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Strong Bad Email #109
watch pom pom for kids
"Don't cry for me, The Cheatentina..."

DJ Solerous asks Strong Bad if he had ever made Homestar cry. All weep when they see Lil' Brudder.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Li'l Brudder, Homestar Runner, The Cheat, Strong Sad, Tendafoot

Places: Computer Room, The Field

Computer: Compy 386

Date: July 26, 2004

Running Time: 3:25

Page Title: Compy 386!!



STRONG BAD: {Rapping} I'm not going to sing an email song this week e—{Talking} Oh. Never mind.

{Pulls up email}


{After "Hey Strongbad" he stops mid-sentence and says:} Well, which is it? "Yo yo" or "Hey" Strong Bad? I mean, the outcome of the rest of this whole email hinges on the decision made- {Without skipping a beat, as if it no longer matters, he finishes reading the email.}

{Typing} Whoa! THE DJ Solerous? What an honor! I saw you spin in a warehouse in Canberra {He pronounces it as can-BEAR-uh.} a few years back! Uh, no wait. I lied. I, nor anyone else, have ever heard of DJ Smoldyface.

{Pulls up blank page.}

So, have I ever made Homestar cry? Uh, yes. Yes, I have. A lot. I can pretty much make anybody cry just by showing them this drawing I invented of a one-legged puppy named "Li'l Brudder." {Holds up a picture of a one-legged puppy saying "I can make it on my own."} {Laughing} I mean, it cracks me up, but Homestar just falls apart when he sees him. A-like so... {Gets up and exits.}

{Cut to: field. Homestar is standing there, looking angrily offscreen right. Enter Strong Bad.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, you stay over there.

STRONG BAD: Hey, Homestar. I've got something for you.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, Strong Bad! What is it what is it what is it what is it what is it?

STRONG BAD: It's just this drawing I made...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {uneasy} Oh, no. Don't do it. You know the storm that will unleash!

STRONG BAD: No! I think you'll like it!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {Edge of tears} Strong Bad, no! I can't handle it!

STRONG BAD: Ta-daaah! {Holds the Li'l Brudder drawing in front of his face.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {Breaks down crying, falls to his knees} No-ho-hooo... LIDD'L BRUDDOR! That little guy... He's got the heart of a champion! You can make it, Li'l Brudder! You just keep scrapin' along! {Strong Bad looks on in disbelief; Homestar is lying on the ground, sobbing hysterically and kicking at the air} Li'l Brudder... I... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY LIFE! I-I'm thinking of getting into male modeling—o-or maybe high finance... I JUST DON'T KNOW!!

STRONG BAD: {As Li'l Brudder, shaking the drawing like a crude hand puppet.} I'm gonna be all right, Homestar.{Homestar is heard sobbing hysterically} I can make it on my own!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sobs} It's like I said—the heart of a champion!

{Enter the Cheat, from offscreen left.}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: {Turns to The Cheat and does his Li'l Brudder act.} Hey, The Cheat, I'm gonna be a quarterback when I grow up! I'm gonna throw for 2,000 yards! {The Cheat begins sobbing.} Don't cry for me, The Cheat-entina...

{Enter Strong Sad, his eyes red around the edges and all watery, apparently trying not to cry.}

STRONG SAD: Oh, Strong Bad, is Li'l Brudder named after me? Do you think of me as a... one-legged puppy?

STRONG BAD: Uhh, no. I think of you as a two-legged elephant...named "Tendafoot." {Pronounces name as "Tenderfoot." He holds up a picture of this, with "Tendafoot" saying "I'm tops!" Speaks as Tendafoot/Strong Sad:} I could power a small city with my whining!

STRONG SAD: {dejected} I probably could.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {still sobbing} Oh-h-h-h, Tendafoot, can you tell me how to get the most out of life?

{Cut to Compy 386. Strong Bad enters and sits down.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} There ya go. Homestar crying. Not a problem. I bet all a y'alls are prob'ly crying all over the place. That Li'l Brudder sure knows how to tug at your heartstrings. {begins to choke up as he speaks} He's just such a trooper. Got such a strong... one leg. {recovers} Um, yeah. I think I've got a {hesitates} food in the oven. {begins to choke up again} I gotta go. {Gets up and hurries out.}

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "YO Yo" to see a Strong Bad yo-yo.
  • Click on "The DJ Solerous" to see a flyer for a DJ event.
Perfectly Legal WAREHOUSE RAVE
DJ Solerous
DJ Stank
and DJ from Roseanne
Don't tell the cops!!
  • Click on "Homestar crying" at the end to see more of him crying.
{Homestar is still bawling.}
HOMESTAR: Ohh, Tendafoot! Can you tell me what to do with myself? I feel like I'm at a crossroads, and there's like, a Denny's on one corner, and an IHOP on the other!
{Homestar is kneeling over the Tendafoot drawing.}
HOMESTAR: Can you give me some sound financial advice?
{Homestar is lying on the ground again.}
HOMESTAR: Tendafoot, can you help advise me on my future?
  • Click on "Li'l Brudder" at the end to see Li'l Brudder falling off his one leg.

Fun Facts


  • When Homestar is rolling around on the ground, you get to see the tread on his shoes, which no longer has a star on it like it did in Marshmallow's Last Stand.
  • The tears flying off Homestar's face are the same as in A Jorb Well Done. In A Jorb Well Done, the water coming off his face is sweat.
  • This is the first email to come from Australia.
  • Strong Bad must be an extremely talented typist to be able to quickly type an entire sentence, complete with punctuation and capital letters, with only one hand as he holds up Li'l Brudder's picture with the other... and while wearing boxing gloves.
    • This is in contrast to the other instance of typing with a skewked view for the previous email pom pom, where he failed to type coherently when he couldn't see due to his blindfold.

Inside References

  • The DJ flyer is a reference to an easter egg in techno for The Cheat's light-switch rave.
  • "I can make it on my own" might be a reference to the Easter egg in invisibility, where the tossed-out Tandy 400 says it.
  • When Li'l Brudder falls, it makes the same sound that Homsar makes when he walks.

Real-World References

  • On the DJ flyer, "the DJ from Roseanne" is a reference to the television show "Roseanne". Actor Michael Fishman played the role of Roseanne's son D. J. Conner.
  • "Don't cry for me the Cheatentina" is a reference to the song "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical "Evita".
  • "Tendafoot" is possibly a reference to the Boy Scouts' rank of "Tenderfoot", which is the first rank a Scout can achieve.
  • Canberra is Australia's capital city. Most Australians pronounce the city's name "CAN-bruh." A minority pronounce it "CAN-buh-ruh" and a few use "can-BEAR-uh," though the latter is generally considered incorrect. The varying pronunciation is to some extent a class-based difference.
  • IHOP is an acronym for "International House of Pancakes," a chain of restaurants which specializes in breakfast items.
  • Denny's is also a restaurant chain.

Fast Forward

DVD Version

  • The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

Commentary Transcript

Cast (in order of appearance): Mike Chapman Matt Chapman

MIKE: An email. Hi, guys!

MATT: Strong Bad.

MIKE: You just did that. Ummmm, guh, start us over. No, let's keep going. Let's keep going.

MATT: Are you sure?

MIKE: Yeah.

MATT: Okay.

MIKE: All I can think to do is, like, start saying the email.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Just recite the lines along with it.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Don't we, don't you mispronounce uh...

MATT: Canberra?

MIKE: Yeah.

MATT: How are you supposed to say it?

MIKE: I dunno. I think its supposed to be... Canberra, or something.

MATT: Oh. Have we gotten complaints?

MIKE: I think there was, I think in one of the message boards, There was a...

MATT: I can't imagine Strong Bad being a stickler for, uh...

MIKE: Pronouncing foreign cities.

MATT: Yeah. Even though he is a stickler for a lot of other things. So this is where Little Brudder came from.

MIKE: That's right. He's since gone on to uhh, have his own theme song. Who do you think Homestar was talking to?

MATT: I think he was talking to that pile of, uh, Swiss Cake Rolls that he's friends with.

MIKE: Those things are bad for you!

MATT: They got in a fight and he told them to stay over there. Ober dere. Did you draw those new feet for this one, Mike?

MIKE: No, that was actually for the Cheat Commandos.

MATT: Oh, right.

MIKE: And Homestar's kneeling down, playing Cheat Commandos in the commercial.

MATT: I think the drool, the public drool, is really what does it with Little Brudder.

MIKE: Makes it what?

MATT: Even sadder. More pathetic.

MIKE: Those tears, that Homestar has, were originally sweat from, uh, an old cartoon.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Jumping Jacks cartoon.

MATT: That's been around forever, and unchanged, mostly.

MIKE: Yes, not very good.

MATT: No, they're not.

MIKE: They probably need to be updated soon.

MATT: They don't look at it.

MIKE: Thank God.

MATT: Thank God.

MIKE: I always wondered about the shortening of little to l'il, and where the apostrophie goes. Technically, it would be an apostrophie after both, before and the l.

MATT: Well, right, because there's an e at the end of...

MIKE: 'Cause sometimes I do lil', and sometimes I do li'l.

MATT: It's back when they spelled little litel.

MIKE: Yes, it's replacing all of those. One of the few times when Strong Sad, these days, is actually sad. He has really not been sad, in a long time.

MATT: Yeah, he's, yeah, it's true. We, our website sucks now.

MIKE: No, it's better. He became more developed. He used to just say things like, "We die a little more every day," or something like that.

MATT: "Each day we die a little more," Mike?

MIKE: Ha! Well, my impression was pretty good. Look at his extensive use of apostrophes, right there.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Prob'ly, and y'alls.

MATT: Um...

MIKE: He's got an apostrophe there, in "I've." This is the apostrophe email.

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