Stinkoman 20X6 Enemies and Items

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There are an abundance of enemies and items in the game Stinkoman 20X6. The Browntant and Chorch also make appearances in 8-Bit is Enough.


[edit] Enemies

Name Image Description Shots to kill Level
Jaro Image:Jaro.PNG Image:Jaro.gif Jaro is a small, jumping robot that can be destroyed in one hit. 1 1, 5, 6, -0, 10
Greggo Image:stinkogame-enemy-greggo.gif Greggo is a robot that walks back and forth on its platform. It crouches and becomes immobile and invulnerable when Stinkoman faces it, but can be stopped with one hit from behind. 1 1, -0, 10
Browntant Image:stinkogame-enemy-browntant.png
Browntant is a stationary beetle-like robot that shoots straight forward every few seconds. It takes three hits to kill and is momentarily invulnerable while flashing after a hit. A blue variety can be found in levels 6, -0, and 10, identical to the original Browntant in every way except color. 3 1, 2, 5, 6, -0, 10
Chorch Image:stinkogame-enemy-chorch.gif Chorch is a robot that flies back and forth above ground. It takes one hit to destroy this enemy. 1 1, 2, 5, 6, -0, 10
Kolkaryu Image:stinkogame-enemy-kolkaryu.gif Kolkaryu is a small flying saucer that appears out of the sky in specific places. It hovers for a moment, shoots two downward bursts of four bullets each, then flies away. It is invulnerable to attacks. It respawns when Stinkoman returns to the same location. inv. 1, 2, 5, -0, 10
Pooru-Pooru Image:Pooru-Pooru.png Pooru-Pooru is a spiky cucumber, planted firmly in the ground, usually in groups. Stinkoman will take damage if he touches it. inv. 1, 2, 3, -0, 10
Old Sage Image:stinkogame-enemy-old_sage.png Old Sage is a sharp, stationary spike, usually found in groups. Touching one of these causes Stinkoman to die instantly. (Note: While fighting Ekersby, Old Sages only cost one unit of energy.) inv. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, -0, 10
Terrell Image:stinkogame-enemy-terrell-ground.png Image:stinkogame-enemy-terrell-jump.png Image:Terrel.gif Terrell is a disembodied chick head that bounces around. It can be defeated in one shot. 1 2, -0, 10
Grundy Image:stinkogame-enemy-grundy.gif Grundy is a wingless chicken wearing running shoes. It walks back and forth on its platform, occasionally speeding up and slowing down. It can be killed in one shot. 1 2, -0, 10
Stobat Image:stinkogame-enemy-stobat.gif Stobat is a fat chicken with no visible feet. It blocks the path and spits out three bones every few seconds. It takes four hits to kill a Stobat, but it is momentarily invulnerable while flashing after getting hit. 4 2, -0, 10
Rose Blake Image:stinkogame-enemy-rose_blake.png Image:Rose Blake.gif Rose Blake is an electric burner. It causes damage when it is heated up and flashing. It heats up and cools down in a predictable pattern. inv. 2, -0, 10
Lundsford Image:stinkogame-enemy-lundsford.png Lundsford is a small flame from a gas burner. It causes damage when lit. It turns off and on in a predictable pattern. inv. 2,-0, 10
Tortan Image:stinkogame-enemy-tortan.png Tortan is a bottle of itself according to the Stinkomanual. It is a green liquid that drips out of bottles (of itself) and will cause damage if it drips on Stinkoman. inv. 2, 10
Clowder Image:stinkogame-enemy-clowder.png Clowder is an angry cloud, which had a propeller up until Version 7.1. It is invulnerable. inv. 3
Mr. Ubbers Image:stinkogame-enemy-mrubbers.gif Mr. Ubbers is an angry raindrop that falls from above in stage 3.1. It can't hurt you, but if attacked, it will disappear in a splash and produce a gold nugget, which Stinkoman must collect to pass the level. 1 3
Poorbt Image:Porrbt-Run.gif Poorbt is a small humanoid that runs in from off-screen, fires a single shot, and then runs away again. In Levels 4.1 and 4.2, its shots can be blocked with Stinkoman's giant fist. 1 4, -0, 10
Gokul Image:stinkogame-enemy-gokul.png Image:Gokul.gif Gokul is a pile of junk and red goo that blocks 1-Up's path in Levels 4.1 and 4.2. 1 4, -0, 10
Gaspeau Image:stinkogame-enemy-gaspeau.png Image:Gaspeau.gif Gaspeau is a seeker drone that flies in only one direction. 1 4, -0, 10
Pink Cham Cham Image:pinkchamcham.gif Pink Cham Cham is a double-ended laser gun rolled in green coconut. It fires its lasers upwards at Stinkoman. 1 4, -0, 10
Frotzer Image:stinkogame-enemy-frotzer.png Image:Frotzer.gif Frotzer is a red version of Gaspeau that flies back and forth over a short distance. 1 4, 6, -0, 10
Astromund runs toward 1-Up in Level 5. Its shield protects it from 1-Up's frontal attacks. It can be attacked from behind. (Note: In Level -0, Stinkoman can shoot Astromunds from the front.) 1 5, -0, 10
The Bendini Sisters
The Bendini Sisters are meteors that fall regularly on the moon. (Note: In Level -0, arrow Platforms can also crash down from above — see Other Hazards below.) inv. 5, -0, 10
Downtants and Uptants are related to the Browntant. They only take two hits to kill, but these turrets shoot a spread of five shots at a time, making them dangerous in groups. 2 5, -0, 10
Piedmont is a scanner that fires deadly beams of light underneath it. It cannot be attacked. Touching Piedmont itself doesn't cause any damage when its beam is inactive. inv. 5, -0, 10
Stafulter Image:stinkogame-enemy-plug.gif Stafulter is a giant electrical plug that flies around in a fixed pattern. It is invincible and must be avoided at all costs. inv. 6, -0, 10
Protek Image:stinkogame-enemy-socket.png Protek is a giant electrical socket that jumps up and down on its cord, blocking the path. After taking two hits, its cord disappears and it will begin shooting lightning bolts, alternating sockets. It takes 3 additional shots to destroy Protek. While bouncing, touching Protek's cord costs 2 units of health, while the sockets themselves are harmless. Protek is invulnerable while flashing after a hit. When the cord disappears, the sockets deal 2 units of damage, and the bolts cost 1. 5 6, -0, 10
Postlethwaite Image:stinkogame-enemy-cloud.gif Postlethwaites are black storm clouds that move back and forth and strike lightning every few seconds. inv. 6, -0, 10
Porchi is a buzzsaw that comes out of the clouds at regular intervals. It is invulnerable and can only be avoided when it is retracted. inv. 6, -0, 10
Hash-Haw is a saw blade that cuts back and forth along the path. Like Porchi, it is invulnerable and must be avoided. inv. 6, -0
My Benj
My Benj slide back and forth randomly on their platforms. They can be destroyed with one hit each, but their small size makes them difficult to kill. 1 7, -0, 10
Image:StinkomanRobot.PNG Image:Stothos.gif Stothos is a small tank that moves back and forth across its platform, shooting lasers in both directions. The lasers are high, making them difficult for Stinkoman to jump over. It is invulnerable momentarily after being hit. 3 7, -0, 10
Fullbide is a small ship-like enemy that flies in a zig-zag pattern toward Stinkoman when he enters its territory. It can be killed in one hit, but it will continue attacking until it's destroyed. 1 7, -0, 10
Ditmars will freeze Stinkoman temporarily, ultimately costing him a unit of energy. They cannot be destroyed. inv. 7
Seeper Mo
Seeper Mo is an ice crystal that is essentially the same as Pooru-Pooru: It can't be killed, it doesn't move, and touching it costs a unit of energy. When found in groups, Stinkoman may jump over one and inadvertently slide onto the next. inv. 7, -0, 10
Biztars are large blocks of ice that serve as platforms or obstacles. They are just obstructions. They can be destroyed with six hits. 6 7, -0, 10
Unknown Image:Unreleased_StinkoBaddie.PNG Image:StinkomanCabbage.gif This enemy is a cabbage-like creature that periodically opens up and shoots out two red balls. Only the left ball can cause damage — the other one is harmless. It can be destroyed with one hit only while it is open. (Note: While this creature has only appeared in Level -0, it has been in the object library since the first version of the game. It is not covered in the Stinkomanual.) 1 -0
Prudench Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Prudench.PNG A Prudench is a flying shrimp that usually attacks in groups. It can be killed with one hit. 1 9
Dolmerlay Image:Dolmerlay.PNG Image:dolmerlay.png Image:Dolmerlay.gif A Dolmerlay is a robot oyster that shoots three pearls at a time. It can only be damaged when it is open. 1 9
Roldhap Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Roldhap.PNG Image:Roldhap.gif Roldhaps are cyborg anemones that shoot at the Stinkowing. Except for their appearance, they are identical to Uptants and Downtants. 2 9
Semulade Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Semulade.PNG A Semulade is a mechanical shark that attempts to sneak up from the edge of the screen and then charge at rapid speed. It takes two hits to kill. 2 9
Fundlake Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Fundlake.PNG A Fundlake is a coral that blocks the path. It disappears with just one shot, but quickly grows back. 1 9
Sackastano Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Sackastano.PNG Sackastanos are robot goldfish that travel in schools like Prudenches. They take three hits to kill, but are briefly invincible between hits. 3 9
Quorvekt Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Quorvekt.PNG Quorvekts are robot manta rays that stay on the far edge of the screen and move vertically to shoot at Stinkoman. They take three hits each to kill. 3 9
Broodacre Image:Broodacre.PNG A Broodacre is a small volcano that shoots two rocks at a time. It erupts in a predictable pattern. inv. 9
Reid Image:reid.png Reids are cyborg jellyfish that fly in schools. They can be killed with two hits. 2 9
Unknown Image:Stinkogame-Enemy-Reid.PNG This robot octopus enemy flies in circular patterns, usually as part of a group, and it takes three hits to kill. It is not covered in the Stinkomanual. 3 9
Denholm File:Denholm.gif Denholms are troops that walk slowly in a straight line, turning around at ledges. They take one hit to kill. 1 10
Lorber File:Lorber.gif A Lorber is an enemy resembling a Denholm with a cannon in its face. Lorbers periodically shoot bursts of three shots, that travel in an undulating sine wave pattern. It takes three hits to kill. 3 10
Mistletooth File:Mistletooth.png File:Missiletooth.gif A Mistletooth is a Lorber equipped with a jetpack. It is identical to Lorber in every way, other than it can fly. It takes three hits to kill. 3 10
Growtan File:Growtan.gif A Growtan is a skull attached to a spine that periodically extends and retracts. While retracted, it is invulnerable, but when extended it can be shot at and destroyed. It takes three hits to kill. 3 10
Yekop File:Yekop.png File:Yekop.gif A Yekop is a stack of five skulls that slowly moves back and forth. A skull is removed after every shot. 5 10
Plonth File:Plonth.png File:Plonth.gif A Plonth is a hole in the ground that periodically spits out Soup Dibs in Stinkoman's direction. 4 10
Soup Dib File:Soup Dib.png Soup Dibs are missiles fired out of the ground by Plonths. They move in a straight line towards Stinkoman, and can be taken out in one hit. 1 10
Thurgood Each File:ThurgoodEach.gif A Thurgood Each is a large, stationary enemy that fires Rightades from its mouth. It will not fire a new Rightade until the one it has fired is defeated, but will fire a new one immediately afterwards. 4 10
Rightade File:Rightade.gif Rightades are skulls with wind-up keys that travel in an arc. They are fired by Thurgood Each, and take one hit to kill. 1 10
Val Yancey File:ValYancey.gif A Val Yancey is an enemy with a rectangular head and stick-legs that rushes towards Stinkoman, changing directions whenever he jumps over her. It takes five hits to kill. 5 10

[edit] Other Hazards

These are hazards which are in the game but not named in the manual, so the names here aren't official.

Name Image Description Level
Drill Image:stinkogame-enemy-drill.png Image:StinkomanDrill.gif Drills come out of both the floor and the ceiling. 1, 2, 6, -0, 10
A trapdoor is a platform that alternates between the up and down positions. In Level -0, these platforms are visually inverted, as in they are safe only when they appear to be in the down position and will not support Stinkoman when they appear to be in the up position. The visual inversion does not change the length of time they remain safe for each interval. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, -0, 10
Spork Image:stinkogame-enemy-spork-down.png Image:stinkogame-enemy-spork-up.png Image:StinkomanSpork.gif Sporks come up out of the ground in a cycle, and cause damage even when they're retracted. 2,-0, 10
Conveyor Belt Image:Conveyor Belt.PNG Image:StinkomanConveyerBelt.gif Conveyor belts are stationary platforms that carry Stinkoman left or right. They can help or hinder his progress. The large conveyor belt on Stlunko occasionally switches directions. 3, 5, -0, 10
Lava-falls are prevalent in the Lava Zone. They must be blocked with Stinkoman's giant fist to prevent 1-Up from getting burned. In Level -0, they do nothing. 4, -0
Tiles & Platforms

In the Lava Zone, Stinkoman must jump on a tile to move its corresponding platform, catching and carrying 1-Up to safety. Some tiles control multiple platforms. In Level -0, green tiles act as teleporters, and platforms crash down from the sky like the Bendini Sisters. 4,-0
Evaporating Clouds
Evaporating clouds disappear quickly when Stinkoman jumps onto them. They reappear a short time later. They have a blue tint, so they can be identified apart from regular clouds. 6, -0, 10
Retractable Ladder
Retractable ladders extend and retract periodically, causing them to be temporarily out of reach. 7, -0, 10
Poison Capsule
A poison capsule damages Stinkoman rather than restoring his energy. -0
Spike Coral Image:stinkogame enemy spiny.png Spike corals are dangerous hazards that spear out from the bottom or top of the caverns in Level 9. They retract after striking, but sometimes they only retract a short distance before extending again. Touching a spike coral costs one unit of energy. 9
Collapsing Floor File:CollapsingFloor.gif Collapsing floors are small floors made of skulls that appear in Level 10. They can be landed on three times before collapsing, though simply walking across them does not trigger the countdown. They respawn shortly after collapsing. 10
Timed Platform File:TimedPlatform.gif Timed platforms are moving platforms that appear throughout Level 10. They can be seen moving either horizontally or vertically, and have various green dots that turn red once Stinkoman starts standing on the platform. After all the dots turn red, the platform disappears, dropping Stinkoman into whatever is below. They respawn shortly after disappearing. 10

[edit] Items

Name Image Description Level
Capsule Image:stinkoman-capsule.gif Capsules are scattered throughout the levels and fully restore Stinkoman's health. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, -0, 9, 10
Extra Life
Collecting Stinkoman's face awards one extra life. 5, 7, -0, 9, 10
Gold Nugget Image:gold_nugget.png Each time a Mr. Ubbers is broken in Level 3.1, a gold nugget pops out. Collecting 20 nuggets lets Stinkoman advance to the next stage. 3
Bread Image:stinkogame-enemy-bread.png Bread is the one item Stinkoman needs to pick up in Level 3.2. Touching it will earn one point. 3
Apple, Ear, Soap, and P Image:stinkogame-enemy-apple.png Image:stinkogame-enemy-ear.png
Image:stinkogame-enemy-soap.png Image:stinkogame-enemy-p.png
In Level 3.2, touching any of these items costs one point. 3
Shield Image:shield.png In level 9, shields can briefly protect the Stinkowing from enemies and obstacles. Shield pickups are scattered throughout the levels. 9

[edit] Bosses

Name Image Description Shots to kill Level
Tampo Image:stinkogame-enemy-tampo.png

Tampo is the robot whose brain comes back to challenge Stinkoman at the end of Level 1 for revenge. Its weak point is its cerebellum, which in this case is apparently a red ball at the base of the brain. Tampo takes 7 hits to kill. The more hits it takes, the faster it gets.

For more information, see the Level 1 Walkthrough.

7 1

Brody is a giant chicken who tries to stomp Stinkoman with his feet. He stomps 6 times, then pecks at Stinkoman with his beak. Its weak point is its eye.

For more information, see the Level 2 Walkthrough.

5 2

Stlunko is the robot hidden underneath the wall that Stinkoman jumps over in Level 3. It has a large conveyor belt that periodically switches directions, and it attempts to crush Stinkoman with its giant stone fists. Stlunko is defeated when its antenna is destroyed. Four hits for each of the four segments; 16 hits in all.

For more information, see the Level 3 Walkthrough.

16 3
Saargtsson & Firey-Hot

Saargtsson is a dragon-like boss that jumps up from the lava and spits lasers up at Stinkoman, while its flame jet friend (Firey-Hot) fires down from the roof. Only the end of its tail is vulnerable. Each segment takes two hits, and the head takes 3 hits, for a total of 15. Firey-Hot is invulnerable.

For more information, see the Level 4 Walkthrough.

15 4

Nebulon is a large green space alien that shoots energy bullets out of his mouth in random directions. Each time he takes damage, he blows 1-Up back. He shoots bullets out the equal number of times he has taken damage, plus one. Each eye must be hit 4 times each to defeat him. In total, he takes 8 hits to defeat.

For more information, see the Level 5 Walkthrough.

8 5
The Liekand

The Liekand is a giant tornado with sunglasses that shoots out 3 bubbles and then jumps across the screen. Each time it shoots bubbles (except for the first time), it also tries to suck Stinkoman in. Every third time it jumps across the screen, it stops in the center and causes lightning bolts to fall. When The Liekand has only 4 hit points remaining, it will shoot 5 bubbles. Its sunglasses are its weak spot.

For more information, see the Level 6 Walkthrough.

14 6
An Ice Machine

An Ice Machine is, as its name suggests, a giant ice machine. It shoots ice cubes on the ground while shooting ice jets at the platform in front of it. After shooting several ice cubes, it turns off its jets and starts shooting ice into the air, causing icicles to fall from the sky. Its weak point is its eyes.

For more information, see the Level 7 Walkthrough.

7 7
Ekersby is a robot formed from a pile of glitchy junk. It staggers back and forth, shooting bullets from its Uptant eyes and Downtant cannons and spearing the top platform with the two Sporks on its head. To damage it, Stinkoman must hit the ham inside the refrigerator while the door is open. The refrigerator door blocks shots, and each time the ham is hit, the door opens on the opposite side. The Downtants cannot be destroyed.

For more information, see the Level -0 Walkthrough.

6 -0
Harvax XVII

Harvax XVII is a giant hovering gangster robot that shoots bullets at the Stinkowing with a tommy gun. Every third round of bullets, he charges. His weak point is his mouth, when it is open.

According to the Stinkomanual, Harvax XVII is a small but speedy octopus or squid, though Harvax himself claims in his quote: "That description is ALL WRONG!" However, the cast roll in the end credits does depict Harvax as a squid.

For more information, see the Level 9 Walkthrough.

A gangster who bears striking resemblance to Harvax XVII appears in the Homestar Ruiner Teen Girl Squad.

15 9
Worst End Boss Ever

Worst End Boss Ever is the boss shown in the Skills of an Artist episode End Boss and is fought at the beginning of level 10. It moves back and forth shooting projectiles that move up and down towards Stinkoman. After taking four hits it will fire much more rapidly and charge at Stinkoman, but one more hit will kill it.

For more information, see the Level 10 Walkthrough.

5 10
Z Sabre

Z Sabre is the true identity of the Shadowy Figure and the penultimate boss of the game. When standing he holds his sword in front of him, protecting him from attacks. He has multiple attacks that he can use, these being doing a rushing slice towards Stinkoman, jumping into the air and stabbing downwards, crouching and firing a beam that goes across the ground, or flying into the air and shooting multiple rounds of four shots. After any of these attacks then he can be hit (with the exception of the flying attack).

For more information, see the Level 10 Walkthrough.

7 10

Mecha-Trogador, as the name implies, is a robotic version of Trogador and is the final boss. According to Z Sabre, Mecha-Trogador is actually his "pet", whom he will always summon to try and finish off his enemies as a last resort. He is fought in an area with two platforms, one that moves side to side and the other up and down. He always attacks in the same pattern, first firing his toe as a missile, then punching with his robotic beefy arm, then charging up and breathing a stream of blue fire towards the ground, then shooting a green projectile diagonally upwards from his nose. At first his weak spot is his eyes, but after taking three hits his eyes will close and a hatch on his chest will periodically open revealing the Crystal Shards, which are now his weak point. After those take three hits his eyes will open again and be vulnerable, and so on until he is defeated.

For more information, see the Level 10 Walkthrough.

18 10
Sticklyman Image:Sticklyman.gif

Sticklyman is a small stickman wielding a shovel whom Stinkoman battles during the end credits. His movement patterns are identical to those of Val Yancey, though he will occasionally jump as well to catch Stinkoman off guard. While Stinkoman can put Sticklyman into hitstun with attacks (and vice versa), neither can actually do damage to the other, meaning the fight will continue endlessly until the credits fade. Sticklyman only begins attacking when Stinkoman moves; if Stinkoman does not move or attack for a few seconds, Sticklyman will once again begin standing still.

N/A 10.5

[edit] Unused Enemies

Name Image Description Shots to kill XML ID

A variant of Grundy sporting a pair of cool shades, which also takes two hits to kill instead of just one. Notably, this enemy actually appears in the similarly-unused (and unfinished) Level 2.4.

2 100

An enemy resembling a giant Gokul, which would have been right at home in Level 4. Judging by its ActionScript class name, EnemyLavaHider, it was probably meant to go on the lower level as an obstacle for 1-Up. Whenever Stinkoman pounds his giant fist on the ground, no matter where on the screen it is, this enemy will switch between its retracted and extended states. It's harmless in its retracted state, but can hurt Stinkoman or 1-Up in its extended state. It's also completely invincible.

inv. 101

A hidden cameo! This "enemy" is the player character from a Flash game called BounceBot by Jez Swanson, programmer for Level 10. It hops around aimlessly and is completely harmless. It's also invincible, but hitting it will make it look sad for a second.

inv. 99

This "enemy" is just Bubs from the non-20X6 universe. This is a leftover from a video Strong Bad tweeted in 2018 that showed Stinkoman punching Bubs in the face in Stinkoman 20X6, which itself was a reference to the next april fools thing. In-game, Bubs has no behavior or animations other than damaging the player on contact, and being launched spinning away when hit, as seen in the video.

1 53

[edit] See Also

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