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Strong Bad Email #175
watch mini-golf hygiene
"I'll broaden your horizons!"

Strong Bad talks about how sloshy became one of his favorite, and then least favorite, bands.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Trogdor, Strong Sad, Larry Palaroncini, Homestar Runner, Mary Palaroncini (Easter egg), The Poopsmith (Easter egg), Senor Cardgage (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Laundry Room of the Brothers Strong, The Field, Basement of the Brothers Strong, Bathroom of the Brothers Strong, Mud Baths, The Space Machine (Easter egg)

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Monday, August 20, 2007

Running Time: 4:26

Page Title: Lappy 486

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc Six


it is vandamaism


Easter Eggs

"Dump Tell No Mandy!"
  • At the end, click on the word "favorite" to see a short scene with Senor Cardgage.
{Cut to the Field. Senor Cardgage is standing on a lawn mower. A bush is nearby.)
SENOR CARDGAGE: Why, hello, Miss Trela. Check out Senor Cardgage's Intregway.
{The Intregway logo appears beside him, then disappears}
SENOR CARDGAGE: Dump tell no mandy, {the words "Dump Tell No Mandy!" flash at bottom of screen} it's just a land mower turned bankways! If you help me buy it, I'll cut you in!
{Strong Bad eagerly runs over.}
STRONG BAD: I'll help you buy it! I'll help you buy it!
{Senor silently drives the Intregway offscreen.}
{Mary sits in the Space Machine watching what sounds like basketball on ESPN Classic. Larry stands, watching as well with a displeased look. A whistle blow is heard.}
MARY: Wow! That Danny Ainge complains about every call! {begins eating what appears to be a basketball}
LARRY: I'm totally mesmerized by Kevin McHale's armpit haaair! {gestures wildly with his hands} Oooeeuuh! {punches the air with one hand}
  • Click on the reflection of Strong Bad's diamond at the end to see where the mud baths came from.
{Strong Bad and Strong Sad are in their "mud baths".}
STRONG BAD: Where did these mud baths come from? These things are awesome!
{The Poopsmith rises out of Strong Sad's bath, wearing a snorkel and goggles. Strong Bad and Strong Sad scream.}

Fun Facts


  • A rider is a set of requests or demands that a performer sets as criteria for performance.
  • The term tex-mex (which Strong Bad incorrectly uses as a description of a textile) refers to several things, such as a style of cuisine, a style of music, and a railway.
  • A pleat is a fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place.


Contract Rider

  • 114 cans of hairspray
  • 4 tubes of Leather Pants Remover
  • Audience must be 94% hot young
    females with bangs higher than or
    equal to our own
  • Jenga or Pictionary
  • The words "deviled egg tray" are added to the list in pen afterward.
  • The Floppy Disk Container reads "ancient art of war".
  • The summary for the Podstar Runner RSS feed reads, "Strong Bad discusses how Sloshy became one his favorite and then least favorite bands."
  • The video game music and the sound of Strong Sad brushing his teeth were added when the sbemail's podcast came out.


  • Strong Sad claims to have never heard of Limozeen, despite the fact that he watched a cartoon starring them in best thing.
  • This is one of the few times Christmas has been directly mentioned in the Homestar Runner universe instead of Decemberween.
  • This email contains several of the increasingly less rare occasions of Strong Bad and Strong Sad getting along.
  • Strong Sad smiles twice in this email: first when mocking Strong Bad's outfit, and then when entering the room where Strong Bad (also smiling) is telling Homestar about sloshy.
  • In the mud bath Easter egg, both Strong Bad and Strong Sad can see The Poopsmith, despite having cucumber slices on their eyes.
  • Strong Sad either has a special left handed Atari 2600 joystick or is playing the game holding the joystick sideways, as a standard joystick has its button in the upper left hand corner.
  • The spots on Strong Bad's bandana that form the leopard print are covering the creases in the fabric.
  • The sloshy record that Strong Bad throws at Strong Sad must be made of shellac or some other substance, commonly used in making of older records, instead of PVC (which would not emit the "shatter" sound when breaking).
  • Strong Bad claims that bands are not allowed to only have three members, but he is a fan of Taranchula, which also has only three members.
  • When hygiene was released the following week, the Main Page Message linking to this email was replaced with a "strong bad email" button instead of being removed to make room for the "new strong bad email" button.


  • The music player's speakers stick out of their outline.

Inside References

Real-World References

Fast Forward

  • The events of this email are referred to when checking Strong Sad's sloshy poster in Strong Badia the Free.

DVD Version

  • The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch the DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

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