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For a limited time only, get a free The Cheat with your Pom Pom!

Strong Bad Email #46

ANDREW writes in to tell Strong Bad that he likes it best when he harms his friends. So, naturally, Strong Bad goes out and harms his friends in numerous funny ways.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Mad, Bubs, Strong Sad, Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, The Cheat, Homsar, Coach Z, The King of Town, The Poopsmith (easter egg)



STRONG BAD: { Clears throat-High Note Singing} E-MAAAAAAAAAAAAILLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




STRONG BAD: {types} Andrew, This is the best E-mail I've ever received. Let's get to work! {gets up}

{cuts to Strong Bad's basement. Strong Mad is standing and watching TV. Strong Bad walks up to him.}

STRONG BAD: Hows about this!

{Quickly kicks Strong Mad in the shin and walks off. Strong Mad looks back at him in anger.}

{Cuts to garage. Bubs is there.}

BUBS: What the?

{Strong Bad hits him over the head with a Golden Record.}

{Cut to Strong Sad's room. Strong Sad is lying in bed. Strong Bad whacks him continuously with a whiffle bat.}

STRONG SAD: OW! {whack} OW! {whack} OW! {whack} OW! {whack} OW! {whack}

{Cut to field-Marzipan is there. Strong Bad has a whole pile of circular saw blades in a pile behind him and a bottle of sauce.}

STRONG BAD: Close your eyes and hold out your hands.

MARZIPAN: I don't want to!

{Cut to another part of the field. Homestar Runner is there with Strong Bad, with a huge tub of lava. It says "HOT LAVA" on the side.}

STRONG BAD: Put your head in here.


{Cut to another part of the field, Strong Bad has taped The Cheat to Pom Pom. They both complain as Pom Pom tries to shake him off.}

{Cut to Strongbadia. Homsar is buried in the ground and Strong Bad has put down a box that say "We Are the Scorpions!" The scorpions crawl around on Homsar. One goes into his mouth.

HOMSAR: AaAaAaAaAaAaA!!! I'm saving the best for last!

{Cut to Locker. Strong Bad has given a bag of hot fries to Coach Z}

COACH Z: Hey, Thanks for the Chippies Strong Bad!

{Cut to Field again. The King of Town is there. Strong Bad whacks him with the Golden Record.}

{Cut to Compy}

STRONG BAD: Ahhh, just givin' the fans what they want! {types} You may have noticed I didn't do anything to the Poopsmith. I figure the guy shovels crap for a living so his tolerance for pain's gotta be through the roof. I was thinking about giving him a bath or something but, just the thought of that gave me the jibblies. {stops typing} Come again. The jibblie jibbles....

{The paper comes out and it says "Click here to e-mail strong bad -", click on the text to email him.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on Poopsmith for a The Poopsmith trading card.

Fun Facts

  • The record that Strong Bad breaks on people's heads reads "Everybody to the Limit". It is gold, which means it sold a lot of copies.
  • When Strong Bad kicks Strong Mad the TV narrator says: "Some kind of TV-show!".
  • In the Marzipan scene the hot sauce bottle on top of the razorblades reads "Sauce".
  • In the Homsar scene Strong bad is holding the same hot sauce bottle that was behind him with Marzipan
  • Coach Z's weakness appears to be Hot Fries, but this email doesn't tell us why that is.
    • I actually thought this was the funniest part of the email - he gives Coach Z free chips instead of hurting him and thus insinuates that he's not his friend at all.
    • Strong Bad giving Coach Z the Hot Fries is an area of where you have to foreshadow. The Hot Fries are spicy chips. Coach Z will probably get a very huge burning sensation in his mouth, thus hurting him.
    • It could be more than that - why else would Strong Bad have been carrying around a bottle of hot sauce (NOT KETCHUP) for the whole e-mail? Notice the strange sizzle coming from the fries? They've probably been, er, spiced up a bit.
  • The file name for the .swf for this Strong Bad Email has an "x" after the number. The .swf without the "x" is still viewable, but with a few minor differences. The music stops early, and some things are missing from some scenes that are in the version with the "x".
  • Strong Bad claims this is the greatest e-mail he ever received but he never mentioned it in personal favorites
  • Strong Bad uses the word "jibblies" again to mean apprehension in date.
  • This is the first e-mail to feature all twelve main characters (if you count the Poopsmith's playing card). The only other e-mail to date to do that is different town.

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