How do you type with boxing gloves on?

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I don't see any fingers; do you see any fingers?
Clickety clack clack

"How do you type with boxing gloves on?" and its variants are questions that Strong Bad is asked on a regular basis in his emails. The Brothers Chaps obviously must be asked it so often that they have made it a running gag.

Strong Bad hates this question, and it is often DELETED. Old-Timey Strong Bad is apparently frequently asked the similar question, "How do you manage the telegramophone whilst wearing gentleman's sport gloves?" Strong Bad parodies this question in the Fan Costume Commentary and the email vacation. In the DVD commentary for the email video games, The Brothers Chaps say that they might come up with a way to answer this question someday. However, in February 2006, they also included this question as one of five topics which will likely never be addressed in a Strong Bad Email.

Strong Bad himself starts to ask this question when he's forced to type for the first time in an Easter egg in Hremail 7. The Cheat cuts him off with some "smart thinking", suggesting that he is responsible for coming up with Strong Bad's mysterious typing method.

From what little that has been seen, it seems Strong Bad merely presses his gloved hands upon the keyboard just as any typist would, and the appropriate keys are pressed and depressed without interference. On a related note, Strong Bad seems capable of typing not only with his boxing gloves, but with any part of his body he wishes. In sisters, he types "head—hit—keyboard" by striking the keyboard with his head, and in funny, he types "WOAH!! I CAN TYPE WITH ONE FOOT!" by hitting the keyboard with his foot. In bottom 10, he even typed when his keyboard was covered in vomit, and in tape-leg, he typed with one hand while removing tape from his shoe. Likewise, in crying, he typed a complete sentence, with punctuation and spelling, with one hand, while holding up a drawing of Li'l Brudder with the other.

Oddly enough, in dullard, Strong Bad types with his thumbs facing up, as if he were touching the keys with the bottoms of his fists.

At one point, in the email fingers, he tried prosthetic fingers made of various items such as prawns, action figures, etc. Their effect on his typing skills, though, was disastrous. However, in morning routine, he was able to type successfully with a Potate bag covering his right hand.

In the email highschool, Teenage Strong Bad plays the keyboard in The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries, even though he doesn't have fingers.

In the email pop-up, the Tandy 400 was featured in the book asking "HOW TYPE BOX GLOVES?" Strong Bad described this as "his crappy old computer, asking the same crappy old questions."

In the email part-time job, Strong Bad portrays himself in a drawing without his left glove on, displaying 3 fingers instead.

A similar question that gets asked often is how Homestar Runner, Marzipan, The King of Town, and Homsar, among other characters, are able to pick things up without having any arms.

According to Fan Costumes 2016, the gloves he wears are A+ #1 ALL-PRO Panache.


A claustrophobic close-up


How's he supposed to type with these waggly-knuckled monstrosities?
  • Email some kinda robot — Strong Bad is asked if he takes off his boxing gloves before going to bed.
  • Email the bird — Strong Bad is asked if it is hard to flip someone off with boxing gloves on.
  • Fan Costume Commentary — Strong Bad comments, "Dear Strong Bad, how do you type with pieces of crappy red foam taped around your hands?" on the first costume.
  • Nintendo Power July 2008 Interview — Strong Bad is asked, "How hard is it to play Wii with your Power Glove on?"
  • Strong Badia the Free — Strong Bad complains that he can't make template emails on the Snacky 186 with boxing gloves on, and says that "Typing I can handle; don't ask me how."
  • Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Strong Bad's fate is having his gloves replaced with human hands. He then claims that he's hideous and asks how he will ever type with waggly knuckled monstrosities.
  • Poker Night at the Inventory — Tycho asks Strong Bad how he does "anything even remotely interesting with hands like that".
  • @StrongBadActual — "Too many 'How do you tweet with boxing gloves on' tweets! Must... drop... train on em!!"
  • Email sbemail206 — Strong Bad says, "All right, boxing gloves. Get ready to work your inexplicable magic!"
  • Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 — Strong Bad gets stumped when trying to type in a phone number and passes it on to The Cheat.

See Also

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