death metal

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Revision as of 22:03, 16 January 2006 by Cheddarlebbon (Talk | contribs)
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Strong Bad Email #141

"Let the evil flow forth."

Strong Bad instructs viewers on how to make an awesome death metal song.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Larry Palaroncini, Strong Mad, Taranchula, Homestar Runner (Easter egg), What's Her Face (Easter egg), Cheerleader (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, The Basement

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: January 16, 2006

Running Time: 3:47



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STRONG BAD: Email, ah ooh, ooh, ah ah ooh, email.

{He says "Ding dong, string strong, bing bong" instead of "Dear Strong Bad."}

STRONG BAD: Whoa! You must go to a pretty cool school. Most schools just have a marching band or maybe a jazz ensemble. But a death metal band? That's extracurriculariffic! {clears screen} Now let's see, first, you'd better be ugly, Dane. Or fat. The gift of death metal does not smile on the good looking. If there's any doubt, go ahead and hot-glue some corn flakes to your face. That'll do the trick. Now, I'm no geographist, but I don't think Oregon is anywhere near Scandinavia, which seems to be the only place left where death metal will get you any chicks. {clears screen} As for lyrics, you've got it all wrong! Screaming words at the top of your lungs is for people with blond hair. Ya know, words like 'tonite,' 'wooh-mon,' and the name of any street in L.A.{types "run 'webcam'"} Check it out! {clears screen. A window with a camera shot of Larry Palaroncini pops up.}}

LARRY PALARONCINI: {{sings the following lines, which appear below the shot under the screen name "ladeezluvlarry71"} Tonight! Wooh-mon! We'll be drivin' down Sepulveda with the t-top down?

STRONG BAD: Thanks, Larry.

LARRY PALARONCINI: No prob, Strong Bad. HEY! I'm gonna be online later on playing an MMORPG if you wanna join my guild!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, maybe.

LARRY PALARONCINI: No, wait! {the text "you kicked ladeezluvlarry71 offline" appears in red. The window closes.}

STRONG BAD: So for death metal, you want to scream from the bowels of your lungs. The bowels! Words like, {in a deep, sinister voice, and with the words in green, spooky letters} 'decay,' 'deranged,' 'decrepit,' and um, 'delouse.' In fact, you really can't go wrong with anything that starts with d-e. 'Cept for maybe

{cut to the auditorium from Teen Girl Squad Issue 8, with a singer and back-up on stage}

SINGER: Dentist!

BACK-UP: Jugga jigga wugga!

SINGER: Deli-style!

BACK-UP: Jugga jigga wugga!

{cut back to the Lappy}

STRONG BAD: {in Teen Girl Squad voice} That was Brainkrieg. They got last place.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "fresh juice" at the end to see Homestar Runner come in looking for try-outs.
{Homestar running walks in, holding a box of corn flakes and corn flakes glued to his face}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uh, hello? Is anybody here? I'm uh, here to try out for the uh, jazz ensemble.
  • Click on "Corn Krunch" during the easter egg to see a closeup of the box.
BACK UP: Jugga jigga wugga!
BACK UP: Jugga jigga wugga!
WHATS HER FACE: Cheerleader, are you here to see Brainkrieg?
CHEERLEADER: {wearing a shirt that says "de"} I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy juggas.
BACK UP: Jugga jigga wugga!

Fun Facts


  • Scandinavia is a group of countries in northern Europe. It consists of the countries Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and is sometimes also said to include Finland and Iceland, especially when the term is used in English. Many successful Death and Black Metal bands originate in Scandinavia, and the genres are arguably the most popular there.
  • Sepulveda Boulevard is a major street in Los Angeles.
  • MMORPG stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game". Popular MMORPGs include Everquest, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes and Dark Age of Camelot.
  • Decoupage is a craft art that involves decorating objects by gluing cut-out pictures onto them and, sometimes, painting them, then sealing the decoration under varnish.
  • "Mort", as in the name "Mort Dougland", is French for "death".


  • When this email first came out, there was no "back" button at the end.Also the back of strongbads head was only shown on the lappy screen. These were fixed in a matter of minutes.


  • The Paper does not come down at the end of this email. It is replaced by Strong Bad's worksheet.

Inside References

  • The TGS Battle of the Crappy High School Bands is taken from Teen Girl Squad Issue 8.
  • The No "i" in team boy and one of the Trolls appear silhouetted in the background of the Teen Girl Squad Easter egg.
  • The "Video Thyme" is a reference to "Message Thyme" from marzipan.
  • The name of the director of the Taranchula video, Mort Dougland, is a reference to Teeg Dougland.

Real-World References

  • De La Soul is a hip-hop group made of Posdnous, Trugoy, and P.A. Mase. They are best known for their groundbreaking 1989 debut album "3 Feet High and Rising". Their second album, De La Soul is Dead is on Matt Chapman's favorite album list. De La Soul was referenced before in 50 emails.
  • Tarachula's music video is done in the style of a number of videos done by the band Tool, most notably their video for the song "Sober".
  • Strong Mad's death metal lyrics are a reference to three film and television actors; Danny DeVito, Robert De Niro, and Dom DeLouise.
  • Ohh ahh email is a refrence from email mile.

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