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Strong Bad Email #118

Strong Bad experiences some "technical difficulties" with Compy 386.




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Easter Eggs

  • If you click on the left cog at the end of the e-mail, you can see the compy on sale at Bub's concession stand.
  • If you click on the right one, you can see a changed Cheat Commando episode.
  • If you go to the URL that pops up in your adress bar, ( you can see a Homestar pop-up that adds a few words on to the "Making out with Marzipan" line. However, it only works if you watch the email and then go to the URL. Following through a link will not work.

Fun Facts

  • A lot of the things said during the time when the viruses go haywire are quotes from previous episodes. For example, SB talking about radishes is from the reddest radish. The Ugly One says one of the lines from the Cheat's cartoon in the SBemail 'cartoon'.
  • When Strong Sad appears after the water flows out of the Compy 386, if you look to the top right corner you see the words "Stave it off 1, 2, 3..." which refers to the Strong Bad e-mail "For Kids"

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