Dangeresque (character)

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Looks like he's gonna have to jump...
...in 3D!
Puppet Dangeresque!
This article is about the character. For other uses, see Dangeresque.

From his Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate trading card:

"Dangeresque graduated top of his class at the Corrupt Police Academy but then mooned everybody instead of taking his diploma! It was so awesome! He infamously solved the kidnapping of The Wembles Baby by revealing that HE was the baby! I mean, what?! He remains the only person who can successfully fire and operate a nunchuk gun without experiencing death problems."

Whether he's a private eye, a crooked cop, a secret agent or a celebrity pharmacist, nobody sticks it to the man like Dangeresque, Strong Bad's Shaft-esque film persona. This cool dude plays both sides of the law, gets all the ladies, and doesn't pull no punches. He wears cool, cool glasses and frequently carries his favorite weapon: his nunchuck gun. Dangeresque works alone, except when he works with Renaldo, which is all the time. He also seems to have to jump a lot—to escape danger, to avoid embarrassment, or just to get out of his office. His catch phrase is "Looks like I'm/we're gonna have to jump...".

Dangeresque had a father named Dadgeresque whom he was very attached to. Sadly, his father was shot and killed by Uzi Bazooka in Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective. Dangeresque is apparently employed by The Chief. He has had romantic relationships with both Cutesy Buttons and Sultry Buttons in the past.

He was apparently trained at Crooked Cop Academy, where he learned to catch bullets with his teeth, mess with superior officers in hilarious fashion, and make cool noises with his mouth. He also learned to catch bottle rockets, musket shot, heat-seeking missiles, and rusty pennies that have been thrown off skyscrapers with his teeth, and he claims to be working on catching throwing stars with his eyelashes.

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