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Revision as of 20:44, 16 October 2007 by SamFisher1022 (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to my user page!!

SamSF%20sig.jpgFisher (Come in, Lambert.)

Hey there evvybody! I'm SamFisher1022, as you might have guessed. Around here, I'm a pretty big Recent Changes junkie, and I'm a major contributor to the Article cleanup project. On some of the slower days, I hang around the #hrwiki freenode channel, or just log off/out and play video games. Yoink!

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Click here to Email me!


  • I love video games. (Don't we all?) One of my favorite video game series is Fire Emblem.
  • Programming. Not like professional programming, but things like making movie trailers on my computer and little games on TI calculators.
  • Homestar Runner, obviously.
  • Cinnamon rolls. They're freakin' awesome.


(Drive-Thru) DRIVE-THRU WHALE: $9.17, sever your leg please, sir.
(pop-up) STRONG BAD: Clearly, this pop-up book is a source of unspeakable power.
(rampage) STRONG SAD: I dunno, drop some beats or something.

Major Contribs

  • Created pages:
  1. A Splode
    --with help from The Joe, Venusy, and It's dot com.
  2. ASCII art
    --with help from E.L. Cool and Phlip
  3. Template:noname
    --modified by It's dot com
  4. Template:cl
    --modified by that guy ^
  5. Complete filmographies for all Sweet Cuppin' Cakes characters.
    --with some help from Shwoo, Sam the Man, and Wbwolf
  6. Strong Bad and the King of Town's Relationship
  7. Character Relationships
  8. Coches Mountains
    --Thanks to Has Matt? for the imageness
  9. Template:no-image
  • Transcribed:
  1. the chair
  • Miscellaneous:
  1. Created 23 Main Page redirects. (In 10 minutes! That's the fastest I've ever typed in my life.)
  2. Created the 40 sbemail redirects for the Tandy 400 emails. (Took 18 minutes, which is slightly slower than before...)
  3. Linked all of the Main characters to their respective relationship pages.

Current Status

Stress meter

Thanks to Jeppo (TLC) for the thought boxes and wikisig.gif Joey (talk·edits) for the stress meter.

Birthday's coming up! Dunno what I want though. ^_^;
Still ahead of the rest of my Java class. Just finished a (working) base conversion program.
If anyone out there has an extra 360 lying around, drop me a line...
  • What's up?
    • Still [supposed to be] in the ongoing Article cleanup project. Hence, the "ongoing" part.
    • Eager to start turning my Java source files into Applets and .exe's.

  • Current Gaming Status:
    • Drakengard 2: Haven't played for too long and forgot my training. Fantastic.
    • Custom Robo Arena: The cruise ship
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: Started over, currently finishing Chapter 17
    • Pokemon Pearl: Just reached Veilstone City
    • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: Trying to disable the Pirate defense barrier. Still.

Random Stuff

My World Domination rabbit


Just an ordinary day at the wiki...

This is a reconstruction of the Recent Changes page. Read from bottom to top.


Time to play Name That Movie! Or video game, or song, even... whatever. Post on my Talk page if you think you've identified where these quotes came from!

People who solved quotes:

  1. Einstein runner (thorax.pngfile_icon.gifmail_icon.gif) - 9 quotes, 3 dialogues(!)


  1. "I want to talk to her! ...May I? ...You don't have a phone!?"
  2. "Hi-fi? Like, high in fiber?"


  1. Person 1: So let me get this straight. You came to get back a shop that's no longer yours, you don't have the 40 grand to buy it back, and you don't have the 20 grand I gave you this morning?
    Person 2: ...No.
    Person 1: This dude is crazy.
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