Mr. Poofers Must Die

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(Transcript: Where is everybody? Forget it, I'll finish this and then Mr. Poofers will buy a truck of ice cream and share it with his gerbil friends. Wait, I meant to say that he'll dye... his fur)
(Transcript: Okay, this time, I'm going to seriously kill Mr. Poofers. He walked under a heavy lourde, which fell on hard times and had to sell its most prized possession. Wait, no!)
Line 124: Line 124:
''{Cut to Homestar.}''
''{Cut to Homestar.}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Oh, man! Did it happen again?! Every time I try and tell a spooky Mr. Poofers story—
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Aw, man! Did it happen again?! Every time I try and tell a spooky Mr. Poofers story—
''{Cut to Marzipan.}''
''{Cut to Marzipan.}''
Line 132: Line 132:
''{Cut to Homestar.}''
''{Cut to Homestar.}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' He always survives! I thought, if I could finally kill him off, it would definitely become a top-notch four-and-a-half-stars-with-over-six-hundred-reviews-quality ghost story.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' —he always survives! I thought, if I could finally kill him off, it would definitely become a top-notch four-and-a-half-stars-with-over-six-hundred-reviews-quality ghost story.
''{Cut to Bubs.}''
''{Cut to Bubs.}''
Line 143: Line 143:
''{Cut to Mr. Poofers walking down the street.}''
''{Cut to Mr. Poofers walking down the street.}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' ''{voiceover}'' Mr. Poofers was thinking about a branch, ''{a thought bubble with a branch appears over his head}'' a hotel, ''{the bubble expands an a hotel labeled "OH SWELL" is added}'' and a $350 pair of loafers.
''{The bubble expands and a pair of brown shoes marked "350" is added. Then it disappears and Mr. Poofers spins, looking like a tornado.}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' ''{voiceover}'' Gee whiz! That's a lot of Kansas match<!-- ??? --> right there!
''{Mr. Poofers strikes a triumphant pose. The image poofs away and cuts back to Homestar.}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' See? It's like somethin' takes a hold of ya when you're telling a Mr. Poofers story!
''{Cut to Coach Z.}''
'''COACH Z:''' Eh, what a bunch of balarney. Ain't nobaddy can get fatally irresponsible with an animal like Coach Z! Let me take a whack at it. And I'll try and finish your story too!
''{Cut to Mr. Poofers and Old Man Rootbeer standing next to each other near a wall.}''
'''COACH Z:''' ''{voiceover}'' Look, gentlemen! A roundish box!
''{A roundish box drops into the scene as both characters take a step back.}''
'''COACH Z:''' ''{voiceover}'' Mr. Poofers ''{the "oo" is pronounced as in the word "hook"}'' pretended there was such a thing as a roundish box.
''{Mr. Poofers pushes it toward Rootbeer.}''
'''COACH Z:''' ''{voiceover}'' He gave it to Old M'n Rootber, ''{The "oo" is again pronounced as in "hook". Rootbeer scratches his head}'' who absolutely had not asked for it. ''{as Rootbeer:}'' This better be replacement pimecones! ''{normally}'' Belted Old M'n Rootber.
''{Rootbeer reaches into the box and produces a broken half of a brush with brown hairs stuck to it as an electric sound effect is heard. He looks at it, puzzled.}''
'''COACH Z:''' ''{voiceover}'' It was harlf a hairbrush.
''{Rootbeer turns the brush over. The scene poofs away as we cut back to Coach Z, whose face covered in sweat.}''
'''COACH Z:''' ''{freaked out}'' Ooooohhhh! That wasn't me! That wasn't me! I tried to kill 'im! I swear!
''{Cut to Marzipan}''
'''MARZIPAN:''' Oh, shut up, Coach Z, you infant. I'll kill the stupid dog.
''{Cut to Mr. Poofers sitting on a tiled floor.}''
'''MARZIPAN:''' ''{voiceover}'' "Miffa meeka" ''{Mr. Poofers's mouth opens wide as those words exit through it.}'' said Mr. Poofers, out of his entire mouth. Mr. Poofers never complains, except once&mdash;
''{Scene shifts to Mr. Poofers looking at a table as a bowl of pudding, with a hair sticking out of it, slides in front of him.}''
'''MARZIPAN:''' ''{voiceover}'' &mdash;in a cafeteria, with bad, bad pudding.
''{Mr. Poofers knocks it away angrily.}''
'''MARZIPAN:''' ''{voiceover}'' I mean, have you ever&mdash;
''{The scene poofs away and cuts back to Marzipan, whose face is also covered in sweat.}''
'''MARZIPAN:''' ''{distraught}'' I was wrong! I was so wrong!
''{Pan over to Strong Sad.}''
'''STRONG SAD:''' Oooh, this is getting supernaturally interesting! All right, Poofers, it's time for you to face... the Deathly Pallor! ''{closes his eyes, tenses up, and starts wiggling his fingers}'' I invoke protections from the third arcane level and send my mind into the psychic vault! You shall not break through! ''{opens his eyes and holds his arms wide}''
''{Cut to Mr. Poofers}''
'''STRONG SAD:''' ''{voiceover}'' Pimecone.
''{A pine cone appears. The scene then poofs away and cuts back to Strong Sad, whose face is also covered in sweat, and whose fingers are still twitching.}''
'''STRONG SAD:''' ''{panicking}'' Oooohhh! Oohhh! Lemme out! It was horrible! ''{The Poopsmith puts his hand on Strong Sad's shoulder.}'' It was like Homestar's imagination was gushing out of my mouth like fire!
''{Homestar leans into the scene}''
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' ''{chuckling}'' I know, right?

Revision as of 04:48, 31 October 2018

Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch The Next April Fools Thing Homestarloween Party
"Oh. Sorry. 'The End.'"

The cast tries to create the perfect story to kill off a dog, but they find it too hard to kill the cute little thing.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Mr. Poofers, Old Man Rootbeer, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Coach Z, Strong Sad, The King of Town, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, Strong Mad, Bubs, Homsar (Easter egg)

Places: Marzipan's House,

See Mr. Poofers Must Die Costumes for more information on what everyone was wearing.

Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Running Time: 9:25

Page Title: A Top Notch Quality Ghost Story!



{The toon opens with Marzipan playing her guitar in her living room. Streamers resembling the "ghost" from Haunted Photo Booth decorate the room. Homestar walks up and Marzipan turns around.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {angry} Marzipan, it's over! {raises his sword prop}

MARZIPAN: {unfazed} Okay.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I can't take another day of this {plants his sword into the floor} garbage relationship!

MARZIPAN: That's fine.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wait, what day is it?

MARZIPAN: {annoyed} Halloween.

{Homestar produces a book labeled "PLAN THING" and opens it up.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sheepishly} Oops, sorry! I was looking at next week. This is what I'm supposed to say to you today: {jumps up excitedly} Marzipan! This is it! {picks up and raises his sword} This Halloween I'm finally going to tell a top-notch four-and-a-half-stars-with-over-six-hundred-reviews-quality ghost story! And you know what that means!

MARZIPAN: Um, that you're gonna break up with me next week apparently?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {dramatically} Mr. Poofers must die!!

{Spooky music starts as it cuts to a title screen reading "Mr. Poofers Must Die". Mr. Poofers's eyes occasionally briefly flash in place of the O's in the title. The words "A TOP-NOTCH 4½ STARS WITH OVER 600 REVIEWS QUALITY GHOST STORY" appear at the bottom of the screen.}

MARZIPAN: {voiceover} Who the crap is Mr. Poofers?

{The scene transitions to Mr. Poofers on an orange background.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Hey everyone! Hey everyone, look! Hey everyone, look at Mr. Poofers!

{Mr. Poofers sits down, with an accompanying noise.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Mr. Poofers is a dog—

{Mr. Poofers scratches himself with his hind leg and a question mark appears over his head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} —but he sounds like this!

{As Homestar says each word that Mr. Poofers "sounds like", Mr. Poofers opens his mouth, and the same word appears inside it.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Miffa miffa meeka moo!

{Mr. Poofers looks around.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} That is funny talk for a dog!

{Mr. Poofers stands up.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} What a great cloud with legs Mr. Poofers is.

{Mr. Poofers's fur fluffs out to make him look more cloud-like.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Uh, I mean, what a great dog

{Mr. Poofers returns to normal and scratches himself.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} —Mr. Poofers is!

{The screen changes to a dining room table with three pine cones on it.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Mr. Poofers eats pimecones for breakfast, {Mr. Poofers appears and eats half of the first pine cone} lunch, {he eats the second} and dinner. {he eats the third} Imagine that! Pimecones for B, L, and D!

{As he says that last part, placards labeled "B", "L", and "D" fall in front of the half-eaten pine cones. Cut to Old Man Rootbeer, who looks around.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Oh, look! Oh, look, everyone! There's Old Man Rootbeer! Old Man Rootbeer is not a big fan of Mr. Poofers.

{The screen pans over as Mr. Poofers runs up in the background. Old Man Rootbeer shakes his fist at him.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Not really that much of a big fan at all. {As Rootbeer, who points at Mr. Poofers:} That kid eats my pimecones! {normally} Shouted Old Man Rootbeer.

{Cut to Rootbeer and Mr. Poofers, standing near a hammock with four pine cones sitting nearby.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover, as Rootbeer} I'm gonna take a nap on my college hammock, {Rootbeer shakes his fist} so don't eat my pimecones! {normally} Old Man Rootbeer told Mr. Poofers. {as Mr. Poofers} Miffa miffa!

{Rootbeer lies down on the hammock, and his hat falls over his face.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} After a few moments, Old Man Rootbeer had fallen a-slumber.

{Mr. Poofers sneaks closer.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Juuust when the moment was right... Mr. Poofers stole his beard!

{Mr. Poofers takes Rootbeer's beard and runs off. Rootbeer jumps up, his entire face now covered in the remnants of his beard, and shakes his fist.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} What a prize!

{Cut to Mr. Poofers happily hugging the beard. A "ding" sound effect plays as the beard shines.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} An old man's beard, no less!

{Cut to Homestar, standing next to a table with a candle on it, as silhouettes of the other characters look on. White noise plays for a few seconds as he looks around. Cut to a shot of the other main characters.}

STRONG BAD: Ummmm... what did I just listen to?

{Cut back to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, sorry. "The end."

{Cut to Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: Is that what you dragged us all here for?!

{Cut to Strong Sad.}

STRONG SAD: Wasn't Mr. Poofers supposed to die?

{Cut to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw, man! Did it happen again?! Every time I try and tell a spooky Mr. Poofers story—

{Cut to Marzipan.}

MARZIPAN: Which has now been exactly one time.

{Cut to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: —he always survives! I thought, if I could finally kill him off, it would definitely become a top-notch four-and-a-half-stars-with-over-six-hundred-reviews-quality ghost story.

{Cut to Bubs.}

BUBS: But it didn't even sound like you tried to off Mr. Poofers in the first place.

{Cut to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, but I did. Watch this: I'm about to say "Then Mr. Poofers' head fell off and he died, died, died." Ahem.

{Cut to Mr. Poofers walking down the street.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Mr. Poofers was thinking about a branch, {a thought bubble with a branch appears over his head} a hotel, {the bubble expands an a hotel labeled "OH SWELL" is added} and a $350 pair of loafers.

{The bubble expands and a pair of brown shoes marked "350" is added. Then it disappears and Mr. Poofers spins, looking like a tornado.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} Gee whiz! That's a lot of Kansas match right there!

{Mr. Poofers strikes a triumphant pose. The image poofs away and cuts back to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: See? It's like somethin' takes a hold of ya when you're telling a Mr. Poofers story!

{Cut to Coach Z.}

COACH Z: Eh, what a bunch of balarney. Ain't nobaddy can get fatally irresponsible with an animal like Coach Z! Let me take a whack at it. And I'll try and finish your story too!

{Cut to Mr. Poofers and Old Man Rootbeer standing next to each other near a wall.}

COACH Z: {voiceover} Look, gentlemen! A roundish box!

{A roundish box drops into the scene as both characters take a step back.}

COACH Z: {voiceover} Mr. Poofers {the "oo" is pronounced as in the word "hook"} pretended there was such a thing as a roundish box.

{Mr. Poofers pushes it toward Rootbeer.}

COACH Z: {voiceover} He gave it to Old M'n Rootber, {The "oo" is again pronounced as in "hook". Rootbeer scratches his head} who absolutely had not asked for it. {as Rootbeer:} This better be replacement pimecones! {normally} Belted Old M'n Rootber.

{Rootbeer reaches into the box and produces a broken half of a brush with brown hairs stuck to it as an electric sound effect is heard. He looks at it, puzzled.}

COACH Z: {voiceover} It was harlf a hairbrush.

{Rootbeer turns the brush over. The scene poofs away as we cut back to Coach Z, whose face covered in sweat.}

COACH Z: {freaked out} Ooooohhhh! That wasn't me! That wasn't me! I tried to kill 'im! I swear!

{Cut to Marzipan}

MARZIPAN: Oh, shut up, Coach Z, you infant. I'll kill the stupid dog.

{Cut to Mr. Poofers sitting on a tiled floor.}

MARZIPAN: {voiceover} "Miffa meeka" {Mr. Poofers's mouth opens wide as those words exit through it.} said Mr. Poofers, out of his entire mouth. Mr. Poofers never complains, except once—

{Scene shifts to Mr. Poofers looking at a table as a bowl of pudding, with a hair sticking out of it, slides in front of him.}

MARZIPAN: {voiceover} —in a cafeteria, with bad, bad pudding.

{Mr. Poofers knocks it away angrily.}

MARZIPAN: {voiceover} I mean, have you ever—

{The scene poofs away and cuts back to Marzipan, whose face is also covered in sweat.}

MARZIPAN: {distraught} I was wrong! I was so wrong!

{Pan over to Strong Sad.}

STRONG SAD: Oooh, this is getting supernaturally interesting! All right, Poofers, it's time for you to face... the Deathly Pallor! {closes his eyes, tenses up, and starts wiggling his fingers} I invoke protections from the third arcane level and send my mind into the psychic vault! You shall not break through! {opens his eyes and holds his arms wide}

{Cut to Mr. Poofers}

STRONG SAD: {voiceover} Pimecone.

{A pine cone appears. The scene then poofs away and cuts back to Strong Sad, whose face is also covered in sweat, and whose fingers are still twitching.}

STRONG SAD: {panicking} Oooohhh! Oohhh! Lemme out! It was horrible! {The Poopsmith puts his hand on Strong Sad's shoulder.} It was like Homestar's imagination was gushing out of my mouth like fire!

{Homestar leans into the scene}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {chuckling} I know, right?

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