Twenty THANXty Six

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(Better before, at least as far as semi-colon usage)
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'''1-UP:''' No, no, no. THAT'S not it! ''{Laughs on "it".}''
'''1-UP:''' No, no, no. THAT'S not it! ''{Laughs on "it".}''
''{Wipe to back outside. Close-up of 1-Up; with the Cheatball spinning profusely on his head.}''
''{Wipe to back outside. Close-up of 1-Up; the Cheatball can be seen spinning on his head.}''
'''1-UP:''' I'm thankful for the Cheatball spinning profusely on my head!
'''1-UP:''' I'm thankful for the Cheatball spinning profusely on my head!

Revision as of 04:28, 21 December 2008

Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Fan Costumes '08 Hooked on Decemberween
"I'm thankful for Pan Pan's epiglottis!"

Stinkoman learns how to give thanks.

Cast (in order of appearance): Stinkoman, 1-Up, Pan Pan, Cheatball, Shadowy Figure

Places: Planet K, Pan Pan's Stomach, Mountainous Region

Date: Monday, November 24, 2008

Running Time: 2:14

Page Title: Holiday Prices on Spiced Bun and Frozen Bake!



{Stinkoman is working on something off the screen, making vocal noises as he does so. His green tongue protrudes from his mouth. The Stinkoman 20X6 level 2 cutscene music plays dimly in the background.}

STINKOMAN: Heer. Ah! Heejee. Goo? Ah!

{1-Up arrives from the left.}

1-UP: Hey, Stinkoman, what are you think you're doing?

STINKOMAN: Go away. I'm doing something!

1-UP: {Blushes} Uh, yeah. But what is it you're doing?

STINKOMAN: Can't you see, my good man? I'm giving thanks! {Smiles broadly, then puts his hands on his hips with a Shing! sound.}

1-UP: Oh.. {Blushes}... because it looks like you're building a tractor!

STINKOMAN: {Long shot showing the tractor} Shows how much you know! {Makes his laughing action} Now watch me give thanks to these crops! {Roots around in the tractor, and pulls out what appears to be a John Deere hat, putting it on with a ding!} Ha! {Jumps into the air, spinning. He briefly comes to rest in mid-air in a reclining posture, then drops to the seat of the tractor and starts it up.}

1-UP: That's not how you give thanks! {Laughs on "thanks", then blushes.}

STINKOMAN: Oh yeah, talking-to-me-extraordinaire? If you're so smart, why don't YOU show me how to give thanks without the use of farm equipment?

1-UP: Okay. Pan Pan?

{Pan Pan drops from above and lands with a gong sound, then opens his mouth wide and inhales 1-Up and Stinkoman. After a second, he spits out Stinkoman's hat. Cut to the interior of Pan Pan's stomach.}

1-UP: Watch me while I do work! Why, just today, I'm thankful for Pan Pan's epiglottis! {Smiles broadly, while four hearts float out of his head and pop.}

STINKOMAN: Oh, NOW I get it! Like this! {Dashes off-screen. Cut to him sitting behind a desk in a suit, his hair neatly combed.} Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell! {Holds a disconnected phone handset to his ear whenever he says "buy" and a mug of coffee to his mouth whenever he says "sell". Then he collapses to the desk, exhausted, and his hair changes back to its normal, unkempt state} Uhhh...

1-UP: No, no, no. THAT'S not it! {Laughs on "it".}

{Wipe to back outside. Close-up of 1-Up; the Cheatball can be seen spinning on his head.}

1-UP: I'm thankful for the Cheatball spinning profusely on my head!

STINKOMAN: Oh yeah! Now I REALLY got it! Like this! {Backflips off-screen. Rapid pan to show Stinkoman's foot sticking out of the ground. The foot wiggles as muffled speaking noises can be heard.}

1-UP: {Walks up, Cheatball still spinning on his head.} That's not it, either!

STINKOMAN: {Appearing on the other side of the screen} Say WHAT?

{Diamond wipe to a shot of Stinkoman and 1-Up, sans Cheatball, in front of a mountain range.}

1-UP: People give thanks for things like {Close-up as 1-Up holds up one item of each of the following as he says it.} favorite food, spiced bun, frozen bake, and all that, and all that.

{Back to the long shot. The aforementioned items are sitting on the ground next to 1-Up.}

STINKOMAN: {Wiping his brow} Man, oh, man-o! Who would've thought that giving thanks was such a formidable challenge? {Triumphant pose} Hey wait, that's it! {Charges up, and suddenly gets incredibly muscular. Small rocks float up off the ground, and the level 1 music plays dimly in the background.} Whoooaaa, making small rocks float up off the GRRROOOOOUUUUUUUUND! {As Stinkoman returns to normal, the level 2 cutscene music plays, again dimly in the background, and a pilgrim's hat appears on his head with a ding!} I'm thankful that my hat is wearing a belt!

1-UP: Great job, Stinkoman! You got the Green Crystal Shard! {Shard appears with a green flash.}

STINKOMAN: Will we ever find all the colors before the bad guy?

{Rapid pan to the top of a mountain showing a shadowy figure with the red, blue and yellow shards. The shadowy figure laughs evilly. Scene freezes, and changes to an ink-drawing style. The credits appear on the screen.}

VOICE-OVER: Be sure and tune in for tomorrow's exciting episode of... {Stinkoman appears, holding all four shards, and the title appears over the top.} Stinkoman and the Challenge of the Crystal Shards!

{Shot of Stinkoman at the desk in Pan Pan's stomach as before.}

STINKOMAN: Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell! Buy!

{Back to title screen.}

VOICE-OVER: Or... maybe don't. {Gong sounds. Back button appears.}

{The credits read:}

directed by
A. Chimendez

written by

i can not name all of them.
one is sarah.

Fun Facts


  • The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage at the back of the mouth. When swallowing, it folds down, preventing food from entering the windpipe, and sending it down the esophagus instead.


  • This is the first time the Shadowy Figure has appeared in a toon.


  • The picture on Stinkoman's hat flips sides when he jumps into the tractor.
  • In the frame right before Stinkoman gets on the desk, he is shown without legs.
  • When Stinkoman gets his pilgrim's hat for the first time, it covers his usual, moptop hairstyle. However, in the scene that follows his receiving the crystal shard, it turns to his Business executive hairstyle, and remains that way for the rest of the cartoon.

Fixed Goofs

  • Originally, the name plate on the desk was supposed to read "Top Exec" using Arial font but the text did not display. This was fixed shortly after release, now using Algerian font.
  • Originally, the crops weren't shown in the cartoon, the background was all green grass.

Inside References

"That's not it either!"

Real-World References

  • Pan-Pan sucking up the characters is similar to the video game character Kirby.
  • The "Making small rocks float up off the GRRROOOOOUUUUUUUUND!" sequence is a reference to Dragonball Z. When characters "power up", rocks around them begin to float in a similar fashion, usually accompanied by their muscles bulging and an electric aura appearing around them.
  • Stinkoman's hat has similar colors and logo to those of the John Deere tractor company.
  • The color scheme and decals (the Citizen logo and U.S. Air Force roundel) on Stinkoman's tractor resemble those on Kaneda's motorcycle in Akira.
  • The cartoon in general appears to parody Japanese stereotypes of America, with generally "naive"-seeming interpretations of an American holiday in the cartoon.

External Links

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