Six-Sadded, Die. - Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d

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Strong Sad and Lucky Yates try to figure out how to play Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Sad, Lucky Yates

Date: Monday, August 13, 2018

Running Time: 8:36



{Shot of a black surface; a six sided die lands with a blank face up}

STRONG SAD: Six-Sadded— Oop.

{Strong Sad picks the die up and rolls it again; the die lands on two}


{Strong Sad picks the die up and once again rolls; it lands on five}

STRONG SAD: Six-sadded— {grunts in frustration}

{Strong Sad rolls the die again, landing on two and revealing that two of its faces have been modified}

STRONG SAD: Six— {grunts in frustration}

{Strong Sad picks up the die and places it so the modified sides face the camera, revealing it to resemble his head.}

STRONG SAD: Six-Sadded, {sound slows down as logo fades in} Die.

{Fade to black. Cut to a top-down shot of Strong Sad's hands near a "Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d" board game.}

STRONG SAD: {rolling his R} Grrreetings, all you Six-Sadders out there, and welcome back to the Six-Sadded, Die. We've got a real treat for you today! And I'm not even talking about the game we're going to be playing! I'm talking about my special guest—

{The camera pans over to Lucky Yates, sitting at the table in front of a castle-themed wall}

STRONG SAD: Mr. Lucky Yates!

LUCKY YATES: {waves at the camera} Hi. {to Strong Sad} Hi, Strong Sad.

{Throughout the video, the camera pans down to the board when Strong Sad speaks, and up to Lucky when he speaks}

STRONG SAD: So, thanks for coming on the... the Six-Sadded, Die, Lucky, uh...

LUCKY YATES: I'm... very excited about this one.

STRONG SAD: We should give everybody a little background, I suppose, uh... Lucky and I have sort of a standing date, we go thrifting together.

LUCKY YATES: We are thrift store friends.

STRONG SAD: That's right, that's how we met.

LUCKY YATES: That's right, this is, uh... our first venture outside the world of thrifting together.

STRONG SAD: Yeah, what do you think of my... my gaming dungeon I've constructed here, Lucky?

LUCKY YATES: {looking around} Uh, I didn't realize that... Kindergarten classes also had thrift stores.

STRONG SAD: Oh, my Kindergarten class was a real dungeon, I'll tell you that.

LUCKY YATES: Ah ha haaa. Like... like for real, though?

{The camera pans down sadly}



{Video cut}

STRONG SAD: Why don't you tell 'em what we found at the thrift shop?

LUCKY YATES: Oh man, I'm really excited about this one.

{Video cut. The camera zooms into the title on the board.}

LUCKY YATES: Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d!

{Cut to Lucky}

LUCKY YATES: So, uh, anyw— I don't re— all I remember is a commercial that I saw maybe twice.

{Cut to bad-quality footage of the game from the Trogdor!! The Board Game video. The Jurvy-Skat music from Family Resemblence plays.}

ANNOUNCER: Watch out! When Daddy's P.O.'d, the family fun never stops!

{Cut back to the board game}

LUCKY YATES: I remember... kind of things... like all of this in the commercial!

{Video cut. Lucky is pointing at the colored shapes.}

LUCKY YATES: {points at the green shape} I think these are grass... {points at the blue shape} and I think this is water...

{Cut to a notepad and pencil in a box}

LUCKY YATES: {points at the box} A notepad and pencils! Tiny pencils in there.

{Cut to Lucky with the shapes}

LUCKY YATES: {holding the red and gray shapes} Dirt? Brick and steel? {confused stuttering}

STRONG SAD: Elements! It's an elemental game!

LUCKY YATES: {holds up white shape} Right, wind? Perhaps?

STRONG SAD: {overlapping} Okay...

LUCKY YATES: I don't know!

{Video cut. Lucky is pointing at the dice.}

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