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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] Stains on Head

In the final scene, some of the whatsit stains on the back of The Hornblower's head resemble a Smiley Face.

Posted on: 19:29, 1 April 2007

Smiling Whatsit

Arguments for:

  • While it may be coincidence, it is noticeable once pointed out, and definitely noteworthy, as the whatsit mark is on the head.
  • That's pretty obvious as to what that is, guys. This should have been automatically accepted and not even STUFF'd.
  • It seems like it was just a random throwaway joke to fit in with the surreal feel of the weird stylized animation; see also the skull and crossbones and Homestar's "zooming" out of Coach Z's office in In Search of the Yello Dello.
  • TBC will never come to us to confirm any of our fun facts; I say we should be erring on the side of including FFs that are possibly references, rather than taking it upon ourselves to decide what was deliberate and what was not.

Arguments against:

  • This is probably coincidence, unintended by TBC.

Additional comments:

  • The three dots of whatsit above the angle of his elbow look more like a face to me than the spots on the back of his head. I don't think either face is intentional though, or even clear enough to be an interesting coincidence. It depends too much on personal interpretation.
  • I think this should've been flat out erased.
  • Occasionaly TBC put things in their toons that are not easily visible (such as the newspaper text in Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon), but I still think this is unintentional. I vote to delete it.
  • Alright, folks, time for some of you to change your votes. The fact is not questioning whether or not a smiley face was intended to be drawn by TBC. THERE IS NO COINCIDENCE. The fact is whether or not it resembles a smiley face, and without a doubt, it does. All the decline votes, as far as I'm concerned, are invalid.
  • Ah, that's funny. Should everyone who voted to decline say that your vote is invalid, just because they don't think it should be a fun fact? Don't attack other users' votes.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. ISlayedTheKerrek
  2. Rowsdower45
  3. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  1. Point7Q
  2. Homestar-Winner (talk)
  3. Some kind of scientist
  4. Mycroft Holmes
  5. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  6. DorianGray
  7. Trey56
  8.  Loafing
  9. BazookaJoe
  10. The_3000th_Flare
  11. Collin Diver
  12. Dangeresque, too?
  13. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  14. Panamon Creel

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[edit] What the dragon said

The Dragon's Chest said (in a spiral starting at the left most and going clockwise to the middle) 'Sudden Death' 'Pots N' Pans' 'Puree' 'Tumble Dry' 'Sanitize'. This could be an example of a middle aged convenience machine, used to clean and cook.

Posted on: 02:53, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • This seems like the just type of fun fact that should be and is all over

Arguments against:

  • Too many combinations of machines: blenders, dishwashers, clothes dryers... If it was a gag, it'd be more to just one.
  • If that's indeed TBC's intention, then that would be explaining the joke.

Additional comments:

  • This is so absolutely speculative as to be completely unnotable.
  • Do "middle aged convenience machines" really exist? I'm not quite sure what the supposed reference is here...
    • Perhaps the allusion under question is to The Flintstones, whose appliances all consisted of animals and dinosaurs? (Not sure, but that's what this proposed fun fact made me think of.)
  • About the above argument against: If that's indeed TBC's intention, then that would be explaining the joke.
    • How is it explaining the joke? It's explaining the reference (if indeed there's a reference at all); therefore, it would be a perfectly acceptable fun fact.
      • A reference to what? There's no such thing as a "middle aged convenience machine". Are you trying to tell us that medieval knights used dragons as convenience machines?

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Mcgurker
  2. Supuhstar* Image:Supuhstar(SupuhSmall).gif
  1. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png
  2. DorianGray
  3. Trey56
  4. Jay (Gobble)
  5.  Loafing
  6. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  7. Mycroft Holmes
  8. Addict 2006
  9. Lazylaces Talk
  10. I R F
  11. Kahteh
  12. kai lyn
  13. Retromaniac
  14. Raptor5ix-Image:Raptor5ixsiggy.png
  15. EYanyo
  16. Lapper (talk)
  17. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  18. TheYellowDart(t/c)
  19. Bluebry
  20. Nihim

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[edit] Sample of Old Style?

The animation flaws are probably a reference to the "King of Town"/"In Search of the Yello Dello" era when the animation was much less neat than it is now.

Posted on: 22:19, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's a valid reference and worth noting.

Arguments against:

  • They style is meant to show that the animation is a cartoon show, not "real" Homestar Universe
  • Not obviously stated in the toon, as TBC normally do for fun facts.
  • Animation flaws? What animation flaws?
  • The style is completely different and bears no resemblance to the earlier animation style.
  • Note also that there are several other examples of different animation styles used in Toons and Shorts. See The Reddest Radish for another example.
  • This might also be the begining of a new short toon series, in which case the "animation flaws" would be discarded
  • I don't see any of these intensional animation flaws. Where are they?

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. JesseLangham
  1. AtionSong
  2. Nevadie
  3.  Loafing
  4. Trey56
  5. Kiwi
  6. Supuhstar* Image:Supuhstar(SupuhSmall).gif
  7. Jay (Gobble)
  8. phlip TC
  9. Danny Lilithborne
  10. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  11. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  12. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  13. D2htornado
  14. pensivepoet.babblingbard
  15. Hrjogger
  16. Lapper (talk)
  17. TheYellowDart(t/c)
  18. Dangeresque, too?
  19. Snickjames55

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