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Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! is the URL of the website and primary home of the Homestar Runner body of work.



The Index Page in the first page one sees when visiting the website, and offers the viewer the option to watch the Intro or go to the Main Pages. The Main Pages, which are the main menus of the site, split into 6 main categories: Toons, Games, Characters, Downloads, Store, and Email. A few of these categories host subcategories such as Strong Bad Email, and Teen Girl Squad.

The website also hosts several subdomains, such as, which hosts the menu and files for Podstar Runner.

Hidden among the website are various Secret Pages, ranging from toons never added to the main list, pages intented to be found, and unfinished toons. There have also been secret pages removed after fans found them, such as If I Ran the Camera.

Filename Conventions

The 404 page, which appears when a nonexistant file is opened.

The files of the pages (.html files) and Flash files (.swf files) are often clearly labeled. For example, the URL for a Teen Girl Squad issue is "tgsX.html", where X is the issue number. The same goes for Strong Bad Emails ("sbemailX.html"), with a few exceptions.

Sometimes, the URL relates to the toon. For example, the URL for A Jorb Well Done is "cantsayjob.html", which refers to the toon. Usually, the Flash file will have the same filename as the html page, but there are some exceptions.


The domain is currently hosted by Sagonet, and was registered on December 6th, 1999 by Harmless Junk, Inc. Its IP is The website used to be hosted by Yahoo!, but it was so popular that it had to be moved.

See Also

External Links