Costume Commercial

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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Rotten Eggs Homestarloween Party
Introducing all new Homerun Hitter Halloween Costumes & Products!

The latest Homestar Runner character costumes are promoted.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Marzipan, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Bubs (Easter Egg), Coach Z (Easter Egg)

Date: Monday, October 20, 2008

Page Title: Closeout Costumes at Authentic Prices!



ANNOUNCER 1: {quietly, monotonously} Introducing all new Homestar Runner Halloween Costumes and Products. Do not ask me to speak up again because this is as loud as I'm gonna get. If you don't like it, you can't find someone—

ANNOUNCER 2: {interrupting, enthusiastically} Introducing all new Homerun Hitter Halloween Costumes & Products! Choose from all your favorites! {poorly constructed masks are displayed} Strong Bad! Homestar Runner! The Cheat! Each comes with its own authentic, cheap, costume-ish pullover!

{Cut to Strong Bad opening his front door. Homestar Runner stands on the porch in a Bubs costume similar to those just displayed.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {holding out a paper bag expectantly} Candy!

STRONG BAD: {cynically} Oh, hello, neighborhood kid. Let's see who you're dressed as this year. Hmmm... crappy plastic Bubs mask—


STRONG BAD: —and a crappier plastic apron with a picture of Bubs on it that says "Bubs" on it.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Mm-hm! Just like Bubs all the time wears! Picture of his self on his self!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, you're not getting any candy from me. {closes door and walks away}

HOMSTAR RUNNER: {shouting, from other side of door} Thanks, Mrs. Jankroe!

{cut back to the advertisement}

ANNOUNCER 2: And for the ladies, don't forget the new, authentic Marizpan costume! {a Marizpan-themed bikini is shown} Oh, wait. {a novelty devil's tail is added} Almost.... {novelty cat ears are added} {satisfied} There we go!

MARZIPAN: This is so offensive... {gleefully} that's it's not really offensive anymore! I'll take twelve!

ANNOUNCER 2: Woo! You dang right!

{cut to a night scene with Strong Sad-themed street signs scrolling past}

ANNOUNCER 2: And for the trick-or-treating-impaired, check out Strong Sad's line of SAFE-T LOSE-R accessories!

STRONG SAD: Hey, that's not what I named—

ANNOUNCER 2: {interrupting} Mom not overprotective enough? {cut to Strong Sad} Just add this discreet reflector {a full-sized street blockade and reflector appears on him} to any costume, and never worry about getting accidentally run down by {mug shots appear, music grows foreboding} Mancuso's older brother ever again! {disclaiming} Side effects may include getting intentionally run down by Mancuso's older brother. {the eyes in the mugshots glow red}

{cut back to street signs and Strong Sad}

ANNOUNCER 2: Plagued by Halloween eggings? Fool 'em every time with this {an egg-covered poncho appears on Strong Sad} deluxe decoy poncho!

{cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat in the bushes}

STRONG BAD: Light him up, The Cheat!

THE CHEAT: {affirmative The Cheat noises} {holds up egg carton}

STRONG BAD: Aw, never mind. {points to Strong Sad, then cuts to him} Looks like someone already got him... with a... bunch of fried eggs.

{cut back to the street signs}

ANNOUNCER 2: And last, for the kids staying at home to "help" {clears throat continuously, adding several quotation marks around "help"} mom and dad give out treats, here's a... pair of sweat pants. It's really... all we can do. Sorry. {cut back to original display} All New Homstars Running Halloween Customes & Broducts! Only from {begins choking, a record scratches}

ANNOUNCER 1: All New Homestar Runner Halloween Costumes and Products. Only from Cheap As Free. {pause} I told him not to mess with me.

Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on the word "costumes" to see a conversation between Bubs and Coach Z.
    {Bubs is at the Concession Stand, wearing the Bubs costume. Coach Z can be seen just out of frame}
    BUBS: Man, this costume makes me look so much like myself, I'm surprised you recognize me!
    {camera pans over to Coach Z, who is revealed to be wearing the Marzipan costume}
    COACH Z: Boy, I'll say! This Coach Z costume is spot on.

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