Age Confusion
From Homestar Runner Wiki
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Although it is usually implied that the characters in the Homestar Runner universe are adults, there have been some moments when they do not seem to know how old they are.
[edit] Appearances
- Email do over — Homestar Runner describes himself to Strong Bad as "from school", despite the fact that neither of them seem to go to school. Strong Bad later describes him as such to Strong Mad.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 9 — Mr. Pitters chooses to become a teen girl once Cheerleader has been run over.
- Commandos in the Classroom — Reynold, who seems to be an adult or older teenager, is treated like a child by the other Cheat Commandos, including not letting him see a PG-13 movie.
- Dangeresque Puppet Squad: The Hot Jones Hijack — Fightgar is surprised to see Reynold drinking Hot Jones, before he clarifies that it is actually Warm Jenkins.
- Email high school — In Strong Bad's high school depiction, they are all teenagers. However, in his "middle school" depiction, all but Homestar are "melon headed babies" of about preschool age, and Homestar is an adult.
- Email coloring — Homestar, Strong Mad, and Homsar attend Marzipan's preschool-like class, L.U.R.N..
- Career Day — The class appears again. Strong Bad as Space Captainface refers to them as kids.
- Email slumber party —
- Homestar claims that the M-rated video games in his cabinet are off-limits.
- Strong Bad describes Bubs, Coach Z, and The King of Town as "older kids".
- Play Date —
- Coach Z is apparently in juvenile prison.
- Strong Mad acts childish throughout the toon.
- Costume Commercial — Strong Bad calls Homestar "neighborhood kid".
- A Decemberween Mackerel — In her Decemberween newsletter, Marzipan writes that Homestar started fourth grade.
- I Killed Pom Pom — The King of Town acts like a defiant teenager throughout the toon.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 — Coach Z says he's going to be tried as a minor before he goes to jail.
- Email too cool — After viewing Senor Cardgage's character video, Homestar says he has watched his first R-rated movie, and has therefore become a man.