From Homestar Runner Wiki
Candles are used to set the mood for romantic nights and seances.
[edit] Appearances
- Email making out — Strong Bad suggests using candles and wine to entice the sender's boyfriend into making out with her.
- Email 50 emails — Strong Bad's 50th email is celebrated with a swiss cake roll with a candle on it.
- Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon — Strong Sad sets up a candle as part of his Tai Chi space.
- Email fingers — One of the fingers Strong Bad puts on his boxing gloves is a candle. Coach Z takes notice. Strong Bad claims that it keeps him warm at night.
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — A group of candles is set on Marzipan's table for her seance.
- Halloween Fairstival — Candles accompany Strong Sad's Haunted Haikus.
- Email do over — Strong Bad re-enacts the Strong Bad Email sisters by setting a candle on the desk.
- Email — Strong Bad's surefire method to attract a lady is to host a candlelit dinner with caviar burritos and the finest cigars.
- Date Nite — The Cheat and Marzipan have a candlelit dinner at Marshmallow's L'est Stand.
- Play Date — The King of Town has a candlelit dinner at Marshmallow's L'est Stand with Brunswick stew.
- Email love poems — Strong Bad uses the names of scented candles as inspiration for romantic similes.
- Homestar Ruiner — When examining the showers, Strong Bad tells the player he prefers a bubble bath with scented candles.
- Strong Badia the Free — Strong Bad is impressed that the King of Town had eaten the candles off his candelabra but left the flames.
- Place Ya Bets! — Homestar Runner attends a meeting of the Deleteheads with a bundle of red candles meant to look like dynamite.
- A Decemberween Mackerel — Marzipan holds a candle as she sings Decemberween carols.