high school

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Revision as of 04:48, 9 January 2006 by Trogga (Talk | contribs)
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Playing in a band, just to be safe.

Strong Bad Email #140

Strong Bad talks about his younger years.

Cast (in order of appearance):' Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Mad, Coach Z, Strong Sad, The Poopsmith, Pom Pom, Bubs

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: January 8, 2006

Running Time: 3:01

Page Title: Lappy 486



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STRONG BAD: {singing} It's an email, baby lunchjuice.

{Strong Bad streches out "Hey Strong Bad!", can't seem to be able to pronounce "highschool", and reads "Cowiche, WA" as one word.}

STRONG BAD: Well, cowichewa to you too, Patrique. Now, I have an extremely unphotographic memory. So, I guess that'd be more like a drawing, or a doodle. Like a doodle memory.

{Strong Bad clears the screen.}

STRONG BAD: But I would hazard a guess that we were probably just like other cartoons were in high school, i.e. we were a team of super sleuths.

{Cuts to a splash screen titled "The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries" with "story by Youdbetterbelieveit Chimendez" in the lower right. Crudely drawn Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Mad, and Strong Bad stand abreast in the center. Dissolve to Marzipan.}

MARZIPAN: Dampers! My long lost uncle's abandoned pie factory sure is mysterious.

STRONG BAD: Ah, there's no such thing as "mysterious".

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I don't want to take any chances. We should play in a band, just to be safe.

{Cut to Strong Bad, Strong Mad, Marzipan, and Homestar Runner playing the keyboard, the drums, the timbourine, and the guitar, respectively.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Having fun with my friends. Words about a mystery. Shaking hands with my man.

{Cut back to the Lappy 486.}

STRONG BAD: And when we weren't debating the existence of mysterious, Strong Mad and I were all the time trying to liberate Homestar from those rediculous striped {pronounced stripe-ed} pants.

{Cut to Strong Mad, Homestar, and Strong Bad in high school. Strong Mad and Strong Bad hold ropes attached to hooks in the ceiling and floor, which then run through hooks on Homestar's waistline. A magnet lies next to Homestar's feet.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Now you guys are sure this won't emancipate me from those rediculous striped {pronounced stripe-ed} pants?

{Cut back to the Lappy 486.}

STRONG BAD: So that's what highschool was like. In, um, middle school we were a bunch of melon-headed babies with gigantic eyes and enormous...

{A baby-sized Coach Z tosses with a box marked "NOT A BALL!", with a plush football beside him. Strong Bad continues, voicing over.}

STRONG BAD: ...imaginations.

COACH Z: {high-pitched, childish voice} I'm pretending I'm the captian of the football dorm!

{As Coach Z says this, the nursery-school style background is replaced with a black and white image of a football field.}

{Push pan to a baby Strong Bad in a diaper with a small blue cap on his head. He sits holding a joystick.}

STRONG BAD: {high-pitched, childish voice} I'm pretending I'm played better video games! Aw, man!

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the word "unphotographic" to reveal a photographic memory of the jumble caper.
    • Click on the resulting image to reveal the doodle memory version of the same event.
  • Click on "Roman Times" to see what those times were like.

Easter Egg Transcript

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh... aqueduct.

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Hm... yes! Vomitorium!


{Cut to Sickly Sam. He vanishes, and a pillar takes his place}

Fun Facts


  • A vomitorium was a place in Roman times. During a feast, people would eat until they were stuffed, then excuse themselves to the vomitorium. They would throw up the entire contents of their stomach, then return to the feast to eat some more.
  • Cell Homestar performed mitosis.


  • Besides "new strong bad email", the only other item on the main page button read "nothing else!" (The site had just experienced an unusually long hiatus of 35 days since a major update.)


  • "Cowichewa to you too" is a misinterpretation of "konnichi wa", a basic Japanese greeting.
  • Highschool Strong Bad looks very similar to Senor Cardgage.


  • Strong Bad's reflection goes outside of the Lappy's screen as he gets up. This occurs due to lack of using a masking effect.

Inside References

  • The photo from the "photographic memory" Easter Egg is a screen shot from caper.
  • There is another reference to Homestar's Pants.

Real-World References

External Links

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