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Neverending Soda

Strong Bad Email #78

Strong Bad gets the week off while Homestar fills in. Homestar discusses the finer points of frying computer parts with carbonated beverages.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Coach Z, Strong Sad, The Cheat

Places: Computer Room, The Field

Computer: Compy 386

Date: June 30, 2003

Running Time: 2:12



{Open to Compy 386; Strong Bad is absent. Homestar Runner walks in and sits down at the computer.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hello, class. Strong Bad could not be here today, so I will be filling in. My name is {slowly} Homestar Runner. {with a piece of chalk he writes his name on the screen, then erases it.} Everyone please take out paper and a number 2 pencil, and we'll begin. {Homestar types "", rather than the usual "strongbad_email.exe", to run the e-mail program, and strangely enough, it works.} Lesson one:

{He begins reading the e-mail.}

{After reading "Strong Bad," Homestar says "Um, I do believe I just told you my name is Homestar Runner. But I'll let it slide this time." He then continues reading.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {typing} FL? Far-off Lands? Foreign Leadership Camp? Fish Lake? {stops typing} Oh, I got it. He's from Fish Lake. {clears screen, resumes typing} Well, Jerome, I once made a birthday present for Marzipan out of some of my old CD's I didn't like anymore and placed them in a decorative bag. {stops typing} And then {resumes typing} I once made breakfast out of cold pizza and half and half. Oh! And one time I made a whole set of coasters out of {cut to some glasses of melonade sitting on game cartridges} some old Sega tapes. And I made a pair of shoes—

{Cut to Coach Z and Strong Sad out in the field talking. Strong Sad has a Foreign Leadership Camp '91 T-shirt on. Homestar walks on wearing shoe-boxes for shoes.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {continues in voice-over} —out of a pair of shoe boxes.

COACH Z: Whoa, those are some fresh kicks there, Homestar!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, I know! {walks off}

COACH Z: So anyways, Reg had the ball at the top o' the key.

{Cut back to the Compy}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {typing} But this week, I will instruct you on how to make a wet computer out of Strong Bad's computer.

{The Cheat walks on in a red outfit, but is instantly knocked offscreen when Homestar stands up.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: First, you need a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. {produces a bottle of Mountain Dew from behind his back} Then get Strong Bad's computer. Apply liberally. {starts pouring Mountain Dew on Strong Bad's keyboard, a ringing noise is heard.} Oops, we're out of time.

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} That's just my egg-timer!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Class dismissed! {glaring at the screen angrily} Except for you, Jerome!

{The Paper comes down. Homestar twitches a little. The Mountain Dew continues to be poured onto Strong Bad's keyboard. After about 13 seconds, Homestar resumes talking.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Dang. This thing's like... the never-ending soda. {sings} Never-ending so-oda! A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a...

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the words "Fish Lake" to see a postcard from there.
  • To see the wonderful CD collection Homestar gave Marzipan, click on "CD."

Fun Facts


  • This is the first email in which Strong Bad is nowhere to be found.
  • This is the first appearance of Mountain Dew. It had been previously mentioned, but not seen, in techno.


  • The area of carpet underneath the keyboard gradually darkens while Mountain Dew drips on it.
  • Homestar shows us his fickle side by first forgiving the email's author for "forgetting" his name then forcing him to stay when "class" is dismissed.


  • When Strong Sad is wearing the "Foreign Leadership Camp '91" shirt, his belly-button has disappeared.
  • When Homestar clears the screen after typing "Fish Lake," you can see the "a>" prompt escape from the top of the Compy screen.
  • When poured onto the keyboard, the Mountain Dew appears to be a green liquid. In real life, Mountain Dew is yellow; it just comes in a green bottle.

Inside References

Real-World References

Fast Forward

DVD Version

  • The Fish Lake and "Old People Music" CD eggs are still viewable using the angle button on your DVD remote.
  • The DVD version features hidden audio commentary. To access it, switch your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Strong Bad, Mike Chapman)

STRONG BAD: Oh, this one is a travesty.

MIKE: But, you're not even in this e-mail, Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: I know, which automatically makes it a travesty.

MIKE: It's your arch-nemesis, Homestar Runner.

STRONG BAD: I know, it's hard, aww, look the way he's treating the Compy, like how could you do that to it? Oh.

MIKE: At least he erased it.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, but he screwed up the monitor, there was smudgies on it for a while. I had to buy those special clothies.

MIKE: Yeah.

STRONG BAD: Maybe, you know.

MIKE: I got some special clothies.

{Strong Bad makes a sound effect}

STRONG BAD: That's the sound they make when you're rubbing it down.

MIKE: Uh, okay so where were you when this was going on?

STRONG BAD: Uh, I mean, I think.

MIKE: I mean Monday mornings, you know Monday mornings.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, but I...

MIKE: Wait, you listen to me. You're supposed to check your e-mail Monday mornings, sometimes Monday afternoons, occasionally Tuesday mornings.

STRONG BAD: One or two times Wednesday.

MIKE: Right, so where were you? What happened to you?

STRONG BAD: This was one of those Wednesday times. Planning on doing it on a Wednesday. Shanghai'd.

MIKE: Okay.

STRONG BAD: I got, look at all those Sega tapes.

MIKE: Are those yours?

STRONG BAD: Those are my Sega tapes.

MIKE: I figured they were.

STRONG BAD: Homestar never got to figure out how to work the Genesis.

MIKE: Are those Freshley shoes that you wear? Your wrestling boots?

STRONG BAD: Oh man, Freshley's are aptly named.

{Mike laughs}

MIKE: Yeah?

STRONG BAD: About the freshest shoes you can imagine. They're freshly made. Oh, The Cheat, that was, see The Cheat was coming over, that was practice that day. Cause we were gonna...

MIKE: Why was he dressed up like somebody from Sergeant Pepper's?

STRONG BAD: Cause we were gonna do our Beatles cover band for that Wednesday e-mail, and then it got Shanghai'd.

MIKE: Look at, look at what's going on here.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, this I have a hard time looking at too. Look at all that wasted soda.

MIKE: So you don't care about your keyboard?

STRONG BAD: Oh, that keyboard was disgusting anyway, man. Have your keyboard upside down and like shook it? There's like, I had a rat one time fall out of my keyboard.

MIKE: Oh, really?


MIKE: I should do that, I haven't done that in a while.

STRONG BAD: You should be careful. Get this guy out of here.

MIKE: I think it's almost over.

STRONG BAD: I mean look at him.

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