Strong Badia the Free Responses (The Field)

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Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People has many responses when you talk to various characters and interact with various objects. These are the responses from The Field in Strong Badia the Free.

On these pages, A → B (right arrow) means that the response happens when object A is used on thing B, or in the case of talking to other characters, the indicated sequence of chat topic icons are chosen.

A short horizontal line between two or more responses, such as the one above, means only one of the responses is heard at a time, and that the action results in a different response each time it occurs.


Brick Wall

Brick Wall

STRONG BAD: {Strong Bad discovers a flag, which is shown overlayed on the screen, music plays} A collectible souvenir flag from Strong Badia! I always knew you were loyal to me, Brick Wall.

STRONG BAD: I can't decide who I want to be the first up against this when the revolution comes.


STRONG BAD: The union of Soviet Socialist Repubricks.



BUBS: Heya, potentator! Weclome to Concessionstantinople!
STRONG BAD: Aww, Bubs? You made your own country too?
BUBS: Technically it's an autonomous commonwealth, but you got the right idea!

Bubs → Strong Badia

STRONG BAD: You gotta join Strong Badia, man.
BUBS: This is neutral territory, Strong Bad!
STRONG BAD: Oh, I'm sorry, Miss wishy-washy little girl. Is the man who actually makes desicions at home?
BUBS: Ain't no money in takin' sides.

STRONG BAD: Everybody's joining Strong Badia, Bubs.
BUBS: Good! After you drive your economy down the toilet, everybody's gonna need to buy toilet paper from me!

Bubs → Bubs' Concession Stand

STRONG BAD: What're you selling, Bubs?
BUBS: I got all kinds o' cheap, completely legal touristy junk! And it's all 100 percent legal! We got cheese, and watches, and chocolate, and cheesy watches, and chocolate-covered cheese...
STRONG BAD: Where are you getting all this crap?
BUBS: Oh, I've been everywhere, man! From Coachnya to Poopslavakia! I could tell you a thing or two...
STRONG BAD: Um, then tell me.

STRONG BAD: Okay, Bubs. Give me one of those cheap souvenirs.
BUBS: Sorry, I'm all out o' the good stuff. All I got left is this Clockwork Strong Bad. {Places Clockwork Strong Bad on table}
CLOCKWORK STRONG BAD: {Nasally voice} Come toooo, the place where the tropical breezes bluurghhh kkk! chk-ang! {Breaks down} Jibbly jibbly jibbly jibbly jibbly jibbly. {Still audible when scene changes}
BUBS: Awww, nuts! Cheap, foreign-made... Tell you what! Half-off!
STRONG BAD: Half off? How could I resist?
BUBS: How're you gonna pay for that?
STRONG BAD: With Strong Badian currency, of course. The most moist and juicy of all barely legal tender. {Places quesos on table, next to the still-jibbling Clockwork Strong Bad}
BUBS: 100 quesos? That's got to be at least a million poopees!
STRONG BAD: Keep the change, my good man! Buy yourself something dangerous. {Takes Clockwork Strong Bad, puts in his pocket} O-o-h-ohhh S-S-Simone! Th-that's an odd-d-d-d s-s-sensation.

STRONG BAD: Gimme another one of those cheap souvenirs, Bubs.
BUBS: You already took my last one! I had to clear everything out to make room for my... OTHER... merchandise. {Coughs}
STRONG BAD: Hmm, intriguing...

Bubs → Pom Pom

STRONG BAD: Do you know anything about the Pompomeranians?
BUBS: Oh, that place is like a second home to me! I go there all the time!

Bubs → Shadowed Concession Stand

This option only appears after asking Bubs about his wares twice, and will disappear after clicking it.

STRONG BAD: So all you got is cheap souvenirs? What about all the cool spoils of of warring nations divided by political unrest?
BUBS: No way, Strong Bad! You won't see ME sellin' stuff like weapons, and fake IDs, and harvested organs...
STRONG BAD: Okay, but say I...
BUBS: I'm not done! And illegally excavated artifacts, and unlicensed merchandise, and pirated DVDs. {Pauses} Now I'm done.
STRONG BAD: Okay, but say I WAS looking for that stuff.
BUBS: Oh, you're lookin' for the Black Market! Don't know WHERE that would be! {Winks} Wink!
STRONG BAD: Hmm, VERY intriguing...


STRONG BAD: "Concessionstantinople. Population: Savings. Question mark."

Walk Around Bubs'

STRONG BAD: Whoa, must've wandered into the wrong side of town.

Shady door

{Strong Bad knocks on the door and steps back. A eye-slit opens, with Bubs peeking through it.}
STRONG BAD: Uh... hello, stranger. Is this the place to... pick up... my "packages"... from the legitimate... sweepstakes... fufillment... center?
BUBS: What? Heck no, Strong Bad, this is the black market! {Wall swings open, with Bubs manning it} What'llya have? Weapons? Artifacts? Organs?

{Strong Bad knocks on the door and steps back. A eye-slit opens, with Bubs peeking through it. He recognises Strong Bad and the wall swings open.}

Bubs → Grenade

STRONG BAD: Hook me up with some heavy ordanance. I got a The Of Town to depose.
BUBS: No can do, Strong Bad. Just got through shippin' out the last of my weapons.
STRONG BAD: Aww, not even one bazooka flamethrower that throws throwing stars?
BUBS: Nope! Sent those out to Coachnya They're having trouble with the fhqwhgadi rebels.

STRONG BAD: You don't have any weapons at all?
BUBS: Na, I'm thinkin' about gettin' out of the arms trade anyway. Something just doesn't feel morally right about it. Especially when I make so much more selling harvested organs and stolen cultural treasures.

Bubs → Homsar Stone

STRONG BAD: What are these "artifacts" you're talking about?
BUBS: Got one left: from an illegal excavation in the Homsar Reservation. They say it's priceless!
STRONG BAD: Okay, how much?
BUBS: I said it's priceless! No way I could just sell this to you, but I could trade it.
STRONG BAD: Trade it for what?
BUBS: Well, I'm out of just about everything, so make an offer.

STRONG BAD: What do you want for that "ancient artifact" again?
BUBS: Can't sell it, Strong Bad! But I'll trade it if you can find something valuable enough.

Bubs → Organ

STRONG BAD: I'm in the market for a new organ. Something in a pancreas, or a tasteful gallbladder.
BUBS: Fresh out o' organs, Strong Bad!
STRONG BAD: Yeah, this is pretty much the worst black market I've ever seen.
BUBS: Don't blame me, it's the King of Town buying 'em all up. Don't know what he's using 'em for.
STRONG BAD: He's probably building a mutant army of the undead! {Whining} I want a mutant army of the undead!
BUBS: He keeps calling them "giblets" for some reason. But I don't care, 'cause he's driving the prices way up! If you can get anything, even tonsils or a nice pretendix, it's worth a fortune. Any condition, no questions asked.
STRONG BAD: You're a shady, shady character, Bubs.
BUBS: It's cool in the shade!

STRONG BAD: What kinda organs are you looking for, again?
BUBS: If you can get anything, even tonsils or a nice pretendix, it's worth a fortune. Any condition, no questions asked.

Fake Sword → Bubs

STRONG BAD: What'll you give me for a cool duct-tape-forged weapon like this one, Bubs?
BUBS: For that old piece of junk? Nothing! You gotta trade me something valuable!


STRONG BAD: {Grabs something} A souvenier flag from the cost-conscious nation of Concessionstan!

Cool Car

Cool Car

STRONG BAD: Even our trusty, somewhat rusty car, torn apart by political unrest.

Flag (front)

STRONG BAD: Front Seatzerland.

Flag (rear)

STRONG BAD: Hatchbackistan. "If this nation's a-rockin', you know what to don't come do."



STRONG BAD: {lifts box, revealing a piece of paper underneath, music plays and overlay of the page is shown} Page three of my Algebros instruction manual! This one teaches the lethally educational "Logarithm Attack" move.

STRONG BAD: Whole bunch o' nothing under here.

Flag (back)

STRONG BAD: The Backfence revolutionaries, struggling to overthrow their Front-au-Fence oppressors.

Flag (front)

STRONG BAD: The People's Republic of Front-au-Fence, bitter rivals of the Backfence Revolutionaries.

Snap Shak


STRONG BAD: The magical, physics-bending kingdom of Snapshakland.

Strong Badia

STRONG BAD: Despite being a card-carrying Litterbug, I should probably pick up some o' the crap lying around here. It's lookin' like Sty-Hole City.

Game Board

STRONG BAD: Already my beautiful nation, defiled by litter... A-HA! This "Maps & Minions" board will be perfect to plot my course to world domination! {draws and map and half mumbles to himself} Borders here... and the ocean.. gather topological data from the survey team... put a dragon here... PERFECT! If I'm here {Strong Badia at the top of the map is highlighted and flashes, accompanied by a high pitched beeping} and I wanna get to The Of Town in his stupid castle here... {The Castle at the bottom of the map is highlighted and flashes, accompanied by a lower pitched beeping} hmm... I'm pretty much gonna have to lay waste to everything and crush all the free nations under the steel-toed boot of the Strong Badian Empire! I better get crack-alackin'!

Game Box

STRONG BAD: Strong Sad's old "Maps & Minions" board game. The Cheat's been trying to melt all of the game pieces together to make a super soldier. And ho, what's this? {picks up a stash of paper money next to the box} Perfect Strong Badian currency. I'll call them "Quesos." {Takes paper money} We've got an economy now!

STRONG BAD: It's an empty "Maps & Minions" box. "World Dominati-FUN for everyone!"


STRONG BAD: My lands have suffered greatly during my wrongful imprisonment.

STRONG BAD: Restoring the glory of Strong Badia, one fearful citizen at a time.

The Cheat

Before being annexed

STRONG BAD: THERE you are, The Cheat! Let's go, we've got an empire to build!
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh mezeh!
STRONG BAD: {annoyed} Whaaaaat? Is that any way to address your dictator and raquetball partner?
THE CHEAT: Meh meh MEH meh meh!
STRONG BAD: You can't secede from Strong Badia! It's... it's treason!
THE CHEAT: {Shrugging} Mehzemeh.
STRONG BAD: {angry} Fine then! What's your boring loser country for boring losers called anyway?
THE CHEAT: {Proudly} Meh Meh meh Meh!
STRONG BAD: {offended} The Cheat and Tirerea?! Um, you might want to rethink that one.
THE CHEAT: Meh mehzemeh!

The Cheat → Strong Badia flag

STRONG BAD: All right, all right. I know there's been tension lately, things were said, maybe I kicked some things I didn't mean... but come on! What's Strong Badia without The Cheat?
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Mezeh meh meh!
STRONG BAD: {Angrily, as well} After all I've subjected my loyal subjects to, this is how you treat me. Even you, Tire?
{Camera slowly pans around Tire}
STRONG BAD: Oh, that's just cold.

STRONG BAD: Why would you want to leave Strong Badia? What about the tropical breezes? The Cold Ones? The probably lots of chocolate?!
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meze mehmeh meh meh!
STRONG BAD: I've ALWAYS appreciated you! I appreciate that little squeak you make when you get kicked... I appreciate that fresh mountain spring scent you get when I take you out of the dryer...
THE CHEAT: Mezemeh meh!
STRONG BAD: Of course you're important! You convert carbon dioxide into oxygen so we can breathe!
THE CHEAT: {Irritated} Meh meh meh.
STRONG BAD: Oh, right. That's plants. Well, whatever! Come on! What do you want from me?
THE CHEAT: Meh MEH meh meh meh!

STRONG BAD: You've GOT to join Strong Badia! Only united can we take on the barbarians to the south. And then we scrimmage against the East Bulldogs next Tuesday!
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Mezeeh! Meh!
STRONG BAD: {annoyed} At least give me my lighter back.
THE CHEAT: Mezehmeh, meh.

The Cheat → medal

STRONG BAD: You gotta know you're my right-hand The Cheat!
THE CHEAT: Mezemeh meh.
STRONG BAD: {Enticingly} What if I make you my second-in-command?
THE CHEAT: Mfh. Meh!

STRONG BAD: All right, all right. I hereby name you my Vice The Cheat, Successor To All The Strong Badian Empire... except that {Shot changes to show a small patch of land} patch of dirt over there. {Camera returns to Strong Bad} I traded it to Strong Mad for one of those giant gummy foots. Ugh. He definitely got the better deal.
THE CHEAT: Mezemeh meh meh!
STRONG BAD: {offended} What do you mean, "official proof?" Are you applying for a passport or something?

STRONG BAD: {Enticingly} What if I make you my second-in-command?
THE CHEAT: Mezemeh meh meh!
STRONG BAD: {offended} What do you mean, "official proof?" Are you applying for a passport or something?

The Cheat → The Cheat → Angel

STRONG BAD: Come on, The Cheat. You KNOW the good times we've had. Remember back when we stapled that grilled cheese to Homestar's chin... this morning?
{Homestar walks past with a piece of grilled cheese stuck to his face, trying to shake it off}
THE CHEAT: Mmmmmeh meh meh...
STRONG BAD: I'll let you spend the night in the crisper drawer... while it's still in the friiiidge...
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Mah meh!

STRONG BAD: {Whining} Come on, The Cheat.
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh!

STRONG BAD: {Whining} Come on....
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh!

STRONG BAD: {Whining} The Cheeeeeat....
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh!

STRONG BAD: {Whining} Cooooommmmeee ooooonnnnn....
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh!

STRONG BAD: {Whining} The Cheeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaattttt....? {Staggers end t's}
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Meh!
STRONG BAD: Dang, he's serious! That was some o' my best wheedling. I think I pulled something.

The Cheat → The Cheat → Devil

STRONG BAD: You know you're too small and weak to take on the Strong Badian army.
THE CHEAT: MEH mehzemeh?
STRONG BAD: Oh yeah. Strong Badia never built an army, did we?

STRONG BAD: {annoyed} You don't even deserve to join Strong Badia. I'm better off without you.
THE CHEAT: {Indifferent} Meh meh meh.
STRONG BAD: Hmm, I guess reverse psychology isn't gonna work.

STRONG BAD: {frustrated} Just join Strong Badia before I punt you into the demilitarilized zone, Squeaky!
THE CHEAT: {Angrily} Mezemehmeh plemehhh!

Pilot Wings → The Cheat

THE CHEAT: Mehehme MAHehme?
STRONG BAD: With this medal of honor, I appoint you, The Cheat, Commander of my... Secret Sauce Police.
STRONG BAD: Let's put this family feud behind us, old friend. Act now, and maybe I won't have you hanged for heinous war crimes.
THE CHEAT: Mermehme meh! {tosses a lighter to Strong Bad}
STRONG BAD: My lighter! I knew getting you back wasn't a total waste of space and time!

{Old timey music plays as the screen focuses on the map, with The Cheat and Tirerea turning red.}

ANNOUNCER: Dateline: Strong Badia! A nation long devastated by civil war: brother against brother, tire against cinder block. Now the long national nightmare is over, thanks to one charismatic leader. Strong Bad, your star is on the rise!

The Cheat and Tirerea

STRONG BAD: {Distatefully} The Cheat & Tirerea? Nastiest name for a country I ever heard.


STRONG BAD: Steel-belted Traitor!

The Stick


STRONG BAD: The tiny noble kingdom of Shticktenstein.

The Stick

STRONG BAD: Despite al the political upheaval, everyone recognizes The Stick as hallowed ground.

The Whale

The Whale

THE WHALE: Eat portly accountants again soon!

THE WHALE: Shake things up with our new Slappy Grill toys.

THE WHALE: Get your lighter from the anvil, please.

THE WHALE: Please tie boards to the second window.

THE WHALE: Pull forward for your metal detector.

THE WHALE: Welcome to Blubb-o's. Can I have your mother's shins please?

THE WHALE: Kids love our spicy hidden wings.

THE WHALE: Supasize that with a monkey's paw?
STRONG BAD: Uh, no thanks.

THE WHALE: Lick the wounds, gentlemen. Don't forget to lick the wounds.
STRONG BAD: I... think I might.

THE WHALE: Have you fried our population bombs?
STRONG BAD: Some day, friend whale. Some day.

THE WHALE: Would you like flaming skulls with that?
STRONG BAD: You have to ask?


STRONG BAD: Fifty percent off apple pie charts. What?
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