goes into Strong Mad's room, a line can be seen on the wall to the left of the door.
  • Clicking on Homsar at the end causes his costume name to disappear.

Fixed Goofs

  • At the end, when everyone's costume is revealed, the name of former pro wrestler Nikolai Volkoff was misspelled. This has since been corrected.
  • When the camera zoomed out to show Marzipan having the jibblies, the buttons weren't on the answering machine. This was fixed later.

Fixed Glitches

  • When this toon was released, during the close up of Marzipan's Answering Machine, the "next" button was clickable, and doing so repeatedly caused the sound to go out of sync with the animation. This was fixed at the same time that the King of Town and Poopsmith Easter eggs were added.

Inside References

  • Strong Bad smiles through most of the toon, except right before he is jibblied.
  • The STRONG MAD RD sign on the closet first appear in bottom 10.
  • Strong Bad breaks the fourth wall by mentioning the cartoon's title and exclaiming the painting got all the good and lame characters.
  • When Marzipan has the Jibblies, Homestar says "What are you doing? Are you playing a song?" in almost exactly the same way as in Sensitive to Bees.
  • "We're snowed in!" was previously used on Main Page 16.
  • The name of the Horrible Painting's tarot card, 'The Rocoulm', was previously referenced in the weeklies.xml file. The link to the Horrible Painting in the weeklies.xml file (before that link was removed) was "rocoulm".
  • Pom Pom giving Homestar the golbol at the end is a reference to Strongest Man in the World.
  • Coach Z asks Strong Bad why he wasn't the Alien, as he appeared to be in the toon's teaser trailer.
  • This cartoon contains an example of couch mumbling.

Real-World References

  • The page title is taken from the tagline of the 1991 horror movie Popcorn.
  • Strong Bad's mention of razor blade candy apples refers to the urban legend of unscrupulous people leaving dangerous items like needles and razor blades embedded in Halloween treats.
  • Donkis the Dromiceiomimus stands in the same pose as the Dromiceiomimus from Dinosaur Comics.
  • "Raspberry Beret" was a hit for Prince & The Revolution in 1985.
  • The Mole People was a 1956 science fiction film starring John Agar.
  • One Day at a Time is a long-running American situation comedy that portrayed a divorced mother, played by Bonnie Franklin, her two teenage daughters and their building superintendent. It ran from 1975 to 1984 on CBS.
  • Too Close For Comfort was a American situation comedy starring Ted Knight as a San Francisco cartoonist sharing a duplex. The show ran from 1980 to 1985 on ABC and in syndication.
  • The Bubs Easter egg contains references to two running gags from You Can't Do That On Television: people getting slimed when they say "I don't know," and Barth the Chef (also played by Les Lye) going "I heard that!" when someone made a wisecrack about the meat he puts in his hamburgers.
  • The Cult of Ray is a 1996 album by Frank Black.
  • "Xenomorph" is the technical name for the alien species in the Alien movies.
  • "The Clutch of Glaives" card is a reference to the movie Krull. In it, the hero possessed a weapon called "The Glaive" that looked identical to the picture on Strong Sad's tarot.
  • When Marzipan gets the message from the Horrible Painting it is message number 666, the Number of the Beast.
  • The Time Magazine Man of the Year mirror that Strong Mad uses at the beginning of the cartoon is exactly the same as a mirror shown in the film The Big Lebowski.
  • Strong Bad's mention of "Hammaker's Slammakers" in the Easter eggs refers to Hammacher Schlemmer, a chain of stores that sells high-end luxury gifts.
  • Super Scope 6 is an SNES game.
  • Coach Z asking for the "port plus" is a reference to Pert Plus shampoo.
  • "Pumpkin's Head 2 through 4" refers to the Pumpkinhead series of films.
  • Don King is a boxing promoter.
  • King Don is the alternate brand name of the snack cake Ding Dongs sold in Canada.
  • Homestar's line in The Poopsmith's Easter egg echoes the last line of Back to the Future.
  • Coach Z's line about a shower being the safest place for a pretty young thing is a reference to many horror movies, such as Psycho, that have young women attacked while taking a shower.

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