fan club

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Strong Bad Email #188
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"All right, deleteheads. It's been a big week for the fan club."

Strong Bad the email sender his fan club, "The Deleteheads".

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Sad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Homsar, Senor Cardgage, Homestar Runner

Places: Computer Room, Strong Sad's Room

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Monday, January 28, 2008

Running Time:

Page Title: Lappy 486



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STRONG BAD: {singing} The green grass... Pleasant ghost... Strong Bad Email, make us some toast! {brings up the email}

{Strong Bad stutters the word "it''s a little, and pronounces "whose" as spelled (with an S sound).}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Ah, fan clubs. Sweet, innocent, restraining order-inducing fan clubs. Don't get me wrong, fans are great. It's the addition of 'club' that totally roons it. {clears the screen} Which is the opposite of how it usually works. For instance: turkey = {the word is typed in a dull brown colour; other voices accompany him} mrenh, turkey club = {the word appears in a rainbow of colours} mmmMMRENHhhhh! {the other voices cheer "Yay!"} But yes, there is a sbemail fan club. Its members call themselves 'Deleteheads' and in a chocolate-covered bit of Stockholm syndrome-esque irony, their president is brother Strong Sad!

{cut to Strong Sad standing at a table in his room. He is wearing a hat styled after a computer's delete key, which reads "Del" on it}

STRONG SAD: {singing} Population: Tiii-iii-iiire! {sits, producing the Geddup Noise} All right, deleteheads. It's been a big week for the fan club.

{cut to Strong Mad, The Cheat, and the Cinderblock sitting across from him, all wearing the same delete key hat}

STRONG SAD: We finally switched over our web hosting from Geofire {cut back to Strong Sad} to Angelcities.

{screen of the Deleteheads website, called "The Delete-Heads Website", pops up. There is a pixelated picture of Strong Bad dancing, as well as links to "Our friend Scott's website".}

STRONG SAD: And they've upgraded all of our dead links to hyperlinks!

{the website screen drops off again, showing Strong Sad once more}

STRONG SAD: We also had several interesting discussions in the ongoing debate series "Non Sequitur Champion: Cardgage or Homsar".

{scene cuts to one of the following, chosen at random:}

  • SENOR CARDGAGE: {standing next to a bag} Gardenias, monteljohn. Can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?
  • HOMSAR: {wearing a computer key hat that reads "Thump"} My name's Millions, and I'm the son of a chipwich!

{cut back to Strong Sad}

STRONG SAD: ...Well, debate's over! Oh, and I just confirmation today that Abdi LaRue, {scene switches to the view of Strong Mad and The Cheat} sender of the first Strong Bad Email, {Strong Mad grins} is a lock for this year's FHQWHfest.

{the flier for "FHQWHfest '08" appears}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "deleteheads" to see a Deletehead's member card.
  • At the end, click on the first "grandiose" to see a scene with Vector Strong Bad.
  • At the end, click on the first "fan fiction" to see a scene with Marzipan.
    MARZIPAN: {playing a paddleball game until she misses} Aww, shootie-kahootie. I could only do it eleven times today.
    {Twelve-Times-A-Day Man flies down from the top of the screen}
    TWELVE-TIMES-A-DAY MAN: I can do it! I can do it twelve times!
  • At the end, click on "dabble" to see a picture of Homsar's Parents: a photo of a mug of coffee and a chipwich cookie.
  • At the end, click on "King of Town" to see Strong Bad's King of Town fan fiction.
    {a roughly drawn cartoon of The King of Town with a puddle in front of him, and an unknown substance splashed around his mouth}
    STRONG BAD as THE KING OF TOWN: I can't believe I ate that whole pile of whatsit!
    STRONG BAD: ...Said the King of Town.
    THE KING OF TOWN: I wish that were fiction...

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