your edge

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Strong Bad Email #197
watch hiding magic trick
"Look at this arsenal of edge-havery!"

Gee Tee is worried that Strong Bad might be losing his edge.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Sad, Strong Mad (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, The Field, Strong Sad's Room, Basement of the Brothers Strong, Living Room of the Brothers Strong

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Monday, July 21, 2008

Running Time: 3:57.8

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing} Another freakin' email, another freakin' email song.

{Strong Bad pronounces the hyphen as "minus", "heven't" as spelled, and "shenanigans" as "she-ne-ne-nanigans" He expands "yours etc" as "yours, his, hers, mine, ours". He also pronounces the name and place of the sender in a very rushed voice.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Losing our edge?! That's ridiculous. Our shenanigans make the cover of Have Edge Times Magazine like every month! Like the other day. Me and The Cheat—

{scene cuts to The Field. We see Strong Bad and The Cheat approaching a deflated basketball lying on the ground}

STRONG BAD: {as voiceover} —walked past this deflated basketball and consciously decided not to reinflate it!

STRONG BAD: So what do you think, man?

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: OK, now we're talkin' . Let's get out of here before the cops come! {Dances nervously}

{Strong Bad and The Cheat run off to the right. Scene cuts back to Strong Bad in front of computer.}

STRONG BAD: And then {Strong Bad pronounces "then" as "uh"} yesterday, we—

{scene cuts to Strong Sad's bedroom, where Strong Bad and The Cheat are standing on the bed and throwing feathers from a torn pillow at Strong Sad, whose right side is only just visible at the right of the screen. The Cheat makes little excited noises, and Strong Sad produces quiet, bored-sounding "ow"s.}

STRONG BAD: {as voiceover} —feathered the living crap out of Strong Sad!

STRONG BAD: You said it The Cheat! Tar is prohibitively expensive!

{Scene cuts back to Strong Bad in front of computer}

STRONG BAD:{typing} But edgiest of all, THIS MORNING, we spread mayonnaise—

{scene cuts to Strong Bad and The Cheat in the Basement, spreading Fluffy Puff Mayonnaise onto the tops of cardboard boxes}

STRONG BAD: {as voiceover} —on all these cardboard boxes, man. And then waited like, thirty minutes to clean it all up, vacuum, and use air-freshener to get rid of any undesirable odors left by the mayonaise! Thirty whole minutes! Can you be—yeah, okay, we're losing our edge.

STRONG BAD: The Cheat, get in here!

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises, with a melodic tone}

STRONG BAD: Take that thing off!

THE CHEAT: {disappointed The Cheat noise}

STRONG BAD: No, it is not "pretend-we're-Grandmas-baking" time! And it'll never be again! {sotto voce} See me after this email. {at full volume} No, it's time to do some real damage, The Cheat! It's time to get our shenan on! Again!

THE CHEAT: {enthusiastic The Cheat noise}

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah, look at this arsenal of edge-haver-y right here, man. We can't go wrong!

THE CHEAT: {questioning The Cheat noise}

STRONG BAD: You know, shenanigans! Like, uh, you start sawin' a hole in the floor, and I'll stomp on this casserole.

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noise}

STRONG BAD: Ah ha ha! Sorry, casserole, your crusty layer of fried onions is no match for my—ah!


Easter Eggs

Edge-Losers or Edge-Havers?
  • Clicking "Have Edge Times Magazine" at the beginning shows Strong Bad and The Cheat on the cover of Have Edge Times magazine.
  • At the end, click Strong Bad's left eye to see what happens 3 hours later.
THE CHEAT: [The Cheat noises]
STRONG BAD: [In an imitation of a grandmother] Oh, Adalade, you devil! Substituting bacon grease for butter? If my Wilbur only knew...
[Lights turn on, and the circle of floor is sitting on Strong Mad's head.]
  • At the end, click The Cheat's eyes to see Strong Sad on the cover of Have Edge Times magazine.

Fun Facts


  • When Strong Bad and The Cheat are in the hole, they both seem to have Strong Sad's eyes as pupils.

Real-world References

  • Lucy, a character from the Peanuts comic strip, famously held a football to be kicked by Charlie Brown only to pull it away at the last second in many strips in the series.

External Links

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