the chair

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Strong Bad Email #162
watch 4 branches some kinda robot
"Whoa, it's been upgraded to Stank..."

Strong Bad decides to get a new chair. Bubs offers some suggestions.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Stooly, Bubs, Lil' Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Strong Sad (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Bubs' Concession Stand, Strong Sad's Room (Easter egg)

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: December 4, 2006

Running Time: 3:57

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing} A-just scrape some email off the top, and I'll help you out toniiiight!

{pronounces "doesnt" as "dohs-n-t" and "truely" as "treh-leh", and reads "Keith, PA" as "Keith and Pa"}

STRONG BAD: Ooh! It's a father-son email picnic! {typing} Y to the ou don't know what you're talkin' about, Pakeithpsy. Stooly here is a tush-cheek's dream. So cottony squish and pillowy fresh. Take a look-see!

{Camera zooms out to show Strong Bad leaping off of the stool. The seat is filthy, and has the word "STANK" seeping out of it at various spots.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa, it's been upgraded to Stank...

{a face fades onto the seat of the stool and coughs}

STRONG BAD: Eeew... Maybe it is time for a re-imagining of my email-checkin' chair...

STOOLY: {coughs again} I just need a lozenge...

{cut to Strong Bad standing outside Bubs' Concession Stand, with the camera centered behind Bubs}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Bubs!

BUBS: Hey, customer!

STRONG BAD: What do you got in the way of things I can sit on whilst I check emails?

BUBS: Ooh! Lucky for you! I just got {places the box on the counter} this pre-owned box of chicken beaks in just now! Like right just now!

STRONG BAD: Okay, okay, okay... But you got anything less anthrax-y?

BUBS: I got this old Winger album! {holds up the record case}

STRONG BAD: Well, yeah... that is less anthrax-y. But I was kinda hoping for a chair of some kind.

BUBS: Step right into my showroom!

{Bubs slides away. Cut to the side of Bubs' Concession Stand. As Strong Bad walks around, a portion of the wall falls, revealing a conveyor belt. Bubs rides on it standing on one foot.}

BUBS: Steeeeeeeeeeeep! {jumps off conveyor belt} All right! We'll start at the tip, and work our way to the tup!

STRONG BAD: You make less sense every day, Bubsy.

BUBS: Crabberdonk!

{The conveyor belt re-merges with the wall, then falls back down with a red, white and blue bicycle seat on it}

STRONG BAD: Hey, that's no chair! That's Red, White and Banana! My old bicycle seat!

{cut to a film-projected scene of Li'l Strong Bad riding the bicycle seat outside a porch}

STRONG BAD: I used to ride that thing on my paper route all the time!

{Li'l Strong Bad lights a newspaper on fire with a Duplo lighter and throws it at the house, setting the door alight. Li'l Strong Bad laughs; cut back to Strong Bad and Bubs outside the concession stand}

STRONG BAD: No, I'd better pass on that. I had a few too many wipeouts on that thing as a kid.

BUBS: Ugh! You nasty!


{The wall rises again, and falls down with a chair shaped like Homestar Runner on it}

STRONG BAD: What makes you think I want to check-a my email on a Homestar Runner-shaped chair??

BUBS: Aw, come on. Give it a try!

{Strong Bad jumps onto the chair}


STRONG BAD: {jumping out of the chair} Wah!

BUBS: Whoops, seen enough of that one!

{The conveyor belt quickly rises, then falls again with a deformed gray lump vaguely resembling a chair.}

STRONG BAD: Aww, your snowman died!

BUBS: You simpleton! This is a Danoob Largo original! The Styleron Ecochair! {camera zooms in on the chair as a Styleron Ecochair logo appears}

STRONG BAD: Look, I don't care how Swedish your chair is. I have no need for a giant albino doggie-doody.

BUBS: Always a hit at parties...

STRONG BAD: Come on, Bubs! Don't you have anything more... executive? A chair that will intimidate my underlings and eliminate my overlings!

BUBS: Ooh! Lucky for you! I just got this pre-owned— {The conveyor belt lowers, displaying the same box of chicken beaks}

STRONG BAD: {interrupting} NOT a box of chicken beaks! {The conveyor belt immediately rises again.}

BUBS: Oh. Then behold:

{The conveyor belt returns with a large leather chair. Light shines around the edges of the chair and a golden La Restige plaque appears.}

BUBS: Le Restige!

STRONG BAD: Style and class! Oh, tell me that leather's Corinthian! Just tell me it's Corinthian!

BUBS: Crabberdonk!

{Strong Bad is now sitting in the chair.}

STRONG BAD: So what kind of options are we looking at on this baby?

BUBS: Ooh! You're gonna love this!

{Bubs opens a compartment in the arm rest to reveal a red button and presses it, making a buzzing sound; a pair of metallic arms appear from behind Strong Bad and slip a pair of gray sweatpants on him}

STRONG BAD: No way! A sweatpants button! And so begins my meteoric rise to the top of the corporate ladder... Now alls we gotta do is see how well it checks emails!

{cut back to the computer room, with Le Restige taking up nearly the entire screen}

STRONG BAD: {singing} Hey, hey, hey. It's e-mail.

{opens an email}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Like I've said before, this is not a mask. It's my face. But hey, I'll give it a shot! {tugs on his face until it comes off, and raises it above the chair, screaming}

STRONG BAD: {reattaching his face makes sound like ripping of flesh} Ugh! I am NEVER gonna do that again! And, here's a picture of my parents.

{The corner of a photograph appears above the chair. Cut out to show the entire computer room.}

STRONG BAD: And now time to unwind with a pair of executive sweatpants! {pushes the sweatpants button}

{The robotic arms go haywire and toss Strong Bad into the air; he falls down with several layered sweatpants on his legs and another pair on his head.}

STRONG BAD: {groaning} Ooooh... so... many... sweatpants... I can't feel my parts...

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

nice try dodongo!
  • Click on the Styleron logo while Bubs shows off the ecochair to see a poster of the designer.
  • At the end, click on Le Restige to see a scene of Strong Sad trying to sit on the ecochair.
{Cut to Strong Sad's room. Strong Sad is balancing awkwardly atop the ecochair. The poster for it is on the wall behind him.}
STRONG SAD: {Tips back and forth} Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... {Falls backwards, appearing to break his back} Ooh! ... I can't feel my parts...
  • The photo of Strong Bad's parents, when viewed in a decompiler, is blank except for the words "nice try dodongo!" written across it.

Fun Facts



...when viewed with a decompiler
  • The Floppy Disk Container reads "bio forge".
  • Strong Bad's face/mask, which is facing the viewers even though Strong Bad is presumably facing his computer, can be partially viewed when using a Flash decompiler.
  • This email marks the first appearance of a more realistic-looking sky over The Field.


  • There is no 'back' button at the end of the email.


  • We don't see or hear the conveyor belt go back up again after the Styleron Ecochair is seen for the last time, but the conveyor belt is up when Bubs brings out the chicken beaks again.
  • When the scene switches to a wide shot after Strong Bad holds up the picture of his parents, the text on the screen has immediately switched from the email he received to the text Strong Bad typed.

Inside References

Real-World References

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