new hands

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Waddia say there, Buckethand?

Strong Bad Email #47

Strong Bad gets asked about what he would replace his hands with if they were cut off at the wrist.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad/Buckethand, The Cheat, Coach Z, Homestar Runner (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, The Field

Computer: Compy 386

Date: October 21, 2002

Running Time: 1:35



STRONG BAD: Doo doo doo doo doo... {like pizzicato strings} Email! doo doo doo doo doo...


STRONG BAD: {typing} Lemme think for a second, Ryan. Ooh! Ooh! I got it!

{Cuts to The Field, with Strong Bad standing in the middle of it}

STRONG BAD: {voice-over} One hand would have a bucket on it. {a bucket appears on his right hand} That way, I would always...have a bucket. You know, for like, dumping oatmeal on stuff {a turtle appears and he dumps some oatmeal from inside the bucket on it}, for washing The Cheat {water appears in the bucket, and The Cheat comes out of it with suds covering his head}, and like, dropping the occasional beat...

{Strong Bad starts dropping a beat with the bucket, and Coach Z appears with a microphone in his hand.}

COACH Z: These peoples tried to fade me!

{The beat ends and Coach Z disappears.}

STRONG BAD: {voice-over} And also, I could sit on it when I get tired {he puts his bucket-hand on the ground and sits on it}...Sit right down on the bucket. And the other hand would definitely be a bullhorn. {a bullhorn appears on his left hand} That way, everyone could hear all the important stuff I gotta say.

{Strong Bad's voice-over ends, and the Strong Bad in the field speaks through the bullhorn-hand.}

STRONG BAD: I am still awesome. {pause} Seriously. Hey, Coach! I wasn't trying to fade you. That wasn't me. I don't know who those peoples were.

{Strong Bad gets off the bucket-hand and stands there in The Field for a second, and then it cuts back to Strong Bad at the computer.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Now I know you were all expecting me to pick things like guitars and lazor guns... {stops typing} but I—Aww, man! Why didn't I pick guitars and lazor guns? Bullhorn?! Pfft! Like having a bucket for a hand's gonna get me any chicks... What was I thinking?

{Strong Bad hangs his head in shame}

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end of this one you can click on the words, "guitars and lazor guns" to bring up Strong Bad with a guitar and a laser gun for hands.
  • Click on his "hands" for other various things.
    • Left Hand:
      • An electric guitar
      • A wooden plank
      • The hot sauce bottle from your friends
      • Homestar's head, which says "What do you say, there, Buckethand?"
      • A roll of toilet paper
      • An oversized boxing glove
      • The bullhorn
      • An ABA basketball
    • Right hand:
      • A "lazor" gun
      • An oversized boxing glove
      • A lightning bolt
      • A cloud
      • A paper airplane
      • The bucket
      • A spinning sawblade from your friends

Fun Facts



  • When The Cheat is in the bucket while Strong Bad talks about washing him, he is much smaller than normal.

Inside References

Fast Forward

DVD Version

  • The hands Easter Egg is still there, but the hands are cycled through automatically.
  • The DVD version adds a hidden creator's commentary. To access it, change your DVD player's audio language selection while watching this email.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman)

MIKE: {poor imitation of Strong Bad} Email! Doot, doot, doot, doo, do.

MATT: That was not me, that was Mike—

MIKE: I was taking—

MATT: —doing a bad impression of my website. This is probably one of the longer emails.

MIKE: Yeah, this is pr—

MATT: We don't usually accept emails that long anymore.

MIKE: Yeah, that's true. If it's more than two sentences I, uh, usually just throw it out. There's some scale problems in this one, I remember when The Cheat appears in the bucket.

MATT: Yeah, The Cheat is a little... Look at that little turtle! We should bring that turtle back. {laughs}

MIKE: The Cheat's as big as Strong Bad's mouth!

MATT: He could eat him in one bite! There is of course the first—the first appearance of "These Peoples Try To Fade Me." There's some new, some new legs you made for Strong Bad, I see.

MIKE: Yeah, his feet look a little funny.

MATT: I like 'em.

MIKE: I really wanna get one of those bullhorns.

MATT: Yeah, we should, there's no, no excuse for us not having—each having one of those.

MIKE: We could be doing our commentary through megaphones.

MATT: Yeah. {Pause} Um, do you have anything else to say?

MIKE: Well, I can't even remember what happens here. Okay, right.

MATT: He should have done—

MIKE: He should have picked guitar and laser guns—

MATT: Yeah, ri—

MIKE: 'cuz they're cooler than buckets and megaphones.

MATT: These commentaries are just us remembering how our emails go.

MIKE: {overlapping, mock-remembering} Oh yeah, right...

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