Thy Dungeonman (character)

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This article is about the character. For the game, see Thy Dungeonman.

Thy Dungeonman is the only official name given to the protagonist of the Thy Dungeonman game series, as well as the namesake of the series.




Thy Dungeonman in the original Thy Dungeonman

Arguably, Thy Dungeonman first appeared during the Strong Bad Email video games, though his name is never mentioned. However, the box art at the end of the email is indeed titled "Thy Dungeonman", and the former playable version of the game that was linked to the email definitely mentioned that you are Thy Dungeonman. The first Thy Dungeonman game was short and simple compared to its sequels, and did not expand much on Thy Dungeonman's character, personality, or general surroundings, although there it could be grasped that Thy Dungeonman lives in a Medieval or quasi-medieval world where dungeons, flasks, scrolls, daggers, trinkets, enchanted rope, and even Wumpuses occupy the land. Later Thy Dungeonman becomes an acquaintace of Dennis, and even gives him a trinket, though Thy Dungeonman finds Dennis boring. Thy Dungeonman did not know what parapets were until Dennis told him. This knowledge (somehow) allowed Thy Dungeonman to escape thy dungeon.

Thy Dungeonman II and Peasant's Quest

Thy Dungeonman in Thy Dungeonman II

2004 was an interesting year for Thy Dungeonman. Not only did Videlectrix release Thy Dungeonman II, but they also released their innovative mix of graphics and text, Peasant's Quest. Thy Dungeonman II revealed much more about Thy Dungeonman than its predecessor.

In Thy Dungeonman II it is mentioned that Thy Dungeonman, at some time, worked as a custodial knight in the service of Custodial Magistrate Ripberger. Thy Dungeonman wears an "apparently very roomy" loin-cheese cloth, where he stores most of items he gets. Also, in the sequel Thy Dungeonman says his first words, "Gumble-duh. Dumble?", to Magistrate Ripberger. Technically he had "TALKed" to people, but this is the first time where it quoted what he said. He becomes infected with the bubonic plague by a rat named Percy. However, it was cured by a Saw Doctor. He uses a mop as a weapon against Longrels, Hongrels, and Mongrels. He uses very corny one-liners while defending himself from the three types of Ongrels, such as: "A little dead never hurt anybody!", "It's just a little crush!", and "Mop 'til ye drop!"; He admits he is still working on his one-liners, wishes he hadn't bellowed most of them as loudly as he did, and thinks that they don't ring(eth) as triumphantly quite the way he expected. One of the most odd things mentioned about Thy Dungeonman is that the innards of his nose smell like mutton. Another weird fact is that The Narrator claims Thy Dungeonman was born with a sixth finger shaped like a key, but it was amputated (though this could be a sarcastic comment directed at Thy Dungeonman when he tries to open a locked drawer).

Peasant's Quest also makes mentions of Thy Dungeonman, who was essentially Rather Dashing's prototype. Thy Dungeonman was referenced by the line "Who do you think you are, some kind of Thy Dungeonman?" when Rather Dashing tries to "get hay" in a section of Peasantry that features a pile of hay.

Thy Dungeonman 3

Thy Dungeonman in Thy Dungeonman 3

Thy Dungeonman 3 is the third edition of Thy Dungeonman. Even more is learned about Thy Dungeonman in this game.

Thy Dungeonman has been searching for Ye Flask for his "Thy Whole Dungeonlife", through years of searching and hundreds of dungeons that he has "vanquished". He hates Roman Columns and claims to be an "Ionic Dungeonman, through and threau". He finds "The annoying whiner bird" who "morble and ganch" to be annoying. He journeys to a village called Westerburg, and he has once been to a place called Wensleydire, where he believes he has seen a paticular Ye Olde Sandwich Shoppe before. Strangely, in Thy Dungeonman's world, one of the seven days of the week is called Today. Thy Dungeonman also once attended "Middle Dungeonschool", where he always wanted to dread his hair. He stores corn in his ear (most likely a reference to an "ear" of corn). Why he does so, we will never know; however, it does help him befriend the "whiner bird". At the end of the game, Thy Dungeonman gets his own "Thy Dungeonhouse", which he lives in to a "ripe old age". Ye flask becomes his favorite drinking vessel, choosing it over several maidens. He believes that "tis hardly a choice at all".

The fact that Thy Dungeonman receives his very own Thy Dungeonhouse and stays there until old age may suggest that there will only be three games in the Thy Dungeonman series; however, the next game could also be inside his Thy Dungeonhouse, or could be a prequel.


Thy Dungeonman is a Viking/Barbarian-style warrior who (most of the time) is seen either partially or completely shirtless and wears a Horned Helmet, though he does not have a horned helmet in Thy Dungeonman II. He consistently has long hair and a beard. A highly innacurate cartoon apparently from the 1980s removed his beard. Thy Dungeonman graces the cover of each volume of the Thy Dungeonman games.


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