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The stressed "èd" is common in Shakespear's work, usually to add a melodious inflection in words. Think this should be mentioned? Shakespearian plays are the only other time I've seen èd used in English.

Maybe. I'ma wait and see what others think. --Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing! 22:11, 12 June 2007 (UTC)
I'm all in favour; knowing a little about Shakespeare never harmèd anyone. Seahen 21:34, 14 June 2007 (UTC)
I'm not reminded of Shakespeare at all. Loafing 21:30, 15 June 2007 (UTC)
Well sure, he had to use -èd all the time. Got to keep up that iambic pentameter, you know! EYanyo 23:37, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
Yes, indeed, it was not about melodious inflection, it was about rhythmic metering. Melodious inflection would be like saying "What light through yonder window breaks? 'Tis the east, and Juliet... the sun!" to the tune of, I dunno, like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "Welcome to the Jungle" or the like. Tenderly, I remain, Cableman Jorge 05:10, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

I always thought that when a syllable is accented, an acute accent is used (in this case, é). Any reason at all why a grave accent is used instead? 22:28, 10 September 2007 (UTC)

There's a difference in pronunciation between the two. The acute accent "-éd" would be pronounced "aid" (as in paid), and the grave accent "-èd" would be pronounced "ead" (as in head). The latter is the one that the Homestar Runner characters frequently use. Trey56 23:57, 10 September 2007 (UTC)
Sorry for responding to a three-month-old conversation, but English follows French, not Spanish, accent rules. In French, the last syllable of a word is always the one that gets stressed, accent marks be pfargtled; thus, the accent marks indicate pronunciation, not stress. Although English doesn't always stress the final syllable and only rarely uses accent marks, its usage of them is identical. --Jay (Gobble) 08:59, 11 December 2007 (UTC)


[edit] Plea Ted and Lye Ted

Maybe I'm not understanding the way that the explanation is phrased, but it seems to me that the "pleated" and "lighted" examples don't fit in with the rest of the list. In all the other examples, the "ed" should just cause the word to end with the "d" sound, with the "e" being silent, but the "èd" applied in the toon/email makes an extra syllable. However, in the case of "pleated" and "lighted", there is no extra syllable, all that's happening is that the "e" which is already pronounced, but the "t" is being pronounced a little more sharply (when you say "lighted" out loud the "t" is almost soft enough to be a "d"), thus making the final "ed" syllable a little more stressed. Am I over-analyzing this, or is there need for clarification/trimming? - Ugliness Man 07:55, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

Well, he definitely puts undue stress in "lighted", so it's worthy of here. --DorianGray 07:56, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Same thing with pleatèd. The pronounciation is so exaggerated that these are both clearly runnings of the gag. Tenderly, I remain, Cableman Jorge 16:12, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Stripèd

Does anyone else think that "stripèd" deserves its own section in this article? It makes up one third of the instances (that's five). I'm also pretty sure that something has to appear three times before it can be considered a running gag. TheTeach!

Originally, this page was called -pèd, but it was moved to this to be more inclusive. --Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing! 05:19, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Fruited

To me, this constant reverting about Fruited seems to be getting out of hand, so let's put down our weapons and try to hash this out on Talk like civilized wikites. Now, I'm 100% sure that "Fruited Plains" refers to America the Beautiful. Now, I have done some very scientific research on the issue by watching literally scores of people on YouTube singing AtB (not a fate I would wish on anyone) and every single instances has a clearly stressed -ed. I think at this point, Phlip, the dictionary definition of the word fruited is irrelevant compared to the common pronunciation of the term "Fruited Plain." Thoughts, concerns and questions are weclome. — Flashfight 10:05, 3 April 2008 (UTC)

Well, the punctuation that sounds "right" to me for "fruited" is the one Merriam-Webster gives... /ˈfruːtəd/, with the usual throwaway -ed. gives /ˈfrutɪd/... slightly different, but still no stressed -ed. My own looking on YouTube for America the Beautiful got me patriotism thick enough to cut with a knife, and, generally, /ˈfruːˌtɛd/, with at most a secondary accent on the -ed. But the line in Strong Bad Gameways is definitely /ˌfruˈtɛd/, with the primary accent on the -ed, much more so than I can find on YouTube AtB videos. So yes, I think it's still an instance of this joke. Incidently, oops, I didn't notice that this had been added and removed a bunch... all I saw was the last edit that removed it... I'd've brought it to the talk page if I'd checked the history... --phlip TC 11:41, 3 April 2008 (UTC)
I think you both have a point. On the one hand, fruited with the legit short e sound, rather than the schwa sound, is definitely an uncommon pronunciation, and I would suggest it deserves mention. It's also true that this pronunciation is pretty clearly inspired by the song America the Beautiful, which might also bear mentioning. Heimstern Läufer 14:36, 3 April 2008 (UTC)

[edit] icèd creme

In response to my edit being reverted, I figure I'd come on here and make my case. There are two main reasons I don't think we should list written occurrences, the big one being that we have no way of knowing if it's intentional. It's possible the Bros. just put that line over the e for stylistic purposes. The second one is that we can't know if this sound matches that symbolism. To me, that line looked more like a long vowel mark, which would make the word sound like eye-seed creme. Those are my two points. --Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing! 15:00, 20 April 2009 (UTC)

I don't buy that TBC would happen to add a stylistic mark right on top of the vowel, particularly since they make such common use of both -éd and -èd in their work. Also, the sound of both of these accents is well defined, (1) (2), so I don't understand what you mean by the second statement. I do agree that in this case, it wasn't an è. I can see how it might be icēd cream, but it looks most like icéd cream to me. 16:25, 20 April 2009 (UTC)
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