Strong Badia the Free Responses (The Field)

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Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People has many responses when you talk to various characters and interact with various objects. These are the responses from The Field in Strong Badia the Free.

On these pages, A → B (right arrow) means that the response happens when object A is used on thing B, or in the case of talking to other characters, the indicated sequence of chat topic icons are chosen.

A short horizontal line between two or more responses, such as the one above, means only one of the responses is heard at a time, and that the action results in a different response each time it occurs.


Brick Wall

Brick Wall

STRONG BAD: {Strong Bad discovers a flag, which is shown overlayed on the screen, music plays} A collectible souvenir flag from Strong Badia! I always knew you were loyal to me, Brick Wall.

STRONG BAD: I can't decide who I want to be the first up against this when the revolution comes.


STRONG BAD: The union of Soviet Socialist Repubricks.




STRONG BAD: "Concessionstantinople. Population: Savings. Question mark."

Walk Around Bubs'

Cool Car

Cool Car

STRONG BAD: Even our trusty, somewhat rusty car, torn apart by political unrest.

Flag (front)

STRONG BAD: Front Seatzerland.

Flag (rear)

STRONG BAD: Hatchbackistan. "If this nation's a-rockin', you know what to don't come do."



STRONG BAD: {lifts box, revealing a piece of paper underneath, music plays and overlay of the page is shown} Page three of my Algebros instruction manual! This one teaches the lethally educational "Logarithm Attack" move.

STRONG BAD: Whole bunch o' nothing under here.

Flag (back)

STRONG BAD: The Backfence revolutionaries, struggling to overthrow their Front-au-Fence oppressors.

Flag (front)

STRONG BAD: The People's Republic of Front-au-Fence, bitter rivals of the Backfence Revolutionaries.

Snap Shak


STRONG BAD: The magical, physics-bending kingdom of Snapshakland.

Strong Badia

Game Board

STRONG BAD: Already my beautiful nation, defiled by litter... Ah ha! This "Maps & Minions" board will be perfect to plot my course to world domination! {draws and map and half mumbles to himself} Borders here... and the ocean.. gather topological data from the survey team... put a dragon here... and perfect! If I'm here {Strong Badia at the top of the map is highlighted and flashes, accompanied by a high pitched beeping} and I wanna get to The Of Town in his stupid castle here... {The Castle at the bottom of the map is highlighted and flashes, accompanied by a lower pitched beeping} hmm... I'm pretty much gonna have to lay waste to everything and crush all the free nations under the steel-toed boot of the Strong Badian Empire! I better get crack-a-lackin'!

Game Box


The Cheat

The Cheat and Tirerea


The Stick


STRONG BAD: The tiny noble kingdom of Shticktenstein.

The Stick

STRONG BAD: Despite al the political upheaval, everyone recognizes The Stick as hallowed ground.

The Whale

The Whale

THE WHALE: Eat portly accountants again soon!

THE WHALE: Shake things up with our new Slappy Grill toys.

THE WHALE: Get your lighter from the anvil, please.

THE WHALE: Please tie boards to the second window.

THE WHALE: Pull forward for your metal detector.

THE WHALE: Welcome to Blubb-o's. Can I have your mother's shins please?

THE WHALE: Kids love our spicy hidden wings.

THE WHALE: Supasize that with a monkey's paw?
STRONG BAD: Uh, no thanks.

THE WHALE: Lick the wounds, gentlemen. Don't forget to lick the wounds.
STRONG BAD: I... think I might.

THE WHALE: Have you fried our population bombs?
STRONG BAD: Some day, friend whale. Some day.

THE WHALE: Would you like flaming skulls with that?
STRONG BAD: You have to ask?


STRONG BAD: Fifty percent off apple pie charts. What?
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