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"Are we rescued yet?"

Strong Bad Email #52

Strong Bad imagines the lurking horrors of being stranded on an island with Homestar.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

Places: Computer Room, The Island

Computer: Compy 386

Date: November 25, 2002

Running Time: 1:56



STRONG BAD: Strong Bad Emails are a part of this balanced breakfast.

{reading the email}

{Strong Bad says "were" instead of "where" and "a" instead of "an".}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Well Yami Yugi {says the name hesitantly}, I suspect it would be like most cartoons. You know, we'd start to go nuts after a while and I would look at Homestar and he would look like a big steak. And then Homestar would look at me and I'd look like {stops typing} you know {starts typing again} some kinda brownie sundae. {clears screen} So we'd chase each other around the island, trying to eat each other. And at some point my foot would look like a sandwich and I'd put salt on it and try to eat it and it's like, "Oh! It's my foot!!" {clears screen} But that's a best-case scenario. I'm sure in real life it would be much more annoying and painful with Dumpface involved. {he types "Dumpface" but says "Homestar"}

{cut to Homestar and Strong Bad on an island}



HOMESTAR RUNNER: Are we rescued yet?

STRONG BAD: You're gonna need to get rescued in a second if you don't quit asking me that.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ohhhhhhhh... Hey, Strong Bad.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Is there ice cream yet?

STRONG BAD: You're gonna need to get ice cream in a second if you don't quit asking me that. You know... 'cause I'm gonna hit you...and you'll need the ice cream to... stop the swelling.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, Stinkoman.

STRONG BAD: Um... did you just call me Stinkoman?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yes, sir, I did.

STRONG BAD: Geez. You don't happen to have a gun on your side of the island, do you?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No. Hey, Strong Bad, check this out! {turns away}

STRONG BAD: Oh, don't start with that—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Toons! {An ocean liner passes by with a loud "toot"}

STRONG BAD: Homestar—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Games! {An angry-looking, red-eyed, Moby Dick-style white whale, with harpoons embedded in its body, emerges from the left side of the water. It spurts water from its blowhole and then goes back into the water.}

STRONG BAD: Don't do another—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: E-mail! {A propeller plane with a "WEAR A BIKINI" banner attached to it flies by}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Man, I love doing that. {A bottle washes up on the island.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa, check it out. A message in a bottle. {takes a piece of paper out of the bottle and reads it} What?

       January 20, 1985
      Stanford Stadium
    Stanford, California
    Miami       San Francisco
   Dolphins         49ers

Super Bowl Nineteen... Miami Dolphins vs. San Francisco 49ers... {sarcastically} Great.


STRONG BAD: This is the worst deserted island ever.

{The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end you can click on Strong Bad and Homestar to make them turn into various things.
    • Strong Bad:
      • Some kinda brownie sundae
      • Hot dog
      • "Pinner" plate of marshmallows, with a derby, eyepatch and cigar from Meet Marshie
      • San Fransisco 49ers helmet
    • Homestar:
      • A big steak
      • Stack of pancakes
      • Guitar from new hands
      • Miami Dolphins helmet

Fun Facts


  • Strong Bad says "Yami Yugi" easily when he reads the email, but seems to have trouble the second time. Or maybe he just doesn't like Yu-Gi-Oh. (See Real-World References)
  • Amazingly, Strong Bad misses the obvious opportunity to make fun of Yami Yugi's spelling.


  • Homestar's Main Page joke refers to Main Page 3 (see Inside References), but on the real Main Page 3, the plane actually flies past on "Store," not "E-mail."
  • The San Francisco 49ers' helmet facemask is incorrect. They wore a gray facemask in 1984.

Inside References

  • Homestar references Main Page 3 when he yells out "Toons," "Games," and "E-mail" and various things appear. (see Goofs for more)
  • Strong Bad says, "This is the worst deserted island ever," which is a reference to The Best Decemberween Ever, where he says, "This is the worst Decemberween ever."

Real-World References

  • The 49ers beat the Dolphins 38–16 in Super Bowl XIX.
  • The name of the person who wrote the email, Yami Yugi, is also the name of a character from the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!

Fast Forward

DVD Version

  • To make Homestar and Strong Bad transform into various things, select the hidden Strong Bad head to the left of Strong Bad.
  • The DVD Version adds a hidden creator's commentary. To access it, switch your DVD player's audio language selection when watching this email.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman)

MATT: Welcome back, I'm Matt Chapman.

MIKE: I'm my brother Mike.

MATT: What?

MIKE: Isn't, uh, sorry.

MATT: Yeah? Go ahead.

MIKE: Oh, I don't remember what I was going to say. I like this email, though. I like the, um, visuals.

MATT: This is a lot, this is pretty much referencing, I mean it's done a lot in cartoons, but there's that one Bugs Bunny where he's on the desert island with those two—there's that one tall skinny guy and one fat short guy. That's where a lot of this comes from. I think they see each other as a steak and a hot dog. And I think that Bugs tricks one of them into eating his own foot at some point probably.

MIKE: This is the origin of the term Stinkoman too.

MATT: It's true. We were just screwin' around and I said the word Stinkoman.

MIKE: I think so. But I like that scene right there.

MATT: Yeah, Mike keeps talking about wanting to revisit this little desert island scene.

MIKE: It might be revisited by the time you're listening to this commentary.

MATT: Not if I have anything to say about it.

MIKE: Matt hates me.

MATT: I'm just kidding. Look, there it was! Yeah, see?

MIKE: He did, yeah. You haven't got a baboon in your pocket, have ye?

MATT: There you go, Mike.

MATT: Yeah, thanks. I love this. Those's actually are incorrect, aren't they? That's not exactly what he does on that menu page.

MIKE: Oh, maybe, yeah, maybe not. Look at those clouds. They're a little different than usual, aren't they?

MATT: Maybe. Oh, that's nice, that's—I remember Scott Edwards was over for that one. I think it snowed.

MIKE: Dave Brown, eh—

MATT: And then it snowed and we didn't have to go to school the next day.

MIKE: I think you're right.

MATT: No, it was great.

Fun Facts

  • The Bugs Bunny cartoon in particular that Matt and Mike refer to is Wackiki Wabbit.
  • This island hasn't been reused yet, but judging by some of the foreshadowing on other commentaries, it probably will be.

i hate joey day he thinks he is king

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