HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/That A Ghost

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] Strong Twins

The Strong Man holding a shovel and doing a stylish jig is another instance of twin characters.

From: That A Ghost
Posted on: 10:44, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The two Strong Men are seen in two different places doing two different things, one immediately after the other.
  • Even if it's just a joke, the implication is there that there are two Strong Men.
  • Even if there's only one Strong Man, Strong Bad tries to convince The Sneak that there's two. So even if it isn't another instance of it, it's a reference to it.

Arguments against:

  • There's nothing "immediately" about it: 14 seconds elapse between the shot of the Strong Man with the shovel and when he's shown doing the jig. He would have plenty of time to move from one spot to the other: and that's the joke. Old-Timey Strong Bad just doesn't want to admit to The Sneak that his so-called invention is only a shovel.
  • This doesn't follow the precedent left by other occurrences of twin characters (e.g. Fall Float Parade Homsars, Senorial Day Homestars). When there are twin characters, it is usually not implied; they are seen on the screen simultaneously, such that there could be no other explanation than two of them existing at once. In this case, however, it's pretty clear that the Strong Man just moved from one grave to the other in an effort to fool The Sneak.
  • Willing suspension of disbelief says that just because we never see Strong Man put down the shovel and go to do a jig, that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. It's the same one guy.
  • i have to admit, while we don't know whether or not they were the same person, i think we should not have this as an instance of twin characters. if they were not seen at the same time, then it shouldn't be there.

Additional comments:

  • Why was this STUFF'd? It seems legit enough to just be added without a vote.
    • It was STUFFed because when I edited it in, it was immediately reverted.
      • Well, it seems incorrect to me.
        • Agreed. See comments in Args Against.
  • This could use a re-write.
    • There would be no point to that. This item is trying to describe a phenomenon that isn't valid in this case.
  • Re: the third Arg For: the joke is not Strong Man in two places; the joke is about the shovel and the jig. I've never thought this was a vague reference to twin characters, even after it has been suggested here on this page.
  • I never really thought that twin characters was a running gag in the first place. I merely just thought of it as sort of a plot device.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. AtionSong
  3. FireBird|Talk
  4. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  5. talk Bubsty edits
  6. Heimstern Läufer
  7. Seriously
  8. Spell4yr
  9. DorianGray
  10. Trey56
  11. videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif
  12. The Chort
  13. Has Matt? (talk)
  14. Alcnolien Has Spoken!
  15. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  16. teeeffoh!
  17. Seriously
  18. Mycroft Holmes

Proposed revision:

The Strong Man holding a shovel and doing a stylish jig is either an instance of, or a reference to, twin characters.

Arguments for:

  • Fixes problems addressed in arguments against above.

Arguments against:

  • It's not a reference to the phenomenon. At no point are you supposed to actually think there are two Strong Mans. They're just trying to pull a fast one on The Sneak.

Additional comments:

  • I got tricked into thinking that there were two Strong Men.
  • Perhaps it should be explained WHY this would be considered an instance of twin characters.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif
  2. EASports
  3. Joshua
  1. It's dot com
  2. DorianGray
  3. The Chort
  4. Heimstern Läufer
  5. talk Bubsty edits
  6. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  7. Alcnolien Has Spoken!
  8. Has Matt? (talk)
  9. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  10. teeeffoh!
  11. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  12. Mycroft Holmes

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[edit] Gold Pants

Strong Bad mentioning "gold pants" may be a reference to Ed, Edd, and Eddy episode "High Heeled Ed", where Ed spills gold paint on his pants and sells them as 'gold pants.'

From: That A Ghost
Posted on: 22:43, 14 October 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Mentioning of "gold pants" is not common.

Arguments against:

  • Just a coincidence
  • This is an extremely long stretch.

Additional comments:

  • You'll quickly notice, Kooky, that the trend on this wiki is to mention references only if they're absolutely ironclad (although there have been notorious exceptions). There are lots of things that "could" theoretically, or even plausibly, be references, but they don't make it into the main article. I like to know little things like this, though, so thanks for bringing it up, and thanks for doing it on the STUFF page instead of the main article!

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. The Kooky One(talk)
  1. DorianGray
  2. Joshua
  3. GWR_Wikisig.gifGWR 2004 TalkContribs
  4. It's dot com
  5. AbdiViklas
  6. Homestramy20|Talk
  7. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  8. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  9. Trey56
  10. The Chort
  11. videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif
  12. B
  13. Spell4yr
  14. - Camalex(talk)

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[edit] Moth Swallow

Homestar finally swallowed a bug in Bug In Mouth Disease.

From: That A Ghost
Posted on: 16:19, 3 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • Homestar didn't try to swallow a bug in Bug in Mouth.
  • Not a significant or interesting connection between toons.
  • Both the type of bug and the character himself are different in these examples.

Additional comments:

  • This may have been the inspiration for Bug in Mouth Disease, but only in a roundabout, "Hey, what if he really swallowed a bug someday..." sort of way.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. BazookaJoe
  2. Imwithcrazy
  3. It's dot com
  4. phlip TC
  5. Acekirby|My Talk
  6. Polly
  7. arrow4.PNG~Rebecca~ RJMT speaker-noise.gif
  8. tomstiff
  9. Jaybor Day (Talk)
  10. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  11. DorianGray
  12. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  13. Joshua

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