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Revision as of 17:51, 15 February 2006 by Thunderbird L17 (Talk | contribs)
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Historical, but fun
Even more historical

The Museum is an often-overlooked section of the Homestar Runner website where old material and fan submissions are kept. You can go there directly by clicking on the H*R logo in the upper left corner of any of the Main Pages, or clicking on the 'museum' icon on the animated list that comes from the bottom when you roll over it on old toons.

The Museum has undergone at least two updates. On, or shortly after July 29, 2004, when the Scrolling Shooter Games Menu came out, the three old games were moved to the Handheld Games Menu. This may also have been when other subtle changes were made, such as the "back" button on the Old Characters Page being changed to "close".

Around February 14, 2006, the Museum underwent its first update in several years. Major changes include the Fan Stuff being completely removed, the Ice Cream being merged into the end of the Sketchbook, changing some of the Sketchbook summaries, and changing many of the links into "Puppet Stuff" style format, as Flash popups within the same window. More subtle changes are within the Old Flash Stuff, such as the "enter" button on the Old Intro being changed to "close".

Page Title: Check out this old Crap!


Current Museum Contents

Old Museum Contents

  • Fan Stuff: All kinds of things sent in by fans.

Fun Facts

  • After the February 14, 2006 update, the drawer beneath the Museum drawer was labeled "BOTTOM DRAWER".

External links

Personal tools