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Strong Bad Email #153
watch isp some kinda robot
"I don't know how we're gonna print it out, seeing as somebody sliced off the back of your monitor!"

Strong Bad considers redesigning the No Loafing sign and painting his room.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Coach Z

Places: Computer Room, Strong Bad's Laundry Room?

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: July 10, 2006

Running Time: ?

Page Title: Lappy 486



Scene Opens in darkened room with yellow tape (reading "YELLOWTAPE LELLOWTAPE") all over the Lappy. Lights go on. Enter Strong Bad

STRONG BAD: (Starts clearing tape away, starts singing} Email is nice, (unintelligible), (finishes clearing) email is twice (unintelligible).

{The "dear strong bad" echoes. Strong Bad pronounces "jamie ericson" as "hamiay eric-SON".}

STRONG BAD: {typing} That's so funny that you should say that Jamie, because I was just thinking how bored I am with your butt, and your face, and your snotty nose.{Pronounces "jamie" as an unintelligible mumble; "snotty nose" echoes.}

I guess the NO LOAFING sign could take a cue from the fast food, soft drink, and bad sports team industries and combat bad sales and decades of losing with a slick logo redesign.

First you squish it, skew it, and turn it all around. Squish it, skew it, and turn it all around.

Then we need to make it all fast and slick and shiny like Flo Jo in a tuxedo. Flo Jo in a tuxedo.

Now it's time to play Color Wheel Roulette. No Whammies, no Whammies.

Awww... Ouch, man.

Now, just when you think you're done, you gotta dip it in molten Plexiglass to give it that "children under 3 are sure to choke on it" goodness.

Oh, wait. Almost forgot the fangs

Well, I don't know how we're going to print it out, seeing as how someone sliced off the back of your monitor. And quit rubbing that plastic bar of soap on the desk. You clearly don't have what it takes to bring NO LOAFING into the digital age. But I does!

Fresh from elementary school cafetoriums and lotto machines comes one of those actually pretty hard to read message board signs...

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the "No Loafing" sign when Strong Bad is playing color wheel roulette with it to see the box design for color wheel roulette - stupid home edition.
  • When "Do Loafing" starts to scroll by on the sign, click it to see a bumper sticker for Sucky Mountain, Colorado.
  • At the end, click on "Jerk" which gives a "conversation" between the Cheat's version of the No Loafing sign and a Coach Z sign:

THE CHEAT'S NO LOAFING SIGN: (Purrs, Growls and then finally Roars)

COACH Z SIGN: (After roar) (runs away) Yorp, yorp, yorp, (exits) yorp

Fun Facts


  • Green screens are used in filming in order to have an alternate background behind the live action. If an actor or piece of scenery is greent it will not appear on screen. the is why we can see through Strong Bad's eyes.


  • The Cheat's computer was updated to an iMac Core Duo (but with a Tandy logo on the front) in this email.
  • Wiki user KKyuubi sent a slightly simliar email to the one in this movie last week.

Real World References

  • "Flo-Jo" was a nickname for Florence Griffith Joyner, an American athlete.
  • "Big Bucks, no Whammies" was commonly chanted by players on the game show Press Your Luck.
  • "Redesinging SBemails" at the end is a refrence to the many house redesign shows on channels such as HGTV.

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