About moi
| This user can animate Flash.
| This user has an Email address.
| This user is between 13 and 19 years old.
| This user is left handed
| This user discovered the H*R website in 2008.
| This user discovered the H*R website when he/she was 12 years old.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki in 2009.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki when he/she was 12 years old.
| This user's favorite Chapman is Matt.
| Homsar's words of wisdom: "Alms for the pudgy. Alms for the pudgy."
| The Drive-Thru Whale's words of wisdom: "Our donor organs are always booked in pure dirigibles."
| Senor Cardgage's words of wisdom: "Hedge, Package Sirloin!"
| If you want it to be possessive, it's just I-T-S, but if it's suppposed to be a contraction then it's I-T-apostrophe-S. Scalawag.
| This user is not willing to sever his/her leg, but he/she would like to try a combo meal.
| This user mourns the loss of the old paper
| This user is The Great.
| This user has a good time with bread.
| This user can do it! They can do it twelve times!
| This user is imagining why on Earth he/she can't get ye flask!
| This user has too many freakin' userboxes.