trevor the vampire

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Strong Bad Email #10

Strong Bad shows his emotional side in this touching email. When he laments over the death of Trevor (the vampire), we see just how truly fragile he is.

Features: Strong Bad


STRONG BAD: I'm totally checking my email, total man.

Hi strong bad. This is Trevor from Hampden 
Maine and I was wondering if you could teach 
me how to be as awesome as you. I am a 
vampire and

STRONG BAD: {typing} And what? That's it? I'm a vampire and here's a million dollars... or I'm a vampire and here's your own spaceship... I mean what the f {stops typing/he sympathize with him.} Oh no, I get it. THEY GOT HIM!!! Somebody stuck him with a stake through the heart! Oh, this is so sad! Oh Trevor, I pine for you.

{He appears in with a black background screen and shows us some memorial clips of Trevor.}

STRONG BAD: Hi everybody. In memoriam of poor Trevor, let's go back and revisit the few of my favorite Trevor memories.

{He takes the remote control, turns around and and presses the button to show us the memorial of Trevor on the screen.}

STRONG BAD: This is Trevor from Hampden, Maine and I was wondering if you could teach me how to be as awesome as you.

{Strong Bad appears on the screen again while holding the remote control.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, that was great. And who could forget this one?

{He takes the remote control, turns around and and presses the button to show us the memorial of Trevor on the screen.}

STRONG BAD: I am a vampire and... {typing} And what? That's it?

{He switches back while standing in front of the black background}

STRONG BAD: Augh, we sure had some great times Trevor.

{The computer screen appears and the following written on it: In Memoriam -Trevor-}

STRONG BAD: I'm gonna miss you, bro'.

{The Paper comes out and it says "Click here to e-mail strong bad", click on the text to email him.}

Fun Facts

  • When Strong Bad says "I mean what the-" he types "I mean what the f-".
  • After Strong Bad realizes that Trevor has been killed, he says "Oh Trevor, I pine for you!" A similar phrase is also heard in the Trogdor game -- after you lose the game Strong Bad says "Oh Trogdor... I pine for you!"

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