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Strong Bad Email #41

Tandy 400 is dead and gone. BEHOLD! Da Compy 386! A spectacle of graphics and sound! Strong Bad discovers being invisible really isn't worth it.

Features: Strong Bad, Bubs, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad


STRONG BAD: {off-screen} I'm hooome!

{He walks to the Tandy 400 and sits in front of it.}

STRONG BAD: Okay, let's see here. Don't need this anymore.

{Strong Bad removes the post-it on the screen that says "DORKS!" on it and an angry face with sharp teeth below.}

STRONG BAD: And don't need THIS anymore.

{Strong Bad knocks the Tandy off the table and onto the floor.}

STRONG BAD: For behold...

{Strong Bad places a new computer on the desk.}

STRONG BAD: A 386. A spectacle of graphics and sound! {A tune is played and the "386 Version 1.5" logo appears on the screen.} Okay, let's get to checking!

strong bad,
what would you do if you were 
invisable for one day????
sin studly17

STRONG BAD: {typing} Well dumb name, this is something I've often thought about myself. And I came to the conclusion that... {clears screen, continues typing} I don't really think being visible prevents me from doing whatever I want to do. So I'd probably just do the kinda stuff I normally do.

{Cut to an invisible Strong Bad stealing two boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls from Bubs' Concession Stand.}

STRONG BAD: {voice-over} You know, like, steal stuff...

{Bubs turns around to find the Swiss Cake Rolls boxes floating away.}

BUBS: My chocolates! Come back, chocolates! I didn't mean what I said.

{Cut to Homestar Runner standing in the field.}

STRONG BAD: {voice-over} ...punch stuff...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzipan is late.

{The boxes of rolls float up to Homestar.}


{A punching noise is heard and Homestar doubles over. The boxes float off.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oof! Owww. Those things are bad for you.

{Cut to Invisible Strong Bad eating the Swiss Cake Rolls on his couch in front of the TV. Family Feud is on in here.}

STRONG BAD: {voice-over} stuff... and at the same time... watch stuff...

{A buzzer sound is heard from the TV.}

INVISIBLE STRONG BAD: Hoo ha ha ha! Survey says, you're an idiot!

{Strong Mad enters the room and walks in front of where Invisible Strong Bad is sitting.}

INVISIBLE STRONG BAD: Oh hey man. Look, I'm sitting here, I'm just invisible, okay? Hey! Brain-for-brains! I'm right here! The floating Swiss Cake Roll is talking to you! Hey, now what the...NONONONO...

{Strong Mad gets angry and jumps on the couch where Invisible Strong Bad is sitting.}


{Cut back to the computer with Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Ugh! {typing} Nevermind. Being invisible is not worth a face full of Strong Mad butt. {stops typing} Whoa! {resumes typing} I feel like I need to take a shower. I dunno when the last time he washed that singlet was. {stops typing} Anyways. Remember, kids! Take your vitamins, pretend you're hilarious, and always, always, e-mail Strong Bad.

{The Paper comes down. The screen eventually fades out and cuts to the Tandy 400 sitting in a trash can}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end of it, the screen will fade to the Tandy in the trash. You can click on the contrast buttons to see some funny last words.
    • Why strong bad? why?
    • Remember the duck pond?
    • I thought we were a team.
    • whatever, man. I can make it on my own
    • 386? more like three eighty SUCKS!
    • Tell the printer I'll miss her
    • Yeah? well someone on eBay loves me.
    • There's flies in me. it tickles
    • My mind is going. I can feel it.
    • Fine, I'm gonna start giving away secrets.
    • Have you clicked on the 'O' in message bored?
    • Justin Bailey ****** ******
    • Oh jeez. I think this is really it.
    • gasp.
    • wheez.
    • cough.
    • (blank screen)
    • end of line.

Fun Facts

  • The line "My mind is going. I can feel it." is a reference to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The line "Justin Bailey ****** ******" is reference to a cheat code in Metroid for the NES.
  • One of the 'last words' is a hint to click on the 'O' in Message Bored. If you click on the O there it brings you to 3 hidden games.
  • If you look at the Tandy's screen when its in the garbage, you'll notice that the crack in the glass isn't there.
  • If you try to change the contrast on Tandy before Strong Bad's reflection appears, the reflection is not changed like in previous emails, instead, it looks like his reflection on Compy.
  • The buzz sound from the TV and Strong Bad's quote "Survey Says... You're an Idiot!" are references to Family Feud.

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