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Two More Eggs, Two More Eggs!

"Dooble, and dooble, and dooblie doo!"

Two More Eggs is a series of 40 shorts made by The Brothers Chaps for Disney XD's YouTube channel under the production company Citywide Hoop Champs Inc. It was unveiled on June 23rd, 2015 with the release of three 'toons and a trailer, as well as an official press release and coverage on multiple media outlets with the release dates for each new toon being Tuesday of every week. Mostly being over a minute long, each episode features a character and has no overarching plot or complexity. Matt Chapman claims that they've worked with Disney with the same autonomy as with Homestar Runner.


Date Title Length Description Similarities to Homestar Runner
June 23, 2015 "Dooble: Dooblie Doo" 1:12 Dooble goes through life singing his favorite song.
  • Dooble's tip box in "Dooble: Dooblie Doo" says "A TIP!" on it.
  • The nametags are similar to the ones in The Luau
June 23, 2015 "CGI Palz: Theme Song" 1:17 The CGI pals discuss whether being CG means they're better.
  • The CGI animation was likely created using the same software used to create the Lappier logo and the CGI The Paper from sbemail206.
  • The Lenore Street Bridge has an Integral Article.
  • Arlington's voice is similar to Rumble Red's.
  • The voice that says "Weekdays at 5:30" is the same voice who says "Tuesdays at 8:30" in the Easter egg from underlings.
June 23, 2015 "Hot Dip: Not 4 Momz!" 1:26 An advertisement for the newest mineral food craze, hot dip. It's not for moms.
  • Hayden has to do the math question "minus 2 plus G".
  • One of the ingredients of Hot Dip is mineral.
June 30, 2015 "Dooble: Video Game" 1:41 Dooble, the hero of his own video game, embarks on a quest to recover the five pieces of a shattered orb.
July 7, 2015 "Eggpo: New Job" 1:11 A minor video game enemy experiences his first day on the job.


July 14, 2015 "Trauncles: Sharing" 1:46 The town of Trauncles and Stevens teach a "lesson" about "sharing"... probably.
July 21, 2015 "Dooble: The Driver" 1:41 The mob hires Dooble to drive their "special package" across town.
July 28, 2015 "Hector & Kovitch: Best Movie" 1:45 Hector and Kovitch discuss their favorite movies... and fireworks.
  • Hector's voice sounds similar to Homestar's.
August 4, 2015 "Trauncles: Trousers" 1:40 A special episode of Trauncles broaches the somewhat uncomfortable topic of boys growing up and getting their first pair of trousers.


August 11, 2015 "Dooble: Cake Show" 1:45 Linda David must work with Dooble to bake an entire wedding cake in 10 minutes.
August 18, 2015 "Bad Snaxx: Breakfast" 1:30 Supermom A working mom describes several replacements for the usual breakfast foods and other "helpful" breakfast hacks.
August 25, 2015 "CGI Palz: Grossface" 1:38 The CGI Palz must save their friend from becoming 2-D and return her CG-ness.


September 1, 2015 "Hot Dip: Sitcom" 1:48 Hot Dip helps Hayden with the challenges of teen social life, because everything is possible with enough Hot Dip!


September 8, 2015 "Trauncles: Sweethearts 1:48 In this episode of Trauncles, the narrator deals with his relationship issues while checking in on the townsfolk and their sweethearts.


September 15, 2015 "Dooble: The Interview 1:38 Dooble brings his unique skills to the corporate interview process, including impressively folding meatloaf.
September 20, 20151 "Eggpo: Waiting" 1:13 New Eggpo learns the fine monotonous art of shooting mouth fireballs and the surprise reward for hitting your target.
  • When New Eggpo holds up the cards, they have Angled Pixels.
  • A "splat" can be heard near the end of the 'toon, the same as the one used in many Homestar Runner cartoons.
September 29, 2015 "Trauncles: Beans" 1:38 In today’s episode of Trauncles, the greatest mystery to ever befall the little town. Who stole all the beans!?
  • This episode is about beans.
October 6, 2015 "Dooble: Peas and Corn" 1:38 Dooble makes it his mission to turn one lowly can of peas-and-corn into the hero of the supermarket!


October 13, 2015 "Hector & Kovitch: Buy This Game" 1:14 Hector tries to convince Kovitch to buy a really cool video game, while also trying to guess his name.


October 20, 2015 "Trauncles: Not Done" 1:23 In this never ending intro to somewhat of an episode of Trauncles, we visit some of the many places and things that make up the town.


October 27, 2015 "Dooble: Newscarsting" 1:38 Dooble takes news anchoring to the next level with a hard-hitting scoop on cereal boxes.
November 3, 2015 "Bad Snaxx: After School" 1:38 Everyone's favorite working mom and blog host shares some pro tips for snack hacks for the pesky minutes between real meals.


November 10, 2015 "Hot Dip: Learn 2 Talk" 1:42 Do you have trouble communicating? Hot Dip has some hot tips for talking all good in any situation.


November 17, 2015 "Joshow Show: Tape and Staple T-Rex" 1:48 A dad with a lot of time on his hands shares his crafts skills with the world by making a T-Rex with just tape and staples!
November 24, 2015 "CGI Palz: Ry Raw" 1:32 The Palz must all work together to try and figure what The Lenore Street Bridge is saying before it is too late.


December 1, 2015 "Eggpo: Mini-Boss" 1:38 New Eggpo learns the hard lessons of rising too far too fast from the minion ranks in a world of bosses and mini-bosses.
  • Dark Clawed Supreme mentions Level 10, a possible reference to Stinkoman 20X6, whose tenth level has not been released after nearly 19 years.


  1. This short was released prematurely as a 'first look' on September 20 (the upload date listed was sometime in August), then unlisted and re-released two days later.

Other Similarities

Fun Facts

  • In Vox Interview - 6 Oct 2015, The Brothers Chaps say that "Dooble: Dooblie Doo" wasn't actually the first Dooble cartoon they made. His name wasn't Dooble, and when he sang the song in "Dooble: The Driver", they made the song into its own cartoon.
    • This means that the shorts weren't released in order.

See Also

External Links

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