Decemberween Short Shorts

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Revision as of 18:53, 18 December 2006 by Invisible Robot Fish (Talk | contribs)
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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Let Us Give TANKS! Homestarloween Party
Short Santa shorts

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Strong Sad, Bubs, Pom Pom, Coach Z, The King of Town, Strong Mad, The Homestar Runner, Rumble Red, Old-Timey Marzipan, one of Pom Pom's girls

Places: The Brick Wall, The Stick, Strong Bad's Basement, The Office, The Decemberween Tree, The Old-Timey Field, Coach Z's Locker Room, The Classroom, The Field, Club Technochocolate (dance floor)

Date: December 18, 2006

Running Time: 6:05

Page Title: The Short Shorts are BACK And Holiday Scented!



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{A pair of red shorts with white fur lining and a gold belt buckle appear, on which is superimposed the title: "DECEMBERWEEN Short Shorts". Snowflakes fall and synthesized music plays.}

{The scene changes to The Brick Wall, on which Strong Bad is writing on a piece of paper. As he writes, the words appear on a note at the top of the screen.}

STRONG BAD: Dear Tube Socks, It's me again. I hope you had a good year. Free of athletes' feet and toe jams.

{Zoom in close on Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Lemme cut to the chase. On Decemberween morning, when I open you guys up, you're going to hear...things. Hurtful things. Unforgivable things. Things like,

{Cut to Strong Bad opening tube socks with The Cheat at a decorated The Stick"


{A black transition screen with the word "and" appears}


{Cut to Strong Bad opening tube socks on The Couch}

STRONG BAD: Oh, man!

{The black transition screen with the word "and" reappears}


{Cut to Strong Bad opening tube socks in his cubicle with Homestar and a Decemberween tree made out of pushpins and a flyer on the wall that reads, "D'screetret Santa Today!"}

STRONG BAD: This present of tube socks totally sucks and I hate it!

{Cut back to Strong Bad writing his note at The Brick Wall}

STRONG BAD: Don't you believe a word of it, Tube Socks. I love you guys. I don't know what I'd do without my yearly pair.

{Zoom out to a silhouette of the scene}

STRONG BAD: But a guy's gotta keep up appearances, right? if peoples found out I have a soft spot for tube socks, it'd be all over. {a pair of tube socks appears, and the stripes rotate between several colors.} It took me years to live down that Martina Navratilova poster,

{Cut to a poster of Martina Navratilova playing tennis on the wall of The Basement}

STRONG BAD: ...and I will not go down that road again.

{Cut back to Strong Bad writing his note at The Brick Wall.}

STRONG BAD: We can be secret friends. Like that hunchback kid at school. In closing, please disregard any and all negative comments or negative burning you may hear or experience on Decemberween. Stealthily Yours, Strong Bad.

{Strong Bad draws a picture of his head with bat wings, a heart with an apostrophe and the letter "s", and a pair of tube socks.

{Cut to the title screen shot of the Decemberween shorts and accompanying music.}

{The scene changes to a Decemberween tree with ornaments representing the following characters: Strong Sad, Bubs, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, Strong Bad, Coach Z, and The King of Town.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER ORNAMENT: Ooh, man. I feel de-licious!

{Zoom in on the Homestar Runner ornament}

HOMESTAR RUNNER ORNAMENT: Does anyone here know if it is either illegal or unethical to eat yourself?

{Zoom back out}

KING OF TOWN ORNAMENT: I sure hope not!

STRONG BAD ORNAMENT: Eww — shut up, king... or I'll stuff you full of coal!

{Zoom in on the King of Town ornament.}

KING OF TOWN ORNAMENT: That wouldn't be so bad! A little onion salt,

{A picture of "The King of Town's Last Three Items in the Pantry Special!" descends}

KING OF TOWN ORNAMENT: ...some hot sauce... wouldn't be the first time!

'{Zoom back out to the rest of the ornaments.}

BUBS ORNAMENT: Hey, Coach Z! Don'tcha think it's about time you updated that photograph?

{Zoom in on the Coach Z ornament.}

COACH Z ORNAMENT: Heck no! The 74s was the prime of my dating year! In those days ladies would go out with anything that had a mustache.

'{Zoom back out to the rest of the ornaments.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER ORNAMENT: Hey, Strong Bad, I really like your rhinestone cowboy costume.

STRONG BAD ORNAMENT: Uh, you got the wrong 'ween, Homestar. This is Decemberween. Not the Hallow- one.

HOMESTAR RUNNER ORNAMENT: Oh... right, right. Trick-or-treat!

{Zoom in on the Strong Bad ornament.}

STRONG BAD ORNAMENT: Does anybody know where Strong Sad is?

{Pan to the Strong Sad ornamnet.}

STRONG SAD: Uh, hello. I'm right here!

{Zoom back out to the rest of the ornaments.}

STRONG BAD ORNAMENT: Whoa, I can hardly see you! You're like the Predator up there

{Zoom in on the Strong Sad ornament.}

STRONG SAD ORNAMENT: No, I'm like the most expensive ornament on this tree by about forty-five dollars!

{Zoom back out to the rest of the ornaments.}

STRONG BAD ORNAMENT: Oh yeah? Well my four point five cents of plastic sequins and styrofoam are about to bedazzle you right offa this tree! {sparkles and shines while singing}


{The Strong Sad ornament shakes, falls, and shatters on the ground. The camera pans down to his broken remains next to a Decemberween present with an "M" on it at the base of the tree.}


{Cut to the title screen shot of the Decemberween shorts and accompanying music.}

{The scene changes to The Homestar Runner in the snow-covered Old-Timey Field, wearing a winter cap and holding a dead rat in front of a decorated pile of other dead rats. Music plays in the background.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: This here's gonna be the biggest Decemberween rat pile in town.

RUMBLE RED: Eh, rumble {superimposed several times upon itself as he appears}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw, phooey. And after that, phooey. Not you again.

RUMBLE RED: Earthling, explain to me this pile of rotten rodentia...rumble.

{Zoom in on The Homestar Runner}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: It's Decemberween, Rumble Red. {holds up a dead rat} The most sanitary time of year. {Zoom out} When everyone piles up all the dead rats they accumulated {pronounced a-cooma-lated} throughout the year.

{Zoom in on Rumble Red}

RUMBLE RED: We don't have any Decemberweens on my planeeeeet, trumble.

{Zoom in on The Homestar Runner}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, whaddaya know? {Zoom out} What do they have on your planet?

RUMBLE RED: Oh, not much. Long lines. Expensive bread. Rumble-doo.

{Marzipan walks in with a bundle of dynamite with a ticking timer.}

MARZIPAN: Happy Decemberween, Rumble Red. {hands him the dynamite}

RUMBLE RED: Cosmic joy! {Zoom in} I think this buffalo has showed me the true meaning of December-rumble-ween!

{The ticking grows quicker, the top of the dynamite pops open, revealing a large pistol, out of which a cement mixer emerges and drops a bear trap around Rumble Red. The bear trap closes and decapitates him. Music plays and his body dances.}

MARZIPAN: {simultaneously} Hee, Hee, Hee.

{A black screen saying THE END covers everything except for a circle around The Homestar Runner's face}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: A Decemberween tradition! {the circle closes to black}

{Cut to the title screen shot of the Decemberween shorts and accompanying music.}

{The scene changes to The Brick Wall, on which Strong Sad is writing on a piece of paper. As he writes, the words appear on a note at the top of the screen.}

STRONG SAD: Dear Argyle Socks,

{Cut to the title screen shot of the Decemberween shorts and accompanying music.}

{Homestar Runner is in the locker room wearing a football helmet. He puts the helmet in an open locker and then puts a rolled up towel around his neck}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wow {locker slams shut} what a great season Coach Z.

COACH Z: You said it, crumb bum. We was undeforted!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Maybe you were. Well, have a good holiday. You doing anything special?

COACH Z: Aww, totally. I'm havin' all sorts of real people over to my house for a coupla real people parties. Don't you worry about me. I am not a loser.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well that's great Coach Z, well I... {Coach Z is no longer in sight} Coach Z? Coach Z? Oooohhh Coachhhh ZZZZZ.

{Coach Z is laying upside down in an open locker with empty Listerine bottles and stubble on his face}

COACH Z: I'm at rock bottom.

{Homestar breaks out in to song while bobbing up and down.}

Fun Facts


  • Argyle is a pattern containing diamonds in a diagonal checkerboard arrangement.


  • Coach Z's clipboard reads:
-the runaround
-the picket fence
-the stainislaw
-the local gentry
-cake und pie
-eyeball eyeball


  • In the locker room short, the ends of Homestar Runner's towel are rolled in contradictory directions.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • The Navratilova poster refers to tennis player Martina Navratilova.
  • The Predator is a fictional alien hunter from the movie series of the same name.
  • "D'screetret Santa" is a reference to the Christmas party game "Secret Santa".

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