alternate universe

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Strong Bad Email #150
watch candy product some kinda robot

Strong Bad buys a interdimensional portal and starts visiting alternate realities.

"Save the last email for Strong Bad..."

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Strong Badman, Old-Timey Strong Bad, Vector Strong Bad, Stinkoman, Tiny-Handed Strong Bad, Keyboard Strong Bad, Da Huuuuuudge, Puppet Strong Bad, Teenage Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Senor Cardgage, Sterrance, Coach Z (Easter Egg)

Places: Computer Room, Strong Badman's Apartment, Old-Timey Stage, Vector Field, Flashback Race Track, Strong Badia (puppet), Da Huuuuuudge's enclosure, Pie Factory, Interdimensional Void, Recording Room, The Pond (Easter Egg), Black Lodge (Easter Egg)

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: April 4, 2006

Running Time: 5:53

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing over a guitar tune} I've been walking on clouds and flipping off rainbows on the wiiiiings of an emaiiil...

{Cut to a wide view of the desk. Strong Sad is standing to the right of Strong Bad with a classical guitar. Strong Bad turns to face him.}

STRONG BAD: Thanks, man.

STRONG SAD: No prob, Bob.

{Cut back to the Lappy.}

{Strong Bad says "question marks" for "?'s", and "Texas" for "TX".}

STRONG BAD: {says everything inside parentheses normally} Ya know, you could probably ditch that (not a girl) thing, if you just replaced it with something tough and cool and kool and tuff. Like (Bulldozer). Jody (Bulldozer). Nobody's gonna think that guy's a girl. {clears the screen} Well Ms. Dozer, you pretty much answered question mark #1 with question mark #2. Cuz a hundred million dollars is exactly how much The Cheat spent on our alternate universe portal.

{Cut to a wide view of the desk. The Cheat is standing to the right of the Lappy with a blender. A Nintendo Game Boy is in the blender.}

STRONG BAD: Isn't that right, The Cheat?

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: What? This thing only cost us fourteen bucks?

THE CHEAT: {Agreement noise}

STRONG BAD: Well... that's like a hundred million dollars in... dog years, right?

THE CHEAT: {Single "squeak"}

STRONG BAD: {leans towards The Cheat suddenly} All right! Mash go on that blender!

{Camera zooms out a little as The Cheat presses a button on the blender, which causes it to activate. The blender shoots out white bolts as the the lighting in the room flashes. Soon after, the blender stops (Game Boy intact), and there is a large swirl to the right of the desk.}

STRONG BAD: Oh-ho-ho! Swirly Photoshopped magic! I bet this thing could release some serious Cacodemons. So... {The Cheat turns to face Strong Bad} what? I ju-just jump in?

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: {leaning backwards} Obi-kabi! {Strong Bad jumps off the stool and towards the swirl} Jump!

{As soon as Strong Bad touches the swirl, everything turns black and white with the exception of the swirl and Strong Bad, who distorts horizontally and vertically. He "springs" into the swirl. Cut to a panel of a comic strip. There is a picture of some buildings. At the top of the panel is a caption saying "IN A BULDING..."}

NARRATOR: In a bulding-

{Comic shifts left, next panel is an empty room. Strong Bad appears, with "VOIP!" appearing next to him briefly. Everything Strong Bad says while in the comic appears next to him in a speech bubble.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa! Where am I?

{Next panel. Strong Badman is in an action pose on a yellow background. Everything he says is not lip-synced and also appears in a speech bubble.}

STRONG BADMAN: STINY! {"Stiny!" is in large red text} We have a visitor from an alternate universe!

{Next panel. Strong Bad is in the same room.}

STRONG BAD: {looking to the right} It's Strong Badman! And his well drawn abs! {looks to the left} But... why are we in a crappy apartment instead of a secret underground lair... {looks back to the right} ...filled with secret underground gadgets?

{Next panel. Strong Badman's upper body and head is in front of a blue background.}

STRONG BADMAN: Because mere mortal... this apartment...

{Next panel. Strong Badman is in front of a red background with his arms in the air.}

STRONG BADMAN: {speech bubble is large, yellow and pointy} rent controlled! {next speech bubbles are regular} And... water's included.

{Next panel. There is a kitchen sink and a bathroom sink visible. The bathroom tap has a "FROSH!" next to it.}

STRONG BAD: {not visible} Is that why all your faucets are running?

{Next panel. Strong Badman is standing in a room.}

STRONG BADMAN: {each syllable appears individually in red text and is not in a speech bubble} Mu-hu-ha-ha-hah! {regular speech bubble and text} Those dimwits down at the public works won't know what hit them!

STRONG BAD: {walking in from left} So, that's your evil plan? To waste water?

STRONG BADMAN: And not pay for it!!

STRONG BAD: I gotta tell ya, Strong Badman... this part of your comic is pretty boring. I'm gonna see what's going on further down the page. {Strong Bad jumps out of the current panel and falls down three panels. There is a woman with a Big Knife sitting on a giant robotic snake.} Oh! Now we're talkin'!

{Next panel. Strong Badman is in the left of the panel, Strong Bad in the center, and there is a TV with the previous panel on it (minus Strong Bad) to the right.}

STRONG BADMAN: You're not kidding!


STRONG BADMAN: Now we have expanded basic cable...

{Next panel. Close-up of the wall. There is a hole in it, and there is a cable running through the hole.}

STRONG BADMAN: {not visible} Stolen from my neighbor! {Next panel. Strong Bad is in front of a yellow background.}

STRONG BAD: Who's writing this issue? The geniuses behind She-Hulk? {looks up} The Cheat? {Cut back to the Computer Room. Strong Bad's voice is slightly distorted. A speech bubble is coming out of the swirl.} A little frappe action, if you please.

THE CHEAT: {Single "squeak"}

{The Cheat Turns around and pushes a button on the blender, which activates it. Cut back to the previous comic panel. Strong Bad disappears with the same "VOIP!" was when he appeared.}

{Next panel. Strong Badman is in the same pose as when he first appeared.}

STRONG BADMAN: STINY! Keep flushing those toilets!

{Cut to an Old-Timey scene. Old-Timey Strong Bad is standing on a stage with curtains behind him. To the left of him there is a sign saying "STRONG BAD and his GOODE-TIME PARLOR TRICKS". There is a silhouetted audience visible.}

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Yes, and for my next parlor trick, I shan't make anything {faces left} appear!

{Strong Bad appears to the left of Old-Timey Strong Bad. He is still in color.}


OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: {crowd starts booing} You brightly colored baboon! You ruined my vaudeville!

{The Homestar Runner's dance music plays as tomatoes are thrown at the two Strong Bads.}

STRONG BAD: Ah! Shades of grey tomatoes! {Strong Bad disappears as Old-Timey Strong Bad looks to the left.}

{Cut to Vector Strong Bad floating above a vector drawn field. Strong Bad appears to the right.}

STRONG BAD: What is up, my enormous vector brother?

VECTOR STRONG BAD: {As he speaks, his words come out of his mouth in red vector-style text. They disappear after a short while.} HELLOTE.

STRONG BAD: So, uh... {cut to close-up of Strong Bad's head} what do you do for fun around here? {cut back to previous view}

VECTOR STRONG BAD: I SPLO STUFF UP. {Strong Bad jumps backwards slightly to avoid the "up", which promptly explodes with vector graphics.}

STRONG BAD: That's pretty cool.

{Stinkoman walks in from the left.}

STINKOMAN: Hey, guys! How's challenges?


STRONG BAD: Whoa, you two know each other?

{Cut to close-up of Stinkoman's head}

STINKOMAN: Oh, totally sure! {leans forward and waves one of his arms} He's my training simulator! {Cut back to previous view.} Check it out!

{Vector Strong Bad starts moving left and right, shooting squares from his mouth, which Stinkoman jumps around to dodge. Strong Bad follows suit shortly after. After a few seconds, they all stop.}

STINKOMAN: Nice work, big nose!

STRONG BAD: Big nose?

STINKOMAN: Your nose!



STINKOMAN: {simultaneously} Uh-oh.

{Stinkoman silenty laughs as Vector Strong Bad shoots a series of squares directly at Strong Bad. As they explode, Strong Bad disappears. Vector Strong Bad then shoots some squares at Stinkoman, which he dodges.}

{Cut to a field in the style of flashback. Tiny Handed Strong Bad is standing close to the camera. Strong Bad appears to the right. All text appears in a white rectangle near the bottom of the screen.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: And so, {Strong Bad starts looking around} both Strong Bads entered the 'Dig To China With Your Ears Contest.'

STRONG BAD: This is just about... the second or third to worst contest I ever heard of.

{Cut to a silhouetted view of the field. Pom Pom, Strong Mad, Coach Z, Bubs and Marzipan are standing to the right of a banner which reads "the contest began!!". Tiny Handed Strong Bad is underneath the banner.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: The contest began!

{Cut to a close-up of Tiny Handed Strong Bad rubbing his head on the ground near a line marked "start".}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: And tiny-handed Strong Bad rubbed his head on the ground... {cut to a wide view; Strong Bad is sitting on a hammock with his Dangeresque sunglasses on.} while our Modern Day Hero maxed and relaxed.

{Cut to Tiny Handed Strong Bad standing near the camera again, as in the first shot. A hole is visible near the background, and a giant glass of root beer appears in the center.}

TINY HANDED STRONG BAD: I struck it rich!


{Cut to a zoomed out view of the previous scene, but with the giant glass of root beer in the center. A bee is seen holding Strong Bad's hammock up.}

TINY HANDED STRONG BAD: A giant mug of frosty root beer!

{Old-Timey Strong Bad appears to the left. Tiny Handed Strong Bad looks at him.}

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Zounds! A sarsparilla swimming hole! Last one in's a freemason! {Old-Timey Strong Bad half runs towards the root beer, and says "Jump!" as he jumps in. Strong Bad disappears. Keyboard Strong Bad appears at the bottom left of the screen and plays a tune and dances.}

{Cut to a screen in the style of Puppet Stuff. Puppet Strong Bad is standing in front of the Strong Badia fence. The Tire and Sign are visible. Strong Bad appears to the right. Music starts playing and both Strong Bads dance in sync with each other.}

{Strong Bad disappears. Cut to where "Da Huuuuuudge" is kept. Strong Bad appears lying down on top of it. He slowly slides down, then disappears.}

{Cut to the abandoned factory from highschool. Teenage Strong Bad is standing to the right. Strong Bad appears to the left.}

TEENAGE STRONG BAD: Striped {pronounced as "stripe-ed"} pants.

{Strong Bad disappears. Cut to a swirling nothingness of changing colours.}

STRONG BAD: The Cheat! Cool out on the liquify button, man!

{Cut to a zoomed up view of Homestar standing next to the blender in the Computer Room, which now has a green substance inside it, as well as the Game Boy. On the desk is one and a half avacados, and a jar reading "Total Load". Homestar is pressing the buttons on the blender.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm trying to make me a real fruit smoothie here! {Cut to a zoomed out version of the Computer Room. Tiny Handed Strong Bad is standing to the left, with Senor Cardgage, Old-Timey Strong Bad and Da Huuuuuudge to the right.} Any of you guys got any bee pollen?

{As Homestar presses another button, Strong Bad appears next to the swirl, along with Strong Badman appearing to the left of the screen.}

STRONG BAD: Homestar! Quit messing with my ultimate universe portal!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm trying to replenish some electrolytes, if you don't mind!

{Homestar presses a button on the blender, which makes him and the swirl disappear. Sterrance appears on the desk.}

STRONG BAD: {looking around} Wow. Just look at all these Strong Bad-related faces. What an all-star cast! What say we all form a super group and record a number one jam! {moans are heard from the Strong Bads, although they all remain perfectly still except for Old-Timey Strong Bad}

STINKOMAN: I guess...


{The screen fades to black, and then cuts to Strong Bad in a recording studio. Some music starts playing, and continues through the rest of the e-mail.}

STRONG BAD: {singing} There's a crazy world of e-mails in this crazy world. {Cut to a reversed view of Strong Bad.} Checkin' 'em down, checkin' 'em down...

{Cut to Stinkoman standing next to Strong Badman and Old-Timey Strong Bad.}

STINKOMAN: {singing out of tune} I hope it's from a girrrrrrrl!

{Cut to a zoomed out view of the scene, revealing (from left to right), Stinkoman, Strong Badman, Old-Timey Strong Bad, Strong Bad, Vector Strong Bad, Keyboard Strong Bad, Senor Cardgage, Teenage Strong Bad, Sterrance and Tiny Handed Strong Bad. Strong Badman has a speech bubbles next to him.}

ALL STRONG BADS: {singing} Save the last email for Strong Bad!

{Cut to Senor Cardgage at the recording studio.}

SENOR CARDGAGE: {singing} Let the little children go. {Cut to Vector Strong Bad in the field, which now has blue lines running above and below it.}


{Cut back to a panning view of all the Strong Bads}

ALL STRONG BADS: Save the last email for Strong Bad!

{Cut to Old-Timey Strong Bad in the recording studio just before "Bad"}

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Save the last email for Strong Bad!

{Da Huuuuuudge comes in from the right.}

DA HUUUUUUDGE: {singing, in a high voice with vibrato} Save the last email for meeeee!

{A comic panel with Strong Badman in front of a green background comes in from the left during "me".}

STRONG BADMAN: Save the last email!

{Cut back to a zooming out view of all the Strong Bads.}

STRONG BAD: All my Strong Bad doppelgangers represent. Sesquicentenn-email, 2005. I-I mean six.

{The music stops. The paper comes down and the back button appears.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on Teenage Strong Bad's hat to see a creation of Strong Sad's ideas:
{Piano music, fade in on Coach Z holding a pear covered with eyeballs while black coffee continually streams down his mouthless face. Cut to closeups of the pear from two angles, its eyes google, then a closeup of Coach Z's head. Fade via black to the medium shot, Homestar appears next to Coach Z.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {subtitled, in a fake backwards-sounding voice} Coach Z, if you're not going to eat that eyeball pear... {clears his throat, starts talking normally with no subtitles} I suggest you give it to someone who will.
COACH Z: I don't know what's going on, Homestar, but I'm not at liberty to discuss what I just did in my pants...
  • At the end, click on Senor Cardgage's head to see Strong Bad's meeting with him:
{Senor Cardgage is sitting in a boat on a lake, holding a stick with fishing line tied to the end, hanging over the side. Strong Bad appears in the boat.}
STRONG BAD: Wow, a fishing trip with Senor Cardgage! My life is complete.
SENOR CARDGAGE: Alonzo Mourning to you, Myrtlebeth. Say hello to my tacklebox. {holds up said tacklebox}
STRONG BAD: Hello there, tacklebox. {smiles} I'm such a big fan.
SENOR CARDGAGE: Well, if you could just sign right here on the dotty line, the adaption will be complete.
STRONG BAD: You're gonna adopt me?
{Strong Bad disappears}
STRONG BAD: {echoey voice-over} Aw, man...

Fun Facts


  • A Doppelgänger refers either to a creature from folklore that mimics people's appearances as an omen of death, or to the theory that everyone in the world has someone else that looks exactly like them.
  • Sarsparilla is a type of plant used to make beverages, and is a common ingredient in root beer (Old-Timey Strong Bad mispronounces it, however. He pronounces it "sar-sparilla," when the general pronunciation is "sass-parilla".)
  • Rent control is a policy used in some urban communities where the market price is deemed "too high." Rent controlled dwellings are highly coveted in the communities where they are available, hence Strong Badman's choosing to live in his apartment rather than a secret underground lair.
  • Strong Bad's conversion of fourteen dollars into dog years refers to the often-confused (and inaccurate) folk formula that dogs age seven "years" for every human year.
  • Electrolytes are solutions of ions (such as sodium and potassium salts) and are often drunk to ease dehydration.


  • This email is the longest email to date, almost a minute longer than flashback, currently the next longest.
  • When Strong Bad jumps from one panel to another in the Strong Badman comic, he passes a panel with an explosion, saying "TADAOW!", and a panel with Deutschman (from haircut), holding a chain of sausages, saying "KINDER UBERRASCHUNG!!", which is the German name for Kinder Surprise (though Uberraschung should be spelled Überraschung).
  • The Floppy Disk Container reads "weird dreams".


  • Strong Bad has no visible nose or ears so the fact they are mentioned is notable.
  • Senor Cardgage is the only Strong Bad's alter ego who had before been seen talking with him, as seen in kind of cool and Senorial Day.
  • This is a rare occassion of Strong Bad being nice to Strong Sad.
  • This is the first time we have heard Da Huuuuuuudge speak.
  • In Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon, Strong Sad is seen writing with his right hand. However, in this email, Strong Sad is playing the guitar left-handed.


  • During the comic scene, when the panel changes from "Because, mere mortal" to "Is rent controlled!", the panels underneath get changed.
  • At the end, when the paper comes down, you can see that Strong Bad's pants have changed from black to dark navy, but not the pant legs. (As opposed to the Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Strong Bad standing next to him.)

Fixed Goofs

  • When the email was released, "girl" was misspelled as "gir" in Jody's email. This was fixed shortly thereafter.

Inside References

  • Strong Sad was previously seen playing an acoustic guitar in a recent Sketchbook, although that guitar was a twelve-string. Here he plays a six-string.
  • Putting a Game Boy in a blender to access an alternate reality was discovered by Homestar in 2 emails, when he made a time machine in this way.
  • Strong Bad also confused the value of money and lengths of time in space program.
  • Strong Bad's "Mash go on that blender" is based on similar lines from flashback, ("The Cheat mashed play on an extremely expensive jambox"), strongbad_email.exe ("make your selection and mash go, moron!"), and Everybody Knows It ("Mash play on that jambox").
  • The "In a bulding" line, including its accent and pronounciation, is straight from the DVD Sketchbook (though it was spelled correctly there).
  • The music in the Strong Badman comic is from action figure.
  • Strong Bad visits many previous emails in his travels:
  • Strong Bad mentioned real fruit smoothies earlier in mascot.
  • The Easter egg with coffee-drenched Coach Z and the eyeball pear begins exactly as described and storyboarded by Strong Sad in Sbemail 150?!?.
  • The fishing boat, lake and background sounds are all from lures & jigs.
  • Coach Z presumably "puked his pants", as mentioned in secret recipes.
  • "I hope it's from a girl" is a possible reference to dragon.
  • "Doge" is a reference to Biz Cas Fri 1, where Homestar mispells "Dawg".
  • The word sesquicentenn-email, which would mean "150th email", was coined by Strong Sad in Sbemail 150?!?.
  • The word "VOIP" is a reference to the Visor Robot's sound effect from Teen Girl Squad Issue 1.
  • "Super Group" is a reference to Teen Girl Squad Issue 8.

Real-World References

  • Cacodemons are evil spirits or demons, the opposite being an angel or "agathodemon". However, the name cacodemon is more well known as an enemy from the computer games Doom and Doom II. The plot for these games involved demons coming out of portals to hell.
  • Photoshop is a widely used image editor from Adobe Systems Incorporated. The term "photoshopped" has come to mean any digital edit done to an image, even if it wasn't done in Photoshop itself. The term is often used pejoratively, to say that something is rather obviously edited.
  • "Oba Kaybe" is a reference to Bill Cosby: Himself, a stand-up comedy movie from 1983 starring, naturally, Bill Cosby.
  • She-Hulk is a comic book heroine from Marvel Comics and the cousin of The Incredible Hulk. Though Strong Bad sarcastically calls her creators "geniuses", She-Hulk was co-created by the legendary comic book artist Stan Lee and John Buscema. Interestingly, She-Hulk comics are noted for their fourth-wall breaks, similar to Strong Bad's comments on the quality of the Strong Badman comic and his ability to travel from panel to panel.
  • Homestar's unusual speech in the surreal Coach Z easter egg is based on a famous scene from the similarly surreal TV series Twin Peaks, which was co-created by director David Lynch. (Strong Sad had cited Lynch as an influence in Sbemail 150?!?.) The actors actually spoke their dialogue backwards, and the recording was then played in reverse, so that the words were heard by the audience in their proper order (though they still sounded unusual and contorted, just as Homestar sounds here).
  • Alonzo Mourning is an NBA basketball player.
  • A freemason is a member of the York Rite, the Scottish Rite or any of their allied organizations (DeMolay, Job's Daughters, Eastern Star, etc.) which fall under the umbrella of freemasonry.
  • The phrase 'maxed and relaxed' may be a reference to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, in which states 'maxin and relaxin all cool'
  • The portal to the alternate universe looks very similar to portals to the light/dark world in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
  • Stinkoman calls Strong Bad "big nose" because American cartoon characters tend to have very large noses compared to Japanese cartoon characters.

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