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Homestar Runner Goes for The Gold! (animated version)

"The Homestar Runner Goes for The Gold!"

Homestar Runner and Strong Bad go and dust off some memoirs. Shown at both of the Homestar Runner 20th Anniversary Shows.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, The Homestar Runner (storybook), Pom Pom, Mr. Bland, Strong Mad, Tiny-Handed Strong Bad, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Dijjery-Doo, The Announcer, The Grape Fairie, The Fat Bee, The Sneak, The Prince of Town

Places: The Field, Storybook World

Running Time: 6:00


{The Field is visible in the background in full color as the foreground is silhouetted with a shed to the left. The entrance of Homestar Runner's house is seen to the right in the same silhouetted fashion. Music begins playing and Homestar Runner and Strong Bad are seen leaving the house and walking towards the shed.}

{Zoom in full to the shed with Homestar Runner and Strong Bad}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh man, Strong Bad. You're not gonna believe this thing. {opens front shed door} Wait until you see this thing! {Takes out a large container, drops it in front of Strong Bad, and opens the lid} This thing's gonna take a life! Blow your mind! Break your nose!

STRONG BAD: And shut the dang up and let's see it already!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay. Okay. Um. It's um... It's right... Um... {starts looking back and forth frantically}

STRONG BAD: Homestar, did you ramble on for some long that you forgot what you were going to show me?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Um, no. And furthermore, no. {looks into the container} And it, um, is... {pulls a rubber burger out of the container} Squeakburger. {squeezes it twice} Burger burger.

STRONG BAD: {looking down into the container} Whoa! Look at this! {grabs an item from the container}

{Cut to view of Strong Bad holding the book}

STRONG BAD: The Homestar Runner and The Brothers Strong? An unfinished second children's book by Mike & Craig?! {Mike's name is covered with a brown marker and Craig's name is blurred out and censor tones play as Strong Bad says their names.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I've never heard of either one of them. I think those are terrible!

STRONG BAD: Come on, let's read it right dang now!

{Cut to a storybook cover of Homestar Runner standing in front of a red and yellow submarine with a white star on it.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The Homestar Runner and the Bathyscaphe. A book where I take an underwater intrigue, man. Underwater pant.

{The storybook cover bursts as a cloud}

STRONG BAD: Uh, maybe I should read it.

{Cut to storybook cover of Homestar Runner and the Brothers Strong}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} The Homestar Runner and the Brothers Strong, aka Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold aka, old glue turns gross and brown and you let it sit around for 10 years. {the title changes as he says the alternate names}

{transition to the first page of the book}

STRONG BAD: Everyone loves the Homestar Runner. He is a terrific athlete.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: {moves up} Ding!

{page turn}

STRONG BAD: Tomorrow is the annual triathlon. {Cut to a scene with Pom Pom, Homestar Runner, and Mr. Bland all practicing} Homestar Runner's team, the All-Stars {says All-Stars sluggishly and the respective words sink on the page} is practicing as we speak.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Whistle loud, Pom Pom! {blows his whistle} Come on guys! Whistle to the max! {blows his whistle multiple times}

{Cut to Strong Mad, Tiny-Handed Strong Bad, and Strong Sad in the Storybook Field with the Jam Box.}

STRONG BAD: The Homestar Runner's rivals, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and Strong Sad {says Strong Sad sluggishly and the respective words on the page sink} are having a hot team meeting.

TINY-HANDED STRONG BAD: Strong Sad. You are too weak. You must be replaced by ... {The Cheat walks up from the right and makes a The Cheat noise} Dijjery-Doo! {The word "Dijjery-Doo" does not appear in the text box below. Dijjery-Doo walks up from the right side as The Cheat makes a displeased noise and black smoke rises from his head.}

{Cut back to Homestar Runner and Strong Bad reading the storybook in the Storybook Field}

STRONG BAD: The heck is Dijjery-Doo?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I tried to warn ya. I washed my hands before this whole affair.

STRONG BAD: I guess he looks kinda cool. Maybe he'll turn out all right.

{Cut back to the storybook with Tiny-Handed Strong Bad and Dijjery-Doo}

DIJJERY-DOO: Hey Strong Bad. I just want to say how happy I am to be part of the team. And the— ah! {Dijjery-Doo's right tooth falls out as both Dijjery-Doo and Tiny-Handed Strong Bad look at it. The last sentence does not appear in the text box.}

TINY-HANDED STRONG BAD: I'm immediately regretting this decision.

STRONG BAD: Said uncharacteristically candid Strong Bad.

{Cut to the All-Stars training as Strong Sad walks dejectedly in the foreground}

STRONG BAD: Rejected, Strong Sad moped pass the All-Stars.

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: What's {blows his whistle multiple times} wrong? {blows his whistle even more}

STRONG BAD: [asked The Homestar Runner.] said the greatest communicator on the planet.

{Cut to close-up shot with just Strong Sad and The Homestar Runner}

STRONG SAD: My brothers kicked me off the team and replaced me with Dijjery-Doo. {Strong Sad is interrupted at "Dijj—"}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: {interrupting} Yeah, yeah. We know all that. Chin up and start getting ready for next year.

{Cut to wider shot of Homestar and Pom Pom walking to the right as Mr. Bland does cartwheels.}

STRONG BAD: ...said The Homestar Runner as they left to compete.

{Cut to a silhouetted shot of everybody at the starting line}

STRONG BAD: All the teams lined up for the first event. {cut to shot of the banner above the starting line} Running!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm getting chills to see how I dominated this one!

{Pan down to the starting line with just Pom Pom and Strong Mad}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wait, what? {music stops} Pom Pom?

{Cut back to Homestar Runner and Strong Bad reading the book in The Field}

STRONG BAD: I'm more worried about how this is clearly roller-skating. Is that what they called running in the mid-nineties?

THE ANNOUNCER: Ready! Set! {Strong Mad starts skating} Go! {Pom Pom starts skating}

STRONG BAD: Strong Mad gets an early lead. And wins!

{Cut to a scoreboard}

STRONG BAD: After the first time, the Strong Stars have a lead. {The Grape Fairie appears and changes the Strong Star's score to 1} On to the next event: {Cut to The Homestar Runner and Tiny-Handed Strong Bad at the pool} Swimming! {Cut to The Homestar Runner on his submarine} The Homestar Runner wins! What?!

{Cut back to Homestar Runner and Strong Bad in The Field}

STRONG BAD: You get a friggin' submarine and all's I get is a fish crammed through my head?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, you know. Standard Collegiate Swimming Rules. Please chant them.

{Cut to the Grape Fairie with a giant scroll with the title "Standard Collegiate Swimming Rules"}

THE GRAPE FAIRIE: Rule 1: The Homestar Runner gets a state-of-the-art bathyscaphe-type situation. Rule 2: Strong Bad... fish crammed through his head.

{Cut back to the scoreboard as The Grape Fairie adds a point to the All-Star's score}

STRONG BAD: Now his team is even with Strong Bad's team. Whoever wins the last event gets the gold!

{Cut to the Storybook Field with a banner above it reading "FLYING!". Mr. Bland and Dijjery-Doo and seen, with Mr. Bland a pair of wings and Dijjery-Doo a small propeller.}

STRONG BAD: Everyone's ready for the flying event! {Cut to a close-up of Mr. Bland as The Cheat walks up to him} Suddenly, Strong Bad's minion {The Cheat makes agreeing noises} the sneak, {The Sneak, with no storybook stylizing, walks up in front of The Cheat in front of Mr. Bland with a wooden baseball bat in his mouth. The Cheat walks away angrily with black smoke over his head.} cripples Mr. Bland. {Mr. Bland and The Sneak devolve into a fighting cloud of dust as The Sneak emerges fine and Mr. Bland badly injured and his wings beaten up} Everyone else takes off. {Dijjery-Doo's propeller begins to turn and he abruptly takes off}

{Cut to Pom Pom and The Homestar Runner looking at the crippled Mr. Bland}

STRONG BAD: What will the All-Stars do?

{Cut to The Homestar Runner in the foreground and Strong Sad in the background}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad, come take these broken wings {holds up Mr. Bland's broken wings} and learn to fly.

{There is a white flash as it cuts back to before The Homestar Runner says his line to Strong Sad}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad, you've got to fly. {holds up Mr. Bland's broken wings} Fly to the angels.

{There is a white flash as it cuts back to before The Homestar Runner says his line to Strong Sad}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad, you're motoring. {holds up Mr. Bland's broken wings} What's your price for flight?

STRONG BAD: said Homestar.

{Cut to a team picture of Pom Pom with skates, Strong Sad with the broken wings, and The Homestar Runner with swimming equipment}

STRONG BAD: Strong Sad was now an All-Star. They were back in business! {cut to a silhouette of the Storybook Field as Strong Sad and Dijjery-Doo are both in the sky flying} Strong Sad was making all kinds of ground. {Cut to a close-up of Strong Sad} He sure has a knack for this flying stuff.

STRONG SAD: I'm glad that I'm flying! {Strong Sad suddenly sports long legs with red heels, akin to Strong Glad's design. He starts flying faster, and he looks behind at his new legs.} Woo-hoo!

{Cut to Tiny-Handed Strong Bad}


{Cut to The Homestar Runner}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: {pause} Just no.

{Coach Z pops up from the left}

COACH Z: I am into this!

{Cut to Bubs}

BUBS: I don't like it! And I am now in this book.

{Cut back to the cover of Homestar Runner and The Brothers Strong as a sticker reading "now with 100% more Bubs!" is slapped onto it}

{Cut back to Dijjery-Doo in the sky}

STRONG BAD: Dijjery-Doo was being passed by the high-flying Strong Sad.

TINY-HANDED STRONG BAD: Dijjery do something, Dijjery-Doo.

STRONG BAD: said master wordsmith Strong Bad. {cut back to Dijjery-Doo} He made a last-ditch effort to sabotage the All-Stars.

DIJJERY-DOO: Okay, Strong Bad. I've got {pulls out a red and yellow missile} this little thing here. Oh! {Dijjery-Doo fumbles with the missile as his right tooth falls out. He falls from the sky with the missile in his hands.}

{Cut to Tiny-Handed Strong Bad looking up as Dijjery-Doo's disembodied right-tooth pierces Strong Bad's head and he falls on his back. Dijjery-Doo lands on top of Tiny-Handed Strong Bad as the missile subsequently explodes. Dijjery-Doo's propellor is destroyed and part of Tiny-Handed Strong Bad's head is blown off.}

STRONG BAD: Dijjery-Doo's plan backfired. {music stops} Uh, yeah, you think? You sure you didn't want to use any more adjectives there? Like, catastrophically head-chunkularly {both words are are added to the book in Strong Bad's handwriting} backfired? Maybe?

{Cut to the scoreboard as The Grape Fairie raises the All-Star's score to 2}

STRONG BAD: The All-Stars win! {cut to the whole storybook crew as Strong Sad stands in the middle with a medallion and glamerous legs} Getting the gold for The Homestar Runner changed Strong Sad. He is now Strong Glad.

{The music in the background raises in volume as Strong Sad begins to dance. The rest of the storybook characters begin to back away.}

{Cut to Homestar Runner and Strong Bad in The Field reading the storybook}

STRONG BAD: Yo, is this gonna leave Strong Sad with those... {his mouth trembles} those...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: HLLs? Hot Lady Legs? Yeah. I told you it was terrible!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, man. That piece of masking tape knows what it's talking about. That was some premium grade-A {cut to masking tape with the words "old H*R crap" written on it} old Homestar Runner crap.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, hey, look! {holds up whistle} I found my old whistle! {makes whistle sounds, but not with the whistle}

STRONG BAD: Yeah, uh, I don't think you're using that right.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {continues to make more whistle noises} And so dings a great new era in Homestar Runner talk! {makes more whistle noises}


{Homestar Runner makes more whistle noises as he walks off-screen to the right}

STRONG BAD: Fantastic.

{Cut to silhouette of the shed and the house as Homestar Runner walks to his house while making whistle noises}

STRONG BAD: I sure hope this continues for the next 20 years. {Homestar peeks out of his house making more whistle noises}

{Cut to the Homestar Runner logo with the star replaced with a whistle and the numbers "1996 - 2016" below it. The whistle moves as Homestar Runner makes more whistle noises}

Fun Facts




Inside References

  • Dijjery-Doo, Strong Glad, and the book itself were all in sketches from the Museum sketchbook.
  • Strong Sad's line "I'm glad that I'm flying!" is a reference to the "I'm sad that I'm flying" inside joke.

Real World References

External Links

Halloween 2016 Teaser

Use this template when the 'ween teaser is released:

{{watchtoon|ween16 teaser.html}}
[[Image:Halloween 2016 Teaser.png|200px|thumb|"Oh man, this is great times."]]
:''The title of this article is just a description. This toon has no official name.''

A teaser for the 2016 [[Halloween]] toon.

'''Cast (left to right):''' {{Film|Strong Mad}}, {{Film|The Cheat}}, {{Film|Bubs}}, {{Film|Coach Z}}, {{Film|Homestar Runner}}, {{Film|Marzipan}}, {{Film|The King of Town}}, {{Film|Strong Sad}}, {{Film|Pom Pom}}, {{Film|The Poopsmith}}, {{Film|Homsar}}, {{Film|Strong Bad}}

'''Places:''' [[The Field]]

'''Date:''' Friday, October 21, 2016

'''Running Time:''' 0:30

'''Page Title:''' Guess them costumes! (or maybe don't!)


''{cut/fade in to silhouettes of the cast standing in The Field in their costumes. The text "Halloween Toon in Twice Times!" is visible at the top/bottom.}''

==Easter Eggs==
[[File:gfdisgreat.png|thumb|right|220px|The lot]]
*Decompiling the Flash file reveals a hidden message upon trying to remove the silhouettes. This teaser's [[Nice Try|message]] reads "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".

==Fun Facts==

===Inside References===
*As per usual, Strong Bad's costume is over-the-top.

===Real-World References===

==External Links==
{{extlinks|ween15 teaser}}


{{subtitlesLinks|ween16 teaser}}

"Just for a minute, let's all do the bump. Bump. Bump." "Well, I not as well." "Would you like to try a combo meal?" {{hrwikiuserquote}}






STRONG BAD: {singing, types "run Strongbad's__email"} I'm gonna check my email all of the time, doo doo doo...

Hi Strong Bad, If you hate Homsar so much, why don't you kill him? -Vinnie C. {Strong Bad says the last line as "From Vinnie C."}

STRONG BAD: You know what, Vinnie? You're right. I'll be right back. {gets up}

{Cut to Homsar standing in the Field. Strong Bad enters the frame in the foreground.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Homsar!

HOMSAR: {faces Strong Bad} Uhdyeah, what ees it, Strong Baaaaayaad?

{Strong Bad leaves the frame and the Heavy Lourde falls on Homsar, completely crushing him. Cut back to the Tandy 400.}

STRONG BAD: {sits down, typing} Oh man, Vinnie. That feels so much better. Thanks a lot! {stops typing} Okay, so until next time, keep sending me your questions, and I will keep making fun of your punctuation and spelling. I mean, answer them.

{The Paper comes down}

Fun facts


[|] Spell [poorly written e-mail] * This is the first mail that make fun of powerful bad someone.

  • This is also the first e-mail shows the outside of the area of ​​[[computer room].
  • This is an e-mail to a character other than a powerful Bart is first displayed.
  • This will mark the first appearance of Homsar and Heavy Lourde.
  • Button to return to the end of this e-mail, was used in order to move to the ( "old mail" button, which is used to be present in it to link to the old mail) powerful badmail menu instead of the game menu. Flashback after it has been released, Brothers Chaps, delete the old e-mail button, it was fixed back link. In the old version still here. You can see
  • conclusion it is one of the paraphrase version of [some of the little robot] in [].

=== === Remarks When he says * Strong of bad mouth does not move. "Tototo. "

  • The Flash file is only 100 kilobytes for this e-mail, it is the smallest in terms of file size.
  • Heavy Lourde is | you fell from [where] [Hammerspace].
  • Non-sequitur of the speech patterns of Homsar has not been established yet, and he is to be the unpleasant Treat] gave [House], it will continue to wisely story.


He mask of * Strong bad when going outside does not have a race on the back of it. When he pulls from Tandy away * I can not see the neck of strong Bad.

  • Mouth of Homsar will not be synchronized to his speech.
  • His reflection and small gray mark stuck to the outside of the V-shaped on his mask in the Tandy 400 screen. This blunder, it is easier to be displayed when it is zoom.

=== === Fast-forward

  • In answering machine version of marzipan 5.0, Homsar, he is in the hospital marzipan in order of flowers, she leaves the appreciation of the message that was sent him. Heavy Lourde since been deleted to him in this e-mail, it will not imply that he had been hospitalized.
  • Homsar similar scene to that has been introduced will appear in the Easter Egg of [Doomy Tales] of [weird].

External links


Template:Strong Bad mail

(Direction is changed) the video game range from of the runner Wiki of Homestar jumps from sbemail94: The watch of the E-mail #94 whose operation and investigation are bad strongly? Troop betting? As for this article it is attached to strongly bad E-mail. Concerning the list of the game of the runner of all Homestar, look at the game. "As for technology of day my high-level thinking." Aylor R. and what kind of it forces and bad state like the video game it would like to know whether it is, you catch. As for forcing bad state he oh explains that it is influenced high to some system. Casting ones (in order of appearance): The person and the rhinoceros of state and the 3-D shield which forcing bad state and Atari force strong bad state and, are bad the place where direction is changed: Computer room computer: Compy 386 date: Monday, 2004 January 12th running time: Title of 3:04 pages: Compy 386! ! DVD: Strongbad_email.exe disk 3 contents [ hide ] of 1 copy 2 the reference of the attention 3.4 3.5 substantial worlds of small thing 3.3 of explanation 3.2 of pleasure fact 3.1 Easter of copy 4.2 of 3.6 four DVD edition 4.1 criticisms external link pleasure five of fact you fail 3 of eggs first fast, [ compile ] the copy it is strong, bad state: E-mail seems like the jail. The wall... and the jail where the washroom has been attached. {Book-reading} just a little it forces and it thinks in some doubt where bad state, I seem like the fair video game, like the thing, is. The empty, AZ of Creek {as for state Taylor R. Queen whose Strong is bad "as Alcatraz" AZ ". Bad when "it is read} to force: Whoa. Inside {as for someone of the head of the vibration} something which is I like the video game, Taylor {type} it comes out directly? It is good, the everything of that is influenced have expressed in what kind of system we. The way when... it is in 1 unit of machine where that those really is old, {being assigned in the black screen, rectangle of green of the sky ardently the mouth to the game of Atari 2600 style. Forcing bad state: {Voiceover} Perhaps... graphics is visible like me only just a little. A state which {with the way forces the square whose A is red and is bad. Bad when it is displayed} to force: {Voiceover} And I move everything around the perplexity of Futurism, {as for square in order to appear. Bad when the screen and it gets going block of the green which is and around the blue incandescence barrier} to force: {Voiceover} - The fact that nothing like me see is gathered. The same size as the square of a state which {forces the square A yellow in the center of perplexity and is bad. Bad when it appears} to force: {} The person of voiceover expresses and starts and is that the just you are surprised rather! {Red square it gets near to yellow square, with that "it touches and" gathers that. Word "secret it gets together! Appear "with the screen. In Compy 386. Reduce} to force, bad state: {Type} Ooh! Ooh! In addition as for me it can designate to be as one of those 3-D vector games. {Ardently the mouth to the screen of the aforementioned game. End of the passage of the wall is drawn the contour with red. As for a certain portable arrow in wall. Bad when it appears on whichever side} to force: {Voiceover} And 3-D edition ' this of my head floatin the just you are surprised, enormous, it should there, is. When {it forces A with the screen and vectorized which appears} forces the edition of the head of bad state and is bad: {Voiceover} The way, the fact that you see and as for the girl of the just and therefore you are surprised you make perhaps with the screen is tried, {as for the lip of the lipstick with the screen. Bad when it appears} to force: {Voiceover} And we the way must program that because it is,: When vector it forces and is bad: When back section that it leaves speaks the baby, {word to appear simultaneously with the screen, and descend, and. Bad when it goes out} to force: {Voiceover} Or at this 1, the player... does not control me {Compy which shakes the camera is strong, when the mouth} it forces to bad state ardently and is bad: ' CUZ! I cannot be controlled! {In reduction vector game. When} it forces and is bad: {Voiceover} Instead, the person of the 3-D shield which has the shield... just a little is, {the generality of A which has the shield the person who is seen appears most under the screen. When} ' it forces and is bad: {Voiceover} The person of the 3-D cyber shield which is taken the lead spikey has the cyber shield of a certain kind.... {Appropriate modification is done, therefore as for the person of the shield now it has the possession thing stripe, "the cyber shield. When you have taken the lead "spikey,} force and are bad: {Voiceover} And my complicated 3-D geometric attack must be obstructed, or face the 3-D destiny which is! {Vector it forces and bad state spits from the rhombus which the person of the cyber shield obstructs. Forcing brim of bad state difference? . " . If it does and changes shape direction, as for this one as for that it explodes on the surface in the carrier of the cyber shield of depending. It hits} vector to force, bad state: Your head A SPLODE {for the second time, word with the screen. Bad when it appears} to force: {Voiceover} Naturally, a certain problem which uses the translation which is bad there you express and start and are. {In reduction Compy 386. When} it forces and is bad: {Type} with one side, perhaps it is cool because there is one of the venture which it has made be based by those texts. For those intellectual people of a better imagination, you have known. Ardently the mouth to the black screen where {the arrow of green above has been attached. When} it forces and is bad: {Voiceover} The way... it is, {the book-reading text} yeself of the discovery of Ye of the yon underground prison. As for Ye the clear exit of the flask north and south, and looks at that it is Dennis. Deau of thou of some wouldst? {Strong is bad a state where the last sentence. You don't say?} Forcing bad state: {Voiceover} And they seem all ways... profit do a state where flaskSTRONG of ye which is bad: {Voiceover} And you say, flask of ye! It cannot obtain a state where STRONG is bad: {Voiceover} And it sits down there, why cannot obtain the flask of ye exactly with the earth you must imagine,! Saying being game certainly not to go. {The screen "me has not done the fact that certainly thou is said with this. Bad when "it is added} to force: {Voiceover} And helps the valuable graphics which both serving! {It adds the screen with this, "graphics and shmaphics. "And at rear several seconds,". . Because of sooth! "In computer. Reduce} to force, bad state: But {type} person of Ohio state. The best thing is because I do that like the ton of migs and MEGS of memory when it is in one of the game of of the extremeness photorealistic where, those which are taken exactly are brand-new. {Ardently the mouth to the blue screen. Forcing as for 16 bit edition of bad state. Bad when it appears} to force: {Voiceover} I extremeness am cool, with the runnin ' grass, see perhaps. {As for the background vis-a-vis the blue sky in 16 bit field. Bad when it changes} to force: Like the place where it is proper there {voiceover} UM... the rhinoceros over there, excessively. {The rhinoceros of A to fall from the sky, as for music. When it starts playing} it forces and is bad: {Voiceover} The hungry rhinoceros of A! {It appears before the rhinoceros, slurps the food ball of A and cries, jumps, and starts turning red. Forcing as for bad state. Bad when it is moved} to force: {Voiceover} And I... do to give become in him, me it presumes thing. Is classified "the food" appears {with the box of A. Forcing bad state has that in the ball of the rhinoceros, to become quiet, the food. Bad when it is eaten} to force: {Voiceover} And, umm... snake? {The snake sounds plunk, goes back and forth to the top and bottom of the screen. The rhinoceros fills up. In Compy 386. Reduce} to force, bad state: If {type} it goes so well, the fact that you think high-level in me you catch the technology of day, therefore as for woman everyone it is possible to start making with their TV screens. {It forces and bad state stops the fact that it types; He continues to speak him with simultaneously} the forcing which it turns bad state: Up to the following time because of you, Taylor, this, and compatriot everyone could being sent on the river. {As for him on floor that cool one. Applies} {the paper comes. After approximately 5 seconds, as for 4 games in box. Appears} [ does to compile ] StrongBadZone, RhinoFeeder, Thy Dungeonman, and as for the Easter egg which secret hugely the dust sounds the image whose each box which gives the box is closer and (the ジヤバ script becomes possible) gathers the popup of the game itself. [ Do to compile ] to bring phrase, either one enjoys high and fact [ compiles ] explanation concerning the translation whose StrongBadZone is bad to us is strong, the bad translation where declaration of bad state Japan is an everywhere of the game of the NES times which were made, it was from the wing of arcade game zero, "reference to reputation of all your bases being worst belongs," it is. Forcing bad state "saying migs and MEGS of memory when," he has expressed megabyte of computer memory. When being strong, bad state misunderstands Alcatraz and Arizona, says "... someone inside, he (1963) the island of Alcatraz which in the use ever since the famous jail is not really has expressed Whoa". As for secret you can play the feed gear of the rhinoceros with extreme FunMachine, but you can play it gets together with FunMachine. Name of these systems the truth to NES and extreme NES is reference and each one which seem. However, jump of quality of the graphics which is during 2 game referring to many Atari 2600 and the successor, Atari is to advance of graphics between 5200 and 7800. [ Compiles ] small thing reads the label "bio threat" of the disk of the container of the floppy disk. First it is possible to do 4 games, those by the dust sounding hugely in the edge of E-mail. This changed it meaning that those are easy to procure now from the game menu of the scrolling shooter. It seems the way and a state which the game of the text which this E-mail he drew up it forces directly is bad before and from that Tandy in place of that Compy that being to throwing. [ Compile ] "! The fact that "I cannot be controlled is forced and bad state when says, you become aware and as for him it is possible still to change the contrast of the camera and the computer, it shakes. The game of StrongBadZone includes, "from the baby separated the back section! When "the seeking stick or you played with Nintendo Wii, however just it is easy to procure, order. It was because this E-mail of forcing bad state approximately is in the video game, it was supposed, but as for Thy Dungeonman at all him completely there is no relationship. Forcing bad state mispronounces "your word" ye "cannot obtain the flask of ye! "" Ye "when being used, as the article" it is pronounced securely as. "It forces and as for bad state in order for he of the feed gear and secret of the rhinoceros to get together, however he cannot be controlled, it plays, you express. In addition profit, the challenge '91 the fact that you play, and is forced and as he of the game which the egg is thrown treat Snatcha of bad state is extracted. [ Compile ] the forcing which you fail Oops where bad state pours the beverage because Taylor! As for When however from last E-mail in remainder of E-mail discernibly, the remainder can see everything of the dust. When being strong, bad state E-mail, after reading on cover text description above, removes the screen because of one frame. When being strong, as for bad state! "Being not to be able to control me," it shakes the camera after the speech, if you look at on Compy closely, it can look at the shade carving/moment where the top of that is thin. [ Compile ] reference of the substantial world it is strong, introduction of bad state is before this E-mail of the reference and the week to the book of the peat rose was released "my jail which does not have the stick," perhaps. The graphics of StrongBadZone used vector graphics seems like red warning closely, it resembles to the game of in fact boy. The in fact boy used only black or three color tones of red. Look at the criticism of DVD next concerning the plural other titles to which roughness of the sibling compares that. Forcing bad state when in the edge applying cool one in the carpet, today of the thing which "pours 40 ounce beer for homies where I who am die reference to the practice of gangsta. "[ Does to compile ] fast front StrongBadZone becomes the page feature of the vector graphics which resembles to 21 arcade game BattleZone in the principal page. Phrase is used with "Splode" several times later. The flask of Ye appeared with Thy Dungeonman and Thy Dungeonman II for the second time, the text of the game Thy Dungeonman 3, those added the graphics for Thy Dungeonman 3 to saying "graphics shmaphics". [ Compile ] 4 games DVD edition clearly it is not possible to do. In addition, either the game box does not rise automatically. However, you must access those with the strongly bad idea contest where the Compy 386 screen it was hidden. Because of DVD, the Easter egg has become from the sample of music from each game one after another. After the paper comes, it continues to pour strongly bad cold 1. DVD edition designates the criticism of the originator who is hidden as the feature. While seeing, in order to access that, convert the audio language selection of your DVD player. [ Compile ] the copy of criticism (criticism: Itinerant merchant of mat and itinerant merchant of microphone) mat: So as for this as for us it is the E-mail which directly we ever since first week have perhaps obtained in doing strongly bad E-mail. Microphone: Obtaining to obtain, and the mat: The time us remember {} simultaneously the microphone: For the sake of some reason always then, us you avoided. Mat: Obtaining obtaining. Microphone: And some reason floated rose thought and, us next and exactly, for the sake of. Mat: This like the Japanese cartoon 1, our large quantities was that you obtain. Microphone: Obtaining obtaining. When reading that and how many, as for occasionally that the sound, dust in fairness concerning good thought, you think exactly, you think occasionally concerning bad thought, perhaps as for us the way boxing grab. "How it types?" the E-mail which obtains the thought for the method of answering really of being good. Darkness... dark night. Mat: Umm- microphone: So our friends, uhhh, and the uhh- mat: Also writer. Microphone: Compat compat-compatriot. {you laugh} the mat: Today. Microphone: {To laugh} ジョナサン Howe, we uhh, my intellectual him with these which were thrown together, the way, 3 4 days entirely, perhaps. Mat: The microphone which that a little, perhaps, it could obtain at times, as for us to him it said: Just a little, the mat where we make that quick: - When we have done this E-mail, {simultaneously}. Microphone: Perhaps I mean like midweek. Tuesday Wednesday, our uhh- mats: Obtaining obtaining. Those the really are the appearance good kissy lip. Microphone: Thank you, the person. Mat: I like that. Microphone: {You laugh} the camera Jiggles. Mat: Obtaining you obtain, he really obtains soon to that. Microphone: Umm, therefore this seems like the vector game like y'know and the rainstorm, a certain mat: Battlezone. Microphone: Battlezone... it can obtain. Mat: War game of star of original. Microphone: Obtaining obtaining. Mat: Ohh... it goes there. Microphone: He said "your head splode". Mat: As for me when killing him, when him you say, ori we gonna to that it makes, think of that it is "my head splow". {Laughing the microphone} he who is other thing had been about probably to say. Umm, so it could obtain, we calculating, when you tried that we will do, uh making the video game as for this the microphone which is we where type everything comes from the microphone and I: To those you do not have to call. Mat: Regardless it is not. Microphone: {You laugh} the Nu-huh- mat: {With barely obstinately} under any condition the air you do not have to make. Microphone: {To laugh} we do not think probably will say with. Mat: {Simultaneously} I before all I make this clear, am the necessity of gonna which signs to non-disclosure agreement. Umm, therefore this just a little it is, uhh... I called... something which is, you have remembered? The vampire, as for me I played first, as for that 1 year old of the game of the text where those which have the rail are with that you think, are. As for first thing that the microphone which is: Obtaining obtaining Ohio state, I can obtain the rail, have remembered. Mat: And I possess thought {} simultaneously, what kind of paragraph my way, I the time, being to think whether remember, from those which the rail means, obtain the dictionary, the way, the fin the microphone which is found: That was how it won the game. Mat: Obtaining to obtain, the microphone: It was {} simultaneously, {you laugh} the mat: I like, that seems like the key to that, the exactly way, "am I what? That seems like the tower of the wall and the castle, exactly? "Umm... {long pause} that rhinoceros, is large excessively, you look at the microphone. Microphone: Thank you, the mat. Mat: I {laughing the microphone} think of the noise which is the string of a of the fair thing synthesizer key the noise, with making the rhinoceros. When slipping your finger, the way, consecutive like that guitar, it seems the way and it is supposed in order to sound, it can obtain, such a certain snake there is, fairness really delay, the thing really the thing fasts, is. Irritation irritation is that I'm- what and the microphone which makes a noise: Irritation magic. Mat: The irritation magic, really, the magazine. Bio threat was the game of that Psygnosis. Microphone: Obtaining you obtained, with, was uh some other ones? Mat: {Menace} the your blood money. Microphone: Your blood money. [ Compile ] to enjoy, rainstorm and Battlezone of fact are the arcade game from 1980. Those were famous because of the vector graphics where between time progressive colors very. Perhaps "the war game of the star of the original" star war, shows the arcade game from 1983 in addition designates the vector graphics of color as the feature. [ Does to compile ] the external link watch the file which does not have the coming out eye for downloading "video game" "the video game" for "video game" iPod opinion (looks at the runner of Podstar)

  • Al
    • Bo
      • Va
        • Lu
          • Mo
            • Ko
              • Yu
                • Sy

                                                                                                                                                • Waluigeena
Ed is Van's bro. He Bardakoff'd the Archoo Marthios.

Fancy Suits

"Then I've got to go stand around in this tuxedo..."

While most residents in the Homestar Runner universe typically wear casual clothing, there are instances where characters will wear formal suit jackets.



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Background Emails

Occasionally, a Strong Bad Email will be seen in the background of a toon and not be acknowledged or explained. These include emails that were sent to Strong Bad as well as responses to emails that it seems that Strong Bad has typed.


  • Email the paper — During the flashback showing past experiences with The Paper, several emails are seen in the background.

For To

The phrase "for to" is a phrase used by the characters in the Homestar Runner universe that is used in the place of "for" or "to".


See Also

YouTube Uploads


Release Date Toon Description Watch Running
1March 31, 2009 Guitar Strong Bad shows off his guitar skills. watch 1:36
2March 31, 2009 Techno Strong Bad makes a techno song. watch 1:18
3March 31, 2009 Comic Strong Bad makes a comic about Brittany and her friends. watch 2:04
4March 31, 2009 Dragon Strong Bad teaches the world how to draw a dragon. watch 3:30
5March 31, 2009 Japanese Cartoon Strong Bad makes a Japanese cartoon. watch 2:06
6March 31, 2009 Kids' Book Strong Bad makes a kids' book called "Everyone is Different." watch 2:06
7March 31, 2009 Virus Strong Bad's Compy 386 gets a virus. watch 4:09
8April 1, 2009 Bottom 10 Strong Bad lists his bottom 10. watch 4:43
9April 1, 2009 Death Metal Strong Bad gives lessons in making a death metal song. watch 3:56
10May 12, 2009 Everybody to the Limit The Cheat makes a video of Strong Bad's #1 summer jam.The Cheat makes a video for Strong Bad's #1 summer jam. watch 1:57
11May 12, 2009 Different Town Strong Bad sings about how he would make his town different. watch 3:00
12May 12, 2009 Montage Strong Bad creates a montage. watch 3:23
13May 13, 2009 Video Games Strong Bad describes what his video game would be like on various systems. watch 3:03
14May 13, 2009 Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer Rather Dashing and Trogdor battle in the film adaptation of the text adventure Peasant's Quest. watch 2:56
15May 29, 2009 Sample of Style Mike and Matt Chapman give a behind the scenes look at how Matt does the character voices. watch 4:13
16May 29, 2009 Sample of Style Too Mike and Matt Chapman give a behind the scenes look at how they animate their cartoons. watch 4:39
17May 29, 2009 Band Names Strong Bad gives advice on choosing a band name. watch 1:20
18May 30, 2009 The Movies Strong Bad describes how annoying moviegoers can be. watch 4:00
19May 30, 2009 Theme Park Strong Bad describes what the Strong Badia theme park would be like. watch 4:20
20June 29, 2009 CGNU Strong Bad lets you know how to become a graduate of Crazy Go Nuts University. watch 1:22
21June 29, 2009 Action Figure Strong Bad details the features of his own action figure. watch 1:51
22June 29, 2009 Radio Strong Bad describes various radio host styles. watch 4:07
23June 30, 2009 Best Thing Strong Bad describes the best thing he's ever seen, done or eaten. watch 4:16
24June 30, 2009 Pizza Joint Strong Bad opens a pizza joint to score some chicks. watch 4:15
25June 30, 2009 I Love You Strong Bad gets an email from Fhqwhgads. watch 1:02
26June 30, 2009 50 Emails In honor of his 50th email, Strong Bad answers 50 emails. watch 2:51
27July 1, 2009 Slumber Party Strong Bad gives some advice on attending a slumber party. watch 4:17
28August 3, 2009 Fan Club Strong Bad realizes fan clubs and fan fiction aren't be so bad after all. watch 4:30
29August 3, 2009 Invisibility Strong Bad describes a day of invisibility. watch 1:55
30August 3, 2009 Sisters Strong Bad receives an email from two sisters asking if he has a girlfriend. watch 1:46
31August 3, 2009 Some Kinda Robot Strong Bad answers the age old question of whether he takes his mask and boxing gloves off before he goes to bed. watch 0:51
32August 3, 2009 Your Funeral Strong Bad details his off the hook funeral plans. watch 4:03
33August 17, 2009 Rap Song The Cheat makes a video for Coach Z's Rap Song accidentally featuring Peacey P. watch 2:42
34August 17, 2009 Dangeresque 3 Strong Bad offers the digitally remastered director's cut of Dangeresque 1: Dangeresque, Too? watch 5:00

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