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No, it says...

Strong Bad Email #101

Kyle asks about Strong Bad's car.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Strong Sad (easter egg)



STRONG BAD: The views expressed in the following email show do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anybody cool. Oh, except me. {lowers voice} I'm cool.


Dear Strong Bad,
Do you Have a car If you do what Kind
of car is it. Is it Pimped OUt?

From Kyle
in West Point, NY (Military Base)

{Strong Bad reads the first part of the email exactly as it's typed, punctuation errors and all}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Oh, good one Kyle. Like I don't get two jillion of these emails every two jillion seconds. Er. Wait. Would that be so bad? Hmmm. I'll have to ask Gron Sad about that later on. Maybe write in to 'Popular Science' about it. "Popular Science." No such thing, man. More like, "Nerdular Nerdance." {clears screen, continues typing} Anydangway, to properly make an example out of both you, and your email's butts, I'm going to whip out an old classic move of mine, and hit you with a little uhhhh digga digga digga digga digga digga DEL

{Cut to a wider view of Strong Bad's desk, where Homestar is off to the right.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {Interrupting Strong Bad} Hup-dup-dup-dup-dup. {Cut to a close-up of Homestar} Allow me to save this email from a tired old Strong Bad joke by showing all y'alls my new tricked out propeller cap.

{Cut back to zoomed view of Strong Bad and Homestar}

STRONG BAD: {Shaking fist} What are you doing?

HOMESTAR: Ummm... Did you just say "doing?" {rhymed with "boing"}

STRONG BAD: What? No. Doo-ing. I said, "What are you doo-ing?".

HOMESTAR: Oh. Well you spelled it the same.

{Strong Bad makes a noise of frustration}

HOMESTAR: Anyways, on to my cool words that I had to say. First, check out all my hydraulics. {Homestar pulls out a remote control with three switches on it. He flips the first two. His cap moves up and down on his head, making mechanical car hydraulic noises. He then continues to mix and match the usage of the switches to adjust the pitch, yaw, and angle of his cap in regards to his head. While this is going on, he continues to talk, commenting on the particular movements.} And a little... {His cap goes up, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, and then down onto his head again.} And everybody loves... {His cap slides up, and then forward on his head.} Now turn the lights down low. {The lights dim, and his cap glows pink from underneath.} Sweetish ground effects. {The room lights brighten and the "effects" turn off} And the coup {said as "koop"} de grace, {He bends down putting his cap within the reach of Strong Bad} Spin my buzzer.

STRONG BAD: Your what?

HOMESTAR: My buzzer. Give it a spin.

STRONG BAD: Oh, why am I doing this?

HOMESTAR: Oh! you said "doing" {pronounces it as spelt} again.

{Strong Bad makes some frustrated noises. He then spins the propeller on Homestar's cap. It gives a propeller like sound.}

HOMESTAR: {Singing as the spin continues} Dooooo, doo doo doo dooooooooo. Dooo doot doot doot doot! Doo da doo da doo! Doo doot!

STRONG BAD: Now you're singing the theme from "Night Court"?

HOMESTAR: No, not singing. When you spin my buzzer, it plays the theme from "Night Court" starring Richard Moll. And it's custom-installed.

{Strong Bad begins writing something unseen on his boxing glove with a permanent marker while muttering. The words "custom installed" are the only audible words he mutters}

HOMESTAR: Now what are you doing? {still like boing}

STRONG BAD: Oh, I'm just tricking out my fist here.

HOMESTAR: Oh cool. What's it going to say? 2-E-Z? {2-E-Z flashes on the screen} Or like, NEVA-DIE? {NEVA-DIE flashes on the screen}

STRONG BAD: No, it says this. {Shows Homestar. Written on his boxing glove is a mirrored "DELETED" in Old English script.}

HOMESTAR: Strong Bad, they spelled that backwards. You need to take that thing back right--

{Strong Bad dives forward and punches Homestar. The screen goes white for a moment. Fade back to Homestar leaning up against a crack in the wall from the impact with his head. He's lost his cap, his eyes are X's, Strong Bad's fist has left the Old English "DELETED" imprinted on his forehead. Yellow stars float around his head.}

HOMESTAR: Ooohh oooh. Thank you once again for my pies. I spent particular effort on the cr�me bernard.

{Cut to Strong Bad back at the Compy.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Well, that straightens everything out, right? As for you, Kyle, I don't have a car. You ever see me in a car? No! Bye. {Strong Bad stops typing and runs off to the right. After a moment, he pokes his head back on the screen.} Talk to my man with the green and white stripes!

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the word "car" at the end to see Homestar Runner dazed again.
  • Click on the word "No!" at the end to see Strong Bad talking with Strong Sad.

Fun Facts

  • Includes extensive references to the familiar (but too often forgotten) theme tune to TV's "Night Court".
  • If you get two jillion emails every two jillion seconds, then you get an average of one email per second. You're either getting an email a second, or two jillion emails every once in a while.
  • The page in Nerdular Nerdence that Strong Sad is reading says "electrons, scalene triangles, least mon denominators." "Mon" probably indicates the end of "common."
  • Popular Science is a magazine that features the latest breakthroughs in science and technology in a format that appeals to the common man.
  • Strong Bad's marker is a fine tip permanent.
  • "A-Digga-Digga-...DELETED!" is a reference to unused emails
  • Strong Bad's writing on his fist is in Old-English text.
  • The Diskette says "Ugh-Lympics"
  • The line "showing all y'alls my new tricked out propeller cap" might be a reference to sb_email 22.
  • Homestar calls his Night Court feature the "coup de grace" which means "Death Blow"
    • Small nitpick: Coup de Grace actually means "blow of grace" or "blow of beauty." However, its less literally translated meaning does indeed mean "death blow" or, in phrase, simply refers to the final blow of a fight or one which drives the win home.
  • Despite telling Kyle he's never seen him in a car, Strong Bad is seen "driving" his "corvette" in dangeresque 3
    • To his credit, though, dangeresque 3 was released *after* this one.
  • Strong Bad is right-handed, but he hits Homestar with his left hand. His off-hand punch is really mean, leaving us to wonder what a full-force right hook would do to Homestar.
  • Or maybe Strong Bad hit Homestar with his left hand so he could write in Old-English font with his right hand, so when he hit Homestar the word DELETED would not look sloppy.
  • After the Nerdular Nerdence egg, you can hear the beginning of the Homestar egg just before the scene cuts back to the computer.

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