From Homestar Runner Wiki
"Videro" occasionally replaces the word "video". While the Brothers Chaps sometimes use it outside of toons and games (as seen on the website, and even earlier personal projects), its use within the Homestar Runner universe is typically spoken rather than written.
[edit] Appearances
- Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon — Strong Bad tells The Cheat, "Ready with the viderocamera!"
- Experimental Film — The frame on which the song starts is internally labeled "viderostart" in the Flash file.
- Email Videro Games — The title contains "videro", distinguishing it from the similarly-titled on-site email video games.
- Coach Z's 110% — Coach Z talks about "step-by-step sports instructional videros."
- 8-Bit Is Enough —
- Bubs explains that breaking the 8-Bit Reality Containment Field caused their universe "to combine with the world of viderogames."
- Homestar Runner refers to the walking Trogdor arcade machine as a "walk-'em-up videro game".
- Fish Eye Lens — In the chorus, Coach Z sometimes pronounces "video" as "videro".
- @StrongBadActual—
- December 6, 2017 — Strong Bad expresses confusion about "all the jankitude in that little videro."
- April 5, 2018 — Strong Bad thanks a PAX East attendee "for the videro".
- August 12, 2018 — Strong Bad says to catch him in a "GenCon travel videro".
- April 17, 2020 — Strong Bad likens the Trogdor trickshots one could do to "an old 80's indoor sports instructional videro".
- November 13, 2020 — Strong Bad advertises Kooky Moonlight's "extended videro".
- November 14, 2020 — Strong Bad advertises VikingGuitar's livestream featuring "videro game music".
- November 27, 2020 — Strong Bad warns that "Ruffle doesn't like my videro content yet".
- Scrolling Shooter Games Menu — As of the post-Flash site update, the filename is "viderogames".
- Halloween Hide & Seek — Coach Z misinterprets the Goblin's costume as "the fella from the Safety Dance videro."