Rhymed Phrases
From Homestar Runner Wiki
In the Homestar Runner universe, characters sometimes follow one common or relevant phrase with a less-common phrase that rhymes with or sounds like the first, but makes less sense.
[edit] Appearances
- Email ghosts — After looking Strong Badia over to see if it's haunted (just before the spirit of the Tandy 400 shows up), Strong Bad says, "Looks like Strong Badia is ghost-free, proud to be."
- A Decemberween Pageant — The slogan of Litigation Jackson is "The system really works, jerks!"
- Email monster truck — Homestar Runner says, "Let's do this like Brutus."
- Email autobiography — Strong Bad saves his email "for posterity", and "maybe a little prosperity".
- Email crazy cartoon — Strong Bad says of The Cheat: "Let's see what he's cookin' up tonight. Today. Just right."
- Email sibbie — The Cheat distracts Strong Bad from his email, bringing it to a screeching halt. Strong Bad claims that his "focus is all... crocused."
- Email the process — Strong Bad says that before The Paper comes down, he mutters "something... under my breath... about some girl named Beth."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2 — The King of Town ends his message with "This is the KoT... in the place to be."
- Email time capsule — Strong Bad says that time boxes and time tennis ball cans are filled with "newspaper clippin's and toenail snippin's".
- Email radio —
- Strong Bad's test sentence for various genres of radio hosts is "The fish was delish and it made quite a dish."
- Strong Bad says that drive time morning show radio hosts are like "bad stand up comics that you can't heckle. Or jeckle."
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 — After The Ugly One is "FLOOR TOMMED!" and "STEP-MOMMED!", she is "POM-POMMED?"
- Email long pants — Strong Bad describes his pen as "trusty, somewhat dusty".
- Email garage sale (Easter egg) — Homestar advertises himself as "slightly used and mostly confused".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 — Cheerleader promises The Ugly One, "We'll be there like shareware!" At the Sweet Someteen party, The Ugly One tells her guests, "let's get it on like Diddy Kong!"
- Email record book — When Strong Bad is talking about looking in the book of records, he says, "Let's take a look. A book-look."
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — Homestar says Strong Sad's magic words are "the best magic words [he's] ever heards".
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Old-Timey Strong Bad states that he's "got a hankering for a prankering".
- Email senior prom — In his list of things he has crashed, Strong Bad follows "Homecoming Dances" with "Shortcoming Prances".
- Email keep cool — Strong Bad plans to shop for "pencil holders" and "stencil folders".
- Strongest Man in the World — The Announcer introduces Mr. Bland as "the prince of plain" and "the master of mundane".
- Email retirement — In the commercial for the "My Lappy Got Stole" Sweepstakes, Marshie follows "First prize" with "second tries". At the end, Strong Bad says, "The Lappy! You're back...y!"
- Happy Hallow-day — Strong Bad asks, "How are we supposed to scandalize and vandalize without the protective cover of Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Halloween night?"
- looking old — Of The Cheat's "Youth Through Editing" plan, Strong Bad says "I'm on board, I'm not bored."
- DNA Evidence — Bubs teaches a "toga yoga" class, which Marzipan attends. Strong Bad also mentions that he watches toga yoga videos.
- Email concert — Strong Bad remarks that sloshy "couldn't wear any of their spandex, or latex, or... Tex-mex..."
- Email yes, wrestling — The Announcer introduces Strong Bad thus: "And hailing from the age of exploration, the namer of nations, Il Cartographer!"
- Email environment — Strong Sad and Marzipan chant, "Scrappy the Lappy! We think it's really crappy!" Marzipan tells Strong Bad that "That Lappy is energy sappy!" while holding a sign that says, "Lappy, Take the Dirt Nappy!".
- The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw — While doing some yard work, Homestar quips, "This yard work is hard work!"
- Homestar Ruiner —
- Strong Bad says to Strong Sad, "I didn't want to go in your purple room of doom and gloom anyway!"
- After Strong Bad puts Total Load in Pom Pom's locker, Coach Z accuses Pom Pom of "cheatin' and chortin' and nonchalant cavortin'".
- Strong Badia the Free —
- Strong Bad refers to the Gremlin as a "trusty, somewhat rusty car".
- While talking to Homsar, Strong Bad refers to the King of Town as "that royal boil".
- Once he convinces Homsar to join Strong Badia, Homsar says "let's do this like Brutus", echoing Homestar in monster truck.
- Baddest of the Bands — Bubs asks, "Strong Bad, did you scandalize and vandalize The Stick?"
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Dangeresque Too threatens Uzi Bazooka, "You had what was coming to you, tofu!"
- 8-Bit is Enough — Gel-arshie exclaims, "Here's a wall that's colored red! What's in this box fills me with dread!" and "This lava's red like me! Now here's a thing you couldn't see!"
- Email dictionary — The Count Longardeaux's Jerktionary entry for "boodroscotch" describes it as a "boodro-based sauce that doubles as a kudrow-based adhesive".
- Sammich — Strong Bad, while drawing a sandwich, gives it "some salami, some pastrami, and some seasoned fortulami".
- The Next April Fools Thing — Homestar Runner uses many rhyming phrases for his Always Be'sing & Do'sing movement.
- "Always be'sing and do'sing! Never cheesing or choosing!"
- "If you're choosin', you're losin'."
- "Changin' attitudes with rhymin' platitudes!"
- "If you're not attending, you're gonna be lending."
- The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods Teaser — Storybook Strong Sad remarks on the "raucous cricket caucus!"
- The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods — Coach Zee, as the organelle in a life textbook, riddles The Homestar Runner, "Can you identify this organelle, that is located in a plant cell?"
- @StrongBadActual tweet (22 Aug 2018), Mario Paint Thursdays Compilation — Strong Bad attributes his greatness to his "style points and file joints."
Occasionally, the less common phrase will precede the relevant one.
- Mr. Shmallow — When Mr. Shmallow introduces himself, he says: "Greetings, fallows. I'm Mr. Shmallow."
- The House That Gave Sucky Treats — Bubs sings, "I got a shallow gup and a crallow nup, somebody give me dat Mallow Cup."
- Email keep cool — Monkey D's "summer tips" include "Grip n' Glide time, Slide n' Slide time", "Tinkler time, Sprinkler time", and "Nose time, Hose time".
- Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad remarks, "Oh nophers. We've got gophers," while examining the hole outside his house.
- The Animated Adventures of Puppet Homestar — Shark-Tooth Bubs says, "Sorry, piles, I got my own styles."
- Trogdor!! The Board Game Playthrough —
- Referring to the game's flippable tiles, Strong Bad comments, "I get excited when it's double-sided!"
- The group decides to have an "endum addendum" to demonstrate Trogdor's Fiery Rage. Strong Sad suggests an "endum addendum referendum".